shields 徽标_如何对博客的名称和徽标进行商标和版权保护

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Do you want to trademark and copyright your blog’s name and logo? Trademark and copyright protects your brand and business against many legal challenges. This includes illegal use of your copyrighted material or your brand’s name and logo. In this article, we will show you how to trademark and copyright your blog’s name and logo to protect your business.

您是否要为博客的名称和徽标添加商标和版权? 商标和版权可以保护您的品牌和业务免受许多法律挑战。 这包括非法使用您的版权材料或品牌的名称和徽标。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何为博客的名称和徽标添加商标和版权,以保护您的业务。

Trademark and copyright WordPress blog's name and logo
为什么要对博客名称和徽标进行商标和版权保护? (Why You Should Trademark and Copyright Your Blog Name and Logo?)

Registering a trademark is not mandatory to make a business website in the United States. If you run a small personal blog or business website and do not have plans to grow it further, then your creative works are already protected by the copyright.

在美国建立商业网站并非强制性的。 如果您经营一个小型个人博客或商业网站,但没有计划进一步发展,那么您的创意作品已受版权保护。

On the other hand, if you are doing business across states and plan to grow further, then it becomes really important to register your trademark and copyright.


Registering your trademark and copyright allows you to stop others from using the same or similar business name. You can get exclusive right to use your trademark for business.

注册您的商标和版权可以使您阻止其他人使用相同或相似的公司名称。 您可以获得将商标用于业务的专有权。

It also makes you responsible for enforcing the trademark. This means that if you find someone infringing your rights, then you need to send them a cease or desist letter and take further legal action if necessary.

这也使您有责任执行商标。 这意味着,如果您发现某人侵犯了您的权利,则需要向他们发送终止或终止函,并在必要时采取进一步的法律行动。

商标和版权之间有什么区别? (What is the Difference Between Trademark and Copyright?)

Copyright and trademark both protect your intellectual property rights, which is why people often confuse the two terms.


What is a Copyright?


Copyright applies to creative works including written word, text, images, illustration, artwork, and more. As soon as a work is put in a tangible form, it is protected by the copyright laws.

版权适用于包括文字,文字,图像,插图,艺术品等的创意作品。 一旦作品以有形形式出现,就受到版权法的保护。

In easier terms, all original content of your website is protected by the copyright laws without you doing anything extra.


What is a trademark?


Trademarks on the other hand are word marks, business names, symbols, sounds, or colors that distinguish goods and services from those manufactured or sold by others and to indicate the source of the goods.


In plain words, this can be your business name, logo, brand mascot, or product name. However, you cannot register your own name as a personal brand unless it is truly unique and widely recognized such as Marks & Spencer, Johnsons & Johnsons, Calvin Klein etc.

用简单的话来说,这可以是您的公司名称,徽标,品牌吉祥物或产品名称。 但是,除非您的名称真正独特并得到广泛认可,例如马莎百货(Marks&Spencer),强生公司(Johnsons&Johnsons),卡尔文·克莱因(Calvin Klein)等,否则您无法注册自己的名字作为个人品牌

It is important to remember that copyright doesn’t give your business or logo the same protections offered by registered trademark. For example, some part or the entirety of your copyrighted work can be used under the ‘Fair Use’ principle.

重要的是要记住, 版权并不能为您的企业或徽标提供与注册商标相同的保护。 例如,可以根据“合理使用”原则使用您受版权保护的作品的一部分或全部。

Registered Trademarks cannot be used, and it allows you to protect your brand against impostors using similar names to mislead your potential customers.


If you have already registered as a business in your state, then this doesn’t automatically protect your business name as a trademark. In fact, someone can register the same or similar name as trademark and potentially stop you from using it.

如果您已经在自己的州注册为公司,那么这不会自动保护您的公司名称作为商标。 实际上,有人可以注册与商标相同或相似的名称,并有可能阻止您使用它。

如何申请商标 (How to Apply for a Trademark)

First, you need to understand what you can submit as a trademark in your application.


  • You cannot submit a name that someone else is already using as their trademark.

  • Your name cannot be too similar to an existing trademark

  • It needs to be unique and not too generic


Next, you need to run a thorough search of the existing trademarks using the Trademark Electronic Search System or TESS on United States Patent and Trademark Office website.


Search trademark database TESS

This step is really important as it can save you money in case someone else has already registered or applied for the same trademark. You can search for word mark, word or design mark, or use advanced search for free form combinations.

这一步非常重要,因为如果其他人已经注册或申请了同一商标,它可以为您省钱。 您可以搜索文字标记,文字或设计标记,或使用高级搜索来查找自由格式组合。

Using trademark search tools on TESS

If the trademark is not registered, then you can go ahead and apply for the trademark by visiting Trademark Electronic Application System or TEAS available on USPTO website.


