


This post won't be well organized so lower your expectations first. When Rob Conery first wrote "The Imposter's Handbook" I was LOVING IT. It's a fantastic book written for imposters by an imposter. Remember, I'm the original phony.

这篇文章组织得不好,请先降低您的期望。 罗伯·科纳里(Rob Conery)第一次写《冒名顶替者手册》时,我很喜欢它。 这是一部由冒名顶替者为冒名顶替者写的绝妙的书。 记住,我是原始的假冒

Now he's working on The Imposter's Handbook: Season 2 and I'm helping. The book is currently in Presale and we're releasing PDFs every 2 to 3 weeks. Some of the ideas from the book will come from blog posts like or similar to this one. Since we are using Continuous Delivery and an Iterative Process to ship the book, some of the blog posts (like this one) won't be fully baked until they show up in the book (or not). See how I equivocated there? ;)

现在他正在撰写《冒名顶替者手册:第二季》 ,我正在提供帮助。 该书目前正在预售中,我们每2至3周发布一次PDF。 该书中的一些想法将来自与此类似或相似的博客文章。 由于我们使用的是“持续交付”和“迭代过程”来运送书籍,因此某些博客文章(如此类文章)在它们出现在书中(或不出现在书中)之前不会被完全烘焙。 看到我在那里模棱两可了吗? ;)

The next "Season" of The Imposter's Handbook is all about the flow of information. Information flowing through encoding, encryption, and transmission over a network. I'm also interested in the flow of information through one's brain as they move through the various phases of being a developer. Bear with me (and help me in the comments!).

《冒名顶替者手册》的下一个“季节”全都与信息流有关。 信息通过网络进行编码,加密和传输。 我也对信息在开发人员的各个阶段中流经大脑的过程感兴趣。 忍受我(并在评论中帮助我!)。

I was recently on a call with two other developers, and it would be fair that we were of varied skill levels. We were doing some HTML and CSS work that I would say I'm competent at, but by no means an expert. Since our skill levels didn't fall on a single axis, we'd really we'd need some Dungeons & Dragon's Cards to express our competencies.

我最近正与另外两名开发人员进行电话通话,很公平的是我们的技术水平不尽相同。 我们正在做一些HTML和CSS工作,我想说我很能干,但绝不是专家。 由于我们的技能水平并非单轴,因此我们确实需要一些龙与地下城卡来表达我们的能力。

I might be HTML 8, CSS 6, Computer Science 9, Obscure Trivia 11, for example.

例如,我可能是HTML 8,CSS 6,计算机科学9,晦涩琐事11。

We were asked to make a little banner with some text that could be later closed with some iconography that would represent close/dismiss/go away.


  • One engineer suggested "Here's some text + ICON.PNG"

    一位工程师建议“这里有一些文字+ ICON.PNG”
  • The next offered a more scalable option with "Here's some text + ICON.SVG"

    下一个通过“此处有一些文字+ ICON.SVG”提供了更具扩展性的选项

Both are fine ideas that would work, while perhaps later having DPI or maintenance issues, but truly, perfectly cromulent ideas.


I have never been given this task, I am not a designer, and I am a mediocre front-end person. I asked what they wanted it to look like and they said "maybe a square with an X or a circle with an X or a circle with a line."

我从未获得过这项任务,我不是设计师,而且我是一个平庸的前端人员。 我问他们希望它看起来像什么,他们说:“也许是一个带有X的正方形,或者是带有X的圆圈,或者是带有直线的圆圈”。

I offered, you know, there MUST be a Unicode Glyph for that. I mean, there's one for poop." Apparently I say poop in business meetings more than any other middle manager at the company, but that's fodder for another blog post.

我提供了,您知道,为此必须有一个Unicode字形。 我的意思是,有个便便。”显然,我在商务会议上说便便的人数比该公司的任何其他中层经理都要多,但这在另一篇博客文章中是很麻烦的。

We searched and lo and behold we found ☒ and ⊝ and simply added them to the end of the string. They scale visibly, require no downloads or extra dependencies, and can be colored and styled nicely because they are text.

我们搜索并lo看到我们找到了☒和⊝,然后将它们简单地添加到字符串的末尾。 它们具有明显的可伸缩性,不需要下载或额外的依赖关系,并且由于它们是文本,因此可以很好地进行着色和样式设置。

One of the engineers said "how do you even know this crap?" I smiled and shrugged and we moved on to the doing.

一位工程师说:“你怎么还知道这种废话? ”我笑着耸了耸肩,然后我们继续做下去。

To be clear, this post isn't self-congratulatory. Perhaps you had the same idea. This interaction was all of 10 minutes long. But I'm interested in the HOW did I know this? Note that I didn't actually KNOW that these glyphs existed. I knew only that they SHOULD exist. They MUST.

需要明确的是,该帖子并非自我祝贺。 也许您有相同的想法。 整个互动过程持续了10分钟。 但是我对我如何知道感兴趣? 请注意,我实际上并不知道这些字形存在。 我只知道他们应该存在。 他们一定。

How many times have you been coding and said "You know, there really must be a function/site/tool that does x/y/z?" All the time, right? You don't know the answers but you know someone must have AND must have solved it in a specific way such that you could find it. A new developer doesn't have this intuition - this sense of technical smell - yet.

您编码了多少次并说:“您知道,确实必须有一个执行x / y / z的功能/站点/工具吗?” 一直都对吧您不知道答案,但您知道某人必须具有并且必须以特定方式解决它,以便您可以找到它。 新开发人员还没有这种直觉-这种技术嗅觉-但是。

How is technical gut and intuition and smell developed? Certainly by doing, by osmosis, by time, by sleeping, and waking, and doing it again.

技术性肠胃,直觉和气味如何发展? 当然,通过做,通过渗透,通过时间,通过睡觉,醒来,然后再做一次。

I think it's exposure. It's exposure to a diverse set of technical problems that all build on a solid base of fundamentals.

我认为是曝光。 它面临着各种各样的技术问题,所有这些问题都建立在坚实的基础之上。

Rob and I are going to try to expand on how this technical confidence gets developed in The Imposter's Handbook: Season 2 as topics like Logic, Binary and Logical Circuits, Compression and Encoding, Encryption and Cryptanalysis, and Networking and Protocols are discussed. But I want to also understand how/if/when these topics and examples excite the reader...and most importantly do they provide the reader with that missing Tetris Piece of Knowledge that moves you from a journeyperson developer to someone who can more confidently wear the label Computer Science 9, Obscure Trivia 11.

Rob和我将尝试扩大在《 The Imposter手册:第二季》中如何发展这种技术信心,并讨论逻辑,二进制和逻辑电路,压缩和编码,加密和密码分析以及网络和协议等主题。 但我也想了解这些主题和示例如何/是否/何时使读者兴奋...最重要的是,它们是否为读者提供了缺失的俄罗斯方块知识,使您从旅行者开发者转移到更自信地穿戴的人标签为Computer Science 9,Obscure Trivia 11。



What do you think? Sound off in the comments and help me and Rob understand!

你怎么看? 在评论中留言,帮助我和Rob理解!

Sponsor: Preview the latest JetBrains Rider with its built-in spell checking, initial Blazor support, partial C# 7.3 support, enhanced debugger, C# Interactive, and a redesigned Solution Explorer.

赞助商:预览最新的JetBrains Rider,包括其内置的拼写检查,Blazor初始支持,部分C#7.3支持,增强的调试器,C#Interactive和重新设计的解决方案资源管理器。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/how-do-you-even-know-this-crap






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