wordpress添加媒体_如何将WordPress博客添加到Apple News


Did you just start a blog and want to submit it to Apple News? By becoming an Apple News publisher, you can monetize your news channel while giving your readers the ability to read your blog alongside with their other favorite websites from a single app. In this article, we will show you how to add your WordPress blog to Apple news.

您是否刚刚开始写博客并将其提交给Apple News? 成为Apple News发行商,您可以通过新闻频道获利,同时使读者能够通过一个应用程序阅读您的博客以及其他喜爱的网站。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何将WordPress博客添加到Apple新闻中。

Add WordPress blog to Apple News
开始之前 (Before Getting Started)

Apple News app allows users to read news and blogs articles in one single app on their Apple devices. It provides a better reading experience and makes it easier for users to stay updated with their favorite content from a single app.

Apple News应用程序允许用户在其Apple设备上的一个应用程序中阅读新闻和博客文章。 它提供了更好的阅读体验,并使用户可以更轻松地通过单个应用程序随时更新自己喜欢的内容。

The Apple News program for publishers allows you to submit your blog as an Apple News channel. It also allows you to monetize your content by showing advertisements.

适用于发布者的Apple News程序使您可以将博客作为Apple News频道提交。 它还允许您通过展示广告来通过内容获利。

However the monetization program is still in beta, and it is only available in the United States, UK, and Australia. You will have to wait for a couple weeks for your application to get reviewed.

但是,获利计划仍处于测试阶段,仅在美国,英国和澳大利亚可用。 您将需要等待几周的时间才能审核您的申请。

Please note: this guide is for self-hosted WordPress blogs and not for WordPress.com blogs. See our guide on the difference between WordPress.org vs WordPress.com. If you’re on WordPress.com, then you can use this guide to move from WordPress.com to WordPress.org.

请注意:本指南适用于自托管的WordPress博客,不适用于WordPress.com博客。 请参阅我们的指南,了解WordPress.org与WordPress.com之间区别 。 如果您使用的是WordPress.com,则可以使用本指南从WordPress.com迁移到WordPress.org

Having said that, let’s learn how to add your WordPress blog to Apple News.

话虽如此,让我们学习如何将WordPress博客添加到Apple News。

将WordPress网站添加到Apple News (Adding a WordPress Site to Apple News)

First thing you need to visit the News Publisher app on the iCloud website. You will need to login with your Apple ID.

首先,您需要访问iCloud网站上的News Publisher应用程序。 您将需要使用您的Apple ID登录。

Once you are logged in, you will see News Publisher terms of service. Click on I agree and then click on the submit button.

登录后,您将看到新闻发布者的服务条款。 单击我同意,然后单击提交按钮。

Next, you will be asked to provide publisher information. Fill in the form and then click on Next.

接下来,将要求您提供发布者信息。 填写表格,然后单击“下一步”。

Publisher info

In the following step, you will be asked to setup your channel by providing information about your website. Fill in the required fields and click on the next button to proceed.

在接下来的步骤中,系统会要求您提供有关您的网站的信息来设置您的频道。 填写必填字段,然后单击下一步按钮继续。

Setting up your channel on Apple News

You will now be asked to provide a type based logo for your channel. A type based logo is just an image with your site name in readable text format. It should have a transparent background, and the file size should be less than 2 MB.

现在将要求您为您的频道提供基于类型的徽标。 基于类型的徽标只是您的网站名称采用可读文本格式的图像。 它应具有透明的背景,文件大小应小于2 MB。

Upload logo for your channel

Next, you will be asked to choose between RSS or Apple News Format. Go ahead and choose Apple News Format, we will cover this in the next step.

接下来,将要求您在RSS或Apple News Format中选择。 继续并选择Apple News Format,我们将在下一步进行介绍。

If you use the RSS feed option, then you will not be able to monetize your content in Apple News. It also prevents you from using other Apple News features as a publisher.

如果使用RSS feed选项,则将无法通过Apple News中的内容获利。 它还会阻止您将其他Apple News功能用作发布者。

See the comparison chart below:


Choose news format

Once you are done, click on the Signup for Apple News Format button.

完成后,单击“ Apple News格式注册”按钮。

That’s all, you have successfully finished your application for joining the Apple News. You will now see a thank you page like this one:

就是这样,您已经成功完成了加入Apple News的申请。 您现在将看到一个类似这样的感谢页面:

Thank you message

Now you will have to wait to hear back from Apple News. An application can take up to two weeks to be approved.

现在,您将不得不等待Apple News的回音。 申请最多可能需要两周的时间才能获得批准。

You may want to bookmark this article now and come back to complete step 2 once your application is approved. Press Ctrl + D to bookmark the article in your browser (Cmd + D for Mac users).

您可能希望立即在本文中添加书签,并在批准您的申请后返回完成第2步。 按Ctrl + D在浏览器中为文章添加书签(对于Mac用户,则为Cmd + D)。

向苹果新闻提交文章 (Submitting Articles to Apple News)

Once your application is approved, you will be able to submit articles from your WordPress blog to the Apple news app.


You will have to manually submit your first article via your News Publisher account on iCloud. Since Apple is notorious for quality, your first article will be manually reviewed by the Apple News team, and this could also take some time (anywhere between 1-2 weeks).

您将必须通过iCloud上的新闻发布者帐户手动提交第一篇文章。 由于Apple以质量着称,因此您的第一篇文章将由Apple News团队进行人工审阅,这可能还需要一些时间(1-2周之间的任何时间)。

After that Apple News will automatically start showing articles from your RSS Feed.

之后,Apple News将自动开始显示您的RSS Feed中的文章。

Here is how to automatically publish your WordPress blog posts to Apple News.

这是自动将WordPress博客文章发布到Apple News的方法。

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Publish to Apple News plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活“ 发布到Apple News”插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, you need to visit Settings » Apple News page to configure plugin settings.

激活后,您需要访问设置»Apple News页面以配置插件设置。

Publish to Apple News settings

Next, you need to enter your channel ID, API key, and API key secret. You can find this information by signing into your Apple News Publisher account.

接下来,您需要输入您的频道ID,API密钥和API密钥秘密。 您可以通过登录Apple News Publisher帐户来找到此信息。

Apple news API keys

After that you need to select which post types you would like to generate in Apple News format. In most cases, the only post type you need to select is Posts.

之后,您需要选择要以Apple News格式生成的帖子类型 。 在大多数情况下,您需要选择的唯一帖子类型是帖子。

Apple News WordPress Post Type

The last section is to configure the visual appearance of different elements in your generated articles. Feel free to customize the settings as you need.

最后一部分是配置生成的文章中不同元素的视觉外观。 随意根据需要自定义设置。

Apple News Formatting

Don’t forget to click on the save changes button when you are done.


That’s all, Publish to Apple News will now start publishing your article in the Apple News Format.

就是这样,“发布到Apple News”现在将开始以“ Apple News格式”发布您的文章。

We hope this article helped you learn how to add your WordPress blog to Apple News. You may also want to see these 19 actionable tips to drive traffic to your WordPress site.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何将WordPress博客添加到Apple News。 您可能还希望看到这19条可行的技巧,以吸引访问WordPress网站的流量

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-add-your-wordpress-blog-to-apple-news/






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