

Are you planning to move your WordPress site to a new hosting company or a different server? The biggest risk when switching web hosting or migrating a website to a new server is data loss and downtime.

您是否打算将WordPress网站移至新的托管公司或其他服务器? 切换虚拟主机或将网站迁移到新服务器时,最大的风险是数据丢失和停机时间。

Both of these can make your website temporarily inaccessible to users and search engines which can result in loss of sales and search engine rankings.


In this step by step tutorial, we will show you how to safely migrate your WordPress site to a new host without any downtime.


We’ll also answer the most frequently asked questions about moving a WordPress site to new hosting provider, so you can avoid making some common mistakes.


Migrating WordPress from one host to another

Important: Before we start, we want you to know that a lot of WordPress hosting companies offer a free migration service. It might not be listed on their website, so all you have to do is ask. Usually it’s free, but some may charge a small fee.

重要提示:在开始之前,我们希望您知道许多WordPress托管公司提供免费的迁移服务。 它可能未在他们的网站上列出,所以您所要做的就是询问。 通常它是免费的,但有些可能会收取少量费用。

Having that said, let’s take a look at the steps we’ll cover to move WordPress to a new hosting server (without any downtime).


  1. Choose a new WordPress host选择一个新的WordPress主机
  2. Setup the Duplicator Plugin for Easy Migration设置复制器插件以方便迁移
  3. Import your WordPress site to the new host将您的WordPress网站导入到新主机
  4. Change the Hosts file to prevent downtime更改主机文件以防止停机
  5. Create a MySQL database on your new host在新主机上创建一个MySQL数据库
  6. Run Duplicator website migration script运行Duplicator网站迁移脚本
  7. Updating your domain name server更新域名服务器
  8. FAQs about moving WordPress to new host有关将WordPress移至新主机的常见问题解答

Ready? Let’s get started.

准备? 让我们开始吧。

步骤1:选择新的WordPress主机 (Step 1: Choose Your New WordPress Host)

If you are stuck with a slow web host even after optimizing WordPress speed and performance, then it’s time to move your WordPress site to a new host that can handle your growing traffic.


When looking for a new WordPress hosting provider, it’s important to choose carefully, so you don’t have to move again any time soon.


Here’s who we recommend:


  • shared hosting, we recommend going with 共享托管 ,我们建议使用Bluehost. They’re officially recommended by WordPress.org. Using our Bluehost 。 WordPress.org正式推荐它们。 使用我们的Bluehost coupon, WPBeginner users get 60% off and a free domain name.Bluehost优惠券 ,WPBeginner用户可获得60%的折扣和免费域名。
  • If you’re looking for cloud hosting or location-specific providers, then we recommend you check out Siteground. They have data centers across 3 different continents.
  • 如果您正在寻找云托管特定位置的提供商,那么我们建议您查看Siteground 。 他们在3个不同大洲设有数据中心。
  • managed WordPress hosting, then we recommend you check out 托管的WordPress托管 ,那么我们建议您查看WP Engine. They are the best and most well-known provider in the industry.WP Engine 。 他们是业内最佳和最知名的提供商。

After buying your new hosting, do NOT install WordPress. We’ll do that in a later step.

购买新的托管服务后,请勿安装WordPress。 我们将在以后的步骤中进行操作。

For now, your new web hosting account should be completely empty with no files or folders in your main directory.


第2步:设置复制程序以方便迁移 (Step 2: Setup Duplicator for Easy Migration)

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the free Duplicator plugin on the website that you want to move. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

您需要做的第一件事是在要移动的网站上安装并激活免费的Duplicator插件。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Duplicator is a free plugin that we highly recommend. You can also use it to move your website to a new domain name without losing SEO.

Duplicator是我们强烈推荐的免费插件。 您也可以使用它将您的网站移至新域名,而不会丢失SEO。

However, in this article, we will walk you through how to use it to migrate your WordPress site from one host to another with zero downtime.


Once you have installed and activated Duplicator, go to the Duplicator » Packages page in your WordPress admin area.


Next, you need to click the ‘Create New’ button in the top right corner.


Creating a new package in Duplicator

After that, click the Next button and follow the steps to create your package.


