
Are you looking to start a fashion blog but don’t know where to begin? It is easy to start a blog, but the difficult part is to be successful and make money from it. In this article, we will show you how to start a fashion blog as well as share tips on how to make money from your fashion blog.

您是否想建立时尚博客,但不知道从哪里开始? 创建博客很容易,但是困难的部分是要成功并从中赚钱。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何创建时尚博客,以及分享有关如何从时尚博客中赚钱的技巧。

Starting a fashion blog and making money
为什么要创建时尚博客? (Why You Should Start a Fashion Blog?)

If you are passionate about fashion and style, then you must have seen some top fashion bloggers and influencers on Instagram.


These fashion blogs not only provide a platform to the bloggers, but they also bring lots of opportunities their way. You will be surprised to discover the many ways fashion bloggers make money from their blogs.

这些时尚博客不仅为博客提供了平台,而且还带来了很多机会。 您会惊讶地发现时尚博客通过博客赚钱的多种方式。

According to Harper’s Bazaar, designers and top brands spend over a BILLION dollar each year advertising on Instagram alone.

根据Harper's Bazaar的统计,仅Instagram上,设计师和顶级品牌每年就花费超过10亿美元。

2018年最受推崇的10个时尚博客示例 (Top 10 Fashion Blog Examples That Are Crushing it in 2018)

Top fashion blog examples

Apart from money, a fashion blog allows you to express yourself in the most creative way. Here are some of the top fashion blog examples that you can follow for inspiration.

除了金钱,时尚博客还可以让您以最具创造力的方式表达自己。 以下是一些顶级时尚博客示例,您可以从中获得启发。

  1. We Wore What – (Danielle Bernstein)我们穿什么 -(丹尼尔·伯恩斯坦)
  2. Sincerely Jules – (Julie Sariñana)真诚的朱尔斯 –(JulieSariñana)
  3. The Blonde Salad – (Chiara Ferragni)金发沙拉 –(Chiara Ferragni)
  4. Gal Meets Glam – (Julia Engel)加尔遇见格南 –(Julia Engel)
  5. Song of Style – (Aimee Song)风格之歌 –(Aimee Song)
  6. Kayture – (Kristina Bazan)Kayture –(Kristina Bazan)
  7. Wendy’s Lookbook – (Wendy Nguyen)Wendy的Lookbook –(Wendy Nguyen)
  8. Atlantic-Pacific – (Blair Eadie)大西洋 -(Blair Eadie)
  9. The Chriselle Factor – (Chriselle Lim)克里斯莱尔因素 –(Chriselle Lim)
  10. Gary Pepper Girl – (Nicole Warne)加里·佩珀女孩 –(妮可·沃恩)

One thing you’ll notice about each of the top fashion blog examples above, is that they all have their own unique voice, personality, and taste in fashion. These fashion bloggers bring their own unique perspective to highlight their favorite products, merchandise, and brands.

关于上述每个顶级时尚博客示例,您会注意到的一件事是它们都有自己独特的声音,个性和时尚品味。 这些时尚博主以独特的视角来突出自己喜欢的产品,商品和品牌。

If you believe that you have a unique take on fashion and style, then you should definitely start a fashion blog.


While setting up the fashion blog part is easy, like all important things in life making the blog popular and monetizing it requires effort.


However if you do it right, then you’ll certainly find the experience to be rewarding and fulfilling.


开始时尚博客所需的知识 (What You’ll Need to Start Your Fashion Blog)

Fashion blogging

First, you need to choose the right platform to build your own fashion blog. You have plenty of choices, but each one of them have its own pros and cons (see our comparison of the best blogging platforms).

首先,您需要选择合适的平台来构建自己的时尚博客。 您有很多选择,但是每个选择都有各自的优缺点(请参阅我们对最佳博客平台的比较)。

For example, you can start a free blog on a platform like WordPress.com, Tumblr, Blogger, etc.


These are called free blogs, and they are very limited in terms of features and flexibility when it comes to growing your personal brand. Most important limitation is your ability to make money from your content.

这些被称为免费博客,在发展个人品牌方面,在功能和灵活性方面都非常有限。 最重要的限制是您无法从自己的内容中获利。

What about Starting a Fashion Blog with Instagram?


Instagram is awesome, but you don’t own it. You can build a huge following and all of this can go away immediately if Instagram decides that your content violated some of their policy.

