
Last year, I decided to do something that was never done before in the WordPress community. I created the WPBeginner Growth Accelerator, first-ever growth fund focused entirely on WordPress businesses. Today, I want to take the exciting steps and open up the second round of applications as well as share the results from last year.

去年,我决定做一些WordPress社区以前从未做过的事情。 我创建了WPBeginner Growth Accelerator ,这是有史以来第一个完全专注于WordPress业务的增长基金。 今天,我想采取激动人心的步骤,开放第二轮申请,并分享去年的成果。

Introducing WPBeginner Growth Fund Round 2

Note: Applications will be closed on September 30, 2019


什么是WPBeginner成长促进基金? (What is the WPBeginner Growth Accelerator Fund?)

WPBeginner Growth Accelerator Fund is the first-ever growth fund focused entirely on WordPress focused businesses.


As part of this accelerator, we will invest between $100k to $2M in a small group of WordPress focused businesses. Along with the investment, we will work intensively with founders to refine and optimize their existing product / processes by using the Awesome Motive playbook.

作为此加速器的一部分,我们将投资10万到200万美元到一小组以WordPress为中心的业务中。 除了投资,我们还将与创始人紧密合作,通过使用Awesome Motive剧本来完善和优化他们现有的产品/流程。

Companies will also get to benefit from our vast media resources and the business network that we have built over the last decade.


WPBeginner成长加速器背后的故事 (The Story Behind WPBeginner Growth Accelerator)

Over the last decade, we have spent a lot of time talking to users and figuring out how to make things people want. Usually we can see fairly quickly the direction in which an idea should be expanded to make the biggest impact.

在过去的十年中,我们花了很多时间与用户交谈,并弄清楚如何制作人们想要的东西。 通常,我们可以很快地看到应该扩展构想以产生最大影响的方向。

It took us a long time to get to this level, and I would have never been here without the help of my mentors and other amazing entrepreneurs who were kind enough to share their wisdom with me.


This kind of mentorship is available in a lot of other verticals, but it’s not openly available in the WordPress business community.


A lot of WordPress entrepreneurs expressed interest in joining the Awesome Motive family, have me join their board, or getting an investment from me to fast-track their business growth. Few also expressed their frustrations about lack of investor interest in the space.

许多WordPress企业家表示有兴趣加入Awesome Motive家族,让我加入他们的董事会,或者从我那里获得一笔投资以快速追踪他们的业务增长。 很少有人对投资者对该领域缺乏兴趣表示沮丧。

The problem is that the WordPress market is not very well understood by investors. And frankly, majority of WordPress businesses are not large enough to meet their criteria.

问题在于,投资者对WordPress市场了解不多。 坦率地说,大多数WordPress企业规模都不足以满足其标准。

But this doesn’t mean that WordPress businesses don’t have the potential. It’s quite the opposite – they have a lot of potential. There are tons of opportunities to grow in the WordPress ecosystem with the right playbook, and I want to help prove that.

但这并不意味着WordPress企业没有潜力。 相反,它们具有很大的潜力。 正确的剧本在WordPress生态系统中有大量的发展机会,我想帮助证明这一点。

After a lot of thought and discussion, I decided to create the first WordPress-focused growth accelerator fund to help boost the WordPress small business community.


第一轮投资的结果 (Results from Our First Round of Investments)

In the first round (last year), I invested in 3 WordPress focused companies that represented 5 WordPress products including MemberPress, Pretty Links, Affiliate Royale, Formidable Forms, and SeedProd.

在第一轮(去年)中,我投资了3家以WordPress为重点的公司,这些公司代表5种WordPress产品,包括MemberPressPretty LinksAffiliate RoyaleFormidable FormsSeedProd

We worked closely with each founder to unlock tremendous growth in each businesses by optimizing the marketing strategy, improving internal processes, and even launching new products.


SeedProd launched a brand new product, RafflePress, which I can honestly say is the best WordPress giveaway plugin in the market.

SeedProd推出了一个全新的产品RafflePress ,我可以说是市场上最好的WordPress赠品插件。

MemberPress and Pretty Links saw tremendous growth in all areas including product, operations, and overall revenue. I’m really excited about the new product launches and features they’re going to be releasing (can’t share too much more).

