

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money online from your blog. It allows you to add a steady income stream to your blog’s monetization strategy. In this affiliate marketing guide for beginners, we will explain how affiliate marketing works, and how to get started right away.

会员营销是从您的博客在线赚钱的最流行方法之一。 它使您可以为博客的获利策略增加稳定的收入来源。 在此面向初学者的会员营销指南中,我们将说明会员营销的工作原理以及如何立即上手。

Ultimate affiliate marketing guide for beginners
什么是会员营销? (What is Affiliate Marketing?)

By definition, affiliate marketing is a referral arrangement in which an online retailer (advertiser) pays you a commission when users purchase their product from your referral link.


Unlike other ad types which pays based on clicks or views, affiliate marketing works on a CPA (cost-per-acquisition), or CPL (cost-per-lead) basis. In other words, you only earn a commission when someone takes an action (i.e buys the product or signup for a free trial).

与其他根据点击或观看次数付费的广告类型不同,会员营销基于CPA(每次转化费用)或CPL(每潜在客户费用)进行工作。 换句话说,只有当某人采取行动(即购买产品或注册免费试用)时,您才能赚取佣金。

Because there is less risk for the advertiser, affiliate programs pay out much higher commissions to publishers compared to Google AdSense or other types of ads.

由于广告客户的风险较小,因此与Google AdSense或其他类型的广告相比,会员计划向发布商支付的佣金要高得多。

Affiliate marketing requires a more hands-on approach. You have to find a product or service that you believe will be helpful to your users. After that you have to strategically add it in your blog posts and other areas of your site, so users can purchase the product using your referral link.

会员营销需要更实际的方法。 您必须找到您认为对用户有帮助的产品或服务。 之后,您必须策略性地将其添加到博客文章和网站的其他区域中,以便用户可以使用您的引荐链接购买产品。

会员营销/追踪如何运作? (How Does Affiliate Marketing / Tracking Work?)

First, you have to find a company or product that you want to promote. You need to select a product or service that you believe will be relevant to your blog’s topic and useful for your audience. The product or company you choose will be called a ‘Merchant’.

首先,您必须找到要推广的公司或产品。 您需要选择一种与您的博客主题相关并且对您的受众有用的产品或服务。 您选择的产品或公司称为“商人”。

Next, you have to partner up with the company by joining their partner program. This makes you their ‘Affiliate’. Some companies also use the terms associates, partners, etc.

接下来,您必须通过加入其合作伙伴计划与公司合作。 这使您成为他们的“会员”。 一些公司还使用术语“合作伙伴”,“合作伙伴”等。

Once you have joined their partner program (also called Affiliate Program), you will get a unique affiliate ID. You will need to use this affiliate ID in all affiliate links that you add in your website to promote the product.

加入他们的合作伙伴计划(也称为会员计划)后,您将获得一个唯一的会员ID。 您需要在网站上添加的所有会员链接中使用此会员ID来促销产品。

You can promote the product by adding an in-depth product reviews, recommend it in your articles, display banner ads, sending an email newsletter, and more. All traffic you send to the merchant website with your unique ID will be tracked.

您可以通过添加深入的产品评论 ,在文章中推荐产品显示横幅广告 ,发送电子邮件新闻稿等来推广产品。 将跟踪您使用唯一ID发送到商家网站的所有流量。

Once a user makes a purchase, you will earn a commission. Your payment is issued once your earnings reach a particular threshold typically 45 – 60 days.

用户购买商品后,您将获得佣金。 一旦您的收入达到特定的起付标准(通常为45至60天),便会付款。

如何开始会员营销 (How to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing)

First, you need to make sure that you are using the right blogging platform, and you are allowed to run affiliate marketing campaigns on your website.

首先,您需要确保使用正确的博客平台 ,并且可以在您的网站上运行会员营销活动。

For example, if you are using WordPress.com, then there are some restrictions regarding the products and services you can link to. For more details see our comparison of WordPress.com vs WordPress.org.

例如,如果您使用的是WordPress.com,则对您可以链接到的产品和服务有一些限制。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅我们对WordPress.com与WordPress.org的比较。

On the other hand if you are on self-hosted WordPress.org website, then you can add any affiliate link you want and efficiently manage your affiliate campaigns.