Instagram很棒,但您不拥有它。 您可以建立大量的追随者,如果Instagram决定您的内容违反了他们的某些政策,那么所有这些都可以立即消失。

We are not saying that you shouldn’t use Instagram. You must use it to build a large audience, but you will need a central platform that you can control where you can keep the audience coming back for years to come.

我们并不是说您不应该使用Instagram。 您必须使用它来建立大量的受众,但是您将需要一个中央平台,您可以控制该平台来保持受众在未来数年的回头率。

The best way to build your fashion blog is by creating your own website with complete ownership and full control.


Now the question is, how could a beginner with no knowledge of coding can build a website?


This is where WordPress.org comes in. It is a powerful website builder which gives you absolute control and full ownership of your website. It’s important not to confuse WordPress.org with WordPress.com. They’re two different platforms. (See our comparison of WordPress.com vs WordPress.org for more details).

这就是WordPress.org的用处。它是一个功能强大的网站构建器 ,它使您可以绝对控制和完全拥有网站。 重要的是不要将WordPress.org与WordPress.com混淆。 他们是两个不同的平台。 (有关更多详细信息,请参见我们对WordPress.com与WordPress.org的比较)。

There are three things you need to start a fashion blog using WordPress.org:


  1. Domain name – This will be your website’s address and what users will type in browser to visit your blog (Example, wpbeginner.com).

  2. Web hosting – This will be your blog’s home and where you will store all your website files.

  3. Your undivided attention for 30 mins


Yes, you can start a brand new fashion blog in 30 minutes, and we’ll walk you through the whole set up step by step.


In this tutorial, we will cover the following:


  • How to Register a Domain Name for Free

  • How to Choose the Best Web Hosting

  • How to Install WordPress

  • How to Find the Perfect Theme (website design) for Your Fashion Blog

  • How to Add Content to Your Fashion Blog

  • How to Get More Visitors to Your Fashion Blog

  • How to Make Money from Your Fashion Blog

  • Resources to Learn WordPress and Grow Your Fashion Blog


Ready? Let’s get started.

准备? 让我们开始吧。

使用WordPress建立时尚博客 (Setting up a Fashion Blog Using WordPress)

A domain name typically costs $14.99 / year and web hosting normally costs $7.99 / month.

域名的价格通常为$ 14.99 /年,虚拟主机的价格为$ 7.99 /月。

That’s a lot for beginners who are just starting out.


Luckily, our friends at Bluehost are offering a free domain, a free SSL, and a 60% discount on hosting to our readers.


Basically, you can get started for as low as $2.75 / month.

基本上,您可以每月低至$ 2.75入门。

← Click here to Claim this Exclusive Bluehost offer →


NOTE: At WPBeginner we believe in transparency. If you sign up with Bluehost using our referral link, we will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you (in fact, you will save money and get a free domain). We would get this commission for recommending just about any WordPress hosting company, but we only recommend products that we use personally use and believe will add value to our readers.

注意:在WPBeginner,我们相信透明度。 如果您使用我们的引荐链接注册Bluehost ,我们将为您带来小额佣金,而无需您支付任何额外费用(实际上,您可以省钱并获得免费域名)。 我们几乎可以推荐任何WordPress托管公司来获得此佣金,但是我们仅推荐个人使用的产品,并相信这些产品会为我们的读者增加价值。

Let’s go ahead and setup your web hosting + domain so you can get started.


First you need to go to the Bluehost website and click on the get started button.

首先,您需要访问Bluehost网站 ,然后单击“入门”按钮。

On the next screen, you will be asked to choose a plan. We recommend either the basic or plus plans. You can always upgrade later if you need to.

在下一个屏幕上,将要求您选择一个计划。 我们建议您选择基本计划或附加计划。 如果需要,您以后可以随时升级。

Next, it will ask you to choose a domain name for your website.


Choose domain name

Domain name is your website’s address and this is what your users will type in their browsers to visit your blog.


You need to choose a domain name that reflects your personal voice. It should be unique, creative, and interesting. For more details, see our tips on choosing a great domain name for your website.

您需要选择一个反映您的个人声音的域名。 它应该是独特的,创造性的和有趣的。 有关更多详细信息,请参见有关为您的网站选择合适的域名的提示

After you enter your domain name, you need to fill out your details to complete the purchase.


