WPBeginner是7 –反思与更新

Wow, it’s the seventh fourth. Still feels crazy to think that WPBeginner is 7 years old, and I have been using WordPress for the last 10 years of my life.

哇,是第七名 认为WPBeginner才7岁,仍然感到疯狂,而我生命中的最后十年一直在使用WordPress。

Like every year, I want to do a quick recap of all the major things that are happening in my life and in my business.


WPBeginner Turns 7
WPBeginner故事 (WPBeginner Story)

I started using WordPress when I was 16 years old and started WPBeginner at age 19 with a single mission: make WordPress easy for beginners.


Since then, WPBeginner has become one of the largest free WordPress resource site in the world.


For those of you who’re new, you can read the full WPBeginner story on our about page.

如果您是新手,可以在About 页面上阅读完整的WPBeginner故事。

个人更新 (Personal Updates)

2016 is a HUUGEE year for me personally because a lot of things are changing.


My wife (Amanda) just finished her PhD in Clinical Psychology last week, and we are now moved into our new house in West Palm Beach.

我的妻子( 阿曼达 ( Amanda ))上周刚刚完成了临床心理学博士学位,现在我们搬到了西棕榈滩的新房子里。

We are expecting our first baby (November 2016).


Here’s my most recent profile picture, and if you’re interested, you can check out my personal blog.


Syed Balkhi

WPBeginner更新 (WPBeginner Updates)

Thanks to you all, WPBeginner has grown consistently (year over year). We have been working hard to keep adding new tutorials while making sure our older tutorials stay up to date.

谢谢大家,WPBeginner持续增长(年复一年)。 我们一直在努力不断添加新教程,同时确保我们的旧教程保持最新。

There have been a few notable changes that I think you’d like to know:


1. WP.org to WordPress

1. WP.org至WordPress

At this time last year, if you had typed the domain wp.org, then you would have been redirected to WPBeginner. Earliest last month, we donated the two letter domain name to the WordPress foundation.

去年的这个时候,如果您键入了域wp.org,那么您将被重定向到WPBeginner。 上个月初,我们向WordPress基金会捐赠了两个字母的域名。

See the full blog post to read more details.


2. WPBeginner YouTube

2. WPBeginner YouTube

Last year when I was writing this post, the WPBeginner YouTube channel had a little under 19k subscribers and had 1.6 million video views with a total of 394 video tutorials.

去年,当我写这篇文章时, WPBeginner YouTube频道的订阅者不到1万9千,拥有160万视频观看量,总共394个视频教程。

We changed our strategy a little bit. Instead of producing a new video every week day, we’re now releasing a video once a week. This has helped us produce better videos (as proven by engagement).

我们稍微改变了策略。 现在,我们每周一次发布一个视频,而不是每天制作一个新视频。 这有助于我们制作出更好的视频(通过参与度证明)。

Right now we have 492 total video tutorials that have been viewed a total of 4.4 million times. We are also at 37,000 subscribers strong.

目前,我们共有492个视频教程,已被观看了440万次。 我们的订户数量也达到37,000。

If you haven’t subscribed, then it would be really awesome if you do.


3. Firewall and Speed


We started using the Sucuri firewall, and it’s been an amazing experience. Within the first 3 months, they helped us block over 450,000 attacks. Not to mention, it also helped speed up our website and reduce server load.

我们开始使用Sucuri防火墙,这真是很棒的体验。 在最初的3个月内,他们帮助我们阻止了450,000多次攻击。 更不用说,它还有助于加快我们的网站速度并减少服务器负载。

If you’re serious about your website, then I highly recommend it. Read the full Sucuri Review.

如果您对您的网站很认真,那么我强烈推荐您。 阅读完整的Sucuri评论

WPForms和MonsterInsights (WPForms and MonsterInsights)

We added two new products to our suite this year.


WPForms, the most beginner friendly contact form plugin for WordPress. We launched it in March and have already passed 50,000 downloads. It’s growing fast because I personally believe it’s the best solution in the market.

