
Several of our readers have asked us how to create smart coupons in WooCommerce to extend the default functionality.


If you want to go beyond the built-in WooCommerce coupons to add items like buy one get one coupon, free gift coupon, etc, then you’re in the right place.


In this article, we’ll cover how to create smart coupons in WooCommerce.


How to create smart coupons in WooCommerce
您可以使用WooCommerce的智能优惠券做什么 (What You Can Do With Smart Coupons for WooCommerce)

Smart coupons (or advanced coupons) are a great way to increase your sales and revenue.


Instead of simply giving your customers a blanket discount on everything in their WooCommerce cart, you can use smart coupons to do all sorts of clever things.


For instance, you can create a “buy one get one” coupon that lets customers buy one product and get another free. This can be a great way to boost sales, or even to clear out stock that you want to move faster.

例如,您可以创建“买一送一”优惠券,让客户购买一种产品并免费获得另一种。 这可能是提高销售量,甚至清除想要更快移动的库存的好方法。

You could even create a free gift coupon. This could be a great way to build your email list, reward loyal customers, and encourage people to try a new product.

您甚至可以创建一个免费的礼品券。 这可能是建立电子邮件列表,奖励忠实客户并鼓励人们尝试新产品的好方法。

You may think that creating these types of coupons for your online store would be complicated and require technical knowledge. The good news is that it’s really straightforward.

您可能会认为,为您的在线商店创建这些类型的优惠券会很复杂,并且需要技术知识。 好消息是它非常简单。

We’re going to show you how to create smart coupons using the Advanced Coupons plugin for WooCommerce.


影片教学 (Video Tutorial)


If you’d prefer written instructions, just keep reading.


使用高级优惠券插件创建智能优惠券 (Create Smart Coupons with Advanced Coupons Plugin)

Advanced Coupons is the best WordPress coupon code plugin on the market. It allows you to create smart coupons to boost your sales and grow your business.

Advanced Coupons是市场上最好的WordPress优惠券代码插件 。 它使您可以创建智能优惠券以促进销售并发展业务。

First, you’ll need to install and activate the Advanced Coupons plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

首先,您需要安装并激活Advanced Coupons插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Once you’ve done that, you’ll find the new coupon functionality under WooCommerce » Coupons page in your WordPress admin dashboard.


To create any kind of coupon, you start by clicking ‘Add New’ and then enter your chosen coupon code at the top of the screen.


Entering a code for your free gift coupon - we've used 'freeshirt' for ours

There are loads of different ways you can create smart coupons. In this article, we’re going to take you through some of the most popular and effective ways to use coupons on your WooCommerce store.

您可以通过多种方式创建智能优惠券。 在本文中,我们将带您了解一些最流行和有效的方式来在WooCommerce商店中使用优惠券。

You can jump straight to each one using these quick links:


在WooCommerce中创建买一送一的免费优惠券 (Creating a Buy One Get One Free Coupon in WooCommerce)

Advanced Coupons lets you create all sorts of “buy one get one” (BOGO) coupons. You don’t necessarily have to give away something for free. You could instead have a “buy one get one half-price” offer.

高级优惠券使您可以创建各种“买一送一”(BOGO)优惠券。 您不必一定要免费提供一些东西。 相反,您可以提供“买一送一的半价”优惠。

A BOGO coupon could be a great way to encourage people on your email list to make their first purchase. It can also be a great way to encourage repeat purchase from existing buyers.

BOGO优惠券可能是鼓励您电子邮件列表中的人们进行首次购买的好方法。 这也是鼓励从现有买家重复购买的好方法。

To create a BOGO coupon using Advanced Coupons, go to WooCommerce » Coupons and add a new coupon. Click on the BOGO tab and set the conditions for your deal.

要使用高级优惠券创建BOGO优惠券,请转到WooCommerce»优惠券并添加新的优惠券。 单击BOGO选项卡并设置您的交易条件。

Add coupon for your BOGO deal

You can create lots of different types of offers, including “buy two get one” or similar. The item that the customer gains doesn’t have to be free. Instead, you could discount it by any percentage you want.

您可以创建许多不同类型的商品,包括“买二送一”或类似的商品。 客户获得的物品不必免费。 取而代之的是,您可以按任意百分比对其进行折价。

Here, we’ve created an offer where customers can buy any t-shirt and get a green t-shirt for free.


