
Do you want to create a separate page for blog posts in WordPress? By default, WordPress displays your blog posts on the homepage.

您是否要为WordPress中的博客文章创建单独的页面? 默认情况下,WordPress在首页上显示您的博客文章。

However, if you are making a business website or simply want to customize your homepage, then you may want a separate page for your blog section.


In this article, we will show you how to easily create a separate page for blog posts in WordPress.


Creating a separate blog page in WordPress
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设置WordPress以创建单独的博客页面 (Setup WordPress to Create a Separate Blog Page)

WordPress allows you to easily configure your website to have a custom home page. This feature also allows you to choose any other page on your website to be used as your blog page.

WordPress使您可以轻松地将网站配置为具有自定义主页 。 此功能还允许您选择网站上的任何其他页面用作博客页面。

First, you need to create two pages in WordPress that you would like to use as your homepage and blog page.


Publish blog and home pages in WordPress

You don’t need to add any content to those pages, and you can even name them anything else if you want. For instance, some business websites use News for their blog page.

您无需在这些页面上添加任何内容,甚至可以根据需要命名其他名称。 例如,某些商业网站将“新闻”用作其博客页面。

Once you have created those pages, you can head over to the Settings » Reading page in the WordPress admin area.


Under the ‘Your homepage displays’ section, you need to click on the ‘ A static page’ option. After that, you can select the home and blog pages you created earlier.

在“您的首页显示”部分下,您需要单击“静态页面”选项。 之后,您可以选择之前创建的主页和博客页面。

Select blog and home page

You can now go to Pages » All Pages section in admin area. You’ll notice your blog and homepage with new labels. Go ahead, and click on the View link under those pages to preview them.

现在,您可以转到管理区域中的页面»所有页面部分。 您会注意到博客和主页带有新标签。 继续,然后单击这些页面下的“查看”链接以预览它们。

Blog page preview

The appearance of these pages depends on your WordPress theme, and you may need to configure your theme settings.

这些页面的外观取决于您的WordPress主题 ,并且您可能需要配置主题设置。

Since each WordPress theme has different options, you’ll have to check out your theme’s documentation or check the options under Appearance » Customize page.

由于每个WordPress主题都有不同的选项,因此您必须查看主题的文档或在“ 外观»自定义”页面下检查选项。

We’ll also show you other methods later in this article.


将博客页面链接添加到网站的导航菜单 (Put The Blog Page Link to Your Website’s Navigation Menu)

Blog link in navigation menu

Now that you have created a separate blog page let’s help your website visitors find that.


Simply visit the Appearance » Menus page and add the Blog page you created earlier to your website’s navigation menu.


Adding blog page link to navigation menu

For more detailed instructions, see our beginner’s guide to navigation menus in WordPress.


自定义您的主页 (Customizing Your Homepage)

By default, many WordPress themes come with a built-in template to display a static page as your website’s front page. However, you’ll still need to set it up under Appearance » Customize.

默认情况下,许多WordPress主题都带有内置模板,以将静态页面显示为网站的首页。 但是,您仍然需要在外观»自定义下进行设置。

Theme customizer

Some WordPress themes also allow you to choose a homepage template for your page. If your theme comes with such a template, then you can select it by editing the Home page.

某些WordPress主题还允许您为页面选择主页模板。 如果您的主题带有这样的模板,则可以通过编辑主页来选择它。

Selecting a page template

Finally, you can use a WordPress page builder plugin to use simple drag and tools to create your homepage from scratch.


We recommend using Beaver Builder as it is the best WordPress WordPress page builder plugin on the market. It is super-easy to use, includes ready-made templates, and super-flexible to create any layout you want.

我们建议使用Beaver Builder,因为它是市场上最好的WordPress WordPress WordPress页面构建器插件。 它非常易于使用,包括现成的模板,并且非常灵活,可以创建所需的任何布局。

Editing homepage in Beaver Builder

For more details, see our tutorial on how to create a how to create a custom home page in WordPress.


自定义您的博客页面设计 (Customize Your Blog Page Design)

By default, WordPress automatically looks for a template in your WordPress theme to display posts on a separate blog page.


If your theme does not have one, then it automatically falls back to the archive template. For more details, see our guide on the WordPress template hierarchy.

如果您的主题没有主题,那么它将自动退回到存档模板。 有关更多详细信息,请参见有关WordPress模板层次结构的指南。

Now, if you don’t like how your theme handles your blog page, then you can change that using some extra tools and without writing any code.


First, you will need to install and activate the Beaver Builder and Beaver Themer plugins. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

首先,您需要安装并激活Beaver BuilderBeaver Themer插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Beaver Themer is an add-on plugin for Beaver Builder and enables you to not just create pages but entire new WordPress themes from scratch.

Beaver Themer是Beaver Builder的附加插件,使您不仅可以创建页面,还可以从头开始创建全新的WordPress主题。

First, you need to visit Beaver Builder » Themer Layouts page and click on the Add New button.

首先,您需要访问Beaver Builder»Themer Layouts页面,然后单击Add New按钮。

Themer Layout

From here you can provide a name for your layout, select ‘Themer Layout’ as your type, and then select Archive as your layout.

在这里,您可以为布局提供一个名称,选择“ Themer Layout”作为您的类型,然后选择“ Archive”作为布局。

This will create a themer layout for the archive templates. On the next screen, you need to select ‘Post Archive’ for location option and then click on the ‘Launch Beaver Builder’ button.

这将为存档模板创建一个主题布局。 在下一个屏幕上,您需要选择“发布存档”作为位置选项,然后单击“启动Beaver Builder”按钮。

Launch Beaver Builder

This will open the Beaver Builder with your selected layout. You can simply point and click at any item on the screen and start editing it. You can also add new rows, columns, and web elements to the page.

这将使用您选择的布局打开Beaver Builder。 您只需指向并单击屏幕上的任何项目,然后开始对其进行编辑即可。 您还可以向页面添加新的行,列和Web元素。

Editing your blog posts layout in Beaver Builder

For more details, see our guide on how to create a custom WordPress theme (without coding).

有关更多详细信息,请参见有关如何创建自定义WordPress主题 (无编码)的指南。

Once you are finished editing, you can simply publish your layout. After that, visit your blog page to see it in action.

完成编辑后,您可以简单地发布布局。 之后,请访问您的博客页面以查看实际效果。

Blog page template

We hope this article helped you create a separate page for blog posts in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to increase blog traffic and our list of must have WordPress plugins.

我们希望本文能帮助您为WordPress中的博客文章创建一个单独的页面。 您可能还想查看有关如何增加博客流量的指南, 以及 必须具有WordPress插件的列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-create-a-separate-page-for-blog-posts-in-wordpress/

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