You will receive your account details in an email sent to the address you provided during signup. This email contains your web hosting dashboard link and login information.

您将通过发送到注册时提供的地址的电子邮件收到帐户详细信息。 该电子邮件包含您的网络托管仪表板链接和登录信息。

Once you have purchased hosting, the next step is to install WordPress. You can do that by following the instructions in our step by step guide on how to start a blog.

购买托管后,下一步就是安装WordPress。 您可以按照分步指南中有关如何创建博客的说明进行操作

为您的时尚博客选择设计 (Choosing a Design for Your Fashion Blog)

Fashion blog design examples

A blog about fashion and style cannot just go with a plain looking business or blogging layout. Your website needs a design that represents your unique sense of style and creativity.

关于时尚和风格的博客不能仅仅与外观简单的业务或博客布局搭配使用。 您的网站需要一种能够代表您独特的风格和创造力的设计。

Most fashion bloggers are not website designers, so how do create a website design that is unique, elegant, stylish, and of course creative?


Luckily there are thousands of pre-made WordPress templates that you can choose from.


Our editors have hand-picked the best WordPress themes for fashion blogs that you can check out. All themes in the list feature creative designs with flexible options to easily make them uniquely yours. Most importantly, all of them are responsive (aka mobile friendly) which means they look good on mobile and tablets as well.

我们的编辑人员为时尚博客精心挑选了最佳WordPress主题 ,您可以查看这些主题 。 列表中的所有主题均具有创意设计,并带有灵活的选项,可轻松使它们成为您的独特作品。 最重要的是,它们都具有响应能力(又名移动友好),这意味着它们在移动设备和平板电脑上的外观也不错。

Each of these themes comes with its own settings page. This is where you will set up the theme, add your website logo, choose colors, and select basic settings.

每个主题都有其自己的设置页面。 在这里,您可以设置主题,添加网站徽标,选择颜色并选择基本设置。

Depending on which theme you choose, you will find tons of customization options. We recommend striving for simplicity in your website’s design for a cleaner look.

根据您选择的主题,您会找到大量的自定义选项。 我们建议您努力简化网站设计,以使外观更简洁。

向您的时尚博客添加有用的内容 (Add Useful Content To Your Fashion Blog)

Gal Meets Glam - a top fashion blog

Once you have a functioning design in place, you can start working on content. We recommend adding the static content first.

设计好功能后,就可以开始处理内容了。 我们建议先添加静态内容。

Static content are pages that are common among all websites on the internet. This includes a contact form page, about us page, and a privacy policy page.

静态内容是互联网上所有网站中共有的页面。 其中包括联系表格页面,关于我们页面和隐私权政策页面。

If your theme includes a page builder plugin, then you can use it to create other static landing pages as well.

如果您的主题包括页面构建器插件 ,那么您也可以使用它来创建其他静态登录页面

Next, you would want to start adding articles / blog posts. See our guide on how to add a new blog post in WordPress and utilize all the features.

接下来,您将要开始添加文章/博客文章。 请参阅我们的指南,了解如何在WordPress中添加新博客文章以及如何利用所有功能。

Now, this is where you will develop your own voice. Your blog posts need to be entertaining, informative, and helpful. Running a blog means, you will need to regularly come up with new ideas for your blog posts. Check out these 73 types of blog posts that are proven to work, and you can easily adapt them for your fashion blog.

现在,您将在这里发展自己的声音。 您的博客文章必须具有娱乐性,信息性和帮助性。 运行博客意味着,您需要定期为您的博客文章提出新的想法 。 查看经证实有效的这73种博客文章 ,您可以轻松地将它们改编为时尚博客。

We recommend choosing a consistent frequency for your articles. Busier and larger websites post new content every day. You can start by adding a few posts per week and then gradually increase your frequency to daily updates.

我们建议为您的文章选择一致的频率。 繁忙的大型网站每天都会发布新内容。 您可以从每周添加几篇文章开始,然后逐渐增加每天更新的频率。

To come up with regular blog post ideas, visit popular blogs in the fashion industry to gather inspiration. See what these top blogs are doing and replicate it on your blog.

要提出常规的博客文章构想,请访问时尚界的流行博客以获取灵感。 查看这些顶级博客在做什么,并将其复制到您的博客中。

Hashtag fashion on Instagram

We are not saying that you should just steal / recreate the same content.


