
In August, we decided to do something that had never been done before in the WordPress community. We created the WPBeginner Growth Accelerator, first-ever growth fund for WordPress-focused businesses. Today, I’m extremely excited to announce the first round of WPBeginner accelerator companies.

8月,我们决定做WordPress社区以前从未做过的事情。 我们创建了WPBeginner Growth Accelerator ,这是针对以WordPress为中心的企业的首个增长基金。 今天,我很高兴宣布WPBeginner加速器公司的第一轮融资。

Aside from announcement, I will also be sharing behind the scenes details and process at the end of this article (so keep on reading).


1. CaseProof aka MemberPress和漂亮链接 (1. CaseProof aka MemberPress and Pretty Links)

CaseProof - MemberPress, Pretty Links, and Affiliate Royale

CaseProof is the parent company behind MemberPress, Pretty Links, and Affiliate Royale.

CaseProof是MemberPressPretty LinksAffiliate Royale背后的母公司。

If you have been reading WPBeginner for a while, then you probably know that we’ve been longtime fans of MemberPress. We believe it is the best WordPress membership plugin, and it is my preferred solution for creating a membership site in WordPress.

如果您阅读WPBeginner已有一段时间,那么您可能知道我们一直是MemberPress的忠实粉丝。 我们认为它是最好的WordPress会员插件 ,它是我在WordPress中创建会员网站的首选解决方案。

Caseproof also have two other affiliate marketing related products that I am really excited about because we can add a lot of value to it from our years of experience.


The first one is Pretty Links which is the most popular link tracking plugin in WordPress (used by over 200,000+ websites). You can use it for affiliate link management and turning your long affiliate links into easily trackable shortlinks.

第一个是Pretty Links ,它是WordPress中最受欢迎的链接跟踪插件(超过200,000多个网站使用)。 您可以将其用于会员链接管理,并将较长的会员链接变成易于跟踪的短链接。

The second is Affiliate Royale which helps you create a full-featured affiliate program using WordPress. This allows you to add a referral program to your membership sites created with MemberPress, and it also works with other popular eCommerce providers like WooCommerce, WishList Member, etc.

第二个是Affiliate Royale ,可以帮助您使用WordPress创建功能齐全的会员计划。 这使您可以向使用MemberPress创建的会员网站添加引荐计划,并且还可以与其他流行的电子商务提供商(例如WooCommerce, WishList Member等)一起使用。

2.强大的形式 (2. Formidable Forms)

Formidable Forms

Formidable Forms is the most advanced WordPress form builder in the market. It helps you go beyond the basic contact form and build complex form-based solutions like directories, data management systems, calculators, quizzes, WooCommerce product forms, and more.

强大的表单是市场上最先进的WordPress表单生成器。 它可以帮助您超越基本的联系表单,并构建基于复杂表单的解决方案,例如目录,数据管理系统,计算器,测验,WooCommerce产品表单等。

Now you might be thinking, wait doesn’t WPBeginner already have it’s own WordPress contact form plugin? Yes I still believe that WPForms is the most beginner-friendly WordPress contact form plugin in the market.

现在您可能在想,等等WPBeginner是否已经拥有自己的WordPress联系人表单插件 ? 是的,我仍然相信WPForms是市场上最适合初学者的WordPress联系人表单插件。

But you see, calling Formidable a contact form plugin doesn’t do it justice. It’s really way more advanced than that. It’s a true “solutions-focused” WordPress form builder. Let me give you a few examples to illustrate the point:

但是您会看到,调用Formidable联系人表单插件并不能做到这一点。 确实比这更先进。 这是一个真正的“以解决方案为中心”的WordPress表单生成器。 让我举几个例子来说明这一点:

You can use Formidable Views feature to display any submitted form data on the front-end of your website to build data-driven web applications like real estate listings, employment listings, event calendars, business directories, job boards, and other searchable databases.


You can use Formidable calculated fields to quickly build calculator forms like mortgage calculator, car payment calculator, BMI calculator, etc.


