

Are you a photographer using WordPress? Wondering what are some of the best WordPress plugins for photographers? In this article, we will show you the best WordPress plugins for photographers.

您是使用WordPress的摄影师吗? 想知道什么是最适合摄影师的WordPress插件? 在本文中,我们将为您展示摄影师的最佳WordPress插件。

WordPress Plugins for Photographers

Thousands of photographers use WordPress to share their work with the world. WordPress is the easiest way to build a photography website. With thousands of themes, you can create a completely unique look for your website. But the real power of WordPress comes from plugins which allow you to add new features and do cool stuff.

成千上万的摄影师使用WordPress与世界分享他们的作品。 WordPress是建立摄影网站的最简单方法。 通过成千上万个主题 ,您可以为网站创建完全独特的外观。 但是WordPress的真正功能来自插件,可让您添加新功能并做一些有趣的事情。

1. Envira画廊 (1. Envira Gallery)

Envira Gallery - Best Responsive WordPress Gallery Plugin

Envira is the best responsive WordPress gallery plugin on the market. It allows you to effortlessly create mobile-friendly and fully responsive image galleries that look equally awesome on all devices and screen sizes. Image galleries created with Envira Gallery load much faster which makes it super fun and easy for your users to browse the galleries.

Envira是市场上最好的响应式WordPress画廊插件。 它使您可以毫不费力地创建对移动设备友好且响应Swift的图像库,这些图像库在所有设备和屏幕尺寸上均表现出色。 使用Envira Gallery创建的图像库加载速度更快,这使您的用户浏览画廊非常有趣且容易。

Envira Gallery is also the most search engine friendly gallery plugin. It allows you to easily add meta data for your images and galleries. It works great with other SEO plugins as well.

Envira Gallery也是搜索引擎最友好的Gallery插件。 它使您可以轻松地为图像和画廊添加元数据。 它也可以与其他SEO插件一起很好地工作。

2.重新生成缩略图 (2. Regenerate Thumbnails)

Regenerating image sizes in WordPress

WordPress automatically saves your images into multiple sizes. Your WordPress theme can add additional image sizes. However, when new sizes are added to WordPress the old images are not available in those new sizes. Regenerate Thumbnails is a must have tool for all WordPress photography sites. It allows you to solve common image issues by running this simple script.

WordPress自动将您的图像保存为多种尺寸。 您的WordPress主题可以添加其他图像大小。 但是,当将新尺寸添加到WordPress时,旧图像将无法使用这些新尺寸。 重新生成缩略图是所有WordPress摄影网站的必备工具。 它允许您通过运行此简单脚本来解决常见的图像问题。

3. W3总缓存 (3. W3 Total Cache)

W3 Total Cache

Speed is an important factor for all websites. For photography websites, it is even more important because images are usually the most time consuming elements on the page.

速度是所有网站的重要因素。 对于摄影网站而言,它尤为重要,因为图像通常是页面上最耗时的元素。

Using W3 Total Cache, you can improve your page load speed significantly. Combining W3 Total Cache with MaxCDN can magically improve your site’s page speed scores dramatically. See our guide on how to install and set up W3 Total Cache for beginners.

使用W3 Total Cache,可以显着提高页面加载速度。 将W3 Total Cache与MaxCDN结合可以极大地提高站点的页面速度得分。 请参阅针对初学者的有关如何安装和设置W3 Total Cache的指南

4.自言自语 (4. Soliloquy)


Sliders play an important role in showcasing the best of your work in an attractive slideshow. Soliloquy is the best WordPress slider plugin. It allows you to quickly and easily create fully responsive slideshows with in minutes. You can add those sliders to any page, post, or even your homepage.

幻灯片在以诱人的幻灯片形式展示您的最佳作品中扮演着重要的角色。 Soliloquy是最好的WordPress滑块插件。 它使您可以在数分钟内快速轻松地创建完全响应的幻灯片。 您可以将这些滑块添加到任何页面,帖子甚至主页中。

Soliloquy is highly optimized for speed, which means your pages will load faster. Visual effects, customizations, and SEO friendly slides are just some of the features of this awesome tool.

Soliloquy已针对速度进行了高度优化,这意味着您的页面将加载得更快。 视觉效果,自定义设置和SEO友好的幻灯片只是此强大工具的部分功能。

5.图像小部件 (5. Image Widget)

Image widget for WordPress

WordPress comes with a text widget which you can add to your sidebar. This widget can also be used to add images, but you will have to manually write the HTML and adjust image size to fit the sidebar width.

WordPress带有文本小部件,您可以将其添加到侧边栏中。 该小部件还可以用于添加图像,但是您将必须手动编写HTML并调整图像大小以适合侧边栏宽度。

Image Widget plugin solves this problem by adding an image widget to your WordPress site. You can simply drag and drop the widget to any sidebar or widget ready area. Next, select an image or upload one from your computer. You can also add multiple image widgets in a sidebar.

