

Do you want to add a volunteer application form to your organization’s WordPress website?


If you’re one of the people managing applications, you might currently be spending a lot of time going back and forth by business email or even handling paper forms.

如果您是管理应用程序的人之一,那么您当前可能会花费大量时间来回收发商务电子邮件 ,甚至处理纸质表格。

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could collect volunteer applications online and manage them directly from your website?


In this article, we’ll show you how to easily create a volunteer application form in WordPress, even if you’ve never created a form before.


How to Make a Great Volunteer Application Form in WordPress
在WordPress中创建您的志愿者申请表 (Creating Your Volunteer Application Form in WordPress)

First, you need to install and activate the WPForms plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

首先,您需要安装并激活WPForms插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

WPForms is the best WordPress form builder plugin on the market. It is beginner-friendly, and there’s also a WPForms Lite version that’s free, making it a handy option for nonprofits on a small budget. Yes, we know that website costs can add up.

WPForms是市场上最好的WordPress表单生成器插件 。 它适合初学者使用,并且还有一个免费的WPForms Lite版本,使其成为预算小的非盈利组织的便捷选择。 是的,我们知道网站费用可能会增加

Upon activating the plugin, you need to visit WPForms » Settings page in your WordPress dashboard to enter your license key. You can find this information under your account on WPForms website.

激活插件后,您需要访问WordPress仪表板中的WPForms»设置页面以输入许可证密钥。 您可以在WPForms网站上的帐户下找到此信息。

Entering your license key for WPForms

Next, you need to visit the WPForms » Addons page to install the Template Pack Addon, so you can get the built-in volunteer form template.

接下来,您需要访问WPForms»Addons页面以安装Template Pack Addon,以便获得内置的志愿者表单模板。

Install template pack addon

Click the Install Addon button for the Form Templates Pack Addon. Its Status should then show as Active.

单击“表单模板包附件”的“ 安装附件”按钮。 然后其状态应显示为“活动”。

Once you’ve done that, go to WPForms » Add New to create your new form.

完成此操作后,转到WPForms»Add New创建新表单。

Next, you need to give your form a name, then scroll down to the Additional Templates section. Simply search for “Volunteer” here or scroll down, and you should see the Volunteer Recruitment Form template.

接下来,您需要为表单命名,然后向下滚动至“其他模板”部分。 只需在此处搜索“志愿者”或向下滚动,您应该会看到“志愿者招募表格”模板。

Click on it, and WPForms will create a volunteer application form for you.


Next, you’ll need to customize the form so that it’s fully relevant for your group or organization. You can edit any of the questions and answers by simply clicking on the form field that you want to change.

接下来,您需要自定义表格,使其与您的小组或组织完全相关。 您只需单击要更改的表单字段即可编辑任何问题和答案。

Editing your volunteer application forEditing your volunteer application form

You can also add extra questions or options to your form by clicking the Add Fields tab at the top.

您还可以通过单击顶部的“ 添加字段”选项卡向表单中添加其他问题或选项。

Adding new fields to your volunteer form

If there are particular fields that are necessary such as the email address field, then you can simply check the box next to Required, and it will become a mandatory field. This means that users will not be able to submit the form without filling this field.

如果需要某些特殊字段,例如电子邮件地址字段,则只需选中Required旁边的框,它将变成必填字段。 这意味着,如果不填写此字段,用户将无法提交表单。

You and your volunteers can easily see which fields are required because they’ll have a small red asterisk next to the field label.


Making a field on your form mandatory (shows the Required checkbox, checked)

Once you’re happy with your volunteer application form, you can finish setting it up by going to Settings » General.


You might want to change the Submit Button Text here. You could change this from Submit to Send Application, Apply Now, Volunteer now, or anything else that’s appropriate for your organization.

您可能要在此处更改“ 提交按钮文本” 。 您可以将其从“提交到发送应用程序”,“立即申请”,“立即志愿​​者”或适合您组织的其他任何方式更改。

Viewing the general settings for the form, with Submit button text changed to Send Application

You can also make other changes if you wish. Unless you’re going to use a different form of spam prevention instead, we recommend keeping the anti-spam honeypot feature enabled. This prevents fake spam applications which will save you time. We also recommend setting up reCAPTCHA to further reduce spam submissions.

