
Did you know that WordPress has the ability to schedule your posts to be published at a future time? This extremely useful feature is slightly hidden which is why many beginners don’t even notice it.

您是否知道WordPress可以安排您的帖子在以后的时间发布? 这项极有用的功能被稍微隐藏了,这就是为什么许多初学者甚至都没有注意到它的原因。

By scheduling your posts, you never have to worry about publishing your articles at a specific time. You can finish writing and schedule them to go live on the day and time that you choose.

通过安排您的帖子,您不必担心在特定时间发布文章。 您可以完成编写并安排它们在您选择的日期和时间上线。

In this article, we will show you how to easily schedule WordPress posts step by step and share some bonus tips to use WordPress scheduled posts like a Pro.


Schedule posts in WordPress
为什么要在WordPress中安排帖子? (Why Schedule Posts in WordPress?)

To create a successful blog, the best strategy is to plan your editorial calendar and publish articles on a regular basis.

创建一个成功的博客 ,最好的策略是计划您的编辑日历并定期发布文章。

That’s where schedule posts feature comes in handy. You can write your articles at your own pace and get ahead on your editorial calendar. Once you finish writing, you can schedule the post to be published at a specific date and time.

那就是时间表发布功能派上用场的地方。 您可以按照自己的节奏撰写文章,并在编辑日历上取得成功。 完成撰写后,您可以安排发布该帖子的日期和时间。

Another reason to schedule your posts is to benefit from peak traffic hours. There is a certain time in a day when each website gets the peak of their users. By publishing at that time, you can leverage existing traffic to increase your page views.

安排帖子的另一个原因是可以从高峰时段受益。 每个网站在一天中都有一定的时间达到用户高峰。 通过在那时发布,您可以利用现有流量来增加页面浏览量。

Now if you live in a different time zone than your readers, then it can be a problem. Imagine having your peak time as 3 a.m. where you live. Scheduling posts can be very handy for this.

现在,如果您与读者所处的时区不同,那么这可能是个问题。 想象一下,您的高峰时间是您居住的凌晨3点。 安排帖子可以非常方便。

Scheduling posts also comes in handy when you are going on vacation. You can simply schedule your blog posts and enjoy your holidays without worrying about writing and publishing content.

度假时,安排帖子也很方便。 您只需安排您的博客文章并享受假期,而不必担心编写和发布内容。

Now that you understand the benefits, let’s take a look at how to actually schedule your blog posts in WordPress.


您如何在WordPress中安排帖子? (How Do You Schedule a Post in WordPress?)

It is easy to schedule WordPress posts if you know where to look. The option to schedule blog posts is not easily noticeable.

如果您知道要查找的位置,则可以轻松安排WordPress帖子。 安排博客文章的选项不容易注意到。

Once you have finished writing your blog post, you need to look under the ‘Document’ tab in the right column of the edit screen.


Under the ‘Status & Visibility’ panel, you need to click on the ‘Immediately’ link next to ‘Publish’ option.


WordPress post scheduling option

This will show you a date and time picker. You can select the date and time when you want to publish this post.

这将显示一个日期和时间选择器。 您可以选择要发布此帖子的日期和时间。

You can select a future date and time to schedule your article in WordPress.


You can also select a past date using the same tool to back date your blog post.


When you select a future date, you will notice that the publish button at the top will change into ‘Schedule…’.


Publish button changed into Schedule

Simply click on the Schedule button and WordPress will schedule your post.


The scheduled posts will be automatically published on the date and time you choose.


如何在经典编辑器中安排WordPress帖子 (How to Schedule WordPress Posts in Classic Editor)

If you are using the classic WordPress editor, then we highly recommend you to start using the new WordPress block editor, called Gutenberg.

如果您使用的是经典的WordPress编辑器 ,那么我们强烈建议您开始使用名为Gutenberg的新WordPress块编辑器。

The new WordPress editor is incredibly fast, modern, intuitive, and helps you create better content for your blog.


