odac xcopy是什么_XCopy被认为是有害的-Robocopy或XXCopy或SyncBack

odac xcopy是什么

odac xcopy是什么

It's just so darn hard to copy a lot of files these days. If it's more than 1000 files or larger than a gig, I don't even try with Explorer anymore. It's not worth the angst. I used to do this:

这些天来很难复制大量文件。 如果文件超过1000个或大于演出,我什至不再尝试使用Explorer。 不值得的焦虑。 我曾经这样做:

xcopy *.* d: /s /e /z /v

But when there's not a "No to all" option, and I've got it halfway copied, I get pretty frustrated. There's a few really good alternatives...

但是,当没有“全部拒绝”选项时,如果我将其复制到一半,我会感到非常沮丧。 有一些非常好的选择...

机器人复制 (Robocopy)

First, Robocopy. If you have XP or Windows Server you can easily get this in the Resource Kits. If you have Vista, it's already in your path. That's always nice. It's Robust, indeed (hence, Robocopy) but it's legendarily unforgiving. If anything is wrong with the command line options you'll just get the help. It's so hard to use there's even a GUI Frontend you can get. However, when I want to get a directory from here to over there, I just do this (no wildcards allowed! Doh!) and it just gets there, auto skipping files that are already at the destination. It's also wonderful over an unreliable network:

首先, Robocopy 。 如果您有XP或Windows Server,则可以从资源工具包中轻松获得。 如果您有Vista,那么它已经在您的选择中了。 总是很好。 它确实很健壮(因此,是Robocopy),但传说上是不能原谅的。 如果命令行选项有任何问题,您将获得帮助。 很难使用,甚至您都可以获得GUI前端。 但是,当我想从此处获取目录时,只需执行此操作(不允许使用通配符!Doh!),它就可以到达目录,并自动跳过已位于目标位置的文件。 在不可靠的网络上也很棒:

robocopy "H:\Source" "z:\Dest" /S /Z

Where /s means subdirectories, and /z means in restartable mode.

/ s表示子目录,/ z表示处于可重启模式。

同步返回 (SyncBack)

Second, for repeatable jobs, I love SyncBackSE. It's $30, but there is a free version with less features available. SyncBack is option-ful and literally moves nearly every important piece of data in my house around weekly.

其次,对于可重复的工作,我喜欢SyncBackSE 。 它的价格为30美元,但有一个免费版本,功能较少。 SyncBack具有选项功能,几乎每周都会移动我家中几乎所有重要数据

It's UI is really amazing. You create as many "profiles" as you like, as complex as they need to be, using it's very nice wizard UI. I've never had to make a profile without the wizard - it's that comprehensive.

它的用户界面真的很棒。 您可以使用它非常好的向导UI创建任意数量的“配置文件”,并根据需要创建它们。 如果没有向导,我从来不需要做一个配置文件-它是如此全面。

It's a huge part of our backup strategy and it even backs up this blog via FTP. Do take a moment and download at least the trial. Profiles can be named and called via the Windows Scheduler or at the command line - that's why it's really for jobs you'll do more than once. It's a great way to deploy or backup a website, and it'll talk to FTP, WebDav, etc. It'll keep folders in sync, and profiles can be grouped and run in tandem as well. It will also backup and ZIP at the same time.

这是我们备份策略的重要组成部分,甚至可以通过FTP备份此博客。 请花点时间下载至少试用版。 可以通过Windows Scheduler或在命令行中命名和调用配置文件-这就是为什么它真的可以用于作业的原因。 这是部署或备份网站的好方法,它将与FTP,WebDav等通信。它将使文件夹保持同步,并且配置文件也可以分组并同时运行。 它还将同时备份和ZIP。

XX复制 (XXCopy)

Last, but certainly not least, XXCOPY. It's huge. Epic even. It's even got a nice windows progress bar that pops out of the DOS Box. The Technical Reference is comprehensive to say the least. Here's a summary of the features. It'll sync directories, maintain short names, qualify by date/time, copy security info.

最后但同样重要的是XXCOPY 。 很大。 史诗般的。 它甚至有一个不错的Windows进度栏,它从DOS Box中弹出。 至少可以说, 《技术参考》是全面的。 这是这些功能摘要。 它将同步目录,维护短名称,按日期/时间限定,复制安全信息。

If you are a command-line bad*ss, this is the utility for you. You'll like it immediately because it's command line switches are mostly compatible with xcopy and Robocopy, then it adds a million more so you can tweak your copy or mirror to be most effective. There's both free and pro versions.

如果您是命令行坏人,这是适合您的实用程序。 您会立即喜欢上它,因为它的命令行开关大多数与xcopy和Robocopy兼容,然后又增加了一百万,因此您可以调整副本或镜像以使其最有效。 有免费版和专业版。

The author is quite bold, and even has a section on how XXCopy supersedes RoboCopy. I think I just stepped in a big pile of sassy! But, I've got to give him credit. The options are insane. XXCopy does it all. Truly. Highly recommended.

作者非常大胆,甚至还介绍了XXCopy如何取代RoboCopy的内容。 我想我只是踩了一大堆野蛮的东西! 但是,我必须赞扬他。 选项太疯狂了。 XXCopy可以完成所有工作。 真的强烈推荐。

Regardless of which one you pick, just please stop using XCopy.


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/xcopy-considered-harmful-robocopy-or-xxcopy-or-syncback

odac xcopy是什么

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