您也可以根据需要进行其他更改。 除非您要使用另一种形式的垃圾邮件预防,否则我们建议保持启用反垃圾邮件蜜罐功能。 这样可以防止伪造的垃圾邮件应用程序,从而节省您的时间。 我们还建议设置reCAPTCHA,以进一步减少垃圾邮件的提交。

设置通知和确认 (Setting Up Notifications and Confirmations)

By default, whenever someone submits a form on your site, you’ll get an email containing the information they’ve sent.


With WPForms, you can also take a look at submitted form entries in your WordPress dashboard.


You can also set things up so that the volunteer who’s completed the form also gets an email to let them know that you’ve received their application.


Of course, whether or not you’re sending the volunteer a confirmation email, you’ll want to make sure they see an on-screen confirmation when they submit the form.


This happens automatically with WPForms, but you can also customize the message to make it more relevant to your group or organization.


You can edit the confirmation message under Settings » Confirmation.


Viewing and editing the form's confirmation message

Bonus Tip: You can also use WPForms’ marketing integration to automatically add all volunteer applicants to your email newsletter. WPForms integrates will all the best email marketing services.

温馨提示:您还可以使用WPForms的营销集成将所有志愿者申请人自动添加到您的电子邮件通讯中 。 WPForms集成了所有最好的电子邮件营销服务

在您的网站上添加您的志愿者申请表 (Adding Your Volunteer Application Form to Your Site)

Finally, you’ll need to put your form onto your website, so that people can actually fill it in. Using WPForms, you can put it on a page or in a post. You could even include it in your sidebar.

最后,您需要将表单放到您的网站上,以便人们可以实际填写它。使用WPForms,您可以将其放到页面或帖子中。 您甚至可以将其包含在边栏中。

Most likely, you’ll want to put it on a page on your site. Simply create a new page or find the existing page you want to use.

最有可能的是,您希望将其放在您网站的页面上。 只需创建一个新页面或找到您要使用的现有页面。

If you’re using the Gutenberg (block) editor, then you need to click the (+) icon to create a new block, and then select WPForms. You can find it under Widgets, or you can search for it.

如果使用的是Gutenberg(块)编辑器 ,则需要单击(+)图标创建一个新块,然后选择WPForms 。 您可以在“小部件”下找到它,也可以搜索它。

Adding a form to your page using the block editor (Gutenberg)

If you’re still using the classic WordPress editor, then click the Add Form button next to Add Media.

如果您仍在使用经典的WordPress编辑器 ,请单击“添加媒体”旁边的“ 添加表单”按钮。

The Add Form button in a the WordPress page editor

Next, you’ll see the WPForms dropdown. Select your form from the list.

接下来,您将看到WPForms下拉列表。 从列表中选择您的表单。

Select the form you want from the dropdown menu

Finally, publish your post and test out the form to make sure that it’s working. You should see your confirmation message after filling it out, and you should receive an email notification whenever it’s filled in.

最后,发布您的帖子并测试表格以确保其正常工作。 填写确认消息后,您应该会看到确认消息;填写确认消息后,您应该会收到一封电子邮件通知。

If you don’t get an email, then there could be an issue with WordPress emails. Check out our guide on how to fix WordPress not sending email issue with step by step instructions.

如果您没有收到电子邮件,则WordPress电子邮件可能存在问题。 查看有关如何解决WordPress不发送电子邮件问题的指南,并提供分步说明。

Once you’re happy with everything, you can share the link to your page with your email list, and social media accounts. Hopefully, you’ll get lots of new volunteers eager to offer their time and share their skills.

对所有内容感到满意后,您就可以与电子邮件列表和社交媒体帐户共享指向页面的链接。 希望您会吸引许多新的志愿者,他们渴望提供他们的时间并分享他们的技能。

We hope this article helped you learn how to make a great volunteer application form in WordPress. You may also want to take a look at our favorite WordPress themes for nonprofits and our recommended WordPress plugins for nonprofits.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何在WordPress中制作出色的志愿者申请表。 您可能还想看看我们最喜欢的非营利组织WordPress主题推荐的非营利组织WordPress插件

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-make-a-great-volunteer-application-form-in-wordpress/


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