

Do you want to create a secure form in WordPress?


Forms allow users to submit information on your website. However, they can also be used by hackers to steal information, attack websites, and install malicious code.

表格允许用户在您的网站上提交信息。 但是,黑客还可以使用它们来窃取信息,攻击网站并安装恶意代码。

In this article, we will show you how to create a secure contact form in WordPress. We’ll explain how to ensure secure WordPress form submissions on your site.

在本文中,我们将向您展示如何在WordPress中创建安全的联系表单。 我们将说明如何确保您网站上的WordPress表单提交安全。

Creating a secure contact form in WordPress

Here is a summary of what we’ll cover in this article.


您需要什么来保护WordPress表单? (What You Need to Secure WordPress Forms?)

To make your WordPress contact form secure, you need two things.


  • A secure WordPress contact form plugin

  • A secure WordPress hosting environment


Let’s start with the form plugin.


1. Choosing a Secure Contact Form Plugin


A secure contact form plugin allows you to save form entries securely on your website. It also allows you to use secure email methods to deliver your form notifications.

安全的联系表单插件可让您将表单条目安全地保存在您的网站上。 它还允许您使用安全的电子邮件方法来传递表单通知。

We recommend using WPForms, which is the best WordPress contact form plugin on the market.

我们建议使用WPForms ,它是市场上最好的WordPress联系人表单插件

It comes with a tons of powerful features to secure WordPress forms and protect your website from spam, hacking, and data theft.


There is also a free version available called WPForms Lite. It is equally secure but has limited features.

还有一个免费版本,称为WPForms Lite 。 它同样安全,但功能有限。

2. Choosing a Secure Hosting Platform


Choosing the right WordPress hosting is crucial for the security of your website and your contact forms.


We recommend using Bluehost. They are one of the largest hosting companies in the world and officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.

我们建议使用Bluehost 。 它们是世界上最大的托管公司之一,并且是官方推荐的WordPress托管提供商。

More importantly, they are offering WPBeginner users free domain and SSL certificate (you’ll need it for better WordPress form security).


You can also use other popular WordPress hosting companies like SiteGround, WP Engine, HostGator, etc because they all offer free SSL.

您还可以使用其他流行的WordPress托管公司,例如SiteGroundWP EngineHostGator等,因为它们都提供免费的SSL。

What is SSL? And why do you need it to secure WordPress forms?

什么是SSL? 以及为什么需要它来保护WordPress表单?

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It switches your WordPress site from HTTP to HTTPs (secure HTTP). You’ll notice a padlock icon next to your website indicating that it is using SSL protocol to transfer data.

SSL代表安全套接字层。 它将您的WordPress网站从HTTP切换到HTTP(安全HTTP)。 您会在网站旁边看到一个挂锁图标,表明它正在使用SSL协议传输数据。

Padlock icon indicating a website using SSL HTTPs protocol

SSL protects your information by encrypting the data transfer between a user’s browser and the website. This adds WordPress form encryption support which makes it harder for hackers to steal data.

SSL通过加密用户浏览器和网站之间的数据传输来保护您的信息。 这增加了WordPress表单加密支持,这使黑客更难窃取数据。

For more details, see our article on how to get a free SSL certificate for your website.


That being said, now let’s take a look at how to create a secure contact form in WordPress.


在WordPress中创建安全的联系表单 (Creating a Secure Contact Form in WordPress)

Creating a secure WordPress contact form is easy if you already checked the above-mentioned requirements. See our tutorial on how to quickly add a contact form in WordPress if you haven’t already done so.

如果您已经检查了上述要求,则创建安全的WordPress联系人表单很容易。 如果尚未在WordPress中快速添加联系表单,请参阅我们的教程。

Next, is to add more security layers to your WordPress contact form. This helps you keep form data safe and also helps you reduce spam and improve your website performance.