MemberPress和Pretty Links在包括产品,运营和总收入在内的所有领域都取得了巨大的增长。 我对新产品的发布和即将发布的功能感到非常兴奋(不能分享太多)。

Here’s a quote from Blair Williams, founder of MemberPress about his experience with the accelerator:

这是MemberPress创始人布莱尔·威廉姆斯(Blair Williams)引述的关于他使用加速器的经验:

I’m so glad we joined the Growth Accelerator — it’s been awesome for our business! Not only have we had direct access to Syed but also the other companies in the Growth Accelerator & Awesome Motive. Having this type of ‘cross-pollination’ with these other companies and their seasoned owners in our industry has helped us take our business to the next level. We now have a clearer vision for the future, are operating much more efficiently, serving our customers better and seeing more success than ever before!

我很高兴我们加入了Growth Accelerator,这对我们的业务来说真是太棒了! 我们不仅可以直接与Syed联系,还可以直接与Growth Accelerator&Awesome Motive中的其他公司联系。 与其他公司及其行业中经验丰富的所有者进行这种“异花授粉”有助于我们将业务提升到一个新的水平。 现在,我们对未来有更清晰的愿景,运营效率更高,为我们的客户提供更好的服务,并且比以往任何时候都能看到更多的成功!

Formidable Forms has seen some amazing growth in both their product as well as business revenue. They released a brand new form building experience and a whole new website design. The new features they’re working on is very exciting because they’re continuing to push the limits of the advanced WordPress form experience.

强大的表单产品和业务收入都取得了惊人的增长。 他们发布了全新的表单构建体验和全新的网站设计。 他们正在使用的新功能非常令人兴奋,因为它们继续推动高级WordPress表单体验的极限。

We made a joint decision to not reveal revenue numbers or exact percentage growth since each company is privately held, but I can truly say that I’m very very happy with the growth.


Here’s a quote from Stephanie Wells, co-founder and lead developer of Formidable Forms:

这是来自Formidable Forms的联合创始人兼首席开发人员Stephanie Wells的报价:

Before joining up with Syed in the Accelerator program, I was burned out and in need of a change. We were growing slowly, but nothing I did seemed to make a difference. Within a month of working with Syed, we were gaining traction. For the first time, I was learning how to manage my team and company instead of just being the developer.

在加入Syed的Accelerator计划之前,我很疲倦,需要更改。 我们的成长缓慢,但我所做的一切似乎都无济于事。 在与Syed合作的一个月内,我们获得了关注。 这是我第一次学习如何管理团队和公司,而不仅仅是成为开发人员。

With an amazing, experienced advisor, I no longer feel like I’m paddling frantically in circles. When I lose focus or get distracted, our retreats and meetings get me back on course. The rest of the Awesome Motive and Accelerator companies have also proven to be an invaluable resource. I’m ridiculously lucky to get a piece of that endless resource of knowledge and experience.

有了一位了不起的,经验丰富的顾问,我不再觉得自己像疯了似的划桨。 当我失去注意力或分心时,我们的务虚会和会议使我重回正轨。 其余的Awesome Motive和Accelerator公司也被证明是宝贵的资源。 我很幸运地获得了无尽的知识和经验资源。

I can proudly say that the last year has been huge success for all accelerator companies, and I’m really excited for our second bi-annual accelerator retreat coming up in two weeks where I get to spend time with these super smart and talented entrepreneurs whom I have an honor of calling my friends.


We’re going to close 2019 with a bang, and I’m really excited to see all the amazing new features and products that are in the pipeline for each accelerator company as well as my Awesome Motive portfolio companies.

我们将在2019年圆满结束,我为每个加速器公司以及我的Awesome Motive投资组合公司即将推出的所有令人惊叹的新功能和产品感到非常兴奋。

Along with that, I’m also excited to open up the second round of the WPBeginner Growth Accelerator Fund for WordPress focused companies who’re looking to take their business to the next level.

