
I posted about using Refit along with ASP.NET Core 2.1's HttpClientFactory earlier this week. Several times when exploring this space (both on Twitter, googling around, and in my own blog comments) I come upon Flurl as in, "Fluent URL."

本周早些时候发布了有关将Refit与ASP.NET Core 2.1的HttpClientFactory一起使用的信息。 在探索这个空间时,有好几次(在Twitter上,在谷歌上搜索以及在我自己的博客评论中),我对Flurl的看法都是“ Fluent URL”。

Not only is that a killer name for an open source project, Flurl is very active, very complete, and very interesting. By the way, take a look at the https://flurl.dev/ site for a great example of a good home page for a well-run open source library. Clear, crisp, unambiguous, with links on how to Get It, Learn It, and Contribute. Not to mention extensive docs. Kudos!

Flurl不仅是开源项目的杀手name,而且非常活跃,非常完整并且非常有趣。 顺便说一下,看看https://flurl.dev/网站,这是一个运行良好的开源库的良好主页的绝佳示例。 清晰,清晰,明确,并包含有关如何获取,学习和贡献的链接。 更不用说广泛的文档了。 荣誉!

Flurl is a modern, fluent, asynchronous, testable, portable, buzzword-laden URL builder and HTTP client library for .NET.


You had me at buzzword-laden! Flurl embraces the .NET Standard and works on .NET Framework, .NET Core, Xamarin, and UWP - so, everywhere.

你让我满口时髦! Flurl包含.NET标准,可在.NET Framework,.NET Core,Xamarin和UWP上使用-因此,无处不在。

To use just the Url Builder by installing Flurl. For the kitchen sink (recommended) you'll install Flurl.Http. In fact, Todd Menier was kind enough to share what a Flurl implementation of my SimpleCastClient would look like! Just to refresh you, my podcast site uses the SimpleCast podcast hosting API as its back-end.

通过安装Flurl仅使用Url Builder。 对于厨房水槽(推荐),您将安装Flurl.Http 。 实际上, Todd Menier非常乐于分享我的SimpleCastClient的Flurl实现。 为了让您耳目一新,我的播客站点使用SimpleCast播客托管API作为其后端。

My super basic typed implementation that "has a" HttpClient looks like this. To be clear this sample is WITHOUT FLURL.

我的“具有” HttpClient的超级基本类型实现看起来像这样。 要明确的是,此示例是WITHFLURL。

public class SimpleCastClient
private HttpClient _client;
private ILogger<SimpleCastClient> _logger;
private readonly string _apiKey;

public SimpleCastClient(HttpClient client, ILogger<SimpleCastClient> logger, IConfiguration config)
_client = client;
_client.BaseAddress = new Uri($"https://api.simplecast.com"); //Could also be set in Startup.cs
_logger = logger;
_apiKey = config["SimpleCastAPIKey"];

public async Task<List<Show>> GetShows()
var episodesUrl = new Uri($"/v1/podcasts/shownum/episodes.json?api_key={_apiKey}", UriKind.Relative);
_logger.LogWarning($"HttpClient: Loading {episodesUrl}");
var res = await _client.GetAsync(episodesUrl);
return await res.Content.ReadAsAsync<List<Show>>();
catch (HttpRequestException ex)
_logger.LogError($"An error occurred connecting to SimpleCast API {ex.ToString()}");

Let's explore Tim's expression of the same client using the Flurl library!


Not we set up a client in Startup.cs, use the same configuration, and also put in some nice aspect-oriented events for logging the befores and afters. This is VERY nice and you'll note it pulls my cluttered logging code right out of the client!

我们不是在Startup.cs中设置客户端,使用相同的配置,还放置了一些不错的面向方面的事件来记录事前和事后。 这非常好,您会注意到它将我混乱的日志记录代码从客户端中拉出了!

