flux 和 mono_Mono和PDC BoF

flux 和 mono

flux 和 mono

I'm not at PDC, I stayed home. We've got some exciting stuff going on at Corillian and I've also got to speak at our user's conference next week, so PDC wasn't well timed for me. However, there are a number of Corillian folks wandering around down there.

我不在PDC,我待在家里。 我们在Corillian上发生了一些令人兴奋的事情,而且我还必须在下周的用户大会上发表演讲,因此PDC对我来说不是很好的时机。 但是,有许多Corillian人在那儿徘徊。

Stuart Celarier is an engineer here at Corillian who is also, in his spare time, a liaison for INETA in charge of the setup of the Birds-of-a-Feather sessions at PDC. (Here's an interview with Stuart at Channel9). That said, it's important to note that while Stuart administers the BoF tracks and manages the speakers, it is ultimately Microsoft's PDC and Microsoft's space to offer to INETA. It was Stuart's job to collect submissions but Microsoft's ultimate decision to accept or reject sessions.

Stuart CelarierCorillian的一名工程师,在业余时间,他还是INETA的联络人,负责在PDC上建立羽毛鸟课程。 (这是在Channel9接受Stuart采访)。 就是说,需要注意的是,尽管Stuart管理BoF曲目并管理发言人,但最终还是Microsoft的PDC和Microsoft向INETA提供的空间。 Stuart的工作是收集提交的内容,但Microsoft最终决定接受或拒绝会议。

Miguel de Icaza posted on his blog last week how frustrated he was (rightfully so) with the way his Mono BoF was handled. However, there is a lot of bureaucracy underneath INETA and Stuart that is totally out of his control. Microsoft's position is likely that Mono isn't their product and it's neither supported nor endorsed by Microsoft. Obviously, there's a lot of strong opinions about Mono.

Miguel de Icaza上周在他的博客发布了他对Mono BoF的处理方式感到沮丧(理应如此)。 但是,INETA和Stuart之下有很多官僚机构,这完全不受他的控制。 微软的立场可能是Mono不是他们的产品,Microsoft既不支持也不认可它。 显然,有关Mono的观点很多

Both Stuart and I have spoken to Miguel about this and we're cool. Yes, it's lame the way it was handled by the Powers That Be. However, I wanted to say publically that we at Corillian very much like what Mono is doing and continue to explore it with interest. Additionally, I personally totally dig what Mono is doing. DasBlog 1.6 has been "adjusted" to run on Mono (and ships with the Mono Live CD) and it's on my list of things to do to get DasBlog 1.8 running on Mono.

我和斯图尔特都已经和米格尔谈过这个,我们很酷。 是的,这比Bes所处理的方式更la脚。 但是,我想公开地说,我们Corillian非常喜欢Mono所做的事情,并继续对此进行有兴趣的探索。 另外,我个人完全挖掘了Mono的工作。 DasBlog 1.6已经过“调整”,可以在Mono上运行(并随Mono Live CD一起提供),在DasBlog 1.8上运行Mono上,这是我要做的事情。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/mono-and-the-pdc-bof

flux 和 mono

WebFlux是Spring框架的一部分,它提供了一种响应式编程的方式来构建基于非阻塞I/O的应用程序。在WebFlux中,我们可以使用两种主要的数据类型:MonoFlux。 1. MonoMono是一种包含零个或一个元素的响应式流。它类似于Java 8中的Optional,但具有更多的操作符和功能。下面是一些使用Mono的示例: ```java Mono<String> mono = Mono.just("Hello"); // 创建一个包含单个元素的Mono mono.subscribe(System.out::println); // 订阅并打印元素 Mono<Integer> emptyMono = Mono.empty(); // 创建一个空的Mono emptyMono.subscribe(System.out::println); // 不会输出任何内容 Mono<String> errorMono = Mono.error(new RuntimeException("Error")); // 创建一个包含错误的Mono errorMono.subscribe(System.out::println, Throwable::printStackTrace); // 打印错误信息 ``` 2. FluxFlux是一种包含零个或多个元素的响应式流。它类似于Java 8中的Stream,但具有更多的操作符和功能。下面是一些使用Flux的示例: ```java Flux<String> flux = Flux.just("Hello", "World"); // 创建一个包含多个元素的Flux flux.subscribe(System.out::println); // 订阅并打印元素 Flux<Integer> emptyFlux = Flux.empty(); // 创建一个空的Flux emptyFlux.subscribe(System.out::println); // 不会输出任何内容 Flux<String> errorFlux = Flux.error(new RuntimeException("Error")); // 创建一个包含错误的Flux errorFlux.subscribe(System.out::println, Throwable::printStackTrace); // 打印错误信息 ``` 通过使用MonoFlux,我们可以在WebFlux中处理异步和非阻塞的操作,例如处理HTTP请求和响应。




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