WPForms ,WordPress的最初学者友好的联系表单插件。 我们在三月份启动了该程序,并已通过了50,000次下载。 它发展Swift,因为我个人认为这是市场上最好的解决方案。

In this year’s WPBeginner survey, a lot of you wanted us to build an analytics solution for WordPress that’s easy to use. Keeping that in mind, we acquired the popular Google Analytics by Yoast plugin and renamed it to MonsterInsights.

在今年的WPBeginner调查中,很多人希望我们为WordPress构建易于使用的分析解决方案。 牢记这一点,我们收购了流行的谷歌Analytics(分析)由Yoast插件,并更名为MonsterInsights

This plugin has over 11 million downloads, but I don’t want you to download it YET. Quite frankly, I’m embarrassed of the plugin’s current state. That’s why we are revamping the entire plugin to make it more user friendly, so it can actually help you grow your business.

这个插件有超过11万次的下载,但我不希望你YET下载。 坦率地说,我对插件的当前状态感到尴尬。 这就是为什么我们要对整个插件进行改造以使其更加用户友好,从而实际上可以帮助您发展业务。

Although part of me want you to download it, so when we do release our revamp update beginning of September, you can truly appreciate the improvements.


OptinMonster(强大) (OptinMonster (Powerhouse))

OptinMonster is our biggest product. It helps you grow your email list by converting abandoning website visitors into subscribers and customers.

OptinMonster是我们最大的产品。 通过将放弃的网站访问者转换为订阅者和客户,它可以帮助您增加电子邮件列表。

This year, we made OptinMonster even more powerful than it was.


You can now do Yes / No campaigns, Dynamic Text Replacement, Content Locking, Onsite retargeting and advanced conditional logic.

您现在可以执行“ 是/否”广告系列动态文本替换内容锁定 ,现场重定向和高级条件逻辑。

Just watch the video below and see how powerful it is:



Envira画廊的成长 (Envira Gallery Growth)

Last October, we redesigned Envira Gallery website and instantly doubled our sales (case study).

去年10月,我们重新设计了Envira Gallery网站, 并立即使我们的销售翻了一番( 案例研究 )。

After that, we created a completely new gallery workflow to make it easier for users to use all the new features that we added.


The combination of these two things have catalyzed Envira’s growth. We now have over 420,000 downloads.

这两件事的结合促进了Envira的成长。 现在,我们的下载量已超过420,000。

I’m extremely proud of the Envira team, and super excited for the future.


自言自语–新的开始 (Soliloquy – A New Beginning)

Soliloquy WordPress Slider is our oldest product, and it’s been the most stable.

Soliloquy WordPress Slider是我们最古老的产品,并且它是最稳定的。

But compared to all of our other products, Soliloquy looked a bit dated. That’s why last month, we revamped Soliloquy (both website and the plugin).

但是与我们所有其他产品相比,Sololoquy看起来有些过时。 这就是为什么上个月我们对Soliloquy(网站和插件)进行了改进。

I’m going to gather some more data before I post another case study on how the redesign affects our sales.


But do check out the updates, the new site design looks super slick. We also launched a Featured Content addon, WooCommerce Addon, Schedule addon, and more.

但是请务必查看更新,新的网站设计看起来非常漂亮。 我们还推出了特色内容插件,WooCommerce插件,插件时间表和更多

谢谢大家 (Thank You Everyone)

I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported us in this journey. I really do appreciate all of your retweets, personal emails, content suggestions, and the in-person hugs / interactions at the events.

我想对在此旅途中支持我们的每个人表示感谢。 我真的很感谢您的所有转发,个人电子邮件,内容建议以及活动中的亲密拥抱/互动。

You all are AMAZING and without you, there is no WPBeginner.


I look forward to another solid year ahead of us.


Syed Balkhi
Founder of WPBeginner

赛义德·巴尔基(Syed Balkhi)

P.S. We’re hiring a full-time (remote work) WordPress Plugin Developer. If you or someone you know would be interested in being part of our team, then please apply here.

PS:我们正在招聘一名全职(远程工作)WordPress插件开发人员。 如果您或您认识的某个人有兴趣加入我们的团队,请在此处申请

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/wpbeginner-is-7-reflections-and-updates/

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