Duplicator create a package wizard

Make sure that your scan results check out (everything should say “Good”), and then click the Build button.

确保您的扫描结果签出(所有内容都应显示为“ Good”),然后单击“ 生成”按钮。

Build package

The process may take several minutes to complete, so leave the tab open as the plugin does its job.


Once the process is complete, you’ll see download options for Installer and the Archive package. You need to click on the ‘One click download’ link to download both files.

该过程完成后,您将看到Installer和Archive软件包的下载选项。 您需要单击“一键下载”链接以下载两个文件。

Download package files

The archive file is a copy of your complete website, and the installer file will automate the installation process for you.


步骤3:将WordPress网站导入到新主机 (Step 3: Import Your WordPress Site to the New Host)

Now that you have downloaded both the archive and installer files, the next step is to upload them to your new web host.


You can do this by connecting to your new web host using FTP.


If you’ve never done this before, check out our beginner’s guide to uploading files via FTP to WordPress.


Normally, you would enter your website’s domain name as host when connecting your FTP client.


However, since your domain name is still pointing to your old host, you’ll need to connect by entering your server’s IP address or server hostname. You can find this information from your new hosting account’s cPanel dashboard.

但是,由于您的域名仍指向旧主机,因此您需要输入服务器的IP地址或服务器主机名进行连接。 您可以从新的托管帐户的cPanel信息中心找到此信息。

Finding server IP or Hostname in cPanel dashboard

If you are unable to find this information, then you can ask for support at your new web hosting company, and they will help you out.


Using the FTP client, you need to upload both installer.php file and your archive .zip file to the root directory of your website.


This is usually /username/public_html/ folder.


Again, if you are not sure, then ask your web hosting company.


Make sure that your root directory is completely empty. Some web hosting companies automatically install WordPress when you sign up.

确保您的根目录完全为空。 一些网络托管公司在您注册时会自动安装WordPress

If you have WordPress installed in your root directory, then you need to delete WordPress first.


Once done, you need to upload both the archive zip file and installer.php file to your site’s root directory.


步骤4:更改主机文件以防止停机 (Step 4: Change The Hosts File to Prevent Downtime)

Once you’ve uploaded both files to your new host, you need to access the installer.php file in a browser.


Normally, this file can be accessed using a URL like this:




However, this URL will take you to your old web host, and you will get a 404 error. This is because your domain name is still pointing to your old web host.

但是,此URL将带您到旧的虚拟主机,并且会出现404错误 。 这是因为您的域名仍指向旧的Web主机。

Normally, other tutorials might tell you to change your domain nameservers and point it to your new hosting company, but that’s wrong.


If you do this now, then your visitors will see a broken website as you migrate it.


We’ll show you how you can access your new site temporarily on your computer, without affecting your old site.


This is done with a hosts file on your computer.


The hosts file can be used to map domain names to specific IP addresses. In other words, it lets you trick your computer in thinking that the website is moved even though it’s not.

主机文件可用于将域名映射到特定的IP地址。 换句话说,它使您可以欺骗计算机以使该网站即使没有移动也可以移动。

Let’s take a look at how to add an entry for your domain name in the hosts file, so that it points to your new hosting company.


Making these changes will allow you to access the files on your new host using your own domain name, while the rest of the world will still be accessing your site from the old host. This ensures 100% uptime.

进行这些更改后,您将可以使用自己的域名访问新主机上的文件,而世界其他地方仍会从旧主机访问您的站点。 这样可以确保100%的正常运行时间

The first thing you need to do is find the IP address of your new web hosting server. To find this, you need to log into your cPanel dashboard and click on expand stats link in the left-hand sidebar. Your server’s address will be listed as Shared IP Address.

您需要做的第一件事是找到新的Web托管服务器的IP地址。 要找到此内容,您需要登录cPanel仪表板,然后单击左侧边栏中的Expand stats链接。 您服务器的地址将列为“共享IP地址”。

On some web hosting companies, you will find this information under ‘Account Information’ heading.


Find shared IP address

In the next step, Windows users need to go to Programs » All Programs » Accessories, right-click on Notepad and select Run as Administrator.

