dell15-5559_Dell Mini 9-实用开发人员评论



Say what you like about Netbooks, or Tiny Notebooks, but I love my Dell Mini 9.

说出您喜欢上网本或Tiny Notebook的情况,但我爱我的Dell Mini 9

It's tiny. That's the whole point. It weighs like 2 lbs, almost nothing. It is definitely purse-sized (or murse-sized) with a high WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor). It's already saved me twice when I've been out and about and needed to log into servers to fix stuff.

很小这就是重点。 它重约2磅,几乎没有。 它肯定是钱包大小的(或摩尔斯大小的),具有很高的WAF(妻子接受因子)。 当我外出旅行并需要登录到服务器以修复问题时,它已经为我节省了两次。

Even if you don't get a Mini 9, as long as your expectations are set appropriately for what the machine can do, you'll love your netbook. Omar got a EeePC and loves it. Others like one of these:

即使您没有获得Mini 9,只要将机器的功能设定为期望值,您也会喜欢上网本。 Omar拥有并喜欢它EeePC 。 其他人喜欢其中之一:

From Dell, on the very low end you can get one for US$349 with a 4GB SSD (Solid State Drive), Linux and a half-gig of RAM. Good for surfing, but little else. On the high end, you can get a gig of RAM and a 16GB SSD, which is more usable.

在戴尔的低端,您可以以349美元的价格获得一个,配备4GB SSD(固态硬盘),Linux和半千兆RAM。 很适合冲浪,但别无其他。 在高端,您可以获得一个千兆的RAM和一个16GB的SSD,这更加有用。

眼镜 (Specs)

Some netbooks have Hard Drives, but the Dell has a silent memory-based SSD. Omar points out that most netbooks have similar specs:

某些上网本具有硬盘驱动器,但戴尔具有基于内存的静音SSD。 奥马尔指出,大多数上网本都有类似的规格:

  • 10 inch 1024 x 600 screen

    10英寸1024 x 600屏幕

  • 80 GB SATA hard drive

    80 GB SATA硬盘

  • Intel Atom 1.6 Ghz processor

    英特尔凌动1.6 Ghz处理器

  • 512MB – 1 GB of RAM

    512MB – 1 GB RAM

  • WebCam


  • Bluetooth (Lenovo S10 does not)

    蓝牙(Lenovo S10没有)

  • WiFi (Asus has 802.11n while the others are b/g)

    WiFi(Asus为802.11n,其他为b / g)

  • Ethernet 10/100


The Mini 9 also has an SD card slot, 3 USB ports, headphone/mic and VGA out. The SSD seems to get a buffered read speed of about 25Mb/sec, while my T60p does about 50Mb/sec. That benchmark number feels about right when compared to the perception of speed.

Mini 9还具有SD卡插槽,3个USB端口,耳机/麦克风和VGA输出。 SSD的缓冲读取速度似乎约为25Mb / sec,而我的T60p约为50Mb / sec。 与速度感知相比,该基准数字感觉不错。

The speakers are surprisingly loud. I watch a full episode of Heros last night while on the treadmill and had no trouble hearing it. It's also worth noting that it's completely silent when running. It's so quiet it's hard to tell its on. One last thing that's significant, the screen is exceptionally crisp and bright. I didn't expect so small a laptop to have SUCH a clear screen.

扬声器声音惊人。 昨晚,我在跑步机上观看了整集的《英雄》,而听到它毫无困难。 还值得注意的是,它在运行时是完全静音的 太安静了,很难说清。 最后一件重要的事情是,屏幕异常清脆明亮。 我没想到这么小的笔记本电脑会有清晰的屏幕。

I've heard people say it gets hot, but I just haven't see that at all. Some folks complain there is no F11 or F12, key. However, BIOS A02 (the currently shipping BIOs) uses Fn-Z and Fn-X for F11 and F12, so no problem there now.

我听到人们说,它也变热,但我还没有看到,在所有。 有些人抱怨没有F11或F12键。 但是,BIOS A02(当前提供的BIO)将Fn-Z和Fn-X用于F11和F12,因此现在没有问题。

升级既便宜又容易 (Upgrades are Cheap and Easy)

However, if you check out sites like, there are aftermarket SSDs in sizes like 32GB. I'm sure 64GB is on its way. One strategy is to by the smallest, cheapest Dell Mini, the get a 2GB memory chip from Crucial for ~US$26. The upgrade is literally a 5 minute affair.

但是,如果您访问网站,则有32GB的售后市场SSD。 我确定64GB即将推出。 一种策略是通过最小,最便宜的Dell Mini,从Crucial获得2GB的存储芯片,价格约为26美元。 升级实际上是5分钟的事情。

I upgraded my to 2GB and bought it with the 16GB SSD. The SSD is slower than a regular HD in my experience, but in weird ways. For example, the thing boots from off to the Windows 7 desktop in about 15 seconds. However, if you have a LOT of things going on writing to the drive it seems to slow down. That said, it's TOTALLY usable.

我将其升级到2GB并用16GB SSD买了它。 根据我的经验,SSD的速度比普通HD慢,但是有些奇怪。 例如,事物在大约15秒内从关闭启动到Windows 7桌面。 但是,如果有很多事情要写入驱动器,它似乎会变慢。 就是说,它完全可用。

This guy added a GPS to his Dell Mini 9. I suspect we'll see more cool hacks like this.