接下来,是在WordPress联系人表单中添加更多安全层。 这可以帮助您确保表单数据的安全,还可以减少垃圾邮件并提高网站性能。

Securing contact form emails

The following are some of the most common ways someone can steal information or abuse your WordPress forms.


First, they can sniff the information as it is submitted by a form. You can address this by using a secure WordPress hosting platform and enabling SSL encryption on your website.

首先,他们可以嗅探表单提交的信息。 您可以通过使用安全的WordPress托管平台并在您的网站上启用SSL加密来解决此问题。

The next part is when your WordPress form sends notification emails. Business email services are not part of WordPress, and if you are not properly sending those emails, then they can be insecure.

下一部分是您的WordPress表单何时发送通知电子邮件。 商业电子邮件服务不是WordPress的一部分,如果您没有正确发送这些电子邮件,则它们可能是不安全的。

Lastly, your WordPress forms can be abused to send spam messages and DDoS attacks. If you are using a custom WordPress login form, then hackers can use brute force attacks to login to your WordPress site.

最后,您的WordPress表单可能被滥用来发送垃圾邮件和DDoS攻击。 如果您使用的是自定义WordPress登录表单,则黑客可以使用蛮力攻击来登录到您的WordPress网站。

Now let’s address each one of them to make your WordPress forms more secure.


保护WordPress联络表单电子邮件通知 (Securing WordPress Contact Form Email Notifications)

As we mentioned earlier, insecure emails can be spied upon and are unsafe. There are two ways you can handle form notification emails.

正如我们前面提到的,不安全的电子邮件可能会被发现并且是​​不安全的。 您可以通过两种方式处理表单通知电子邮件。

1. Don’t send form data via email notifications


The first thing you would want to consider is not sending form data via emails.


For instance, when someone submits your contact form, you only get an email alert that someone has submitted form and not the form data itself.


WPForms comes with a built-in entry management system that stores your form data in your WordPress database. You can simply go to WPForms » Entries page to view all form submissions.

WPForms带有内置的条目管理系统,该系统将您的表单数据存储在WordPress数据库中。 您只需进入WPForms»条目页面即可查看所有表单提交。

Form entries

Note: You’ll need to upgrade to the paid version of WPForms for entry management features.


2. Send secure WordPress form notification emails


For some users, sending form notification emails is necessary for their business.


For instance, if you have an online order form, a donations form, or a payment form, then you may need to send email notifications to your users.


For this, you need to set up a proper SMTP service to securely send emails.


SMTP stands for Secure Mail Transfer Protocol. It is the industry standard to securely send emails on the internet.

SMTP代表安全邮件传输协议。 在互联网上安全地发送电子邮件是行业标准。

We recommend using G Suite which allows you to create a professional business email address. Powered by Google, it allows you to use the familiar Gmail interface to send and receive emails.

我们建议使用G Suite ,它允许您创建专业的企业电子邮件地址。 它由Google提供支持,可让您使用熟悉的Gmail界面发送和接收电子邮件。

However, if you’ll be sending a lot of emails, then we recommend using Sendinblue, Amazon SES, or any of the reliable SMTP service providers.

但是,如果您要发送大量电子邮件,那么我们建议您使用Sendinblue ,Amazon SES或任何可靠的SMTP服务提供商

Next, you need to connect your email service to WordPress so that all your WordPress form notifications are sent using your secure email connection.


To do that, you need to install and activate the WP Mail SMTP plugin. It works with any SMTP email service and allows you to easily send WordPress emails securely.

为此,您需要安装并激活WP Mail SMTP插件。 它可与任何SMTP电子邮件服务一起使用,并允许您轻松安全地发送WordPress电子邮件。


For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to set up WP Mail SMTP in WordPress.

有关详细说明,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中设置WP Mail SMTP的指南。

保护WordPress表单免受垃圾邮件和DDoS攻击 (Securing WordPress Forms Against Spam and DDoS Attacks)

Your website forms are publicly accessible. This means anyone can access and fill them. We’ll cover restricting form access to specific users in the next step, but for this step we will address public forms.