There are three different application forms available with different fees. You will also find the information on which form to choose for your application on the page.

共有三种不同的申请表格,费用不同。 您还将在页面上找到有关选择哪种表格的信息。

The application forms are quite detailed, and you need to fill all the required fields.


Once you submit the application form, you will receive an email confirmation. After that, you need to wait for approval.

提交申请表后,您将收到一封电子邮件确认。 之后,您需要等待批准。

Filing a trademark application is a legal process that needs to be handle carefully. We recommend hiring a lawyer to help you apply for the trademark. You can also use online legal service providers like CorpNet or LegalZoom, which provide legal services to small businesses and individuals at a low cost.

提交商标申请是一个法律程序,需要仔细处理。 我们建议您聘请律师来帮助您申请商标。 您还可以使用CorpNetLegalZoom之类的在线法律服务提供商,这些提供商以低成本为小型企业和个人提供法律服务。

如何版权您博客的徽标? (How to Copyright Your Blog’s Logo?)

As we mentioned earlier, all creative works are automatically protected by the copyright laws. However, registering your copyright will help you add an extra layer of protection over your copyright.

正如我们前面提到的,所有创意作品都自动受到版权法的保护。 但是,注册您的版权将帮助您在版权上增加一层保护。

Depending on where you are located, you can usually find where and how to apply for copyright in your region online. The process would differ depending on your country’s laws and procedures.

根据您所在的位置,通常可以在网上找到您所在地区的版权申请位置和方式。 根据您所在国家/地区的法律和程序,此过程可能会有所不同。

If you are located in the United States, then you can apply for copyright by visiting the United States Copyright Office website.


You will first need to find the appropriate category for your creative work. For example, if you are applying to copyright your logo, then you will click on the visual arts section. For blog content you will need to visit the ‘Other digital content’ category.

您首先需要找到适合您的创意作品的类别。 例如,如果您要申请徽标的版权,则可以单击视觉艺术部分。 对于博客内容,您需要访问“其他数字内容”类别。

Choose copyright category

On the next page, you will be able to download the application form with instructions available in different formats.


You can also apply for copyright registration online. You will have to provide the copies of the work you are trying to protect. For example, in case of a logo you can provide hi-res images.

您也可以在线申请版权注册。 您将必须提供您要保护的作品的副本。 例如,如果是徽标,则可以提供高分辨率图像。

Once you have applied for the copyright, it can take a long time before you hear back from the copyright office depending on the number of applications they have.


If you find the process complicated, then you can use services like CorpNet or LegalZoom, which offer low cost legal services for small businesses and individuals.


商标和版权的执行 (Enforcing Your Trademark and Copyright)

Once you have registered your trademark or copyright, you are responsible for protecting it against infringement. Even though USPTO office will not allow anyone to register the same or similar trademark, people can still use it without registering.

一旦注册了商标或版权,便有责任保护其不受侵犯。 即使USPTO办公室不允许任何人注册相同或相似的商标,人们仍然可以使用它而无需注册。

First step in protecting your trademarks and copyright is to clearly indicate your registered trademarks and copyright protection on your website.


Example of using copyright and trademark symbols on a website

The Trademark and Copyright symbols let others know that they cannot use your protected properties for business.


If someone has stolen your blog content or logo, then you can send them a cease and desist letter asking them to remove the content. You can also file a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) complaint with their hosting provider and search engines like Google to take down the stolen content.

如果有人窃取了您的博客内容或徽标,则可以向他们发送停止和终止信,要求他们删除该内容。 您还可以向其托管服务提供商和Google之类的搜索引擎提出DMCA(数字千年版权法案)投诉,以取走被盗内容。

We have also created a complete guide on preventing blog content scraping in WordPress.


In case a business or blog start using your registered or pending registration trademark, then you can send them a cease and desist notice too. You can also initiate legal proceedings to take further action if necessary.

如果企业或博客开始使用您的注册商标或未决注册商标,那么您也可以向其发送停止和终止通知。 如果需要,您还可以提起法律诉讼以采取进一步的措施。

Note: Nothing in this article should be construed as legal advice. For any matter of clarification, please consult an attorney.

注意:本文中的任何内容均不应解释为法律建议。 如有任何疑问,请咨询律师。

We hope this article helped you learn how to trademark and copyright your blog’s name and logo. You may also want to see our guide on making money online to start generating more revenue from your blog.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何为博客的名称和徽标添加商标和版权。 您可能还希望查看我们的在线赚钱指南,以开始从您的博客中获得更多收入。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。


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