下一步,Windows用户需要转到程序»所有程序»附件 ,右键单击记事本,然后选择以管理员身份运行。

A Windows UAC prompt will appear, and you need to click on Yes to launch Notepad with administrator privileges.

将出现一个Windows UAC提示,您需要单击“是”以使用管理员权限启动记事本。

On the Notepad screen, go to File » Open and then navigate to the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc folder. From this folder, select hosts file and open it.

在记事本屏幕上,转到文件»打开 ,然后导航到C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc文件夹。 从此文件夹中,选择hosts文件并打开它。

If you’re using Mac, then you need to open the Terminal app and enter this command to edit hosts file:


sudo nano /private/etc/hosts

sudo nano /private/etc/hosts

For both Windows and Mac users, at the bottom of the hosts file, you need to enter the IP address you copied and then enter your domain name. Like this:

对于Windows和Mac用户,在hosts文件的底部,您需要输入复制的IP地址,然后输入域名。 像这样: www.example.com www.example.com

Make sure that you replace the IP address with the one you copied from cPanel, and example.com with your own domain name.


Once you’re done, save your changes.


You can now access your files on the new host using your domain name on your computer.


Important: Don’t forget to undo the changes you made to hosts file after you have finished the migration (step 6).


步骤5:在新主机上创建MySQL数据库 (Step 5: Creating MySQL Database on Your New Host)

Before we run the installer on the new host, you will need to create a MySQL database on your new hosting account. If you have already created a MySQL database, then you can jump to the next step.

在新主机上运行安装程序之前,您需要在新主机帐户上创建MySQL数据库。 如果已经创建了MySQL数据库,则可以跳到下一步。

Creating a Database in cPanel


Go to your new hosting account’s cPanel dashboard, scroll down to Databases section and click on MySQL databases icon.


MySQL databases in cPanel

You will see a field to create a new database. Enter a name for your database, and click “Create Database” button.

您将看到一个用于创建新数据库的字段。 输入数据库名称,然后单击“创建数据库”按钮。

Creating new database

After creating the MySQL database, you need to scroll down to the MySQL Users section.

创建MySQL数据库后,您需要向下滚动到“ MySQL用户”部分。

Next, provide a username and password for your new user and click on the ‘Create a user’ button.


Create a MySQL user

After that, you need to add this user to your database. This will give the username you just created, all the permissions to work on that database.

之后,您需要将此用户添加到数据库中。 这将为您刚创建的用户名提供在该数据库上工作的所有权限。

You can do this by scrolling down to ‘Add User to a Database’ section. Simply select the database user you created from the dropdown menu next to user, then select database, and click on the add button.

您可以通过向下滚动到“将用户添加到数据库”部分来完成此操作。 只需从用户旁边的下拉菜单中选择您创建的数据库用户,然后选择数据库,然后单击添加按钮。

Add user to database

Your database is now ready to be used with WordPress. Be sure to make note of the database name, username, and password. You’ll need that information in the next step.

您的数据库现在可以与WordPress一起使用了。 确保记下数据库名称,用户名和密码。 下一步将需要该信息。

步骤6:开始复制器迁移过程 (Step 6: Begin the Duplicator Migration Process)

Now we’re ready to run the installer. Navigate to the following address in your browser window, replacing example.com with your domain name:

现在,我们可以运行安装程序了。 在浏览器窗口中导航至以下地址,将example.com替换为您的域名:



Duplicator installer initialized

The installer will run a few tests and will show you ‘Pass’ next to archive and validation tests.


You need to check the terms & conditions checkbox and continue by clicking on the Next button.


Now, you will be asked to enter your MySQL host, database name, username, and password.


Your host will likely be localhost. After that, you will enter the details of the database you created in the previous step.

您的主机可能是本地主机。 之后,您将输入在上一步中创建的数据库的详细信息。

Connect to the database

You can click on the ‘Test Database’ button to make sure you entered the correct information.


If Duplicator is able to connect, then you will see a string starting with Pass. Otherwise, you will see the database connection error details.

如果Duplicator能够连接,则您将看到一个以Pass开头的字符串。 否则,您将看到数据库连接错误详细信息。

Click on the next button to continue.


Duplicator will now import your WordPress database from the archive zip into your new database.