A buy one get one free coupon

Tip: BOGO coupons are most effective when you’re offering a free item that’s related to the one people are buying. For instance, if you sell winter clothing, you might offer a free pair of gloves with every hat purchased.

提示: BOGO优惠券在您提供与人们购买的商品有关的免费物品时最有效。 例如,如果您销售冬季服装,则可以在购买每顶帽子时免费赠送一副手套。

If you want more help creating your BOGO coupon, check out our full tutorial on how to create buy one get one coupons in WooCommerce.

如果您在创建BOGO优惠券方面需要更多帮助,请查看我们的完整教程, 了解如何在WooCommerce中创建“买一送一”优惠券

在WooCommerce中创建URL优惠券(自动应用) (Creating a URL Coupon (Auto-Apply) in WooCommerce)

When you send out an email newsletter or social media post with a coupon code, sometimes users don’t know how to apply the coupon code.


This leads to increase in cart abandonment. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could auto-apply the coupon code with a click of a link?

这导致购物车放弃的增加。 如果您可以通过单击链接自动应用优惠券代码,那岂不是很好吗?

This is where WooCommerce coupon URLs come in handy.


Instead of needing to remember a code, customers can simply click on a special URL. When they do so, Advanced Coupons will automatically apply the correct coupon to their cart.

客户无需记住代码,只需单击特殊的URL。 当他们这样做时,高级优惠券将自动将正确的优惠券应用于他们的购物车。

This is really useful for social media marketing, where you might be limited in how many characters you can include in a status. Being able to give the coupon code within your store’s URL saves space.

这对于社交媒体营销非常有用,因为社交媒体营销可能会限制您在一个状态中可以包含多少个字符。 能够在商店的URL中提供优惠券代码可以节省空间。

To create a URL coupon using Advanced coupons, go to WooCommerce » Coupons and add a new coupon. Set the discount under the General tab.

要使用高级优惠券创建URL优惠券,请转到WooCommerce»优惠券并添加新的优惠券。 在常规选项卡下设置折扣。

You’ll need to publish the coupon in order to get the URL. After that, go to the URL Coupons tab, and you’ll see the coupon URL here.

您需要发布优惠券才能获取URL。 之后,转到“ URL优惠券”标签,您将在此处看到优惠券URL。

It’ll be yoursite.com/coupon/couponcode, where couponcode is whatever you entered for your coupon code.

它将是yoursite.com/coupon/ couponcode ,其中couponcode是您输入的优惠券代码。

Creating a URL that automatically adds the coupon to the customer's cart

You can customize the coupon’s URL if you want, using the Code URL Override box. This will change the end of the URL (the coupon code part).

您可以根据需要使用“代码URL替代”框自定义优惠券的URL。 这将更改URL的结尾(优惠券代码部分)。

If you want more help creating your URL coupon, check out our full tutorial on how to create URL coupons in WooCommerce.


在WooCommerce中创建预定的优惠券 (Creating a Pre-Scheduled Coupon in WooCommerce)

Planning a holiday or special sales promotion?


If you run a lot of sales during the year, scheduling coupons ahead of time can make it easier. For instance, you could set up a bunch of coupons in January for your spring sale, your summer sale, and your Black Friday deals.

如果您在这一年中进行了大量销售,则提前安排优惠券可以使其变得更容易。 例如,您可以在一月份为Spring促销,夏季促销和黑色星期五促销设置一堆优惠券。

Scheduling coupons can also help you improve your marketing communications with affiliate partners because you can share the coupon code with them ahead of time without worrying about it being used live.


To schedule a coupon, you simply create it in the normal way by going to WooCommerce » Coupons and clicking ‘Add New’.

要安排优惠券,只需简单地以常规方式创建它,方法是转到WooCommerce»优惠券 ,然后单击“添加新的”。

Next, click on the Scheduler tab and enter a start and end date for your coupon.


Note: The coupon will begin at 12:00:00 am on the start date and end at 11:59:59 pm on the day before the end date.

注意:优惠券将从开始日期的12:00:00开始,到结束日期的一天的11:59:59 pm结束。

Using the scheduler in Advanced Coupons

You can also edit the default messages here, if you want to. These will be shown if the customer tries to use the coupon before it’s valid or after it expires.