If you haven’t created a website already, then you can get started right away. Simply follow the instructions in our step by step guide on how to start a blog, and you’ll be up and running in less than 30 minutes.

如果尚未创建网站 ,则可以立即开始。 只需按照分步指南中有关如何创建博客的说明进行操作 ,即可在30分钟内启动并运行。

Next, you need to let your users know how you make money from your website by adding a disclosure page. See WPBeginner’s disclosure page and feel free to use it as a template.

接下来,您需要通过添加披露页面来让您的用户知道您如何从您的网站赚钱。 请参阅WPBeginner的披露页面 ,可以随时将其用作模板。

You will also need to add a privacy policy and terms of service page to your blog.


These are amongst the must have pages for every WordPress blog. They not only save you from legal issues in the future, but they also help you build trust with your audience.

这些是每个WordPress博客必备页面之一 。 它们不仅可以使您免于将来遇到法律问题,还可以帮助您建立与受众的信任。

寻找会员产品和服务以促进 (Finding Affiliate Products and Services to Promote)

There are many ways to find products and companies that you can partner up with as an affiliate. Here are some of the easiest ways to find the products you can promote.

有很多方法可以找到可以作为会员的合作伙伴的产品和公司。 这是找到可以推广的产品的一些最简单方法。

1. Become an affiliate for products you already use


First, you need to look at the products and services that you already use and find useful. This makes it easy for you to convince your users about the product since you already know the pros and cons.

首先,您需要查看已经使用的产品和服务并发现有用。 因为您已经了解了优缺点,所以这使您很容易说服用户使用该产品。

Next, you need to go to the product’s website and search for terms like ‘Affiliate program’, ‘Partners’, or ‘Affiliates’. Many companies are actively looking for affiliate marketers to promote their products that’s why they add a link to their affiliate page in their website’s footer.

接下来,您需要访问产品的网站并搜索“会员计划”,“合作伙伴”或“会员”等字词。 许多公司都在积极寻找会员营销商来推广他们的产品,这就是为什么他们在网站页脚中添加指向其会员页面的链接的原因。

Finding affiliate programs to join

2. Look for products other blogs are recommending


Another way to find products is by looking at other blogs similar to yours. You will be able to find many similar blogs that are using affiliate marketing to make money.

查找产品的另一种方法是查看与您相似的其他博客。 您将可以找到许多类似的博客,这些博客正在利用会员营销来赚钱。

But how do you know that they are promoting affiliate products?


First, look for the obvious and easily noticeable banner ads on their website. Take your mouse to the banner ad, and you will see a link in your browser’s status bar.

首先,在其网站上查找明显且易于注意的横幅广告。 将鼠标移至横幅广告,您将在浏览器的状态栏中看到一个链接。

finding affiliate links

This link will usually have an affiliate ID. Affiliate ID helps merchants track which affiliate partner is sending them traffic / sales.

该链接通常将具有会员ID。 会员ID可帮助商家跟踪哪个会员伙伴向他们发送流量/销售量。

Sometimes these links may look like internal links, but when you click on them they will take you to a product website with affiliate marketer’s ID in the link. You will also find similar affiliate links through-out their content.

有时,这些链接可能看起来像内部链接,但是当您单击它们时,它们会将您带到链接中具有联盟营销商ID的产品网站。 您还将在整个内容中找到相似的会员链接。

3. Join Bigger Affiliate Networks


Another way to find products to promote is by joining affiliate networks. These websites act as a middleman between affiliate marketers and merchants.

寻找促销产品的另一种方法是加入会员网络。 这些网站充当联盟营销者和商人之间的中间人。

You will notice that many products and companies that you want to partner with already use an affiliate network. This helps you quickly find a lot of products that you can start promoting on your website.

您会注意到,您想与之合作的许多产品和公司已经使用了会员网络。 这可以帮助您快速找到许多可以在您的网站上开始推广的产品。

4. Reach out to Companies


If you really want to promote a product but can’t find any information about their affiliate program, then you can simply ask them via email.


Some companies may not be actively promoting their affiliate program. If they have an affiliate program, then they can invite you to join.

一些公司可能没有积极推广其会员计划。 如果他们有会员计划,那么他们可以邀请您加入。

什么是会员网络? 为什么你应该加入他们? (What are Affiliate Networks? Why You Should Join Them?)