Next, it will ask you to update site URL or Path. Since you are not changing domain names, you DON’T need to change anything here.

接下来,它将要求您更新站点URL或路径。 由于您没有更改域名,因此您无需在此处进行任何更改。

Simply click on the next button to continue.


Duplicator will run the final steps and will show you the login button.


Duplicator website migration finished

You can now login to your WordPress site on the new host to make sure that everything is working as expected.


步骤7:更新您的域名服务器(DNS) (Step 7: Update Your Domain Name Servers (DNS))

At this point, you’ve created a complete copy of your WordPress database and files on your new hosting server, but your domain still points to your old web hosting account.


To update your domain, you need to switch your DNS nameservers. This ensures that your users are taken to the new location of your website when they type your domain into their browsers.

要更新您的域,您需要切换DNS名称服务器 。 这样可以确保当用户在浏览器中输入您的域时,他们便被带到网站的新位置。

If you registered your domain with your hosting provider, then it’s best to transfer the domain to a new host. If you used a domain registrar like Domain.com, GoDaddy, etc, then you need to update your nameservers.

如果您向托管服务提供商注册了域名,那么最好将域名转移到新的主机上。 如果您使用了Domain.comGoDaddy等域名注册商,则需要更新名称服务器。

You will need the DNS nameserver information from your new web host. This is usually a couple of URLs that look like this:

您将需要来自新的Web主机的DNS名称服务器信息。 这通常是几个看起来像这样的URL:


ns1.hostname.com ns2.hostname.com

For the sake of this guide, we will be showing you how to change DNS nameservers with GoDaddy.


Depending on your domain registrar or web host, the screenshots may look different. However, the basic concept is the same.

取决于您的域名注册商或网络主机,屏幕快照可能看起来有所不同。 但是,基本概念是相同的。

You need to look for domain management area and then look for nameservers. If you need assistance with updating your nameservers, then you can ask your web hosting company.

您需要查找域管理区域,然后查找名称服务器。 如果您需要有关更新域名服务器的帮助,则可以咨询您的网络托管公司。

For GoDaddy, you need to login to your GoDaddy account and then click on Domains.

对于GoDaddy ,您需要登录到GoDaddy帐户,然后单击“域”。

After that, you need to click on the Manage button next to the domain name you want to change.


Manage domain

Under the ‘Additional Settings’ section, you will need to click on ‘Manage DNS’ to continue.


Manage DNS

Next, you need to scroll down to the Nameservers section and click on the change button.


Change nameservers

First, you will need to switch the nameserver type dropdown from ‘Default’ to ‘Custom’. After that, you can fill in the your new hosting provider’s information under Nameservers.

首先,您需要将名称服务器类型下拉列表从“默认”切换为“自定义”。 之后,您可以在“名称服务器”下填写新的托管服务提供商的信息。

Updating DNS nameservers

Don’t forget to click on the save button to store your changes.


You have successfully changed the nameservers on your domain. DNS changes can take 4 – 48 hours to propagate for all users.

您已成功更改域上的名称服务器。 DNS更改可能需要4到48个小时才能传播给所有用户

Since you have the same content on your old host and the new host, your users wouldn’t see any difference. Your WordPress migration will be seamless with absolutely no downtime.

由于您在旧主机和新主机上具有相同的内容,因此您的用户不会有任何区别。 您的WordPress迁移将是无缝的,而且绝对不会停机。

To be on the safe side, we recommend that you wait to cancel your old hosting account until 7 days after your migration.


经常问的问题 (Frequently Asked Questions)

Here are a few questions many of our users ask while moving WordPress from one host to another.


1. Can I signup for the new hosting account without registering a domain name?


Yes, you can absolutely signup for a hosting account without registering a domain name.


Domain name and hosting are two different services, and you don’t necessarily need to register a domain name when signing up for new host. For more details see our guide on the difference between domain name and web hosting.

域名和主机托管是两种不同的服务,并且在注册新主机时不一定需要注册域名。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅我们的域名和网络托管之间区别指南。

Some hosting providers will ask you to select a domain name as the first step when purchasing hosting. They will also allow you to enter a domain name if you already got one.