除此之外,我也很高兴为希望将业务提升到更高水平的WordPress重点公司开放WPBeginner Growth Accelerator Fund第二轮。

加速器如何工作(格式和理念) (How Does the Accelerator Work (Format and Philosophy))

One of the questions I get asked a lot is how does the Growth Accelerator work? The best way to answer that is by sharing our philosophy as well as the format we use.

我经常被问到的问题之一是Growth Accelerator如何工作? 回答这个问题的最佳方法是分享我们的理念和使用的格式。

Our Philosophy


We know that independence is one of the main reasons why people want to create a business in the first place, and it’s also one of the reasons why businesses succeed. Our goal is to interfere as little as possible with the day to day.

我们知道,独立性是人们首先要创建业务的主要原因之一,也是业务成功的原因之一。 我们的目标是每天尽可能减少干扰。

We believe that founders of WordPress-focused companies are great at hacking. We want to empower them with our framework and resources to do just that.

我们相信以WordPress为中心的公司的创始人非常擅长于黑客。 我们希望通过我们的框架和资源来赋予他们权力。

Most investors offer a combination of money and help. In our case, money is by far the smaller component. We want to share our experience, knowledge, and resources (collectively “needle-movers”) to help founders unlock extreme revenue growth.

大多数投资者提供金钱和帮助的结合。 在我们的例子中,金钱是较小的部分。 我们希望分享我们的经验,知识和资源(统称为“推动者”),以帮助创始人释放巨大的收入增长。

We will offer a lot of advice, but we will never force anyone to take it.


The kind of advice that we will give literally can’t be bought because very few companies have the WordPress-specific insights like we do. And those that do are not in the business of consulting.

实际上,我们不会提供这种建议,因为很少有公司像我们一样拥有WordPress特定见解。 而那些不从事咨询业务。



Me along with other Awesome Motive partners will hand-pick a small group of WordPress companies to invest and work with. And no, we won’t ask you to move to the Bay Area or another big city.

我和其他Awesome Motive合作伙伴将亲自挑选一小组WordPress公司进行投资和合作。 不,我们不会要求您搬到湾区或另一个大城市。

If you have an existing WordPress focused business, then you can apply here.


We will review your application and invite the most promising companies to have a series of conversations with us. We will make our funding decision shortly after that.

我们将审核您的申请,并邀请最有前途的公司与我们进行一系列对话。 此后不久,我们将做出我们的资金决定。

Once funded, we will work closely with you to identify the growth levers in your business and help you implement the right processes to take your business to the next level.


Below are some of the benefits that you will have access to:


  • Our playbooks for product development, growth, and operations.

  • Office Hours with Awesome Motive Partners (including me)

  • Office Hours with Other Industry Experts

  • Bi-Annual Mastermind Meetings

  • Exposure on our media properties and access to our PR team

  • Private Founders Slack

如何申请 (How to Apply)

If you already have a WordPress-focused business, then you can fill out the application below.


Important Note: this fund is for existing WordPress-focused businesses (i.e WordPress plugins, themes, and services) that have been around for at least six months.


Deadline: Applications will be closed on September 30th, 2019



All information you submit below are confidential. We are also open to signing a NDA if that helps – simply ask in the request below

您在下面提交的所有信息都是机密信息。 如果有帮助,我们也愿意签署保密协议-只需在下面的请求中询问

(List as City, State, Country - for example: Miami, FL, USA)
(Please use USD. If none, enter '0')
(请使用美元。如果不输入,请输入“ 0”)
For example: Delaware C Corp or Nevada LLC
例如:Delaware C Corp或Nevada LLC
(Pending lawsuits, co-founders who have left, etc.)
最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

I am committed to the WordPress ecosystem, and I have two main goals with this fund:


  1. Help WordPress-focused companies succeed

  2. Help introduce more user-focused WordPress products


If you like a specific WordPress products that you think we should invest in, then please reach out to them and let them know about the growth accelerator fund.


Yours Truly, Syed Balkhi Founder of WPBeginner

诚挚的Syed Balkhi WPBeginner创始人

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/announcing-wpbeginner-growth-accelerator-fund-round-2/

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