Affiliate networks act as a middleman between you (the affiliate marketer) and merchants (companies that want to sell their products).


For merchants, they provide their platform as a service to list their products, track affiliate traffic, manage affiliates, and send payments.


For affiliate marketers, they offer an easy to use platform to search for products, sign up as an affiliate, track your campaign performance and earnings.


Following are some of the most popular affiliate networks that you can join.


  • ShareaSale – One of the largest affiliate networks with many high-paying affiliate products for almost every category imaginable. Popular WordPress hosting company, WPEngine, uses ShareASale to manage their affiliates. WPEngine’s Affiliate program offers a very generous payout to their affiliate partners.
  • ShareaSale –最大的会员网络之一,几乎可以想象到的每个类别都有许多高薪会员产品。 流行的WordPress托管公司WPEngine使用ShareASale管理其会员。 WPEngine的会员计划为其附属合作伙伴提供了非常丰厚的回报
  • CJ Affiliate (Formerly, Comission Junction) – Another top affiliate network with a huge number of merchants and products neatly organized in categories and easily searchable. Companies like GoDaddy, Expedia, and many others use CJ.
  • CJ Affiliate ( CJ会员) (以前是Comission Junction)–另一个顶级会员网络,拥有大量按类别分类并易于搜索的商人和产品。 GoDaddy ,Expedia等公司都使用CJ。
  • ClickBank – This is a large online marketplace for selling digital products in various categories from different vendors. It is easy to use and has tons of learning resources for new affiliate marketers.ClickBank –这是一个大型在线市场,用于出售来自不同供应商的各种类别的数字产品。 它易于使用,并为新的联盟营销人员提供了大量的学习资源。
  • Amazon Associates – Amazon is world’s largest ecommerce store with millions of products. You can sign up for their affiliate program and start earning by sending people to a website they already use for their online shopping.Amazon Associates –亚马逊是世界上最大的电子商务商店,拥有数百万种产品。 您可以注册他们的会员计划并通过将人们吸引到他们已经用于在线购物的网站来开始赚钱。

Which affiliate networks should you join?


You should join affiliate networks that have the products you want to promote. You can join multiple affiliate networks for different products. We use all the above networks and few others.

您应该加入具有要推广产品的会员网络。 您可以加入多个针对不同产品的会员网络。 我们使用上述所有网络以及其他一些网络。

Make sure that you always check the network program policies. You also need to review program policies of individual products and merchants. This will give you a clear idea about your earnings, payments, additional incentives, and more.

确保始终检查网络程序策略。 您还需要查看各个产品和商家的计划政策。 这将使您对收入,付款,其他奖励措施等有个清晰的认识。

会员营销技巧以增加收入 (Affiliate Marketing Tips to Increase Earnings)

Now that we have covered the basics, let’s dive into some more tips on how to actually make money from affiliate marketing.


1. Choose good products and companies to promote


As an affiliate marketer, you don’t have control over the future of products that you are recommending. That’s why you need to make sure that you are recommending the best products from reputable companies.

作为联属网络营销商,您无法控制所推荐产品的未来。 因此,您需要确保向知名公司推荐最佳产品。

The best way to do this is by recommending the products and services that you have actually used. If you want to recommend a product that looks useful, then feel free to contact them to learn more.

最佳方法是推荐您实际使用的产品和服务。 如果您想推荐看起来有用的产品,请随时与他们联系以了解更多信息。

If you ask nicely, most companies will gladly offer you a free account or copy to review / test their product or service.


2. Offer highly useful and valuable content


You can add affiliate links and banners anywhere on your WordPress site. However, simply adding links will not result in convincing your users to actually buy those products.

您可以在WordPress网站上的任何位置添加会员链接和横幅。 但是,仅添加链接将不会说服用户实际购买这些产品。

You need to convince your users by offering useful and valuable information about the product. Many affiliate marketers do that by writing in-depth product reviews, video reviews, product comparisons with pros and cons, and more.