However, if you still want to use the older classic editor, then here is how you would schedule posts in WordPress.


Once you are done writing your post, look under the ‘Publish’ meta box in the right column of the edit screen and click on the ‘Edit’ link next to ‘Publish immediately’ option.


Change when to publish a post in WordPress

It will now show you the date and time options. Go ahead and enter the date and time when you want to publish your blog post and click on the OK button.

现在它将显示日期和时间选项。 继续,输入您要发布博客文章的日期和时间,然后单击“确定”按钮。

Select schedule date and time in classic editor

You’ll notice that the blue ‘Publish’ button will now change into ‘Schedule’. Go ahead and click on the schedule button to save your changes.

您会注意到,蓝色的“发布”按钮现在将变为“时间表”。 继续并单击计划按钮以保存您的更改。

WordPress will now publish your blog post on the date and time you entered.


对WordPress预定帖子进行故障排除 (Troubleshooting WordPress Scheduled Posts)

As your website grows, you will be regularly managing and scheduling WordPress posts. Following are some handy tips that will help you efficiently manage your scheduled posts in WordPress.

随着网站的发展,您将定期管理和安排WordPress帖子。 以下是一些实用的技巧,可帮助您有效地管理WordPress中的预定帖子。

How do I use my own timezone in WordPress?


You need to change WordPress timezone settings, so that it uses your preferred timezone to publish scheduled posts.

您需要更改WordPress时区设置 ,以便它使用您首选的时区来发布计划的帖子。

How to view all scheduled posts in WordPress?


Simply go to Posts » All Posts page in your WordPress admin and then click on the ‘Scheduled’ link above the posts table. It will show all scheduled WordPress posts in the queue.

只需转到WordPress管理员中的“ 帖子»所有帖子”页面,然后单击帖子表上方的“预定”链接。 它将在队列中显示所有计划的WordPress帖子。

What to do if WordPress scheduled posts missed schedule?


To run scheduled tasks, WordPress uses a system called WP Cron. If the cron is unable to run due to a misconfiguration on your WordPress hosting server, then your scheduled posts will miss the schedule and won’t be published.

为了运行计划任务,WordPress使用了称为WP Cron的系统。 如果由于您的WordPress托管服务器上的配置错误而导致cron无法运行,则您计划的帖子将错过计划,并且不会被发布。

If you notice that your blog is affected by this, then you can install WP Missed Schedule plugin.

如果您发现自己的博客受此影响,则可以安装WP Missed Schedule插件。

To learn more, see our article on how to fix the missed schedule post error in WordPress.


How to unschedule a WordPress post?


You can unschedule a WordPress post by editing the post and changing its status from ‘Scheduled’ to ‘Draft’.


In the new default WordPress editor, you will find the option to switch to draft at the top. In the classic editor, you will find it under the publish meta box.

在新的默认WordPress编辑器中,您会在顶部找到切换到草稿的选项。 在经典编辑器中,您将在发布元框下找到它。

Unschedule WordPress post

After you have changed a scheduled post to a draft, you can continue working on it, or you can publish it right-away if you want.


Can I also schedule WordPress pages?


Yes, you can schedule a WordPress page just like you would schedule a normal blog post.


Can I schedule changes to a published post or page in WordPress?


By default, you cannot schedule changes to a post or page you have already published. Any changes you make to a published post will become live as soon as you save it.

默认情况下,您无法安排对已发布的帖子或页面的更改。 保存对发布的帖子所做的任何更改都会立即生效。

However, you can use the Tao Schedule Update plugin to make scheduled content updates.


For more details, please see our tutorial on how to schedule content updates in WordPress.


We hope this article helped you learn how to easily schedule your blog posts in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to do keyword research for your WordPress blog to find blog post ideas and get more traffic.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何轻松地在WordPress中安排博客文章。 您可能还想查看有关如何为WordPress博客进行关键字研究的指南,以查找博客文章的想法并获得更多流量。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/schedule-your-posts-in-wordpress/





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