这个家伙在他的Dell Mini 9中添加了GPS 。 我怀疑我们会看到更多类似这样的很棒的技巧。

编码 (Coding)

I'm running Visual Web Developer and SQL Server 2008 Express and doing just fine. I'll be taking it with me to South Africa this month as my only laptop. I'll be speaking at two User Groups and running all my demos on this machine. I think it'll work just fine as a slowish laptop. After installing Windows 7, VS.NET Express (not MSDN), and SQL Express, I've got 4.58 Gigs free on the drive, so I'm not feeling cramped.

我正在运行Visual Web Developer和SQL Server 2008 Express,一切都很好。 我将把它作为我唯一的笔记本电脑带到南非 我将在两个用户组中发言,并在此计算机上运行所有演示。 我认为它可以作为一台速度较慢的笔记本电脑使用。 安装Windows 7,VS.NET Express(不是MSDN)和SQL Express之后,驱动器上有4.58 Gigs的可用空间,因此我不会感到局促。

When you plug in a large keyboard, mouse and monitor, it almost disappears, especially when you're using it at a reasonable resolution.


性能 (Performance)

I use it while working out to watch and other 480p videos and the when plugged in, the frame rate is just fine, very smooth. It drops frames if you're compiling in the background or something.

我在锻炼时观看Hulu.com和其他480p视频时使用它,插入电源后,帧速率就很好,非常流畅。 如果您在后台编译或其他东西,它将丢弃帧。

I'm getting between 3 and 4 hours of battery life, depending on the brightness level and how hard it's working. It's definitely better than the 2.5 hours I squeeze out of my Lenovo T60p.

我的电池续航时间为3到4个小时,具体取决于亮度水平和工作强度。 这绝对比我从联想T60p挤出的2.5小时要好。

I plugged it into my 1600x1080 monitor and amazingly it worked fine. It kept the same color depth and the windows still had transparent Aero glass with my pre-release version of Windows 7. It did seem that the video card was working pretty hard though. When I turn off transparency and themes it moves faster, so you can tune the visual effects to your taste.

我将其插入我的1600x1080显示器,而且效果惊人。 它保持了相同的色彩深度,并且在Windows 7的预发布版本中,窗户仍然具有透明的Aero玻璃。看来视频卡的工作似乎还很辛苦。 当我关闭透明度和主题时,它可以更快地移动,因此您可以根据自己的喜好调整视觉效果。

I haven't tested Outlook, but as I understand it, the seek pattern of PST/OST files is NOT something that SSDs like. Since the Dell Mini 9 has a SD slot, you can easily add another "drive" by putting a SD card in there. I added a 4GB SD card and made a new folder called "C:\Program Files (SD)" then linked it to the SD card with this command line:

我尚未测试过Outlook,但是据我了解,PST / OST文件的搜索模式不是SSD所喜欢的。 由于Dell Mini 9具有SD插槽,因此可以通过在其中插入SD卡来轻松添加另一个“驱动器”。 我添加了一个4GB的SD卡,并创建了一个名为“ C:\ Program Files(SD)”的新文件夹,然后使用以下命令行将其链接到SD卡:

mklink /d "C:\Program Files (SD)" E:\Program Files (SD)"

mklink / d“ C:\ Program Files(SD)” E:\ Program Files(SD)“

Then I installed some programs in there. You can do the same with data files like OSTs, but don't expect stellar Outlook performance for now.

然后我在那里安装了一些程序。 您可以对数据文件(例如OST)执行相同的操作,但是暂时不要期待出色的Outlook性能。

Mini 9的性能调整 (Mini 9 Performance Tweaks)

There are lots of folks trying lots of tweaks. Try them one at a time and see what works for you. It's very early. I would also point out if you're running a pre-release of Windows 7 that from what I hear, the bosses are big fans of these little netbooks, and if you remove some feature, you might be working against some optimizations that they might be building in. This is conjecture on my part - a gut feeling. I'm not on that team.

有很多人尝试许多调整。 一次尝试一个,看看有什么适合您的。 还很早我还要指出,如果您运行的是Windows 7的预发行版,那么据我所知,老板是这些小上网本的忠实拥护者,并且,如果删除某些功能,则可能会他们可能在进行的一些优化工作背道而驰。被建立。这是我的part测-一种直觉。 我不在那支队伍中。

That said, I REALLY like running Windows 7 on my Mini. Again, not speedy, but not slow. My Windows Experience Score is 2.3, but that's just the video that's holding it back. The other scores are all 3.0, except the memory which is 4.4.

也就是说,我真的很喜欢在Mini上运行Windows 7。 再次,不是很快,但不是慢。 我的Windows体验得分是2.3,但这仅仅是阻止它的视频。 除内存为4.4以外,其他所有分数均为3.0。

If you need a backup machine for travel, a "surfing while on the couch" machine, a small laptop for a modest (child, teen, non-technical spouse), or a purse-machine desktop-replacement for a spouse, I totally recommend the Dell Mini 9.

如果您需要旅行用的备用机器,“在沙发上冲浪”的机器,适合普通儿童(儿童,青少年,非技术配偶)的小型笔记本电脑或配偶的钱包式台式电脑替代品,我完全可以推荐Dell Mini 9。



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