一些托管服务提供商会要求您选择域名作为购买托管服务的第一步。 如果您已经拥有一个域名,他们还将允许您输入一个域名。

2. Do I need to transfer my domain name to the new host?


No, you don’t need to transfer your domain name to the new host. However, transferring your domain name to your new hosting will make it easier to renew and manage under the same dashboard as your new hosting account.

不,您不需要将域名转移到新主机。 但是,将您的域名转移到您的新主机将使在与新主机帐户相同的仪表板下更容易续订和管理。

For more on this topic, see our ultimate guide on domain names and how do they work.


3. How do I fix error establishing database connection error in Duplicator?


If you are seeing an error connecting to the database or database connection error in Duplicator, then the most likely reason for this is that you entered incorrect information for your database connection.

如果您看到连接数据库的错误或Duplicator中的数据库连接错误 ,则最可能的原因是您输入的数据库连接信息不正确。

Make sure that your database name, MySQL username, and password are correct. Some web hosting companies do not use localhost as the host for their MySQL servers. If this is the case, then you will need to ask your web host’s support staff to provide you with the correct information.

确保您的数据库名称,MySQL用户名和密码正确。 一些网络托管公司不使用localhost作为MySQL服务器的主机。 如果是这种情况,那么您将需要请虚拟主机的支持人员为您提供正确的信息。

4. How do I check if my website is loading from the new host?


There are several online tools that allow you to see who is hosting a website. After you have transferred your website to the new host, you can use any of these tools, and they will show you the name of the web hosting company hosting your website.

有几种在线工具可让您查看谁在托管网站 。 将网站转移到新主机后,您可以使用这些工具中的任何一种,它们将为您显示托管您的网站的网络托管公司的名称。

If it hasn’t been long since you migrated your website and made changes to your domain name server (DNS), then chances are that your site may still load from your old host. Domain name changes can take up to 48 hours to fully propagate.

如果距离您迁移网站并更改域名服务器(DNS)没多久,那么很有可能您的网站仍然可以从旧主机加载。 域名更改最多可能需要48个小时才能完全传播。

5. Do I need to delete any files or data from old host?


When switching hosting companies, we recommend that you keep your old website for at least a week. After that, you can delete files from your old web host. If you are canceling your account, then your web hosting provider will delete all your data according to their policy.

更换托管公司时,建议您将旧网站保留至少一周的时间。 之后,您可以从旧的Web主机中删除文件。 如果您要取消帐户,则您的网络托管服务提供商将根据其政策删除所有数据。

6. How long should I keep my account active on the old host?


Once you have migrated your website to the new host, and if you don’t have any other websites hosted with your old web host, then you can cancel your old web hosting account.


However, in some cases, you may have already paid them for yearly hosting. You should check their refund policy to see if you are eligible for any refund upon cancellation.

但是,在某些情况下,您可能已经为年度托管支付了费用。 您应该查看他们的退款政策,以查看取消后是否有资格获得任何退款。

7. How do I move a WordPress site with SSL/HTTPs?

7.如何使用SSL / HTTPs移动WordPress网站?

You will need to install SSL certificate on your new hosting provider. After that, you can follow the same steps mentioned above. Just make sure that you use HTTPs in the URLs, like https://example.com

您将需要在新的托管服务提供商上安装SSL证书 。 之后,您可以按照上述相同的步骤进行操作。 只需确保在URL中使用HTTP,例如https://example.com

8. Bonus: Free Site Migration by Your New Host


If you’re looking to switch your web hosting, but the steps above sound too complicated, then you can choose the following providers, and they will migrate your website for you.


SiteGround, InMotion Hosting, and WP Engine offer free website migration for WPBeginner users.

SiteGroundInMotion托管WP Engine为WPBeginner用户提供免费的网站迁移。

We hope that this step by step guide helped you move WordPress to your new host with no downtime whatsoever. If you come across any issues with your WordPress migration, then check out our guide on the most common WordPress errors and how to fix them.

我们希望这份循序渐进的指南能帮助您将WordPress迁移到新主机,而不会造成任何停机。 如果您在WordPress迁移过程中遇到任何问题,请查看有关最常见WordPress错误以及如何修复它们的指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-move-wordpress-to-a-new-host-or-server-with-no-downtime/






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