
Today is July 4th which means WPBeginner is officially 8 years old — feels unreal to type this!


Like every year, I want to take a few minutes and do a quick recap of all the major things happening in business as well as my personal life.


WPBeginner turns 8
WPBeginner故事 (WPBeginner Story)

I started using WordPress when I was 16 years old and started WPBeginner at age 19 with a single mission: make WordPress easy for beginners.


Since then WPBeginner has become the largest free WordPress resource site for beginners.


For those of you who’re new, you can read the full WPBeginner story on our about page.

如果您是新手,可以在About 页面上阅读完整的WPBeginner故事。

个人更新 (Personal Updates)

New Dad life — Solomon is 8 months old and is quite fun. I used to think that I was good at delegating, but I think being a parent has forced me to push it to a new level.

新爸爸生活-所罗门(Solomon)刚出生8个月,很有趣。 我曾经以为我擅长委派他人,但我认为作为父母已经迫使我将其推向新的高度。

Solomon Balkhi

Completely out of the blue, I got invited to have dinner with the United States Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin. The dinner was held at the Treasury building, and it was humbling to be in the company of several national leaders and top entrepreneurs like Shahid Khan, the owner of Jacksonville Jaguars.

出乎意料的是,我受邀与美国财政部长史蒂芬·姆努钦(Steven Mnuchin)一起吃晚餐。 晚餐在美国财政部大楼举行,与几位国家领导人和顶级企业家(如杰克逊维尔美洲虎的拥有者Shahid Khan)合影,真是令人沮丧。

U.S. Treasury Secretary Dinner

I also received the Technology Award from the Pakistani News Channel (GeoTV) where I sat down and got to chat with the new Ambassador of Pakistan for United States.


GeoTV Award
WPBeginner更新 (WPBeginner Updates)

Thanks to you all, WPBeginner has continued to grow in double-digit percentage (year over year). There have been several notable updates from last year, that I’d like to highlight.

谢谢大家,WPBeginner继续以两位数的百分比增长(同比)。 我想重点介绍一下去年的一些重要更新。

1. New WPBeginner Redesign


In November 2016, we launched our new website design. It came with a lot of improvements, most importantly: our mega guides which I promised in the last year’s update.

2016年11月,我们启动了新的网站设计 。 它带来了许多改进,最重要的是:我在去年的更新中承诺过我们的大型指南。

We now have comprehensive guides on how to speed up WordPress, improve WordPress security, boost WordPress SEO, how to create an online store, how to make a website, and more.

现在,我们提供了有关如何加快WordPress提高WordPress安全性提高WordPress SEO如何创建在线商店如何建立网站等等的综合指南。

We are working on creating more mega guides in the coming months.


2. Better WPBeginner Infrastructure


Since the redesign, I have gotten several emails asking about the secrets behind WPBeginner’s fast speed.


WPBeginner Speed

The answer is: infrastructure.


As WPBeginner grows, we need to continuously invest in our server infrastructure. This past year, I worked with the team at HostGator to build a completely custom infrastructure for WPBeginner that’s spread across multiple data-centers to ensure high availability.

随着WPBeginner的发展,我们需要不断投资于服务器基础架构。 去年,我与HostGator团队合作,为WPBeginner构建了完全自定义的基础架构,该基础架构分布在多个数据中心中,以确保高可用性。

I have been a HostGator customer since 2007, and WPBeginner has been hosted with them since day 1 (see my full HostGator review). I want to thank David, Patrick, Matt, Yannis, Chris, Taylor, Mike, Alfred, and the entire team that helped with the upgrade.

自2007年以来,我一直是HostGator的客户,并且从第一天开始就与WPBeginner托管在一起(请参阅我的完整HostGator评论 )。 我要感谢David,Patrick,Matt,Yannis,Chris,Taylor,Mike,Alfred以及整个团队,他们为此次升级提供了帮助。

We are using Sucuri as our firewall, and MaxCDN as our CDN provider both of which play a tremendous role in our overall website speed.


Last but not least, we’re using DNSMadeEasy as our DNS provider because they’re one of the fastest in the industry.


3. WPBeginner on YouTube

3. YouTube上的WPBeginner

Our YouTube channel has continued to prosper as we add new videos every week. We now have over 62,000 subscribers and 8.2 million video views (this is double what we had last year).

我们每周都会增加新的视频,因此我们的YouTube频道继续蓬勃发展。 现在,我们有超过62,000名订阅者和820万次视频观看(这是去年的两倍)。

If you haven’t subscribed yet, then please go ahead and subscribe to WPBeginner on YouTube (it’s free). My goal is to pass 100,000 subscribers by the time I write this post next year.

如果您尚未订阅,请继续并在YouTube上订阅WPBeginner (免费)。 我的目标是在明年写这篇文章时使100,000名订阅者通过。

4. Weekly Showcases


Over the last several years, we have continuously gotten requests for theme showcases. That’s why this year, we made it a goal to do weekly showcases on Fridays.

在过去的几年中,我们不断收到主题展示的请求。 因此,今年我们的目标是在星期五进行每周一次的展示

So far it has worked out great, and we look forward to doing more showcases.