You just need to gather topics, collect ideas, and get inspiration. After that you should use those ideas on your blog by adding your own unique voice, style, and flavor to it.

您只需要收集主题,收集想法并获得灵感即可。 之后,您应该通过在博客上添加自己独特的声音,样式和风格来使用这些想法。

优化您的时尚博客以吸引更多访问者 (Optimize Your Fashion Blog to Get More Visitors)

Once you start adding useful content, the next step is to make sure that users can find your website.


Here is how you ensure that your website gets visitors and those visitors engage with your content.


Start Working on Your Website’s SEO


Improve your blog SEO

Most popular blogs get a large portion of their traffic from search engines like Google and Bing. Marketers use SEO, Search Engine Optimization, to optimize their website for higher rankings.

最受欢迎的博客大部分来自Google和Bing等搜索引擎。 营销人员使用SEO (搜索引擎优化)来优化其网站以获得更高的排名。

WordPress itself is quite SEO friendly out of the box, but there are still things you can do to further optimize it. Follow our step by step WordPress SEO guide for improving your website ranking.

WordPress本身开箱即用,对SEO非常友好,但是您仍然可以做一些事情来进一步优化它。 按照我们的逐步WordPress SEO指南来改善您的网站排名。

Improve Website Speed


Improve your blog speed

Speed is one of the most important factors that affects user experience on your website. It also affects your website’s search engine rankings as Google considers speed one of the top ranking factors.

速度是影响网站用户体验的最重要因素之一。 由于Google认为速度是排名最高的因素之一,因此也会影响您网站的搜索引擎排名。

You can make your website significantly faster by implementing certain performance tweaks in WordPress. We have created a complete step by step guide on how to speed up WordPress and boost performance.

通过在WordPress中实施某些性能调整,可以大大提高您的网站速度。 我们已经创建了完整的分步指南, 介绍如何加快WordPress并提高性能

Track User Engagement


Following user activities on your blog

Things your users do after arriving on your website are called user engagement. Highly engaged audience means, more page views and more success for your fashion blog.

用户访问您的网站后所做的事情称为用户参与度。 高度参与的受众群体意味着您的时尚博客拥有更多的页面浏览量和更多的成功。

This is where you’ll need Google Analytics. It tells you where your visitors are coming from, what they do on your website, and how you can keep them coming back.

这是您需要Google Analytics(分析)的地方。 它告诉您访问者来自何处,他们在您的网站上的工作以及如何使他们回头。

Simply head over to our tutorial on how to install Google Analytics in WordPress, and it will start tracking your website traffic.

只需转到我们的教程, 了解如何在WordPress中安装Google Analytics(分析) ,它将开始跟踪您的网站流量。

Google Analytics offers a lot of data. How do you figure out where to look for the information you need?

Google Analytics(分析)提供了大量数据。 您如何确定从何处查找所需信息?

To answer this question, we have a separate article on how to track user engagement in WordPress using Google Analytics.

为了回答这个问题,我们有单独的文章介绍了如何使用Google Analytics(分析) 跟踪WordPress中的用户参与度

从时尚博客开始赚钱 (Start Making Money from Your Fashion Blog)

Making money from your fashion blog

Ever wondered how fashion bloggers afford their clothes, makeup, and accessories? Actually, they don’t have to. Most successful fashion bloggers promote sponsored content where brands pay them to promote products.

有没有想过时尚博主如何负担他们的衣服,化妆品和配饰? 实际上,他们不必这样做。 大多数成功的时尚博主都会推广赞助内容,而品牌会向他们付费以推广产品。

Paid and sponsored content is the major source of revenue for many fashion bloggers. Here we will list the most effective ways you can start making money from your fashion blog when you’re first starting out.

付费和赞助内容是许多时尚博客作者的主要收入来源。 在这里,我们将列出最开始时从时尚博客开始赚钱的最有效方法。

1. Display Ads Using Google AdSense

1.使用Google AdSense展示广告

Most websites on the internet rely on ads to generate revenue. Google AdSense allows you to easily display ads on your website and make money from your blog even when you’re just starting.

互联网上的大多数网站都依靠广告来产生收入。 Google AdSense使您可以轻松地在网站上展示广告,甚至在刚开始时就可以从博客中获利。

See our step by step guide on how to properly add Google AdSense in WordPress for detailed instructions.

