VM Depot Azure库中有超过400个开源软件堆栈的虚拟机映像

Open Source VM Images in Azure

When you want to make a new Virtual Machine from the Azure Portal, from the menu you "Create New | Virtual Machine" and you'll see the default images alongside images you have uploaded or created yourself.


A list of a bunch of Windows images

There's a pile of Windows stuff, and if you scroll down, some good Linux images like openSUSE, CentOS and Ubuntu.


Note: There's also a Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 Preview, so remember, you can sign up for a free Azure trial and remote into Visual Studio in the cloud and mess around if you like. If you have MSDN you have credits already, so associate your MSDN with Azure.

注意:还有一个Visual Studio Ultimate 2013预览版,因此请记住,您可以注册免费的Azure试用版,并远程访问云中的Visual Studio,并随意随意摆弄。 如果您拥有MSDN,那么您已经拥有积分,因此将您的MSDN与Azure关联。

It's nice to have Linux on Azure, but this isn't the richest selection of images.


A list of a bunch of Linux images

There SHOULD be a new section here, in my opinion.


There should be a community section. There isn't. Yet.

Or here:


There should be an Open Source section. There isn't. Yet.

Ah, but if you go to the Virtual Machines area, then click Images, there is a link to Browse VM Depot. One of the great secrets of Azure. I'm working with them to get this more obvious, because it really is epic.

嗯,但是如果您转到“虚拟机”区域,然后单击“图像”,则有指向“浏览虚拟机软件仓库”的链接。 Azure的重要秘诀之一。 我正在与他们合作,使这一点更加明显,因为这确实是史诗般的。

You can click Browse VM Depot at the bottom of the Images Pivot

And then…bam. Now we're talking.

然后...巴姆。 现在我们在谈论。

Wow, a pile of existing images. More than 400, in fact.

There’s actually over 400 open source VM images in there, made by the community and companies like BitNami, and hosted by MS Open Tech. You can create VMs from this interface within the Azure Portal, but I think it's even easier to make VMs from the command line.

实际上,社区和BitNami等公司制作了400多个开源VM映像,并由MS Open Tech托管。 您可以在Azure门户中通过此界面创建VM,但是我认为从命令行制作VM甚至更容易。

获取Azure命令行 (Get the Azure Command Line)

This assumes you have the Azure Command Line Tools. You can get them one of two ways. If you have node and npm, just install azure-cli like this:

假定您具有Azure命令行工具。 您可以通过以下两种方法之一获得它们。 如果您有节点和npm,只需安装azure-cli,如下所示:

npm install azure-cli --g

Then get your account certificates and import it.


azure account download
azure account import "foo.publishsettings"

Then, select a subscription. This is all a one-time thing.

然后,选择一个订阅。 这都是一次性的事情。

azure account set "some other account name"

At this point I can "azure vm create" this and that. I can manage most of the Azure Cloud from the command line. This tool works on Linux, Windows and Mac, is open source and written in JavaScript.

在这一点上,我可以“ azure vm create”这个和那个。 我可以从命令行管理大多数Azure云。 该工具可在Linux,Windows和Mac上运行,是开源的,并使用JavaScript编写

从虚拟机软件仓库映像创建虚拟机 (Creating a VM from an VM Depot Image)

Let's say I want a Redis image. I can visit http://vmdepot.msopentech.com and find a Redis one. Here's a customized Ubuntu 12.04 image with Redis configured and hardened security.

假设我要一个Redis图像。 我可以访问http://vmdepot.msopentech.com并找到一个Redis。 这是一个自定义的Ubuntu 12.04映像,其中Redis已配置并增强了安全性

If I select Deployment Script at the top, I will get a command line like this:


azure vm create YOUR_DNS_PREFIX -o vmdepot-147-6-1 -l "West US" YOUR_USER_NAME [PASSWORD] --ssh 

That vmdepot number there is the image identifier that tells Azure to copy that VM image over from the VM depot and make a new instance. Make sure you add --ssh or you won't be able to get in at all!

该vmdepot编号包含一个映像标识符,该标识符告诉Azure从VM仓库复制该VM映像并创建一个新实例。 确保添加--ssh否则您将根本无法进入!

C:\>azure vm create hanselredis -o vmdepot-147-6-1 -l "West US" scott mypassword --ssh
info: Executing command vm create
+ Looking up community image
+ Retrieving storage accounts
+ Copying blob
+ Looking up image
+ Looking up cloud service
+ Creating cloud service
+ Creating VM
info: Deleting image
info: VM image deleted: vmdepot-147-6-1-8d169700
info: Blob deleted: http://hanselstorage.blob.core.windows.net/vm-images/comm
info: vm create command OK

At this point Azure has made the VM from this image. You can than open up endpoints and port forward to the outside world so you can access your service, or create virtual internal networks to keep this VM private.

此时,Azure已使用该映像制作了VM。 然后,您可以打开端点并将端口转发到外部环境,以便访问服务或创建虚拟内部网络以保持此VM私有。

虚拟机亮点 (VM Highlights)

A lot of these images come from a startup called Bitnami that configures images with popular packages. Some highlights of this depot, IMHO, are Discourse, the new forum software from Jeff Atwood and friends:

其中许多映像来自名为Bitnami的初创公司,该公司使用流行的软件包配置映像。 这个仓库(恕我直言)的一些亮点是Jeff Atwood和朋友的新论坛软件Discourse。

There's a recent Ruby Stack image:

最近有一个Ruby Stack图片:

And a good Drupal one:


As well as a nice Debian Wheezy image:

以及一个不错的Debian Wheezy图像:

Remember, these are community driven so YOU can publish images of your open source stack if you want.


As with all galleries of community-grown stuff there will be some gems and some duds. I like the Bitnami stuff, for example, as they appear to know what they are doing. Regardless, use good sense and explore and evaluate before you bet your startup on an image. Still, these are a great way to get a VM running in minutes, not hours or days.

与所有画廊的社区作品一样,会有一些宝石和一些古怪的东西。 例如,我喜欢Bitnami的东西,因为他们似乎知道自己在做什么。 无论如何,在将启动押注在图像上之前,请保持良好的意识,进行探索和评估。 不过,这些是让虚拟机在几分钟而不是几小时或几天内运行的好方法。

If you think that these images are useful, feel free to sound off in the comments and guilt inform the Powers That Be that you think this is useful. Or not. (I will make sure they see these)

如果您认为这些图片很有用,请在评论中 轻声 告知,并内 gui地 告知Powers Be Be您认为这很有用。 或不。 (我将确保他们看到这些)

相关链接: (Related Links:)

Sponsor: Big thanks to Red Gate for sponsoring the feed this week. Be sure to pick up their Free eBook: 25 Secrets for Faster ASP.NET Applications - Red Gate has gathered some great tips from the ASP.NET community to help you get maximum performance from your applications. Download them free.

赞助商:非常感谢Red Gate本周赞助了feed。 请确保获取免费的电子书:更快的ASP.NET应用程序的25个秘诀-Red Gate从ASP.NET社区收集了一些很棒的技巧,以帮助您从应用程序中获得最佳性能。 免费下载

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/over-400-virtual-machine-images-of-open-source-software-stacks-in-the-vm-depot-azure-gallery





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