程序 卡塔_我想念微软恩卡塔

程序 卡塔

程序 卡塔


Microsoft Encarta came out in 1993 and was one of the first CD-ROMs I had. It stopped shipping in 2009 on DVD. I recently found a disk and was impressed that it installed just perfectly on my latest Window 10 machine and runs nicely.

Microsoft Encarta于1993年问世,是我拥有的第一批CD-ROM。 它从2009年开始以DVD形式停止发货。 我最近发现了一个磁盘,并且印象很深刻,它可以完美地安装在最新的Windows 10计算机上,并且运行良好。

Encarta existed in an interesting place between the rise of the internet and computer's ability to deal with (at the time) massive amounts of data. CD-ROMs could bring us 700 MEGABYTES which was unbelievable when compared to the 1.44MB (or even 120KB) floppy disks we were used to. The idea that Encarta was so large that it was 5 CD-ROMs (!) was staggering, even though that's just a few gigs today. Even a $5 USB stick could hold Encarta - twice!

Encarta存在于互联网兴起与计算机处理(当时)海量数据的能力之间的有趣位置。 CD-ROM可以给我们带来700兆字节,与我们以前使用的1.44MB(甚至120KB)软盘相比,这是令人难以置信的。 Encarta如此之大以至于只有5张CD(-)的想法令人震惊,尽管今天只有几场演出。 甚至$ 5美元的USB棒也可以容纳Encarta-两次!

My kids can't possibly intellectualize the scale that data exists in today. We could barely believe that a whole bookshelf of Encyclopedias was now in our pockets. I spent hours and hours just wandering around random articles in Encarta. The scope of knowledge was overwhelming, but accessible. But it was contained - it was bounded. Today, my kids just assume that the sum of all human knowledge is available with a single search or a "hey Alexa" so the world's mysteries are less mysterious and they become bored by the Paradox of Choice.

我的孩子们可能无法智能化当今数据的规模。 我们简直无法相信整个百科全书架现在摆在我们的口袋里。 我花了几个小时在Encarta上随意逛逛随机文章。 知识的范围是压倒性的,但可以访问。 但是它被包含了-它是有界的。 今天,我的孩子们只是假设可以通过一次搜索或“嘿Alexa”获得所有人类知识的总和,因此世界的奥秘变得不那么神秘了,他们对选择悖论感到厌倦。


In a world of 4k streaming video, global wireless, and high-speed everything, there's really no analog to the feeling we got watching the Moon Landing as a video in Encarta - short of watching it live on TV in 1969! For most of us, this was the first time we'd ever seen full-motion video on-demand on a computer in any sort of fidelity - and these are mostly 320x240 or smaller videos!

在4k流媒体视频,全球无线和高速万物的世界中,确实没有什么比我们在Encarta观看《月球着陆》作为视频的感觉更真实的了-缺少在1969年在电视上直播的感觉! 对于我们大多数人来说,这是我们第一次有史以来第一次在计算机上以任何一种保真度观看全动态视频-这些视频大多是320x240或更小尺寸的视频!

First Steps on the Moon

A generation of us grew up hearing MLK's "I have a dream" speech inside Microsoft Encarta!

我们这一代人长大了,在Microsoft Encarta内部听到MLK的“我有一个梦想”演讲!

MLK I have a Dream

Remember the Encarta "So, you wanna play some Basketball" Video?


LeBron James from 2003

Amazed by Google Earth? You never saw the globe in Encarta.

对Google地球感到惊讶吗? 您从未在Encarta看到过地球。

Globe in Encarta

You'll be perhaps surprised to hear that the Encarta Timeline works even today on across THREE 4k monitors at nearly 10,000 pixels across! This was a product that was written over 10 years ago and could never have conceived of that many pixels. It works great!

您可能会惊讶地听到Encarta时间轴即使在今天也可以在三台4k显示器上工作,这些显示器的分辨率接近10,000像素! 这是十年前写的产品,永远不可能想到那么多像素。 效果很好!

The Encarta Timeline across 3 4k monitors

Most folks at Microsoft don't realize that Encarta exists and is used TODAY all over the developing world on disconnected or occasionally connected computers. (Perhaps Microsoft could make the final version of Encarta available for a free final download so that we might avoid downloading illegal or malware infested versions?)

Microsoft的大多数人都没有意识到Encarta的存在,并且在当今的整个发展中国家中,Encarta都在断开连接或偶尔连接的计算机上使用。 (也许Microsoft可以提供Encarta的最终版本以供免费的最终下载,以便我们可以避免下载非法的或受恶意软件感染的版本?)

What are your fond memories of Encarta? If you're not of the Encarta generation, what's your impression of it? Had you heard or thought of it?

您对Encarta的美好回忆是什么? 如果您不是Encarta一代,您对此有何印象? 您是否听说过或想到过?

Sponsor: Develop Xamarin applications without difficulty with the latest JetBrains Rider: Xcode integration, JetBrains Xamarin SDK, and manage the required SDKs for Android development, all right from the IDE. Get it today!

赞助商:使用最新的JetBrains Rider:Xcode集成,JetBrains Xamarin SDK轻松开发Xamarin应用程序,并直接从IDE管理Android开发所需的SDK。 立即获取

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/i-miss-microsoft-encarta

程序 卡塔





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