You can use Formidable WooCommerce integration to create a product configurator form with cascading fields and then automatically send the data to WooCommerce art with variable pricing option.


Basically Formidable Forms is freelancers and developers dream come true for building complex WordPress sites with low overhead.


3. SeedProd (3. SeedProd)


SeedProd is the most popular coming soon and maintenance mode plugin for WordPress. Currently it is being used by over 800,000 WordPress sites.

SeedProd是即将推出的最受欢迎的WordPress维护模式插件。 目前,超过80万个WordPress网站正在使用它。

It comes with 50+ pre-made templates and 500,000+ free stock photos to help you quickly create a beautiful coming soon page or maintenance page for your website.


The pro version also comes with email marketing integrations as well as addons for creating a notification bar, countdown timers, custom login page, custom 404 page, and custom landing pages.


SeedProd is another product that we have recommended on WPBeginner since the early days.


Unlike the Caseproof and Formidable, we actually ended up doing a full acquisition of SeedProd given the high synergies between our brands and existing products. SeedProd is officially an Awesome Motive product, but they will also be part of the first WPBeginner accelerator class as well.

不同于Caseproof和Formidable,由于品牌和现有产品之间的高度协同作用,我们实际上最终完全收购了SeedProd 。 SeedProd正式是Awesome Motive产品,但它们也将成为第一个WPBeginner加速器类的一部分。

Please help me welcome the first 3 WPBeginner Accelerator companies by giving them social media love and trying out their products.

请帮助我,欢迎前3家WPBeginner Accelerator公司,给予它们社交媒体热爱并试用他们的产品。

接下来发生什么? (What Happens Next?)

I have already met up with the founders of all 3 companies last month when they flew to West Palm Beach, FL.


We had detailed conversations and started working on implementing our checklist. Each of them have an amazing roadmap of new things that are in the works (which of course I can’t share just yet).

我们进行了详细的对话,并开始着手实施清单。 他们每个人都有一个惊人的新产品开发路线图(当然我暂时还不能分享)。

I’m really looking forward to sharing my experiences and helping these WordPress companies succeed by building more user-focused products.


WPBeginner加速器–幕后流程 (WPBeginner Accelerator – Behind the Scenes Process)

I honestly had no idea what to expect when I created the blog post to announce our accelerator fund. Nothing like this have been done before in our industry.

老实说,当我创建博客文章宣布我们的加速基金时,我不知道会发生什么。 在我们的行业中,以前没有做过这样的事情。

I looked at other accelerators for guidance and made our application process as simple as possible.


In total, we had over 90+ companies apply to be part of the WPBeginner accelerator. This was pretty awesome, but it also made the decision process really hard.

总共,我们有90多家公司申请加入WPBeginner加速器。 这非常棒,但是这也使决策过程变得非常困难。

I got a chance to talk with amazing entrepreneurs who’re doing great things in the WordPress ecosystem, but ultimately we had to pick the top companies from the group.


Initially I wanted to select 5 companies to be part of our first round, but after having numerous conversations with entrepreneurs who applied, I decided to reduce the number down to 3 because I wanted to make sure that I can properly fulfill my commitments.


Considering some of the companies that we invested in have multiple products, it made sense to limit the first class of WPBeginner accelerator to 3 companies.


最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

We will likely re-open the accelerator in 6 – 12 months depending on how smoothly the implementation goes with our first round of companies.


The number of applications in the first-round shows a lot of promise and definitely validates my idea that a WordPress-focused investment fund is needed.


Aside from an accelerator, there might be some opportunity for an incubator fund to provide seed investments for early stage product ideas / development.


That’s all for today. Thank you so much for your continued support of WPBeginner.

今天就这些。 非常感谢您一直以来对WPBeginner的支持。

Yours Truly,
Syed Balkhi
Founder of WPBeginner

赛义德·巴尔基(Syed Balkhi)

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/introducing-the-first-round-of-wpbeginner-growth-accelerator-companies/

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