您需要通过提供有关产品的有用且有价值的信息来说服用户。 许多会员营销商通过撰写深入的产品评论,视频评论,产品优缺点的比较等等来做到这一点。

3. Keep your audience in mind


Keep your website’s audience and their interests in mind when choosing the product. For example, if you run a fashion blog, then you would want to promote fashion accessories, clothing, and similar products that your audience would want to buy.

选择产品时,请记住您网站的受众及其兴趣。 例如,如果您经营一个时尚博客 ,那么您将希望推广您的观众想要购买的时尚配饰,服装和类似产品。

You also need to make sure that you are not just recommending products because they are offering higher commissions. If a user buys a product based on your recommendation, and it doesn’t turn out useful, then they will never trust your recommendations again.

您还需要确保您不仅在推荐产品,因为它们提供更高的佣金。 如果用户根据您的建议购买了产品,但结果没有用,那么他们将永远不会再信任您的建议。

WordPress会员营销插件和工具 (Affiliate Marketing Plugins and Tools for WordPress)

As your blog grows, you will be recommending a lot of different products. This will make it difficult for you to manage all the affiliate links, banners, and ads spread all over your website.

随着博客的增长,您将推荐很多不同的产品。 这将使您难以管理遍布您网站的所有会员链接,横幅和广告。

Luckily, there are excellent affiliate marketing tools and plugins for WordPress that you can use to help with management.


1. ThirstyAffiliates


Manually adding links to your content becomes quite difficult as your site grows. You will have to copy the URL with your affiliate ID every time you mention the product and paste it into WordPress.

随着网站的增长,手动向内容添加链接变得非常困难。 每次提及该产品时,您都必须复制带有会员ID的URL,并将其粘贴到WordPress中。

This is where ThirstyAffiliates can help. It is an affiliate link management plugin that allows you to easily add affiliate links in WordPress.

这是ThirstyAffiliates可以提供帮助的地方。 这是一个会员链接管理插件,可让您轻松地在WordPress中添加会员链接

It also lets you change lengthy affiliate links into cloaked pretty links which are more user-friendly.

它还使您可以将冗长的会员链接更改为隐藏的漂亮链接 ,这些链接更加易于使用。

ThirstyAffiliates also has the option to automatically replace keywords with affiliate links which can significantly help you boost your affiliate revenue.


2. AdSanity

2. AdSanity

AdSanity is the best WordPress ad management plugin and a must-have for every affiliate marketer’s toolbox. It allows you to create banner ads from your WordPress site and manage them from a single dashboard.

AdSanity是最好的WordPress广告管理插件,并且是每个会员营销商工具箱的必备工具。 它允许您从WordPress网站创建横幅广告,并从单个仪表板进行管理。

AdSanity also makes it easy to insert ads into your WordPress posts, pages, and sidebar widgets. You can use it to manage your third-party ads like Google AdSense ads and banners as well. For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to manage ads in WordPress with AdSanity.

AdSanity还使您可以轻松地将广告插入WordPress帖子,页面和侧边栏小部件。 您也可以使用它来管理第三方广告,例如Google AdSense广告和横幅 。 有关详细说明,请参阅有关如何使用AdSanity在WordPress中管理广告的指南

3. MonsterInsights

3. MonsterInsights

MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. It allows you to see where your users are coming from and what they do when they are on your website.

MonsterInsights是适用于WordPress的最佳Google Analytics(分析)插件 。 它使您可以查看用户来自何处以及他们在您的网站上时的工作。

It also helps you track your outbound affiliate links using Google Analytics. This enables you to find out which affiliate links are clicked more often and help you discover missed opportunities.

它还可以帮助您使用Google Analytics(分析)跟踪您的外联会员链接 。 这使您可以找出点击频率更高的会员链接,并帮助您发现错过的机会。

Need more tools? See our full list of top affiliate marketing tools and plugins for WordPress.

需要更多工具吗? 请参阅我们的WordPress 顶级联盟营销工具和插件的完整列表。

We hope this ultimate affiliate marketing guide for beginners helped you learn how to become an affiliate marketer. You may also want to see our ultimate WordPress SEO guide to bring more visitors to your website.

我们希望这份针对初学者的终极会员营销指南能够帮助您学习如何成为会员营销人员。 您可能还希望查看我们的最终WordPress SEO指南,以吸引更多访问者访问您的网站。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/affiliate-marketing-guide-for-beginners-step-by-step/






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