图像小部件插件通过向您的WordPress网站添加图像小部件来解决此问题。 您可以简单地将小部件拖放到任何侧栏或小部件就绪区域。 接下来,选择一个图像或从您的计算机上传一个图像。 您还可以在边栏中添加多个图像小部件。

6.精神错乱 (6. Imsanity)


Images transferred from your camera and mobile devices are usually high resolution images with image sizes reaching 3MB to 24MB+ per image. Imsanity allows you to define more reasonable image sizes for the images you upload to WordPress. This not only saves you bandwidth, but also makes your website faster with a better user experience.

从相机和移动设备传输的图像通常是高分辨率图像,每个图像的图像大小达到3MB至24MB +。 Imsanity允许您为上传到WordPress的图像定义更合理的图像尺寸。 这不仅可以节省带宽,还可以使您的网站更快,并具有更好的用户体验。

7. Yoast的WordPress SEO (7. WordPress SEO by Yoast)

WordPress SEO plugin

WordPress SEO by Yoast is the complete website optimization solution for any kind of WordPress site. It constantly remains in all the lists of must have WordPress plugins.

Yoast的WordPress SEO是适用于任何WordPress网站的完整网站优化解决方案。 它始终保留在必须具有WordPress插件的所有列表中。

For photographers, WordPress SEO allows you to optimize your pages, and enables you to use open graph meta data. Open Graph is used by not just Facebook but many other social websites to display your pages properly when shared.

对于摄影师来说,WordPress SEO允许您优化页面,并允许您使用开放图元数据。 共享时,不仅Facebook,而且许多其他社交网站都使用Open Graph正确显示您的页面。

Your users will be able to share your photographs directly from your pages, and this will eventually bring you more traffic from social media. We have a complete tutorial on how to install and setup WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast.

您的用户将能够直接从您的页面共享您的照片,这最终将为您带来来自社交媒体的更多访问量。 我们有一个完整的教程,介绍如何由Yoast安装和设置WordPress SEO插件

8. Pinterest图片固定按钮 (8. Pinterest Pin It Button For Images)

Pinterest pin it button for WordPress

Pinterest is where people collect all sort of interesting stuff from the web, particularly images and photographs. Pin it button allows users to easily add an image or photo from your site to their Pinterest boards with a link back to your site. See our guide on how to add a Pinterest pin it button for images in WordPress.

人们在Pinterest上可以从网上收集各种有趣的东西,尤其是图像和照片。 固定按钮可让用户轻松地将您网站上的图片或照片添加到其Pinterest板上,并带有指向您网站的链接。 请参阅有关如何为WordPress中的图片添加Pinterest固定按钮的指南。

9.单击鸣叫 (9. Click to Tweet)

Click to Tweet for WordPress

Tweets with images and Twitter cards have a much higher response and retweet rate. Click to Tweet allows you to add a click to tweet button to any area in your post or pages. You can add a click to tweet with your photographs or descriptions, and users will be able to share your posts with just one click.

带有图像的推文和Twitter卡具有更高的响应率和转发率。 单击发送鸣叫允许您将“单击发送鸣叫”按钮添加到帖子或页面的任何区域。 您可以添加一个点击来发布您的照片或描述,用户只需单击一下即可分享您的帖子。

10.只是Instagram (10. Simply Instagram)

Simply Instagram

Simply Instagram allows you to connect your WordPress site to your Instagram profile. You can share selective photos, add recent uploads stream, and show popular photos from instagram network.

只需使用Instagram,您就可以将WordPress网站连接到您的Instagram个人资料。 您可以共享精选照片,添加最近上传的视频流,以及显示来自instagram网络的热门照片。

The plugin uses a simple shortcode that you can add to any post, page, or sidebar widget on your WordPress site. Check out our tutorial on how to display Instagram photos in WordPress sidebar widget.

该插件使用了一个简单的短代码,您可以将其添加到WordPress网站上的任何帖子,页面或侧边栏小部件中。 查看我们的教程,了解如何在WordPress侧边栏小部件中显示Instagram照片

11. WP Media Tagger (11. WP Media Tagger)

WP Media Tagger

WordPress does not come with a proper system to sort your media files and images. For regular blogs this is not a big deal, but for a photography site you would need some easy way to sort or categorize your photos and images.

WordPress没有附带适当的系统来对媒体文件和图像进行排序。 对于常规博客来说,这没什么大不了的,但是对于摄影网站,您将需要一些简单的方法来对照片和图像进行排序或分类。

Albums and galleries is one way, but another way is WP Media Tagger.

专辑和画廊是一种方法,但另一种方法是WP Media Tagger。

WP Media Tagger allows you to add tags or categories to your media files, images, and photographs. This makes it easier for you and your users to browse and find photographs. For usage instructions, see our tutorial on how to tag images in WordPress with WP Media Tagger.

