什么是WordCamp?为什么要参加? [信息图]

We recently ran a poll on our Facebook community page asking “Have you attended a WordCamp?” The choices were, YES, No, or What the heck is a WordCamp. Surprisingly, we had a good number of people who said that they did not know what the WordCamp was. WordCamp is a vital component of the WordPress community, so we decided to create an infographic covering what is a WordCamp, history of WordCamps, Who is the WordCamp for, what should you expect when attending WordCamps, and what are the benefits of attending a WordCamp. Check out the infographic by clicking the image below:

我们最近在我们的Facebook社区页面上进行了一项民意调查,询问“您参加过WordCamp吗?” 选择是“是”,“否”或“什么是WordCamp”。 令人惊讶的是,我们有很多人说他们不知道WordCamp是什么。 WordCamp是WordPress社区的重要组成部分,因此我们决定创建一个信息图表,其中涵盖了什么是WordCamp,WordCamps的历史,谁是WordCamp,参加WordCamp时的期望以及参加WordCamp有什么好处。 点击下面的图片查看信息图:

What is a WordCamp

Here is a short summary of the infographic:


WordCamp is a community-organized conference centered on the WordPress publishing platform. These events are organized, paid for, and attended by the local WordPress communities in accordance with guidelines published at central.WordCamp.org and the principles of the WordPress Foundation. The first WordCamp was held in San Francisco in 2006, and each subsequent year has brought growth in the number of cities in which it is organized. As of 2010, there have been WordCamps on every continent except Antarctica.

WordCamp是一个以WordPress发布平台为中心的社区组织的会议。 这些活动是根据central.WordCamp.org上发布的指南和WordPress基金会的原则组织,付费并由本地WordPress社区参加的。 第一个WordCamp于2006年在旧金山举行,随后的每一年都带来了组织它的城市数量的增长。 截至2010年,除南极洲外,每个大陆都设有WordCamps。

WordCamps should be attended by everyone who uses WordPress, and everyone who should use WordPress. This category includes bloggers, designers, developers, authors, marketers, SEOs, Businesses, Non-profits, photographers, realtors, consultants, entrepreneurs, etc.

每个使用WordPress的人以及每个应该使用WordPress的人都应该参加WordCamps。 此类别包括博客,设计师,开发人员,作者,营销人员,SEO,企业,非营利组织,摄影师,房地产经纪人,顾问,企业家等。

The content of WordCamp presentations are highly focused on using or developing on WordPress. Issues around blogging, business, and social media that are related to WordPress use may be included. While WordCamps are not big, fancy, expensive conferences, the material shared is highly valuable. Don’t be surprised if you see a big name speaker at a low-key local gathering like WordCamp. Even though the purpose of WordCamps were to be low-key, major cities have large enough WordPress community to have an event attendance of 700+ people. You should be prepared to learn a new dimension of WordPress because there are a lot of unique ways people are using WordPress. You should be prepared to have fun with other people who are just as obsessed with WordPress as you are (or just as NEW to WordPress as you are). There is usually a casual afterparty for you to meet new friends, business partners, employees, employers, and life partner (who knows?)

WordCamp演示文稿的内容高度侧重于在WordPress上使用或开发。 可能会涉及与WordPress使用相关的博客,企业和社交媒体方面的问题。 虽然WordCamps并不是大型的,花哨的,昂贵的会议,但共享的材料非常有价值。 如果您在像WordCamp这样的低调的本地聚会上看到大名鼎鼎的演讲者,请不要感到惊讶。 即使WordCamps的目的是低调,主要城市的WordPress社区也足够大,可以容纳700多人。 您应该准备学习WordPress的新领域,因为人们使用WordPress的方式有很多。 您应该准备好与像您一样迷恋WordPress的其他人(或像您一样对WordPress陌生的人)玩得开心。 通常会有一个休闲的聚会供您结识新朋友,商业伙伴,员工,雇主和生活伴侣(谁知道?)

We highly encourage you to attend a WordCamp that is in your area. If there is not, then you should consider making it happen. To find out more about WordCamps check out the official WordCamp website.

我们强烈建议您参加所在地区的WordCamp。 如果没有,那么您应该考虑使其实现。 要了解有关WordCamps的更多信息,请访问 WordCamp 官方网站

If you are not able to attend, then you can always consider supporting/sponsoring our trips to the event, and we will bring you the highlights of the event. Plus, it is a great way to get more exposure as your name or your company name will be mentioned in all posts regarding that WordCamp. To sponsor please Contact us.

如果您不能参加,那么您可以随时考虑支持/赞助我们的活动,我们将为您带来活动的亮点。 另外,这是获得更多曝光率的好方法,因为有关该WordCamp的所有帖子都会提及您的名字或公司名称。 要赞助,请联系我们

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/what-is-a-wordcamp-and-why-you-should-attend-infographic/





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