已发布Visual Studio 2012和.NET Framework 4.5-这是5分钟的视频,可帮助您快速入门

Jason Zander announced today that Visual Studio 2012 and .NET Framework 4.5 is RELEASED to web. The .NET Web Tools Team (the team I'm on) has coverage on their blog as well. I thought I'd showcase some Tiny Happy Features that the team worked on just because it made life better. Some are large some are small, but all are tiny happy features.

Jason Zander今天宣布,Visual Studio 2012和.NET Framework 4.5已发布到网络上。 .NET Web工具团队(我所在的团队)在其博客上也有介绍。 我以为我要展示团队致力于的一些Tiny Happy功能,因为它可以使生活变得更好。 有些很大,有些很小,但都是微不足道的快乐功能。

I'll continue for a few more Tiny Happy Features over the next few weeks but this last week I took some time and recorded 13 (ya, thirteen, oy) short videos to show you guys these features in action. These are SHORT videos that are at most 4 to 6 minutes. It's hard to watch 60 to 90 minute screencast so I did these little one-take quick shots so you could watch them at lunch.

在接下来的几周中,我将继续提供更多的Tiny Happy功能,但是上周我花了一些时间,录制了13个(很早,很早,很早)动画短片,向大家展示了这些功能的实际效果。 这些是最多4到6分钟的简短视频。 很难观看60到90分钟的屏幕录像,所以我做了这些小的一次性拍摄,因此您可以在午餐时观看。

If you watch all these videos it will take you less than an hour and you'll have a good practical idea of what's new in Web Development and Tools with Visual Studio 2012. This is by no means exhaustive, but it's a lot.

如果您观看所有这些视频,则将花费您不到一个小时的时间,并且您将对Visual Studio 2012的Web开发和工具中的新增功能有个很好的实践认识。这绝不是详尽无遗的,但有很多。

The other concept that's worth pointing out is One ASP.NET. We've pulled the Web Tooling and Templates out into extensions in Visual Studio 2012. This means we can update Web Tools without updating all of Visual Studio. I talked about this in the One ASP.NET keynote at aspConf. We'll be updating the tools - not in major scary ways - but in useful and important ways that make front end web development easier. We'll look at small updates either quarterly or maybe semi-annually so when a new technique comes out you don't have to wait for the next version of Visual Studio.

另一个值得指出的概念是One ASP.NET 。 我们已经将Web工具和模板拉进了Visual Studio 2012的扩展中。这意味着我们可以更新Web工具而无需更新所有Visual Studio。 我在aspConf的一个ASP.NET主题演讲中谈到了这一点。 我们将更新工具-不是以主要的可怕方式-而是以有用和重要的方式来使前端Web开发更容易。 我们将每季度或每半年查看一次小的更新,因此,当一项新技术问世时,您不必等待Visual Studio的下一个版本。

下载Visual Studio 2012 (Download Visual Studio 2012)

MSDN Subscribers can download now at the MSDN Subscriber Download Page. For volume licensing customers, Visual Studio 2012 products will be on the Volume Licensing Service Center tomorrow. If you want to download Visual Studio 2012 free trial versions, or to download the free Express versions, head over to the the Visual Studio product website.

MSDN订阅服务器现在可以在MSDN订阅服务器下载页面上进行下载。 对于批量许可客户,Visual Studio 2012产品将于明天在批量许可服务中心上发布。 如果要下载Visual Studio 2012的免费试用版或下载免费的Express版本,请转到Visual Studio产品网站

适用于Visual Studio 2012和Visual Studio 2010的Azure SDK (Azure SDK for both Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2010)

It's also worth noting that the Windows Azure .NET SDK has been updated today as well and you can download versions for either Visual Studio 2010 SP1 or Visual Studio 2012.

还要注意的是, Windows Azure .NET SDK也已经更新,您可以下载Visual Studio 2010 SP1Visual Studio 2012的版本

影片 (The Videos)

Here's the 13 short videos showing each of my favorite features in just a few minutes. There are new Entity Framework 5 videos as well, so be sure to scroll all the way down!

这是短短13分钟内展示我最喜欢的功能的13个短视频。 也有新的Entity Framework 5视频,因此请确保一直向下滚动!

CODEC NOTE: These are using HTML5 video and MP4. If you are using a browser that doesn't support that codec, click the Header links to go to the ASP.NET site directly and the videos will stream with Silverlight.

编解码器注意:这些使用HTML5视频和MP4。 如果您使用的浏览器不支持该编解码器,请单击“页眉”链接直接转到ASP.NET网站,并且视频将随Silverlight流式传输。

模型绑定 (Model Binding)

HTML编辑器(HTML Editor )

CSS编辑器(CSS Editor)

JavaScript编辑器(JavaScript Editor)

页面检查器(Page Inspector)

ASP.NET 4.5 Web窗体强类型数据控件(ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms Strongly Typed Data Controls)

Web发布改进(Web Publishing Improvements)



捆绑与优化 (Bundling and Optimization)

SignalR和Web套接字(SignalR and Web Sockets)

异步并等待(Async and Await)

默认ASP.NET 4.5模板中的OAuth(OAuth in the Default ASP.NET 4.5 Templates)

实体框架5 (Entity Framework 5)

There are also 5 new Entity Framework videos done by Rowan Miller that show new features of the new Entity Framework 5 as well as walk you through Code First vs. Model First vs. Database First. They are excellent screencasts and I recommend them.

Rowan Miller还制作了5个新的Entity Framework视频,这些视频展示了新Entity Framework 5的新功能,并向您介绍了代码优先,模型优先和数据库优先。 它们是出色的截屏,我推荐它们。

I want to write code:


I want to use a visual designer:


EF5 is the newest version of Entity Framework. These short videos and step-by-step walkthroughs will get you started with the new EF5 features

EF5是Entity Framework的最新版本。 这些简短的视频和分步演练将帮助您开始使用新的EF5功能

  • Enum Support in Code First - The domain classes that make up your Code First model can now contain enum properties that will be mapped to the database.

    Code First中的枚举支持-组成Code First模型的域类现在可以包含将映射到数据库的枚举属性。

  • Enum Support in EF Designer - Using the EF Designer you can now add enum properties to your entities.

    EF Designer中的枚举支持-现在,您可以使用EF Designer将枚举属性添加到实体中。

  • Spatial Data Types in Code First - Spatial data types can now be exposed in your Code First model using the new DbGeography and DbGeometry types.

    Code First中的空间数据类型-现在,可以使用新的DbGeography和DbGeometry类型在Code First模型中公开空间数据类型。

  • Spatial Data Types in EF Designer - Spatial data types can now be used in the EF Designer using the new DbGeography and DbGeometry types.

    EF Designer中的空间数据类型-现在,可以使用新的DbGeography和DbGeometry类型在EF Designer中使用空间数据类型。

  • Table-Valued Functions - Table-valued functions (TVFs) in your database can now be used with Database First models created using the EF Designer.

    表值函数-数据库中的表值函数(TVF)现在可以与使用EF Designer创建的Database First模型一起使用。

  • Multiple Diagrams per Model - The EF Designer now allows you to have several diagrams that visualize subsections of your overall model. This allows larger models to be broken up into multiple smaller diagrams. You can also add color to the entities to help identify sections of your model.

    每个模型有多个图表-EF设计器现在允许您使用多个图表来可视化整个模型的各个子部分。 这样就可以将较大的模型分解为多个较小的图。 您还可以为实体添加颜色,以帮助识别模型的各个部分。

相关链接 (Related Links)

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/visual-studio-2012-and-net-framework-45-is-released-heres-5-minute-videos-to-get-you-up-to-speed-quick





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