

Recently one of our users asked if they can allow authors to revise and edit published posts in WordPress. Revisions can help in improve quality of the post, and it gives the authors a feeling of ownership on your blog. In this article, we will share how to allow authors to revise published posts in WordPress.

最近,我们的一位用户询问他们是否可以允许作者修改和编辑WordPress中的已发布帖子。 修订可以帮助提高帖子的质量,并使作者在您的博客上拥有主人翁感。 在本文中,我们将分享如何允许作者修改WordPress中已发布的帖子。

Allow authors to revise published posts in WordPress
为什么以及何时应该允许作者修改已发布的帖子? (When and Why You Should Allow Authors to Revise Published Posts?)

WordPress comes with a powerful user role and permissions system, which allows you to add new authors and users to your website.


If you are running a multi-author or membership website in WordPress, then you may want to allow contributors to make changes in published articles.

如果您正在WordPress中运行多作者会员网站 ,则可能需要允许贡献者对已发布的文章进行更改。

WordPress allows you to let contributors edit their published posts and update them without getting an approval from an editor or administrator. However, we do not recommend giving such permissions to contributors. An administrator should review the post and publish the changes, so the editorial quality is always up to par.

WordPress允许您让贡献者编辑其发布的帖子并更新它们,而无需获得编辑者或管理员的批准。 但是,我们不建议将此类权限授予贡献者。 管理员应查看帖子并发布更改,因此编辑质量始终可以达到标准。

Luckily there is a solution that allows contributors to make changes and submit for editorial review. Once approved, the editor can easily merge the changes to the live post.

幸运的是,有一种解决方案可以使贡献者进行更改并提交编辑审查。 批准后,编辑者可以轻松地将更改合并到实时帖子中。

Let’s take a look on how to easily allow authors to revise published posts in WordPress.


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允许作者修改WordPress中已发布的帖子 (Allowing Authors to Revise Published Posts in WordPress)

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Revision Manager plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活Revision Manager插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, you need to visit Settings » Revision Manager TMC page in your WordPress admin area.


In the general settings, you need to select edit_posts under ‘Copy creation capability’ dropdown and published_posts in ‘Acceptation capability’ dropdown. This will allow users with the contributor user role to create a duplicate copy of a published post.

在常规设置中,您需要在“副本创建功能”下拉菜单中选择edit_posts,在“接受功能”下拉菜单中选择published_posts。 这将允许具有贡献者用户角色的用户创建已发布帖子的重复副本。

The role for notification should be assigned to an Administrator or Editor who will review the changes and publish the post.


Revision manager settings

After adding the capabilities, you need to scroll down and select the post types where you want to allow authors to submit revisions.


Select post types

Next, you can edit notification settings to get notified when a contributor submits a post revision. You can select a template and customize it to meet your requirements.

接下来,您可以编辑通知设置,以在贡献者提交修订版时得到通知。 您可以选择模板并对其进行自定义以满足您的要求。

Notification for revision manager

Once you are done, click on the Update settings button to store your changes.

完成后,单击“ 更新设置”按钮以存储您的更改。

Now that you are done with the revision settings, you need to login from a contributor account in WordPress.


Once logged in, visit Posts » All Posts page and take your mouse to any published post. You will now see an option to ‘Create revision draft’ below each post.

登录后,访问帖子»所有帖子页面,然后将鼠标移至任何已发布的帖子。 现在,您将在每个帖子下方看到一个“创建修订草案”的选项。

Hint: you can instantly switch between user accounts while testing the settings for post revisions.


Create revision draft

Once a contributor click on the Create revision draft link, the plugin will create a duplicate version of the published post and open it for editing. An author can revise the post, make changes, and submit it for review.

一旦贡献者单击“创建修订草稿”链接,插件将创建已发布帖子的重复版本,并将其打开以进行编辑。 作者可以修改帖子,进行更改并将其提交以供审阅。

Submit post revision

Upon submission, the administrator will receive a notification to review and publish the post.


You can now switch to the Administrator account in WordPress and go to Posts » All Posts page. Here, you’ll see the duplicate post with a message that a revision is waiting for acceptance.

您现在可以在WordPress中切换到管理员帐户,然后转到帖子»所有帖子页面。 在这里,您将看到重复的帖子,并带有一条消息,指出修订正在等待接受。

Post revision waiting for acceptation

You can click on this revision post and review the changes. After reviewing, click on the Publish button.

您可以单击此修订发布并查看更改。 查看后,单击“ 发布”按钮。

Publish revised post

Once published, it will override the original post content and delete the duplicate revision post automatically. Now, you can go back to Posts » All Posts page in WordPress, and it will only show the original post.

发布后,它将覆盖原始帖子内容,并自动删除重复的修订帖子。 现在,您可以返回WordPress中的“ 帖子»所有帖子”页面,它将仅显示原始帖子。

Original post with no revision

Keeping your old content up to date is a great way to add value to your users, and it also helps boost WordPress SEO rankings.

使您的旧内容保持最新是增加用户价值的好方法,它还有助于提高WordPress SEO排名

We hope this article helped you learn how to allow authors to revise published posts in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to prevent authors from deleting posts in WordPress.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何允许作者修改WordPress中已发布的帖子。 您可能还希望查看我们的指南,以了解如何防止作者删除WordPress中的帖子

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-allow-authors-to-revise-published-posts-in-wordpress/


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