

This post is a summery of the presentation “Increase your audience size through accessibility” delivered by Allison Sheridan at Blog World Expo 2010.

这篇文章是Allison Sheridan在2010年博客世界博览会上发表的主题“通过可访问性增加受众规模”的总结。

Imagine for a moment that your site were to be damaged one day. From that day forward, roughly half a billion people who currently have the potential to access your site would be met with a garbled website or nothing at all when they navigated to your website. Would you work to fix it?

想象一下,有一天您的站点将被损坏。 从那天开始,大约有十亿当前可能访问您网站的人在浏览您的网站时会遇到乱码的网站,或者根本一无所获。 您会修复它吗?

Believe it or not, your website is probably already broken. An estimated 314 million people are vision impaired and 278 million are hearing impaired and when they navigate to your site, many of them are turned away because you haven’t taken the time to make your pages accessible to them. If you want that audience, you need to make the changes below, and fast, because you are losing more of this potential audience every day that your page says broken.

信不信由你,您的网站可能已经损坏了。 估计有3.14亿人有视力障碍,有2.78亿人有听力障碍,当他们导航到您的网站时,其中许多人被拒绝了,因为您没有花时间让他们访问您的页面。 如果您想要该受众群体,则需要在下面快速进行更改,因为您每天都在页面破损的情况下失去了更多的潜在受众群体。

播客中的辅助功能 (Accessibility in Podcasting)

Podcasting opened up a new world for the blind by offering fantastic audio content on so many subjects for free. But how you display your podcast can mean the difference between a large bump in users or the isolation of your hearing and vision impaired users. Fix the two following things you and will make a world of difference in the experience of your users.

播客通过免费提供许多主题的出色音频内容,为盲人打开了一个新世界。 但是,如何显示播客可能意味着用户数量大增或听觉和视力障碍用户之间的隔离。 修正以下两个问题,您的用户体验将大为不同。

  1. Format. If you are not offering your podcast in MP3, you are losing everyone with a screen reading program. Screen readers cannot open anything in AAC format, despite the improvement in compression. So if you must have AAC format for audio quality, provide a link also for MP3 downloads so that you don’t loose your vision impaired audience.

    格式。 如果您没有在MP3中提供播客,那么您将失去所有使用屏幕阅读程序的人。 尽管压缩率有所提高,但屏幕阅读器无法打开AAC格式的任何内容。 因此,如果您必须具有AAC格式以提高音频质量,请同时提供MP3下载的链接,以免失去视力障碍的听众。
  2. Transcripts. Podcasts can be scripted or improv, but if you don’t provide a transcript or outline somewhere, you will lose your hearing impaired audience. Products like Dragon Naturally Speaking, Express Scribe, and Nuance.com can provide tools to transcribe your podcast quickly and easily and are less expensive then traditional transcription services. Posting a transcript also has the side benefit of making the content of your post searchable in Google. All around it is a good thing to do.

    成绩单。 播客可以用脚本编写或即兴创作,但如果您未在某处提供成绩单或提纲,您将失去听觉障碍的观众。 Dragon Naturally Speaking,Express Scribe和Nuance.com之类的产品可以提供工具来快速轻松地转录您的播客,并且比传统的转录服务便宜。 发布成绩单还具有使您可以在Google中搜索帖子内容的附带好处。 周围都是一件好事。
传统博客中的可访问性 (Accessibility in Traditional Blogging)

Traditional text based blogs are great for the deaf, but can prove challenging for the blind who rely on screen readers. Fix the following things, and see your user appreciation grow.

传统的基于文本的博客非常适合聋哑人,但对于依靠屏幕阅读器的盲人来说,可能会带来挑战。 解决以下问题,并逐渐提高用户的欣赏度。

  1. Heading Tags. Don’t denote important sections of a post with bold or italics. Doing so means nothing to screen readers. Using traditional XML heading tags allows users with screen readers to skip to important sections without a second thought and allows for a quick tradition should you ever transition your blog to another theme.

    标题标签。 不要用粗体或斜体表示帖子的重要部分。 这样做对屏幕阅读器毫无意义。 使用传统的XML标题标签可以使具有屏幕阅读器的用户无需再三思而后行即可跳至重要部分,并且可以在您将博客转换为其他主题时提供快速的传统。
  2. Alt Tags. We have known for years that alt tags in images were important, but very few people pay attention. Not only are the alt tags for images read by screen readers, they also appear should one of your link images break. Being descriptive in your alt tags will prove beneficial and your readers will appreciate it.

    Alt标签。 多年来我们已经知道图像中的alt标签很重要,但是很少有人关注。 屏幕阅读器不仅会读取图像的alt标签,而且还会在您的链接图像之一中断时显示它们。 在您的alt标签中进行描述将被证明是有益的,您的读者将对此表示赞赏。
  3. CAPTCHA. If you are using a CAPTCHA to prevent spam on your site, make sure it is accessible. Visual only CAPTCHAs make it impossible for your vision impaired users to register or leave comments on your website without assistance. A simple way to fix this is by using the free reCAPTCHA from captcha.net or implementing better spam filters and doing away with CAPTCHA all together.

