
All the parts of ASP.NET, all the subsystems are all part of the larger ASP.NET community

I've talked before in presentations that the ASP.NET and Web Tools team has been slowly externalizing pieces of ASP.NET. You've seen it in many pieces of the ASP.NET runtime moving into NuGet while also being open sourced, and you've seen it as we've moved big chunks of the "tooling" (that means the menus and dialogs you interact within Visual Studio when using ASP.NET) into external installers.

我之前在演讲中谈到过,ASP.NET和Web工具团队一直在慢慢地将ASP.NET的各个部分外部化。 您已经在ASP.NET运行时的许多部分中看到了它,同时也将它们开源,同时将它们移到NuGet中,并且在我们移动了“工具”(这意味着您要交互的菜单和对话框)中的大部分内容时,也已经看到了它。在使用ASP.NET时在Visual Studio中运行)。

Why are we doing this? Because the Web moves faster than Visual Studio does. We want to be able to offer a stable ASP.NET core that you can count on while being able to offer new and powerful features more often as needed.

我们为什么这样做呢? 因为Web的移动速度比Visual Studio快。 我们希望能够提供一个值得信赖的稳定ASP.NET核心,同时能够根据需要更频繁地提供新的强大功能。

Visual Studio itself has moved to a faster update model and recently released Visual Studio 2012.1 (that's Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 if you prefer.) You can get the VS2012.1 update here or just wait for Visual Studio to popup some toast and let you know.

Visual Studio本身已迁移到更快的更新模型,并且最近发布了Visual Studio 2012.1 (如果愿意,可以使用Visual Studio 2012 Update1 。)您可以在此处获取VS2012.1更新,也可以等待Visual Studio弹出一些吐司,让您知道。

We're going to release an update to ASP.NET we'll call ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2. This will happen early next year but today you can download our Release Candidate! You can watch my presentation with Jon Galloway from the BUILD conference or read the release notes. This RC is, of course, newer than the one we released at BUILD and has a better name.

我们将发布对ASP.NET的更新,我们称之为 ASP.NET和Web工具2012.2 明年年初会发生这种情况,但是今天您可以下载我们的候选发布者! 您可以在BUILD会议上与Jon Galloway一起观看我的演示文稿,阅读发行说明。 当然,此RC比我们在BUILD上发布的RC还要,并且具有更好的名称。

This is a tooling refresh of Visual Studio 2012 and extends the existing run time with new features without breaking existing applications. This adds new templates and features including:

这是Visual Studio 2012的工具更新,并利用新功能扩展了现有运行时间,而不会破坏现有应用程序。 这将添加新的模板和功能,包括:

  • Enhancements to Web Publishing unifying Web Application and Website project publish experience.  Selective publish, local/remote diffs and more.

    对Web发布的增强,以统一Web应用程序和网站项目的发布经验。 选择性发布,本地/远程差异等。
  • Page Inspector has enhancements including JavaScript selection mapping and ability to see CSS updates in real-time.

    Page Inspector具有增强功能,包括JavaScript选择映射和实时查看CSS更新的功能。
  • New Web API functionality including support for OData, tracing and generating a help page for your API.

    新的Web API功能包括对OData的支持,跟踪并为您的API生成帮助页面。
  • New MVC templates


    • You can create Facebook apps using the MVC Facebook template. In just a few easy steps you can create a Facebook Canvas Application that gets data from the logged in user as well and with friends.

      您可以使用MVC Facebook模板创建Facebook应用。 仅需几个简单的步骤,您就可以创建一个Facebook Canvas应用程序,该应用程序还可以从登录用户以及与朋友一起获取数据。
    • The return and refresh of an all-new Single Page Application template allows developers to build interactive web apps using Knockout JavaScript library and a RESTful Web API.

      通过返回和刷新全新的“单页应用程序”模板,开发人员可以使用Knockout JavaScript库和RESTful Web API来构建交互式Web应用程序。
  • Real-time communication via SignalR. This means SignalR, in case you haven't heard, is a real and official thing. It's fully supported by Microsoft.