WP Media Tagger允许您向媒体文件,图像和照片添加标签或类别。 这使您和您的用户更容易浏览和查找照片。 有关使用说明,请参阅我们的有关如何使用WP Media Tagger在WordPress中标记图像的教程。

12.简易水印 (12. Easy Watermark)

Watermark images in WordPress

Some photographers add watermark to their photographs to protect them from misuse. Easy Watermark plugin allows you to automatically add watermark to image uploads in WordPress. You can choose an image, set transparency, and watermark position.

一些摄影师在其照片上添加水印,以防止滥用。 Easy Watermark插件可让您自动将水印添加到WordPress中的图像上传中。 您可以选择图像,设置透明度和水印位置。

The plugin can also add watermark to all previously uploaded images. For detailed instructions see our guide on how to automatically add watermark to images in WordPress.

该插件还可以为所有先前上传的图像添加水印。 有关详细说明,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中自动向图像添加水印的指南。

13. WPForms (13. WPForms)


No website is complete without a contact form. WPForms is the most beginner friendly contact form plugin for WordPress. This drag & drop online form builder allows you to easily create contact forms, email subscription forms, order forms, payment forms, and other type of online forms with just a few clicks.

没有联系表,没有网站是完整的。 WPForms是适用于WordPress的最适合初学者的联系表单插件。 使用此拖放式在线表单构建器,您只需单击几下即可轻松创建联系表单,电子邮件订阅表单,订单,付款表单以及其他类型的在线表单。

We use it on WPBeginner and all of our other sites. There’s a free WPForms Lite version available for those who are looking for a simple solution.

我们在WPBeginner和所有其他站点上使用它。 有一个免费的WPForms Lite版本供那些正在寻找简单解决方案的人使用。

If you want more advanced features, then get the Pro version. Use this WPForms coupon to get 10% off your purchase.

如果您需要更多高级功能,请获取Pro版本。 使用此WPForms优惠券可获得10%的折扣。

14. BirchPress (14. BirchPress)


BirchPress is a complete online appointment and booking system for WordPress sites. It allows users to place their booking on your website and even pay for it using PayPal. For professional photographers, this enables you to get more paid work.

BirchPress是适用于WordPress网站的完整的在线约会和预订系统。 它允许用户将其预订放置在您的网站上,甚至可以使用PayPal为其付款。 对于专业摄影师,这使您可以获得更多有偿工作。

Basically, any good appointment and booking plugin would work. You may also want to take a look at our list of 5 best WordPress appointment and booking plugins.

基本上,任何好的约会和预订插件都可以使用。 您可能还想看看我们的5个最佳WordPress约会和预订插件列表

15. OptinMonster (15. OptinMonster)


Most people who find your website through search engines and other sources, will probably never find your website again. This is why you need to provide users a way to stay in touch. The most cost effective and useful way to do this is by building your email list.

通过搜索引擎和其他来源找到您的网站的大多数人可能永远不会再找到您的网站。 这就是为什么您需要为用户提供保持联系的方式的原因。 实现此目的的最经济有效的方法是建立您的电子邮件列表

OptinMonster helps you convert visitors into subscribers and customers. Take a look at our own case study where we increased our email subscribers by more than 600% using OptinMonster.

OptinMonster可帮助您将访问者转换为订阅者和客户。 看一下我们自己的案例研究,我们使用OptinMonster将电子邮件订户增加了 600%以上。

16. WP发票 (16. WP-Invoice)

WP Invoice

WP-Invoice is a WordPress plugin that allows you to manage invoices inside your WordPress website. This way your WordPress site becomes the hub of your appointments, payments, and invoices.

WP-Invoice是一个WordPress插件,可让您管理WordPress网站内的发票。 这样,您的WordPress网站就成为您约会,付款和发票的枢纽。

Freshbooks is another popular alternative to handle your invoices. See our tutorial on how to create invoices for clients using WordPress for more detailed instructions on both solutions.

Freshbooks是处理发票的另一种流行选择。 有关这两种解决方案的更详细说明,请参阅我们的教程,该教程如何使用WordPress客户创建发票

17.发布缩略图编辑器 (17. Post Thumbnail Editor)

Editing post thumbnails in WordPress

Many WordPress themes have really difficult post thumbnail settings which make your featured images and other image sizes to be cropped right from the middle.


This cuts out the important part of the image which is usually in the center. Post Thumbnail Editor allows you to edit your post thumbnails any way you want. You can crop your images from the original upload, then save and use that cropped image for thumbnail.

这会切出通常位于中央的图像重要部分。 帖子缩略图编辑器可让您以任何方式编辑帖子缩略图。 您可以从原始上载中裁剪图像,然后保存并使用该裁剪图像作为缩略图。

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress plugins for photographers. You may also want to check out our list of 40 useful tools to manage and grow your WordPress blog.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到最适合摄影师的WordPress插件。 您可能还需要查看我们的40种有用工具列表, 以管理和发展WordPress博客

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/17-best-wordpress-plugins-for-photographers/


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