wordpress 版本_为什么您应该始终使用最新版本的WordPress

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Every time a new WordPress update comes out, we get several emails from users asking whether it’s safe to update their WordPress site. Are you wondering whether you should update your WordPress to the latest version? Want to know the pros and cons of updating WordPress? In this article, we will explain why it is crucial that you always use the latest version of WordPress as well as show you how to properly update WordPress.

每次出现新的WordPress更新时,我们都会收到用户的几封电子邮件,询问是否可以安全地更新其WordPress网站。 您是否想将WordPress更新到最新版本? 想知道更新WordPress的利弊吗? 在本文中,我们将解释为什么始终使用最新版本的WordPress以及显示如何正确更新WordPress至关重要的原因。

Update WordPress

WordPress is free, and it is developed by a community of developers. With each new release, they fix bugs, add new features, improve performance, and enhance existing features to stay up to date with new industry standards.

WordPress是免费的 ,它是由开发人员社区开发的。 在每个新版本中,它们都会修复错误,添加新功能,提高性能并增强现有功能,以与最新的行业标准保持一致。

So in other words, when you do not update your WordPress site, you are risking your website security and missing out on new features / improvements.


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Let’s take a look at pros and cons of updating WordPress.


1.安全性 (1. Security)

Security is arguably the most important reason why you should keep your WordPress website up to date.


WordPress currently powers 23% of all websites in the world. Due to it’s immense popularity, WordPress is a popular target for hackers, malicious code distributors, data thieves, and wanna be hackers.

WordPress目前为全球23%的网站提供动力。 由于WordPress非常受欢迎,因此成为黑客,恶意代码分发者,数据窃贼和想成为黑客的目标。

CMS Marketshare

Since WordPress is open source, anyone can study the source code to learn and improve it. However it also means that hackers can study it too and find ways to break into websites.

由于WordPress是开源的 ,因此任何人都可以学习源代码以学习和改进它。 但是,这也意味着黑客也可以对其进行研究,并找到闯入网站的方法。

Now the good part is that not all hackers are bad. There are a lot more good hackers than bad ones which means that security experts around the world can study the code and properly report security bugs / fixes. Every time a security vulnerability is reported, the core WordPress team works diligently to release an update that fixes the issue.

现在的好处是,并非所有的黑客都是坏人。 好的黑客比坏的黑客要多得多,这意味着世界各地的安全专家可以研究代码,并正确报告安全性错误/修复。 每次报告安全漏洞时,WordPress核心团队都会努力工作,以发布解决此问题的更新。

This means that if you are not using the latest version of WordPress, then you are using software with known security vulnerabilities. Hackers can search for websites running the older version, and you may become a victim of a sophisticated attack.

这意味着,如果您未使用最新版本的WordPress,则您正在使用具有已知安全漏洞的软件。 黑客可以搜索运行旧版本的网站,您可能会成为复杂攻击的受害者。

Not just WordPress itself, plugins can also be exploited by hackers. You need to make sure that all your WordPress plugins, themes, and the core itself is always up to date.

不只是WordPress本身,插件也可以被黑客利用。 您需要确保所有WordPress插件,主题和核心本身始终是最新的。

2.很棒的新功能 (2. Cool New Features)

Each major WordPress release comes with new features and changes to the software. For example, WordPress 4.0 came with improved plugin install experience, 4.1 introduced inline image editing, and 4.2 came with faster plugin updates.

WordPress的每个主要发行版都具有新功能和软件更改。 例如, WordPress 4.0附带了改进的插件安装体验, 4.1引入了嵌入式图像编辑功能,而4.2附带了更快的插件更新功能。

WordPress 4.2 introduced faster plugin updates

Now if you were using an older version of WordPress, then your WordPress experience would be a lot different than someone using the latest version.


You will have trouble finding WordPress help online because you are using an older version. Users on WordPress support forums will assume that you are using the latest version of WordPress.

