
Butterfly Effect by Rhett Maxwell used under CC

The Butterfly Effect is everywhere, truly. The best part is, due to confirmation bias, once you start looking for it you'll see it everywhere. ;)

蝴蝶效应无处不在。 最好的部分是,由于确认偏差,一旦您开始寻找它,您将在任何地方看到它。 ;)

The Butterfly Effect: This effect grants the power to cause a hurricane in China to a butterfly flapping its wings in New Mexico. It may take a very long time, but the connection is real. If the butterfly had not flapped its wings at just the right point in space/time, the hurricane would not have happened. - Chaos Theory

蝴蝶效应:这种效应赋予在中国飓风中在新墨西哥拍打翅膀的蝴蝶的能力。 这可能需要很长时间,但是连接是真实的。 如果蝴蝶没有在时空上正确的时候拍打翅膀,那飓风就不会发生。 -混沌理论

If you see something cool, share it. If you learn something interesting, share it, and share it in multiple ways. Even a small thing can add up to a big payoff.

如果您看到很棒的东西,请分享。 如果您学到一些有趣的东西,请共享它,并以多种方式共享它。 即使是一件很小的事情也可以带来巨大的回报。

I got a great email from a reader this week from Neil of TheSmartFinish. Neil has a small business doing woodworking for connected homes and creates decorative mounts for Nest Thermostats. I have a Nest so Neil reached out to share what he's created.

本周我从TheSmartFinish的尼尔那里得到了读者的来信。 尼尔(Neil)是一家小型企业,为相连的房屋做木工,并为Nest Thermostats制造装饰支架。 我有一个Nest,所以Neil伸出手来分享他的创作。

I tweeted about it. A tiny thing, to be clear. I don't tweet about everything, and I DO get a lot of requests for tweets. My tweets are at my discretion, and I read about it, and shared it.

我发了推文。 一件小事,要清楚。 我没有发布任何推文,我确实收到了很多推文请求。 我的推文由我自行决定,我已阅读并共享。

Got a @Nest Thermostat? Check out these GORGEOUS handmade wooden mounts! http://thesmartfinish.com/

— Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)

@Nest恒温器? 看看这些华丽的手工木制支架! http://thesmartfinish.com/

— Scott Hanselman(@shanselman) August 4, 2015 2015年8月4日

After a while I thought that Nest should be featuring his stuff themselves. A random tweet from me only goes so far, so I publically told @nest they should feature/RT Neil's stuff. At this point, my butterfly has flapped its wings and I've moved on.

过了一会儿,我认为Nest应该自己展示他的作品。 到目前为止,我发来的一条随机推文只有一段路要走,所以我公开告诉@nest他们应该推荐/ RT Neil的东西。 在这一点上,我的蝴蝶拍打着翅膀,我继续前进。

@shanselman Ha! Agreed, we're big fans of what he's made. Something's in the works ;) @Automated_Home

— Nest (@nest)

@shanselman哈! 同意,我们是他所作所为的忠实拥护者。 正在进行的工作;) @Automated_Home

— Nest(@nest) August 5, 2015 ,2015年8月5日

Fast forward and I get the email from Neil. These tweets got some attention and @nest DID actually tweet about him!

快进,我收到了尼尔的电子邮件。 这些推文引起了一些注意,@ nest DID实际上发了关于他的推文!

We're big fans of this custom wood mount for the Nest Learning Thermostat crafted by @Automated_Home. #nestinthewild pic.twitter.com/Yp5nuTR5wk

— Nest (@nest)

我们是@Automated_Home制作的Nest Learning Thermostat的这种定制木架的忠实拥护者#nestinthewild pic.twitter.com/Yp5nuTR5wk

— Nest(@nest) August 13, 2015 ,2015年8月13日

This gave him valuable legitimacy and ultimately there was a great article on his project at VentureBeat. Other than the poor title as there are no "ex-marines" - Meet the ex-marine who builds artisanal mounts for connected homes - it's a cool write-up. Now his business is starting to get some new visibility, which is great!

这给了他宝贵的合法性,并最终在VentureBeat上发表了一篇有关他的项目精彩文章。 除了可怜的头衔之外,因为没有“前航海 -与为连接房屋建造手工支架的前航海家见面-这是很酷的文字。 现在,他的业务开始获得新的知名度,这真是太好了!

Why am I sharing this story? Absolutely not to toot any horns - certainly not mine - but rather to remind us all about the power of the little things.

我为什么要分享这个故事? 绝对不是要吹牛角-当然不是我的喇叭-而是要提醒我们所有人有关小事的力量。

I've received hundreds of emails over the last few years with folks sharing stories about "I read this and it got me thinking about" or "listening to this podcast made me quit my job and move overseas" or "my spouse and I were inspired by this post and I switched jobs" and on and on. One reader started a Diabetes non-profit after reading a blog post. Another changed her job and has moved into an industry she really believes in. You might tweet a job opening but never realize that it was the beginning of a move across the country for someone you'll never meet!

在过去的几年中,我收到了数百封电子邮件,其中一些人分享了有关“我读了此书,这让我开始思考”或“听这则播客使我辞职并移居海外”或“我和我的配偶受此职位启发,我换了工作”。 一位读者在阅读博客文章后创办了Diabetes非营利组织。 另一个人改变了她的工作,进入了一个她真正相信的行业。您可能会发布一条推文,但从未意识到这对从未见过面的人来说是全国性举动的开始!

I'm a firm believer of the idea that if you put good out there, good stuff will happen. What we do with our tweets, blogs, presentations, podcasts, and books is tiny. We fly our little butterfly wings and try to influence and motivate. What's really amazing are the powerful hurricanes that YOU, Dear Reader, harness for positive change in your life and in the lives of others.

我坚信如果在这里放出好东西,好东西就会发生。 我们使用推文,博客,演示文稿,播客和书籍所做的事情很小。 我们放飞蝴蝶的小翅膀,并尝试影响和激励。 真正令人惊讶的是,亲爱的读者,您为自己和他人的生活带来积极变化而利用的强大飓风。

Please, share your Butterfly Effect Stories in the comments! What small things have propelled a huge change in your life?

请在评论中分享您的蝴蝶效应故事! 哪些小事推动了您的生活发生了巨大变化?

* Butterfly Effect Photo by Rhett Maxwell used under CC

* Rhett Maxwell的蝴蝶效应照片,在CC下使用

Sponsor: Many thanks to Accusoft for sponsoring the feed this week. If you haven’t yet, check out their Prizm Content Connect, an HTML5 document viewer that allows you to view and edit documents directly in your browser.

赞助商:非常感谢Accusoft在本周赞助了feed。 如果还没有,请查看其Prizm Content Connect ,这是一个HTML5文档查看器,可让您直接在浏览器中查看和编辑文档。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/the-butterfly-effect-of-technology-community

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