

Do you want to preview the mobile version of your WordPress site? Previewing the mobile layout helps you see how your website looks on mobile devices.

您要预览WordPress网站的移动版本吗? 预览移动设备布局可帮助您查看网站在移动设备上的外观。

While you can certainly take a look at your live site on your phone, this doesn’t help during the development stage.


Even when your site is live, it’s often easier to view the mobile version on a desktop computer, so you can quickly make changes and see their effect.


In this article, we’ll show you two simple ways to easily preview the mobile layout of your WordPress site without switching to different devices.


Preview the mobile layout of your website
为什么要预览手机版式 (Why You Should Preview Your Mobile Layout)

More than 50% of your website visitors will be using their mobile phones to access your site. Around 3% will be using a tablet.

您网站的访问者中有50%以上将使用手机访问您的网站。 大约3%的人将使用平板电脑。

This means that having a site that looks great on mobile is essential.


In fact, mobile is so important that Google is now using a “mobile-first” index for their website ranking algorithm.


Even if you’re using a responsive WordPress theme, you still need to check how your site looks on mobile. You might even want to create different versions of key landing pages that are optimized for mobile users’ needs (more on this later).

即使您使用的是响应式WordPress主题 ,您仍然需要检查您的网站在移动设备上的外观。 您甚至可能想要创建不同版本的关键登录页面,这些版本针对移动用户的需求进行了优化(稍后会对此进行更多介绍)。

In this article, we’re going to cover two different methods of testing how your site looks on mobile using desktop browsers.


It’s important to keep in mind that most mobile previews will not be completely perfect because there are so many different mobile screen sizes and browsers. Your final test should always be to look at your site on an actual mobile device.

重要的是要记住,大多数移动预览不会完全完美,因为移动屏幕尺寸和浏览器太多了。 最后的测试应该始终是在实际的移动设备上查看您的站点。

影片教学 (Video Tutorial)


If you don’t like the video or need more instructions, then continue reading.


1.使用WordPress的主题定制器 (1. Using WordPress’s Theme Customizer)

You can use the WordPress theme customizer to preview the mobile version of your WordPress site.


Simply login to your WordPress dashboard and go to Appearance » Customize screen.


WordPress dashboard showing where to find Appearance - Customize

This will open up the WordPress theme customizer. Depending on what theme you’re using, you may see slightly different options in the left hand menu here:

这将打开WordPress主题定制器。 根据您使用的主题,您可能会在此处的左侧菜单中看到稍微不同的选项:

WordPress theme customizer (desktop view)

At the bottom of the screen, click the mobile icon. You’ll then see a preview of how your site looks on mobile devices.

在屏幕底部,单击移动图标。 然后,您将预览网站在移动设备上的外观。

Switching to mobile view in the theme customizer

Note: The blue editing symbols are only present in the previewer. You won’t see these on your live site.

注意:蓝色编辑符号仅出现在预览器中。 您不会在实时网站上看到这些内容。

This method of previewing the mobile version is particularly useful when you’ve not yet finished creating your blog, or when it’s under maintenance mode.


You can make changes and check how they look before you put them live.


2.使用Google Chrome的DevTools设备模式 (2. Using Google Chrome’s DevTools Device Mode)

Google Chrome browser has a set of developer tools that let you run various checks on any website, including seeing a preview of how your website looks on mobile devices.

Google Chrome浏览器具有一组开发人员工具,可让您在任何网站上进行各种检查,包括预览网站在移动设备上的外观。

Simply open the Google Chrome browser on your desktop and visit the page you want to check.

只需在桌面上打开Goog​​le Chrome浏览器,然后访问要检查的页面即可。

This could be the preview of a page on your site, or it could even be your competitors website.


Next, you need to right-click on the page and select ‘Inspect’.


Selecting the Inspect option in Chrome

A new pane will open up on the right-hand side, like this:


The default desktop view when inspecting your site in Chrome

In the developer view, you will be able to see your site’s HTML source code.


