


So I'll be publishing 5 books this year. Isn't that incredible? Is it even possible? And good quality books at that? It's a nice challenge (my last year's challenge failed, I didn't even bother to count how bad it failed). I think it's possible, especially if you bend a little bit the meaning of "5", "year", "publishing" and "me" 🙂

因此,今年我将出版5本书。 那不是令人难以置信吗? 可能吗? 那高质量的书呢? 这是一个很好的挑战(我去年的挑战失败了,我什至没有去计算失败的严重程度)。 我认为这是可能的,尤其是如果您稍微弯曲“ 5”,“年”,“发布”和“我”的含义meaning

书籍#1-高性能JavaScript (Book #1 - High-Performance JavaScript)


Let's start bending - this is a book where I wrote just one chapter. It's a book by Nicholas Zakas with contributions from:

让我们开始弯曲-这是我只写了一章的书。 这是尼古拉斯·扎卡斯( Nicholas Zakas)撰写的一本书,内容来自:

And I wrote my chapter mainly the last year. My chapter is about the DOM. But the book became available just now, few days ago, so it's published this year (bending, bending...)

我主要在去年写了我的章节。 我的章节是关于DOM的。 但是这本书几天前才刚刚上市,因此今年出版(弯曲,弯曲……)

书籍#2-JavaScript模式 (Book #2 - JavaScript Patterns)

I am hard at work on this one currently (explains the low activity on this blog). I started last year but only finished two chapters in '09. The bending part here is that I've already given presentations on the topic and have been writing a "patterns" column for JSMag for a while, so I can recycle quite a bit of content.

我目前正在努力处理这一问题(解释了此博客上的低活动)。 我从去年开始,但在09年只完成了两章。 这里最弯曲的部分是,我已经就该主题进行介绍,并且已经为JSMag编写了“ patterns”专栏已有一段时间,因此我可以回收很多内容。

You can see the tentative cover, I hope it stays tentative and we can replace the hen with a nice cute little zebra (a.k.a. donkey with patterns). Between you and me, I think there's a new designer in O'Reilly with a bird fetish.

您可以看到暂定套,希望它保持暂定状态,我们可以用漂亮的可爱小斑马(又称带图案的驴)代替母鸡。 你我之间,我觉得有一个新的设计师奥赖利一个神物

I expect the first draft for this one to complete within weeks. And no, it's not about implementing the Gang of Four patterns in JavaScript (has been done already by Ross, see above), although there's one chapter on a selected few - Singleton, Factory, Observer, Proxy, Decorator...

我希望这个草案的第一稿能在几周内完成。 而且不,这与在JavaScript中实现四人一组模式无关(Ross已经完成,请参见上文),尽管在选定的少数几个章节中有一章-Singleton,Factory,Observer,Proxy,Decorator ...

第3本书-速度问题 (Book #3 - Speed Matters)

I've contracted with Peachpit Press to write a book about performance targeted mainly at designers. It will be about the business (why go fast), technology (how) and psychology (perception of speed) of web performance. I'm excited about this one for a number of reasons:

我已经与Peachpit Press签约,以写一本主要针对设计师的性能书。 它将涉及网络性能的业务(为什么要走得快),技术(如何走)和心理学(对速度的感知)。 我对此感到兴奋的原因有很多:

  • there's a lot of misconceptions being spread around in designer blogs and books, especially sad when one of the books in question is a sort of a bible for web designers. I mean things like PNG vs. GIF, gzipping and others. I hope I can present a readable, concise and, above all, technically correct text for designers who may find Steve Souders' HPWS, a.k.a. "The Bible" a little too dry because it's from O'Reilly and has no colors

    在设计师博客和书籍中散布着许多误解,尤其是当其中一本书是网页设计师的圣经时,这令人悲伤。 我的意思是类似PNG,GIF,gzip和其他内容。 我希望我能为那些可能会发现Steve SoudersHPWS (又名《圣经》)过于干燥的设计师提供一个可读,简洁且技术上正确的文本,因为它来自O'Reilly并且没有颜色

  • the publisher is considering a sort of novel approach to writing the book, fingers crossed, because I believe it's the right way to write technical books.

  • at the very least, the book will be available as early drafts while it's being written, which is new to me, but always wanted to do.

  • the book will be full color - again, new experience to me


The bending here comes from the fact that I'll try to reuse from the perf advent calendar if I can. So some content may be pre-written.

我会尽力而为,这是因为我会尝试从性能出现日历中重用。 因此,某些内容可能是预先编写的。

第4本书-面向对象JavaScript(第2版) (Book #4 - Object-Oriented JavaScript (2nd edition))

The bending here is obvious - it's just a second edition, not a completely new book from scratch. My goal here is:

弯弯曲曲是显而易见的-这只是第二版,不是从头开始的全新书。 我的目标是:

  • address errata

  • address some excellent critiques (of this otherwise bestselling book!), such as this one by @kangax, which is the article that actually prompted me to pitch a second edition to the publisher. So many thanks to Yuri! Also thanks to Asen who's been sending me invaluable and detailed feedback on the first edition. And now thanks to Asen and Kangax (and also Dmitry) I'm spending some time lurking on comp.lang.javascript mailing list, which is full of great discussions.

    解决一些优秀的批评(这否则畅销书的!),比如这一个@kangax ,这是真正促使我在球场第二版到发布的文章。 非常感谢Yuri ! 同时还要感谢Asen ,他一直在第一版中给我提供了宝贵而详细的反馈。 现在,由于有了Asen和Kangax(还有Dmitry ),我花了一些时间潜伏在comp.lang.javascript邮件列表上,其中充满了很多讨论。

  • ECMAScript5 update

  • some concepts such as hoisting, NFE, property attributes, etc

    一些概念,例如吊装, NFE ,属性属性等

  • one completely new chapter on testing and docs

  • answers to the end-of-chapter exercises - an often-requested update


Hoping this title will not take a lot of time.


And since these 4 books should be finished by the end of August or thereabouts, this will give me whole 4 months (1/3 of an year) to dive into something I've been thinking about, two things actually - CSS and self-publishing.


书#5-Web开发人员CSS (Book #5 - CSS for web devs)

CSS is widely misunderstood by many people, me including. I'm convinced we only use a portion of all that CSS is, and use it badly. I'm not saying it will be CSS: The Good Parts, but I plan to address what I consider bad habits in CSS (mis)use and write a book as a learning experience. This is the best way to learn IMO. It will be self-published and probably available online for free too. And by self-publish I don't mean lulu.com or some of the other resellers, but working with the printer and distributor directly.

CSS被很多人(包括我)误解了。 我坚信我们只使用了CSS的全部,并且不好用。 我并不是说这将是CSS:The Good Parts ,但我打算解决我认为在CSS(滥用)使用中的不良习惯,并写一本书作为学习经验。 这是学习IMO的最佳方法。 它会自行发布,也可能会免费在线提供。 通过自我发布,我并不是指lulu.com或其他一些经销商,而是直接与打印机和发行商合作。

太野心了吗? 愚人节? (Too ambitious? April Fool's?)

Probably, but with all the pre-written stuff and other cheating, it may very well be doable. Then I guess I'll take a 5 year break 🙂

可能吧,但是考虑到所有预先写好的东西和其他作弊,它很可能是可行的。 然后我想我要休息5年🙂

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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/publishing-5-books-this-year/






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