您将无法在线找到WordPress帮助,因为您使用的是旧版本。 WordPress支持论坛上的用户将假定您使用的是最新版本的WordPress。

3.速度 (3. Speed)

Each new WordPress version improves performance

WordPress developers are always trying to make things faster. Each new release comes with several performance improvements that makes WordPress run faster and more efficient.

WordPress开发人员一直在努力使事情更快。 每个新版本都具有多项性能改进,这些功能使WordPress可以更快,更高效地运行。

For example, WordPress 4.2 improved JS performance for navigation menus, and WordPress 4.1 improved complex queries which helped with performance of sites using those queries.

例如,WordPress 4.2改进了导航菜单的JS性能,而WordPress 4.1改进了复杂的查询,这有助于使用这些查询的网站的性能。

Since speed is a huge factor in SEO, you should definitely keep your WordPress updated to ensure maximum performance benefits.


4.错误修复 (4. Bug Fixes)

Older WordPress versions may have bugs

Despite the rigorous testing of major WordPress releases, sometimes bugs may slip through the cracks. That’s why there are timely minor WordPress releases (the ones with X.X.X) to account for that. For example, the most recent WordPress 4.2.3 update fixed 20 bugs from the 4.2 release.

尽管对主要的WordPress版本进行了严格的测试,但有时错误可能会贯穿其中。 这就是为什么要及时发布少量WordPress版本(带有XXX的版本)的原因。 例如,最新的WordPress 4.2.3更新修复了4.2版本中的20个错误。

Now if you go to WordPress support forums asking for help, the first advice you will get is to update WordPress because that may fix the issue. If you insist on not updating WordPress, then you will be unable to receive help.

现在,如果您去WordPress支持论坛寻求帮助,您将获得的第一条建议是更新WordPress,因为这可能会解决问题。 如果您坚持不更新WordPress,那么您将无法获得帮助。

5.兼容性(或不兼容) (5. Compatibility (or NOT))

Often plugin and theme developers coordinate their updates with major WordPress releases to ensure they’re taking advantage of newly available features and enhancements.


However in some cases, an update can break your existing WordPress plugins if they weren’t following the best practices and coding standards.


This is why it is crucial that you keep regular WordPress backups.


To sum this up, the only downside is that in some rare cases your site will break. However the upside is that you have:

综上所述,唯一的缺点是在极少数情况下您的网站会崩溃。 但是好处是您有:

  • Improved WordPress security

  • Cool new WordPress features

  • Faster WordPress experience

  • A bug free WordPress website

  • Better compatibility


Now that you know why it’s important to keep your WordPress site updated, let’s take a look at how to update WordPress.


如何保持您的WordPress网站更新 (How to Keep Your WordPress Site Updated)

Updating your WordPress core, plugins, and themes whenever there is a new update for them is fairly easy. WordPress comes with a built-in update notification system. It highlights the number of available updates when you log into your WordPress dashboard.

每当有新的更新时,更新WordPress核心,插件和主题都非常容易。 WordPress带有内置的更新通知系统。 当您登录WordPress仪表板时,它将突出显示可用更新的数量。

WordPress updates screen

All you need to do is visit Dashboard » Updates page and install those updates. This is a one-click process.

您需要做的就是访问“ 仪表板»更新”页面并安装这些更新。 这是一键式过程。

However since many website owners do not login to their WordPress dashboard daily, they may not even know that there is an update available for days. Thankfully, you have a few options.

但是,由于许多网站所有者每天都不登录其WordPress仪表板,因此他们甚至可能不知道有几天可用的更新。 幸运的是,您有一些选择。

If you’re using WordPress 3.7 or above, then automatic updates are turned on for minor releases (which are reserved for security and bugfixes). You can turn on automatic updates for major releases, plugins as well as themes.

如果您使用的是WordPress 3.7或更高版本,则将为次要版本(保留用于安全性和错误修正)打开自动更新。 您可以打开主要版本,插件和主题的自动更新。

Alternatively, you can get email notifications when there is a new update for your WordPress site.