Next, click the ‘Toggle Device Toolbar’ button to change to the mobile view.


Inspecting the mobile view of your site in Chrome

You’ll notice the preview of your website will shrink to the mobile screen size.


You’ll also notice your website’s appearance change to the mobile view. In the example above, the menu has collapsed and the Search icon has moved to the left instead of the right of the menu.

您还会注意到您网站的外观更改为移动视图。 在上面的示例中,菜单已折叠,并且“搜索”图标已移至菜单的左侧而不是右侧。

When you run your mouse cursor over the mobile view of your site, it’ll become a circle, like this:


The circular mouse cursor in Chrome's Inspect view

This circle can be moved with your mouse to mimic the touchscreen on a mobile device.


You can also hold down the ‘Shift’ key, then click and move your mouse to simulate pinching the mobile screen to zoom in or out.

您还可以按住“ Shift”键,然后单击并移动鼠标以模拟捏住移动屏幕进行放大或缩小。

Above the mobile view of your site, you’ll see some additional options.


Additional mobile options for inspecting your site in Chrome

These let you do several extra things. You can check how your site would look on different types of smart phones. You can also simulate your site’s performance on fast or slow 3G connections. You can even rotate the mobile screen using the rotate icon.

这些使您可以做一些额外的事情。 您可以检查您的网站在不同类型的智能手机上的外观。 您还可以在快速或慢速3G连接上模拟站点的性能。 您甚至可以使用旋转图标旋转移动屏幕。

如何在WordPress中创建移动专用内容 (How to Create Mobile Specific Content in WordPress)

It’s important that your website has a responsive design, so your mobile visitors can easily navigate your website.


But simply having a responsive site may not go far enough. Users on mobile devices are often looking for different things than Desktop users.

但是仅仅拥有一个响应式站点可能还远远不够。 移动设备上的用户通常在寻找与台式机用户不同的东西。

Many premium themes and plugins let you create elements that display differently on desktop versus mobile. You can also use a page builder plugin like Beaver Builder to edit your landing pages in mobile view.

许多高级主题和插件可让您创建在台式机和移动设备上显示不同的元素。 您还可以使用Beaver Builder之类的页面构建器插件在移动视图中编辑目标页面。

You should definitely create mobile-specific content for your lead generation forms. On mobile devices, these should ask for minimal information, ideally just an email address. They should also look good and be easy to close.

您绝对应该为潜在客户生成表单创建移动专用的内容。 在移动设备上,这些设备要求的信息最少,最好是电子邮件地址。 它们还应该看起来不错并且易于关闭。

A great way to create mobile specific popups and lead-generation form is with OptinMonster. It is the most powerful WordPress popup plugin and lead generation tool in the market.

OptinMonster是创建移动设备专用弹出窗口和销售线索生成表格的绝佳方法 。 它是市场上功能最强大的WordPress弹出插件和销售线索生成工具。

They have specific device targeting display rules that let you show different campaigns to mobile users vs desktop users. You can even combine that with OptinMonster’s geo-targeting feature and other advanced personalization features to get the best conversion.

它们具有特定的设备定位显示规则,可让您向移动用户和桌面用户显示不同的广告系列 。 您甚至可以将其与OptinMonster的地理位置定位功能和其他高级个性化功能结合使用,以获得最佳转换。

We hope this article helped you learn how to preview the mobile layout of your site. You may also want to take a look at our article on the best plugins to convert a WordPress site into a mobile app.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何预览网站的移动布局。 您可能还需要阅读有关最佳插件的文章, 以将WordPress网站转换为移动应用程序

Bonus: check out our pick of the best business phone services, so you can add a click to call button for mobile users.

奖励:查看我们精选的最佳商务电话服务 ,以便为移动用户添加点击通话按钮

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-preview-the-mobile-layout-of-your-site/






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