    通过SignalR进行实时通信。 这意味着,如果您还没有听说过,SignalR是真实的官方事情。 Microsoft完全支持它。
  • Extensionless Web Forms via ASP.NET Friendly URLs which makes it easy for web forms developers to generate clean URLs without the .aspx extension. This can be used with existing ASP.NET 4.0 applications as well!

    通过ASP.NET友好URL进行的无扩展Web窗体,使Web窗体开发人员可以轻松地生成不带.aspx扩展名的干净URL。 这也可以与现有的ASP.NET 4.0应用程序一起使用!

    • FriendlyURLs also makes it easier for developers to add mobile support to their applications, by supporting switching between desktop and mobile views.

  • Editor support for Knockout IntelliSense and pasting JSON as a class.

    编辑器支持Knockout IntelliSense并将JSON粘贴为类。

ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 installs quickly and does NOT alter the current ASP.NET run time components or change the GAC. For a complete description see the Release Notes.

ASP.NET和Web工具2012.2可以快速安装,并且不会更改当前的ASP.NET运行时组件或更改GAC。 有关完整说明,请参见发行说明

ASP.NET Fall 2012 Update for Visual Studio 2012 can be installed from the Fall 2012 Update home page( This is an update to Visual Studio 2012, which is required. This Release Candidate update does not support localized versions yet.  You see the new features in English but we'll will have localization support in upcoming RTM. It is an RC so there are some known issues. Be sure to check out the Release Notes for issues and workarounds.

可以从2012年秋季更新主页( )安装Visual Studio 2012的ASP.NET 2012年秋季更新。 这是对Visual Studio 2012的更新,这是必需的。 此候选版本更新尚不支持本地化版本。 您会看到英文的新功能,但是我们将在即将到来的RTM中提供本地化支持。 它是一个RC,因此存在一些已知问题。 请务必查看发行说明中的问题和解决方法。

Also be sure to get our "labs" component for Web Developers called Web Essentials. This is a place for Mads and the team to try out new features and play. When those features are baked, we'll graduate them to an update like this one!

另外,请确保为Web开发人员获取名为Web Essentials的“实验室”组件。 这是Mads和团队尝试新功能并进行游戏的地方。 烘焙完这些功能后,我们将对其进行升级,使其成为此类更新!

Why isn't this called ASP.NET 4.6? Because it's not. The GAC'ed ASP.NET 4.5 doesn't change. This is mostly a tooling update as well as a collection of NuGet-based libraries that augment but don't replace ASP.NET 4.5. If we called if ASP.NET 4.6 then folks would think they needed to rush to update their servers. They don't. It's an update for "Web Tools for VS 2012" but that's lame, so since we got the VS guys to use the .1, .2, .3 scheme rather than September Update CTP Refresh, then we can make things easier by calling this Web Tools 2012.2.

为什么不将其称为ASP.NET 4.6? 因为不是。 GAC的ASP.NET 4.5不变。 这主要是工具更新以及基于NuGet的库的集合,这些库可增强但不能替代ASP.NET 4.5。 如果我们调用ASP.NET 4.6,那么人们会认为他们需要赶紧更新服务器。 他们没有。 这是“用于VS 2012的Web工具”的更新,但是这很遗憾,因此,由于我们让VS专家使用.1,.2,.3方案,而不是使用September Update CTP Refresh,因此我们可以通过调用此命令使事情变得更容易Web工具2012.2。

This .2 release is just a step towards a more componentized "One ASP.NET." I hope you enjoy the direction we're heading. We've got some new things planned like a unified "File New ASP.NET Application" dialog, a better way to add your own templates and share them with the community, and a more level playing field for everyone.

.2版本​​只是迈向更加组件化的“一个ASP.NET”的一步。 希望您喜欢我们要走的方向。 我们计划了一些新的事情,例如统一的“ File New ASP.NET Application”对话框,添加自己的模板并与社区共享的更好方法,以及为每个人提供更公平的竞争环境。


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