获取有关WordPress更新的电子邮件通知 (Get Email Notifications for Updates in WordPress)

When you’re busy running your business, logging into your site to check for updates is usually the last thing on your mind. Wouldn’t it be easier if you could get an email notification whenever there is an update on your WordPress sites?

当您忙于开展业务时,登录到站点以检查更新通常是您的最后选择。 如果您的WordPress网站上有更新,如果您能够收到电子邮件通知,会不会更容易?

Well that’s possible.


First thing you need to do is install and activate the WP Updates Notifier plugin. Upon activation, visit Settings » Updates Notifier to configure the plugin settings.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活WP Updates Notifier插件 。 激活后,访问设置»更新通知程序以配置插件设置。

WordPress update notification plugin settings

This plugin uses WordPress cron to check your site for updates every hour. You can change that to once or twice daily. When there is a new update available, this plugin will send you an email notification.

该插件使用WordPress cron每小时检查一次您的网站是否有更新。 您可以将其更改为每天一次或两次。 当有新的更新可用时,此插件将向您发送电子邮件通知。

By default it checks for WordPress core update, plugin updates, and theme updates. All you need to do is click on save settings with test email button.

默认情况下,它检查WordPress核心更新,插件更新和主题更新。 您需要做的就是单击“使用测试电子邮件保存按钮”。

If you do not recieve the test email from the plugin, then check out our guide on how to fix WordPress not sending email issue.


自动安装WordPress更新 (Auto Install WordPress Updates)

You can automate the process even further. WordPress allows you to enable automatic updates for major releases, plugins, and themes.

您可以进一步自动化该过程。 WordPress允许您启用主要版本,插件和主题的自动更新。

This option is risky if you’re not using managed WordPress hosting. Managed WordPress hosting companies automatically update your site to major WordPress versions and keep an eye out if something breaks.

如果您不使用托管WordPress托管,则此选项存在风险。 托管WordPress托管公司会自动将您的网站更新为主要WordPress版本,并在出现问题时保持警惕。

If you turn on automatic updates, then there is a slight risk that your site may break and you won’t be online to fix it right away. Having that said, if you like to enable automatic updates, then there are two ways to do it (plugin method and code method).

如果您打开自动更新,则有轻微的风险,您的网站可能会损坏,并且您将不会在线修复它。 话虽如此,如果您想启用自动更新,则有两种方法可以执行此操作(插件方法和代码方法)。

Let’s take a look at the plugin method first.


First you need to install and activate the Easy Updates Manager plugin. Upon activation, you need to visit Dashboard » Update Options page to configure the plugin.

首先,您需要安装并激活Easy Updates Manager插件。 激活后,您需要访问Dashboard»更新选项页面来配置插件。

Setting up WordPress automatic updates

Now you need to scroll down to automatic updates section where you can enable automatic updates for core, plugins, themes, and translation files. Once you are done, simply save your settings.

现在,您需要向下滚动到“自动更新”部分,您可以在其中启用核心,插件,主题和翻译文件的自动更新。 完成后,只需保存您的设置。

使用wp-config文件启用自动更新 (Enable Auto Updates Using wp-config File)

You can enable automatic updates for WordPress core by simply adding this line to your wp-config.php file.


define('WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', true);

If you also want to automatically update your themes and plugins, then you would need to add this to your theme’s functions.php file or a site specific plugin.


add_filter( 'auto_update_plugin', '__return_true' );
add_filter( 'auto_update_theme', '__return_true' );

We hope this article helped you learn why you should always use the latest version of WordPress. You may also want to check out our expert pick of 20 must have WordPress plugins for 2015.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解为什么应始终使用最新版本的WordPress。 您可能还需要查看我们的专家精选,其中20个必须包含2015年的WordPress插件

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/why-you-should-always-use-the-latest-version-of-wordpress/

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