
Last week, we were able to work out a deal with one of the biggest Content Delivery Networks known as MaxCDN to accelerate WPBeginner’s load time. Earlier this week, we made a few changes to WPBeginner in terms of site optimization. First of all, we switched from using WP Super Cache to W3 Total Cache Plugin. This does not mean that WP Super Cache is a bad plugin. It just means that at this stage of our site’s life, we needed something more versatile and powerful.

上周,我们能够与最大的内容交付网络之一MaxCDN达成协议,以加快WPBeginner的加载时间。 本周初,我们在网站优化方面对WPBeginner进行了一些更改。 首先,我们从使用WP Super Cache切换到W3 Total Cache插件。 这并不意味着WP Super Cache是​​一个错误的插件。 这仅意味着在我们网站生命的现阶段,我们需要更通用,更强大的功能。

One of the main reasons for the switch was that W3 Total Cache is fully compatible with MaxCDN. There will be a full tutorial coming soon showing you step by step on how to use and setup W3 Total Cache Plugin in conjunction with Content Delivery Networks. The setup for W3 Total Cache is not as easy for beginners compared to WP Super Cache. So we will recommend that you wait until next week when our tutorial is out.

切换的主要原因之一是W3 Total Cache与MaxCDN完全兼容。 即将推出完整的教程,逐步向您展示如何结合Content Delivery Networks使用和设置W3 Total Cache插件。 与WP Super Cache相比,W3 Total Cache的设置对于初学者而言并不容易。 因此,我们建议您等到下周我们的教程结束。

那么为什么我们选择MaxCDN? (So why did we choose MaxCDN?)

This must be the question that everybody is thinking about. We knew once our site reaches a certain amount of users, we had to make this move in order to main our site’s high performance. MaxCDN is the company that powers top sites including Mashable, Template Monster, BuySellAds etc. So we knew that the company has a great reputation, and it can be trusted.

这一定是每个人都在思考的问题。 我们知道,一旦网站吸引到一定数量的用户,我们就必须采取这一措施,以保持网站的高性能。 MaxCDN是为顶级网站(包括MashableTemplate MonsterBuySellAds等)提供支持的公司。因此,我们知道该公司享有很高的声誉,因此值得信赖。

为什么要在您的站点上使用Content Delivery Network? (Why use Content Delivery Network on your site?)

A content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) is a system of computers containing copies of data, placed at various points in a network so as to maximize bandwidth for access to the data from clients throughout the network. A client accesses a copy of the data near to the client, as opposed to all clients accessing the same central server, so as to avoid bottleneck near that server [Wikipedia]. In short, Content Delivery Network accelerates the page load time while decreasing our server load (hence less bandwidth cost). All of our images, theme files, and other JavaScripts are hosted on MaxCDN servers whereas the database is hosted on our own server.

内容交付网络或内容分发网络(CDN)是包含数据副本的计算机系统,这些副本位于网络中的各个点上,以最大程度地增加从整个网络的客户端访问数据的带宽。 与所有客户端访问同一中央服务器相反,客户端访问客户端附近的数据副本,以避免该服务器附近的瓶颈[ Wikipedia ]。 简而言之,Content Delivery Network加快了页面加载时间,同时降低了我们的服务器负载(因此降低了带宽成本)。 我们所有的图像,主题文件和其他JavaScript都托管在MaxCDN服务器上,而数据库则托管在我们自己的服务器上。

By having a content delivery network like MaxCDN, we reduce the risk of our site being slowed down when experiencing heavy traffic from social media outlets.


那么,为什么网站加载时间对您如此重要? (So why exactly is site load time so important for you?)

Your site’s load time significantly impacts your Search Engine Ranking Positions (SERPs). It also plays a key role in reducing bounce rate, and increasing average time spent by the user on a site.

网站的加载时间会严重影响您的搜索引擎排名排名(SERP)。 它还在降低跳出率和增加用户在网站上花费的平均时间方面起着关键作用。

MaxCDN定价和优惠券 (MaxCDN Pricing and Coupon)

Right now MaxCDN is running a special LIMITED time deal in which they are offering 1000GB (1TB) of Bandwidth for only $39.95. This is one heck of a deal when compared to other CDN services. On top of that, we were able to work out a coupon for you guys to use. If you use the coupon code “wpbeginner“, you will receive a 25% discount on the total price.

现在, MaxCDN正在运行一项特殊的限时交易,他们以39.95美元的价格提供1000GB(1TB)的带宽。 与其他CDN服务相比,这是一笔交易。 最重要的是,我们能够制定出优惠券供您使用。 如果使用优惠券代码“ wpbeginner ”,您将获得总价25%的折扣。

Lastly, we want to thank MaxCDN for partnering up with WPBeginner and accelerating our site for us and our users.


翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/wpbeginner-is-now-powered-by-maxcdn/





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