有关详细说明,请参见有关如何在WordPress中正确添加Google AdSense的分步指南。

2. Affiliate Marketing


Affiliate marketing allows you to recommend products you love. You get a referral commission when your users purchase a product after clicking on your link.

会员营销可以让您推荐您喜欢的产品。 用户单击链接后购买产品时,您将获得推荐佣金。

To make money with affiliate marketing, you will need to find fashion products and brands with an affiliate program. The biggest affiliate partner you can sign up for is Amazon Affiliates. They have tons of products in fashion, clothing, and accessories that you can recommend and get paid for it.

为了通过会员营销赚钱,您将需要通过会员计划找到时尚产品和品牌。 您可以注册的最大会员合作伙伴是Amazon Affiliates 。 他们有大量的时尚,服装和配饰产品,您可以推荐并获取相应价格。

See our guide on how to add and manage affiliate links in WordPress.


3. Build an Instagram Following


Instagram has placed itself as the top social network for fashion and style influencers. You need to join Instagram and start posting with relevant hashtags to make sure that your posts reach the right audience.

Instagram已成为时尚和时尚影响者的顶级社交网络。 您需要加入Instagram并开始使用相关的#标签进行发布,以确保您的帖子可以吸引适当的受众。

The best way to come up with an Instagram strategy is by following other top fashion blogs on Instagram. Study their posts, descriptions, and hashtags and try to replicate the same effect with your Instagram posts.

提出Instagram策略的最佳方法是关注Instagram上其他顶级时尚博客。 研究他们的帖子,描述和主题标签,并尝试与您的Instagram帖子复制相同的效果。

You should also network with other influencers and do S4S, share for share, campaigns. In this strategy, each party will share the other’s Instagram posts and tag them. It helps both people increase their following.

您还应该与其他有影响力的人建立联系并进行S4S,共享活动。 按照这种策略,每一方都将分享对方的Instagram帖子并为其加标签。 它可以帮助双方增加他们的关注度。

Another easy way to build Instagram following is by sharing your Instagram posts on your WordPress blog.


4. Brand Promotions


Allow brands to reachout to you

Reach out to brands, fashion startups, and agencies to partner up with them. The best way to find which companies are doing blog promotions is to keep an eye on top fashion bloggers and their Instagram posts.

与品牌,时装初创企业和代理商接触,与他们合作。 查找哪些公司正在进行博客促销的最佳方法是关注顶级时尚博客作者及其Instagram帖子。

For more ways to generate revenue from your fashion blog, see our guide on proven ways to make money from your blog.


掌握WordPress技能 (Mastering WordPress Skills)

WordPress is easy to use and beginner friendly. However, whenever you start using a new platform, there are always new things to discover and learn. This is where WPBeginner can help.

WordPress易于使用且对初学者友好。 但是,无论何时开始使用新平台,总会有发现和学习的新事物。 这是WPBeginner可以提供帮助的地方。

WPBeginner is the largest free WordPress resource site for beginners. We have lots of helpful content which is created specifically for beginners, business owners, and bloggers.

WPBeginner是面向初学者的最大的免费WordPress资源网站。 我们有很多有用的内容,这些内容是专门为初学者,企业主和博客创建的。

To expand your WordPress skills you should check out:


  • WPBeginner Dictionary – Our WordPress glossary is the best place to familiarize yourself with the WordPress lingoWPBeginner词典 –我们的WordPress词汇表是熟悉WordPress术语的最佳场所
  • WPBeginner Videos – New WordPress users can start with these 23 videos to master WordPress.WPBeginner视频 –新的WordPress用户可以从这23个视频开始来掌握WordPress。
  • WPBeginner Blog – The central place for all our WordPress tutorials and guides.WPBeginner博客 –我们所有WordPress教程和指南的中心位置。

You can also subscribe to our YouTube Channel where we regularly upload new video tutorials to help you learn WordPress.

您还可以订阅我们的YouTube频道 ,我们在那里定期上传新的视频教程来帮助您学习WordPress。

We hope this article helped you start your fashion blog and make money from it. You may also want to see our ultimate WordPress security guide to keep your blog safe.

我们希望本文能帮助您创建时尚博客并从中赚钱。 您可能还想查看我们的终极WordPress安全指南,以确保博客安全。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/start-a-wordpress-blog/fashion-blog-make-money/





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