
In our article about why you do not see all the plugins your WordPress multisite network, we covered the topic of network activating plugins. This also brings the question of whether you should network activate all plugins on your WordPress multisite. On a multisite network, a super admin has the option to either activate a plugin only on the main site, or activate it across the network. In this article, we will discuss how and when you should network activate plugins on WordPress multisite.

在关于为什么看不到WordPress多站点网络的所有插件的文章中,我们讨论了网络激活插件的主题。 这也带来了一个问题,即您是否应该通过网络激活WordPress多站点上的所有插件。 在多站点网络上,超级管理员可以选择仅在主站点上激活插件,还是在整个网络上激活它。 在本文中,我们将讨论如何以及何时在WordPress多站点上网络激活插件。

Which plugins to activate across multisite network in WordPress
网络激活与在WordPress多站点中激活 (Network Activate vs Activate in WordPress multisite)

On a WordPress multisite, only Super Admins can install plugins. After the installation, super admins have these options.

WordPress多站点上 ,只有超级管理员可以安装插件。 安装后,超级管理员将具有以下选项。

1. Network Activate – Using this option super admins can activate a plugin across the network.
2. Activate – They can also activate a plugin for the main/root site.
3. Individual Sites – Lastly they can allow individual site administrators to activate plugins themselves.

1. 网络激活 –使用此选项,超级管理员可以在网络上激活插件。
2. 激活 –他们还可以激活主站点/根站点的插件。
3. 单个站点 –最后,它们可以允许单个站点管理员自己激活插件。

When you log in to your WordPress multisite’s main site, you will be able to see two different plugins screen.


The first one is on the main admin sidebar. It is for plugins installed and available for activation on your main site.

第一个在主管理员侧栏上。 它用于已安装的插件,并且可以在您的主站点上激活。

The second plugins screen is located under My Sites » Network Admin » Plugins. This is where you will install new plugins and manage them for the entire network.

第二个插件屏幕位于“ 我的网站”»“网络管理”»“插件”下 。 在这里,您将安装新插件并管理整个网络。


If you want site admins to activate or deactivate a plugin, then all you need to do is install a plugin and do not network activate it.


By default, other individual site admins cannot see the plugins menu in their site’s admin area. This means that they cannot activate or deactivate installed plugins. However, it is possible for super admins to give site admins access to the plugins menu.

默认情况下,其他站点管理员无法在其站点的管理区域中看到插件菜单。 这意味着他们无法激活或停用已安装的插件。 但是,超级管理员可以向站点管理员授予对插件菜单的访问权限。

Here is how you would add plugins menu for child sites on a WordPress multisite network.


在WordPress多站点中为子站点添加插件菜单 (Add Plugins Menu for Child Sites in WordPress Multisite)

To enable plugin’s menu for individual sites, you need to switch to Network Admin dashboard.

要为各个站点启用插件菜单,您需要切换到Network Admin仪表板。

Switching to network admin dashboard

On the network admin dashboard, visit Settings » Network Settings. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see the checkbox to enable plugins menu.

在网络管理仪表板上,访问设置»网络设置 。 向下滚动到页面底部,您将看到启用插件菜单的复选框。

Enabling plugins menu for individual sites

That’s all, save your settings and individual sites will now be able to see plugins menu. They will also be able to see installed plugins and activate them for their site.

仅此而已,保存您的设置,各个站点现在将可以看到插件菜单。 他们还将能够看到已安装的插件并为其站点激活它们。

Note: Individual site admins cannot see network activated plugins.


哪些WordPress插件应通过网络激活? (Which WordPress Plugins Should be Network Activated?)

You don’t need to network activate all plugins on your WordPress multisite network.


For example, if you want to use a plugin on the main site, then you need to install it and then switch to the plugins page for your main site to activate the plugin.


Individual site admins cannot install plugins on their own in a multisite network. This is why you need to install plugins for them. But you don’t need to network activate all those plugins.

各个站点管理员无法在多站点网络中自行安装插件。 这就是为什么您需要为其安装插件的原因。 但是您不需要网络激活所有这些插件。

Lastly, there are plugins that you might want to activate across your entire network such as Yoast SEO or OptinMonster. Once a plugin is network activated, individual site admins will not be able to deactivate it.

最后,有些插件可能需要在整个网络中激活,例如Yoast SEO或OptinMonster 。 插件被网络激活后,各个站点管理员将无法停用它。

That’s all we hope this article helped you learn how to properly use network activate feature for plugins on your WordPress multisite. You may also want to see our tutorial on how to add/remove default pages in WordPress multisite.

这就是我们希望本文帮助您了解如何为WordPress多站点上的插件正确使用网络激活功能的全部。 您可能还想看一下有关如何在WordPress多站点中添加/删除默认页面的教程。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/should-you-network-activate-all-plugins-on-wordpress-multisite/





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