    验证码。 如果您使用CAPTCHA来防止站点上的垃圾邮件,请确保可以访问。 仅视觉验证码使您的视力障碍用户无法在没有帮助的情况下在您的网站上注册或发表评论。 解决此问题的简单方法是使用来自captcha.net的免费reCAPTCHA或实施更好的垃圾邮件过滤器,并完全取消验证码。
  4. Embedded Videos. While large video sites like YouTube are accessible to screen readers and allow those with screen readers to play, pause, and refresh videos, many of their embedded videos are not accessible (this includes embedded YouTube videos). Until this problem is fixed, providing small text under your embedded videos with a direct link to the video site will suffice. You can even hide this text by matching the text color to the color of your background, that way only individuals with screen readers will see it.

    嵌入式视频。 屏幕阅读器可以访问YouTube之类的大型视频网站,并允许具有屏幕阅读器的用户播放,暂停和刷新视频,但其中许多嵌入式视频是无法访问的(包括嵌入式YouTube视频)。 在解决此问题之前,只需在嵌入式视频下提供带有直接链接到视频站点的小文本即可。 您甚至可以通过将文本颜色与背景颜色进行匹配来隐藏此文本,这样只有拥有屏幕阅读器的人才能看到它。

So why should you go through all this trouble? Because your audience will appreciate it. Being accessible will not only help to grow your audience, but it will increase the relationship you have with your current vision and hearing impaired users. Getting one letter from a vision or hearing impaired fan of your site is all that it will take for you to see how beneficial these simple changes can be.

那么,为什么要经历所有这些麻烦呢? 因为您的听众会欣赏它。 易于访问不仅有助于扩大受众,还可以增进您与当前视力和听障用户的关系。 从您的视力障碍者或听力障碍者那里收到一封信,这将使您看到这些简单的更改有多有益。

赞助商 (Sponsors)


BuySellAds is a huge marketplace to buy/sell advertising spots on your site. Over 750 successful bloggers use them to power their online ad sales. WPBeginner is also using BSA to maintain our ads. It is also a great place for advertisers. Over 1,000 quality advertisers use BSA to target the audiences that are right for their brand. If you are interested, apply to be in their marketplace now.

BuySellAds是买卖您网站上的广告位的巨大市场。 超过750个成功的博客作者使用它们来推动在线广告销售。 WPBeginner还使用BSA来维护我们的广告。 这也是广告客户的好地方。 超过1000个高质量的广告客户使用BSA定位适合其品牌的受众。 如果您有兴趣,请立即申请进入他们的市场。


ContactMe is the easiest way to organize and grow your business/blog. You can create contact forms and utilize all the tools that they have to offer to stay updated with all leads and potentially converting them into clients.

ContactMe是组织和发展业务/博客的最简单方法。 您可以创建联系表格,并利用他们提供的所有工具来保持与所有潜在客户的最新联系,并有可能将其转换为客户。

Aviva Web Directory

Aviva Web Directory

Aviva Web目录

Aviva Web Directory is one of the most prestigious web directories on the world wide web. It has been on the web since 2005 and has thousands of websites listed in it. Jeff was kind enough to be one of our daily sponsors. He is also giving $25 off on any listing price if you use the coupon “wpbeginner”. Get your site listed in their for SEO benefits.

Aviva Web Directory是万维网上最负盛名的Web目录之一。 自2005年以来它一直在网络上,并且其中列出了数千个网站。 杰夫很友善,可以成为我们的日常赞助商之一。 如果您使用优惠券“ wpbeginner”,他还将在任何挂牌价上提供$ 25的折扣。 将您的网站列在他们的SEO权益中。

Headway Themes

Headway Themes


Headway is much more than a WordPress theme. It is a system for do-it-yourself-ers and developers to create sites with simple drag and drop. You can create your very own custom WordPress theme in just a few minutes by simply clicking, dragging, and dropping. It is one of the most popular framework for WordPress themes. Grant was kind enough to give WPBeginner users a 20% off coupon. Simply use the coupon “wpbeginner“.

进展远不只是WordPress主题。 它是一个由自己动手和开发人员通过简单的拖放创建网站的系统。 您只需单击,拖放即可在短短几分钟内创建自己的自定义WordPress主题。 它是WordPress主题最受欢迎的框架之一。 Grant非常友好,可以为WPBeginner用户提供20%的优惠券。 只需使用优惠券“ wpbeginner ”。

StudioPress Themes

StudioPress WordPress Themes

StudioPress WordPress主题

Formerly known as the famous Revolution Themes, StudioPress has always strived for excellence and produced high quality themes. It is one of the most popular theme provider.

StudioPress以前被称为著名的Revolution Themes,它一直追求卓越并制作高质量的主题。 它是最受欢迎的主题提供程序之一。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/events/increase-your-audience-size-through-accessibility-blog-world-2010/


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