
As an American, one of the things that stands out to me each time I visit South Africa is that everything is fenced. And not just fenced, but tall-concertina-wire-electric-angry-fenced. No country I've ever visited has fences this dramatic. 

作为美国人,每次访问南非对我来说最重要的事情之一就是一切都被围起来。 不仅被围起来,而且高音乐会钢丝被击穿。 我访问过的国家/地区都没有这种戏剧性的围栏。

People live in named communities (I can't help but to internally think of them as burbclaves) that are a collection of houses surrounded by a fence. These are similar to the named neighborhoods (developments) in the states, except for the posted guard and gate with a keypad. Once you're inside the community, each house still has their own fence, gates, and bars on the windows.

人们生活在被命名为社区的社区中(我不禁在内部将它们视为burbclaves ),这些社区被围墙包围。 除了张贴的守卫和带键盘的门外,这些州与各州的命名社区(开发区)相似。 进入社区后,每所房屋的窗户上仍然有自己栅栏,大门和酒吧。

The South Africans I talked to don't think anything of it. One said "Good neighbors start with good fences." When I expressed my surprise at the fence culture, folks said things like "[Americans] are the ones that totally changed your  airport security system after 9/11. You're as much a culture of fear, or more so, than [South Africans] are."

我与之交谈的南非人对此一无所知。 有人说“好邻居始于好篱笆。” 当我对围栏文化感到惊讶时,人们说“ [美国人]是在9/11之后彻底改变了您的机场安全系统的事情。与[南方]相比,您更是一种恐惧文化,或更是如此。非洲人]。

This was an interesting observation, but of course, as an ethnocentric American, I didn't quite see it that way. ;) From the outside looking in, I see fence culture everywhere. I was flipping through an advertising insert in the local newspaper and it was filled with security options for your home. Many were focused on being very secure without looking overtly like security. There were steel blinds that could "withstand an attack from a 2kg hammer" while still looking stylish in your home. There's monitoring services and guard services.

这是一个有趣的观察,但是,当然,作为一个以民族为中心的美国人,我不太喜欢这种观点。 ;)从外面看,到处都可以看到围栏文化。 我翻阅当地报纸上的广告插页,里面充斥着您家的安全选项。 许多人专注于非常安全而又不像安全一样。 有一些钢百叶窗可以“承受2公斤重的锤子的冲击”,同时在您的房屋中看起来仍然很时尚。 有监视服务和警卫服务。

Some South Africans I talked to about this said that fence culture has always been. First when the Whites in power separated themselves from the Blacks, and now when the "folks with stuff" separate themselves from the folks without stuff. The burbclaves I've seen are fairly mixed, with some leaning one way or the other, but generally, it seems, if you have the money to live somewhere, you can live there. For example, my brother-in-law's family stays in a community of 30 or so houses that has every color under the sun. The common thread is that they all live in this gated community. They all have satellite TV, washing machines, hot water, etc. Suburbs are suburbs in my experience, no matter where you are in the world. This might as well be Kansas, from an amenities point of view.

我谈到的一些南非人说,围栏文化一直存在。 首先是当权势的白人与黑人分离时,现在是“有东西的人”与没有东西的人分离的时候。 我见过的burbclaves混血儿,有些偏偏,但总的来说,看来,如果您有钱住在某个地方,您可以住在那里。 例如,我brother子的家人住在一个​​有30种左右房屋的社区,这些房屋在阳光下颜色各不相同。 共同点是他们都生活在这个封闭的社区中。 它们都配有卫星电视,洗衣机,热水等。根据我的经验,无论您在世界的任何地方,郊区都是郊区。 从便利设施的角度来看,这也可能是堪萨斯州。

It seems to me that the distance between the haves and the have nots here in South Africa is fairly marked. This has been my experience in other African countries as well. Hiring a full-time maid is a fairly inexpensive prospect here, as is day labor or construction work.

这在我看来,富人与在南非的穷国之间的距离相当显着。 这也是我在其他非洲国家的经验。 在这里,聘请专职女佣是一个相当便宜的前景,就像打工或建筑工作一样。

Where things come into stark contrast is when you leave your community and venture out. So far I've been the only White guy walking anywhere. At the mall today, I was lost and I asked someone how to exit the mall. She asked where I parked, and when I said, I walked, she was visibly shocked. Not regular bemused, but taken aback. Apparently going somewhere without a car is an odd thing. I looked like a have, but was doing a have-not activity. Silly Americans I suppose.

形成鲜明对比的地方是当您离开社区并冒险时。 到目前为止,我一直是唯一走到任何地方的白人。 在今天的购物中心,我迷路了,我问别人如何离开购物中心。 她问我停在哪里,当我说我走路时,她被震惊了。 不定期感到困惑,但吃了一惊。 显然,没有汽车去某个地方是一件奇怪的事。 我看起来像一个有钱人,但是正在做一个有钱人的活动。 我想是愚蠢的美国人。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/south-africa-2008-fence-culture





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