如果需要,还可以在此处编辑默认消息。 如果客户在优惠券有效之前或到期后尝试使用优惠券,则会显示这些信息。

If you want more help creating your scheduled coupon, check out our tutorial on how to schedule a coupon in WooCommerce.


在WooCommerce中创建免费礼品券 (Creating a Free Gift Coupon in WooCommerce)

Do you want to offer your customers a free gift? You don’t need to set a product’s price to $0 to do this. There’s a better way, by using a free gift coupon.

您想为客户提供免费礼物吗? 您不需要将产品的价格设置为$ 0。 有一种更好的方法,就是使用免费的礼品券。

Free gift coupons let customers add a product to their cart for free. You can set them up so that customers have to spend a certain amount in order for the coupon to work.

免费的礼品券可让客户免费将产品添加到他们的购物车中。 您可以设置它们,以便客户必须花费一定数量才能使用优惠券。

This is a great way to increase average order value on your online store.


For instance, you might create a coupon, so that customers who spend $20 or more can get a free mini teddy bear. If they haven’t got $20 worth of items in their cart, they can’t use the coupon.

例如,您可以创建一张优惠券,以便花费20美元或以上的客户可以获得免费的迷你玩具熊。 如果他们的购物车中没有价值20美元的物品,则无法使用优惠券。

You could also offer a free gift without any minimum spend. This could be a great way to reward loyal customers, or to get first-time customers to give your store a try.

您也可以提供免费礼物,而没有任何最低消费要求。 这可能是奖励忠实顾客或吸引初次顾客尝试您的商店的好方法。

To create a free gift coupon, go to WooCommerce » Coupons and add a new coupon.


Next, click the Add Products tab, find the product you want to giveaway, and select ‘$: Override price’ from the Price/Discount dropdown. You can leave the box blank or enter 0.

接下来,单击“添加产品”选项卡,找到要赠送的产品,然后从“价格/折扣”下拉列表中选择“ $:替代价格”。 您可以将该框保留为空白或输入0。

Making your product free using the 'Price/Discount' dropdown

If you want more help creating your free gift coupon, check out our tutorial on how to create a free gift coupon in WooCommerce.

如果您想获得更多关于创建免费赠券的帮助,请查看我们的教程, 教程如何在WooCommerce中创建免费赠券

如何在WooCommerce中促销优惠券 (How to Promote Your Coupons in WooCommerce)

Whatever type of coupon you’ve created, you’ll want to let your customers know about it.


Unless it’s an offer specifically for your email list or newsletter, it’s best practice to promote the coupon across your website.


The easiest way to do this is with OptinMonster. It’s a powerful conversion optimization tool that helps you turn casual website visitors into paying customers.

最简单的方法是使用OptinMonster 。 这是一个功能强大的转化优化工具,可帮助您将休闲的网站访问者转变为付费客户。

You can use it to create a coupon popup on your site like this:

您可以使用它在您的网站上创建优惠券弹出窗口 ,如下所示:

BOGO coupon popup

For full instructions, just check out our tutorial on how to create a coupon popup in WordPress.


You can also use OptinMonster to display your coupons in lots of other ways such as a floating notification bar like this:


OptinMonster floating coupon bar

And even a gamified spin a wheel coupon where you can allow users to win different discounts.

甚至是游戏化的旋转轮优惠券 ,您都可以在其中允许用户赢得不同的折扣。

Spin a Wheel - Gamified Welcome Mat
最终思想和最佳实践 (Final Thoughts and Best Practices)

Smart coupons are a brilliant way to drive more sales and make more money from your store.


It’s a good idea to experiment with different types of coupon to see which works best with your audience.


This will help you consistently tweak and improve your results.


We hope this article helped you learn how to create smart coupons in WooCommerce. You might also like our ultimate guide to WooCommerce SEO and our step by step guide on how to set up conversion tracking in WooCommerce.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何在WooCommerce中创建智能优惠券。 您可能还会喜欢我们的WooCommerce SEO终极指南,以及有关如何在WooCommerce中设置转化跟踪的分步指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-create-smart-coupons-in-woocommerce/





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