产品更新 (Product Updates)

Just about every week, I get an email from a reader saying: “I didn’t know WPBeginner was behind that product”. Now we even have a products page in the main menu.

几乎每个星期,我都会收到一封来自读者的电子邮件,其中说:“我不知道WPBeginner是该产品的幕后推手”。 现在,我们甚至在主菜单中提供了一个产品页面

Our suite of WordPress plugins are now running on over 3 million websites. Below are some of the most notable updates:

我们的WordPress插件套件现已在超过300万个网站上运行。 以下是一些最值得注意的更新:



We launched WPForms, a drag & drop form builder last year with a goal to make the most beginner friendly WordPress form plugin. I think we’re doing a pretty darn good job.

去年 ,我们推出了WPForms ,这是一个拖放式表单生成器,目标是制作对初学者最友好的WordPress表单插件。 我认为我们做得很好。

It has passed over 1.1 million downloads and is actively running on over 300,000 websites. Best part is that we have an average rating of 4.9 out of 5 with over 652 five-star reviews.

它已超过110万次下载,并在300,000个网站上活跃运行。 最好的是,我们的平均评分为4.9,满分为5,拥有652多个五星级评价。

You can download it for free from the WPForms website or from the WordPress.org plugins directory.


Please give it a try, so you can see why so many people love it!




Last year, we acquired the most popular Google Analytics plugin for WordPress from Yoast and rebranded it to MonsterInsights. I’m really proud of the updates that we have made specially the Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking, Affiliate link tracking, and more.

去年,我们从Yoast购买了最受欢迎的WordPress Google Analytics(分析)插件,并将其更名为MonsterInsights。 我为我们特别为增强型电子商务跟踪,会员链接跟踪等所做的更新感到非常自豪。

If you’re a serious business owner, then check out the MonsterInsights Pro version because it will help you unlock really valuable data in your Google Analytics, so you can take your business to the next level.

如果您是认真的企业主,请查看MonsterInsights Pro版本,因为它可以帮助您解锁Google Analytics(分析)中真正有价值的数据,从而可以将您的业务提升到一个新的水平。



OptinMonster is our flagship product, and we recently announced version 4.0.


The new update included a new dashboard, sub-accounts + permission control, better design workflow, and so much more.


OptinMonster helps you grow your email list by converting abandoning website visitors into subscribers. If you’re not using it, then you’re missing out on subscribers.

OptinMonster通过将放弃的网站访问者转换为订户来帮助您增加电子邮件列表。 如果您不使用它,那么您将错过订户。

Envira Gallery


Envira Gallery passed over 100,000 active installs this year. It’s the most powerful WordPress gallery plugin that’s actually fast and easy to use.

Envira Gallery今年通过了超过100,000个有效安装。 它是最强大的WordPress画廊插件,实际上是快速且易于使用的。

We have over two-dozen addons ranging from featured content gallery to WooCommerce to Lightroom. I’m really excited about the next version of Envira that our team is working on.

我们提供了两种以上的插件,从精选内容库到WooCommerce到Lightroom。 对于我们团队正在开发的下一版Envira,我感到非常兴奋。

我们在柬埔寨的学校 (Our School in Cambodia)

I started a tradition 3 years ago when we built our first school in Guatemala. After building 3 schools in Guatemala through Pencils of Promise, Amanda and I wanted to contribute in a different region.

3年前,我在危地马拉建立了第一所学校时就开始了一项传统。 通过承诺铅笔在危地马拉建立了3所学校后,我和阿曼达想在一个不同的地区做出贡献。

My friend Neil Patel introduced me to Bill and Nancy from the Cambodian Village Fund. Thanks to their awesome work, we were able to build a primary school in Cambodia. While I wasn’t able to attend the opening ceremony because Solomon is so young, I definitely look forward to going there in the future.

我的朋友尼尔•帕特尔(Neil Patel)向我介绍了柬埔寨乡村基金会的比尔和南希。 由于他们的出色工作,我们得以在柬埔寨建立一所小学。 虽然由于所罗门还很年轻,所以我无法参加开幕典礼,但我绝对希望将来能去那里。

Cambodian Village Fund
谢谢大家 (Thank You Everyone)

I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported us in this journey. I really do appreciate all of your retweets, personal emails, content suggestions, and the in-person hugs / interactions at the events.

我想对在此旅途中支持我们的每个人表示感谢。 我真的很感谢您的所有转发,个人电子邮件,内容建议以及活动中的亲密拥抱/互动。

You all are AMAZING and without you, there is no WPBeginner.


I look forward to another solid year ahead of us.


Syed Balkhi
Founder of WPBeginner

赛义德·巴尔基(Syed Balkhi)

P.S. We’re hiring a full-time (remote work) WordPress Plugin Developer and a Technical Support specialist. If you or someone you know would be interested in being part of our fast-growing team, then please apply here.

PS:我们正在聘请专职(远程工作)WordPress插件开发人员和技术支持专家。 如果您或您认识的某个人有兴趣加入我们快速发展的团队, 请在此处申请

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/wpbeginner-turns-8-years-old-reflections-and-updates/





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