您的网站表单可以公开访问。 这意味着任何人都可以访问并填充它们。 在下一步中,我们将限制对特定用户的表单访问,但是在这一步中,我们将处理公共表单。

When your form is accessible by anyone on the internet, it can become a target for spammers and hackers. While spammers try to use your form for fraudulent activities, hackers may try to use it to gain access to your website or even bring it down.

互联网上的任何人都可以访问您的表单时,它可能成为垃圾邮件发送者和黑客的目标。 当垃圾邮件发送者试图将您的表格用于欺诈活动时,黑客可能会尝试使用它来访问您的网站,甚至将其关闭。

Luckily, WPForms comes with several spam-prevention features. It also automatically enables honeypot anti-spam technique on all forms.

幸运的是,WPForms具有一些垃圾邮件阻止功能。 它还会自动启用所有形式的蜜罐反垃圾邮件技术。

Honeypot anti-spam technique enabled by default

Honeypot basically obscures form fields from automated spambots. However, it is not the most effective way to protect online forms.

Honeypot基本上掩盖了自动水龙头的表单字段。 但是,这不是保护在线表格的最有效方法。

If you suspect that your forms are abused or under attack, then you can deploy the following spam protection tools.


1.在您的表单中启用Google reCAPTCHA (1. Enable Google reCAPTCHA in Your Forms)

WPForms comes with Google reCAPTCHA support. Simply go to WPForms » Settings page and click on the reCAPTCHA tab.

WPForms带有Google reCAPTCHA支持。 只需转到WPForms»设置页面,然后单击reCAPTCHA选项卡。

Adding reCAPTCHA to your contact form

Google offers three types of reCAPTCHA tools. We recommend using checkbox reCAPTCHA v2 because it is more user-friendly.

Google提供了三种类型的reCAPTCHA工具。 我们建议使用复选框reCAPTCHA v2,因为它更加用户友好。

You’ll need site key and secret key to enable reCAPTCHA on your site. Simply go to the reCAPTCHA website and click on the ‘Admin Console’ button at the top.

您需要站点密钥和秘密密钥才能在您的站点上启用reCAPTCHA。 只需访问reCAPTCHA网站 ,然后单击顶部的“管理控制台”按钮。

reCAPTCHA admin console

Next, you can go ahead and your website details. Provide a label for your site and then choose reCAPTCHA v2 with ‘I am not a robot’ checkbox.

接下来,您可以继续浏览您的网站详细信息。 提供您网站的标签,然后选中“我不是机器人”复选框,选择reCAPTCHA v2。

reCAPTCHA settings

Click on the Submit button to continue and you’ll see the API keys.


API keys

Go ahead and copy these keys and paste them in WPForms settings page. Don’t forget to click on the ‘Save Settings’ button to store your changes.

继续并复制这些密钥并将其粘贴到WPForms设置页面中。 不要忘记单击“保存设置”按钮来存储您的更改。

You can now edit your form and add the reCAPTCHA field to your form.


Adding recaptcha field to your form

You’ll see a notification that reCAPTCHA is now enabled for your form. You can go ahead and save your form.

您会看到一条通知,说明您的表单现已启用reCAPTCHA。 您可以继续保存表格。

If you haven’t already added form to your website, then you can simply edit the post or page where you want to display the form and add the WPForms block to the content area.


Adding a WPForms block to your page

Simply select your form in the drop down menu and WPForms will load a preview of your form. You can now save your post or page and visit it in a new browser tab to see your form with the reCAPTCHA field in action.

只需在下拉菜单中选择您的表单,WPForms将加载您的表单预览。 现在,您可以保存您的帖子或页面,并在新的浏览器选项卡中对其进行访问,以查看带有reCAPTCHA字段的表单。

Contact form preview
2.为您的WordPress表单启用自定义验证码 (2. Enable Custom Captcha for Your WordPress Forms)

If you don’t want to use Google reCAPTCHA, then you can use your own math quiz or questions with WPForms Custom Captcha addon.