// Do this in Startup. All calls to SimpleCast will use the same HttpClient instance.
FlurlHttp.ConfigureClient(Configuration["SimpleCastServiceUri"], cli => cli
.Configure(settings =>
// keeps logging & error handling out of SimpleCastClient
settings.BeforeCall = call => logger.LogWarning($"Calling {call.Request.RequestUri}");
settings.OnError = call => logger.LogError($"Call to SimpleCast failed: {call.Exception}");
// adds default headers to send with every call
Accept = "application/json",
User_Agent = "MyCustomUserAgent" // Flurl will convert that underscore to a hyphen

Again, this set up code lives in Startup.cs and is a one-time thing. The Headers, User Agent all are dealt with once there and in a one-line chained "fluent" manner.

同样,此设置代码位于Startup.cs中,是一次性的事情。 标头,用户代理都在这里以单行链接的“流利”方式处理。

Here's the new SimpleCastClient with Flurl.


using Flurl;
using Flurl.Http;

public class SimpleCastClient
// look ma, no client!
private readonly string _baseUrl;
private readonly string _apiKey;

public SimpleCastClient(IConfiguration config)
_baseUrl = config["SimpleCastServiceUri"];
_apiKey = config["SimpleCastAPIKey"];

public Task<List<Show>> GetShows()
return _baseUrl
.SetQueryParam("api_key", _apiKey)

See in GetShows() how we're also using the Url Builder fluent extensions in the Flurl library. See that _baseUrl is actually a string? We all know that we're supposed to use System.Uri but it's such a hassle. Flurl adds extension methods to strings so that you can seamlessly transition from the strings (that we all use) representations of Urls/Uris and build up a Query String, and in this case, a GET that returns JSON.

在GetShows()中了解我们如何在Flurl库中使用Url Builder fluent扩展。 看到_baseUrl实际上是一个字符串吗? 大家都知道我们应该使用System.Uri,但这很麻烦。 Flurl将扩展方法添加到字符串中,以便您可以从Urls / Uris的字符串表示形式(我们都使用)无缝过渡,并构建查询字符串,在这种情况下,还可以返回JSON。

Very clean!


Flurl also prides itself on making HttpClient testing easier as well. Here's a more sophisticated example of a library from their site:

Flurl还以使HttpClient测试更加轻松而自豪。 这是他们站点中图书馆的更复杂的示例:

// Flurl will use 1 HttpClient instance per host
var person = await "https://api.com"
.SetQueryParams(new { a = 1, b = 2 })
first_name = "Claire",
last_name = "Underwood"

This example is doing a post with an anonymous object that will automatically turn into JSON when it hits the wire. It also receives JSON as the response. Even the query params are created with a C# POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) and turned into name=value strings automatically.

这个例子正在做一个带有匿名对象的帖子,当它碰到网络时,它将自动变成JSON。 它还接收JSON作为响应。 甚至查询参数都是使用C#POCO(普通的旧CLR对象)创建的,并自动转换为name = value字符串。

Here's a test Flurl-style!


// fake & record all http calls in the test subject
using (var httpTest = new HttpTest()) {
// arrange
httpTest.RespondWith(200, "OK");
// act
await sut.CreatePersonAsync();
// assert

Flurl.Http includes a set of features to easily fake and record HTTP activity. You can make a whole series of assertions about your APIs:

Flurl.Http包含一组易于伪造和记录HTTP活动的功能。 您可以对API进行一系列断言:

.WithRequestBody("{\"a\":*,\"b\":*}") // supports wildcards

All in all, it's an impressive set of tools that I hope you explore and consider for your toolbox! There's a ton of great open source like this with .NET Core and I'm thrilled to do a small part to spread the word. You should to!

总而言之,这是一套令人印象深刻的工具,希望您能为您的工具箱探索和考虑! .NET Core有大量这样的很棒的开源,我很高兴能做一小部分来传播这个词。 你应该去!

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/using-flurl-to-easily-build-urls-and-make-testable-httpclient-calls-in-net





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