如果您不想使用Google reCAPTCHA,则可以使用自己的数学测验或WPForms Custom Captcha插件问题。

Note: You’ll need pro version of the plugin to access custom captcha addon.


Simply head over to WPForms » Addons page to install and activate the Custom Captcha addon.


Install custom captcha addon

After that, you can edit your contact form and add the Captcha field to your form.


Custom captcha field

By default, it adds a random math question. You can change that to add your own custom captcha by changing the captcha type to text.

默认情况下,它添加一个随机数学问题。 您可以通过将验证码类型更改为文本来将其更改为添加自己的自定义验证码。

Captcha type

You can now save your form, and it to a post or page using the WPForms block.


Adding a WPForms block to your page

You can now visit your post or page to see the custom captcha in action.


限制某些用户的WordPress表单访问 (Restricting WordPress Forms Access to Certain Users)

Another way to protect your WordPress forms is to restrict access to logged-in members, or through a unique form password.


WPForms comes with a Form Locker addon that lets you enable various form permissions and access control rules.

WPForms带有一个Form Locker插件 ,可让您启用各种表单权限和访问控制规则。

With form locker you can:


  • Password Protect Forms – this requires users to enter a password to submit the form. This added protection helps decrease the number of unwanted form submission.密码保护表单 –这要求用户输入密码来提交表单。 此增强的保护功能有助于减少不需要的表单提交的数量。
  • Close Form Submissions After Specific Date / Time – this is great for any kind of application forms or other time-sensitive forms.在特定日期/时间后关闭表格提交 –这对于任何形式的申请表格或其他对时间敏感的表格都很有用。
  • Limit the number of total submissions – this is great for contests or giveaways. Once the max number of entries are in, the WPForms will automatically close the form.限制提交的总数 –这对于比赛或赠品非常有用。 输入最大数量的条目后,WPForms将自动关闭表单。
  • Limit one entry per person – if you want to avoid duplicate submissions, then you will love this option. This is very useful for scholarship applications, giveaways, etc.每人限制一个条目 –如果您要避免重复提交,那么您会喜欢此选项。 这对于奖学金申请,赠品等非常有用。
  • Restrict Forms to Members Only – you can restrict your forms to logged-in users of your WordPress site. This is great for membership sites or businesses who want to restrict support to paid customers only.仅将表单限制为成员 -您可以将表单限制为WordPress网站的登录用户。 这对于会员站点或只希望将支持仅限于付费客户的企业非常有用。

You can access the Form Locker settings inside the Form Builder Settings panel:


Enabling password protecting using Form Locker

For a detailed step by step tutorial, please see our guide on how to password protect WordPress forms.


确保您的WordPress网站安全 (Keeping Your WordPress Site Secure)

The security of your WordPress forms depends on the security of your entire WordPress website. With some simple steps, you can strengthen your WordPress website security.

WordPress表单的安全性取决于整个WordPress网站的安全性。 通过一些简单的步骤,您可以增强WordPress网站的安全性。

We recommend using Sucuri, as the best WordPress security plugin on the market. It comes with a website firewall that blocks any suspicious activity even before it reaches your website.

我们建议使用Sucuri作为市场上最好的WordPress安全插件 。 它带有一个网站防火墙,该防火墙甚至可以阻止任何可疑的活动进入您的网站。

For more practical tips, see our complete WordPress security guide for beginners.


We hope this article helped you create a secure contact form in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to create an email newsletter and our list of must have WordPress plugins.

我们希望本文能帮助您在WordPress中创建安全的联系表单。 您可能还想查看有关如何创建电子邮件通讯的指南, 以及 必须具有WordPress插件的列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-create-a-secure-contact-form-in-wordpress/






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