


I realize that many (most) of you are not on Twitter. I am, however, on Twitter and I find it to be a joy. I have had a few complaints (just a few) because I tend to be random on Twitter. If you want only a stream of technical .NET resources, then don't follow me. However, if you want to follow the Whole Person, then please, join the fun.

我意识到你们中的很多人(大多数)不在Twitter上。 但是,在Twitter上,我感到很高兴。 我有一些抱怨(只有几个),因为我倾向于在Twitter上随意。 如果您只想要.NET技术资源流,请不要关注我。 但是,如果您想跟随整个人,请加入乐趣

The most wonderful part of Twitter is just letting it flow over you. I tend to discover lots of interesting and cool stuff. So much so that I've started "Favorite-ing" things I want to save for later. That means clicking the little Star icon. You can access any Twitter user's favorites by putting /favorites at the end of their URL, like http://twitter.com/shanselman/favorites. There are 3rd parties like FavStar that mine this information, both favorites (stars) and retweets (RTs) and then sort by popularity. You can see my most "popular" tweets here: http://favstar.fm/users/shanselman. These tend of be ones that folks want to save for later themselves.

Twitter最精彩的部分就是让它流过您。 我倾向于发现很多有趣而酷的东西。 如此之多,以至于我已经开始“收藏”我要保存以备后用的东西。 这意味着单击小星形图标。 您可以通过将/ favorites放在其URL的末尾来访问任何Twitter用户的收藏夹,例如http://twitter.com/shanselman/favorites 。 像FavStar这样的第三方会挖掘此信息,包括收藏夹(星级)和转推(RT),然后按受欢迎程度排序。 您可以在这里查看我最“流行”的推文: http : //favstar.fm/users/shanselman 。 这些往往是人们希望自己以后保存的东西。

So far I've blogged:


For the people that aren't on Twitter (or aren't on it as much as I am) I thought I'd do a post each week or so with a roundup of the most awesome links I've come upon that week on Twitter. One stop shopping for awesome. I'll also add some commentary about why it's awesome. These aren't all development centric, but they were interesting to me.

对于那些不在Twitter上的人(或者不是我的关注程度不高的人),我认为我每周都会写一篇帖子,并汇总我当周遇到的最棒的链接推特。 一站式购物真棒。 我还将添加一些有关它为何很棒的评论。 这些都不都是以开发为中心的,但是它们对我来说很有趣。

mrated: MetroTwit Show is mesmerizing. I can see it being used at trade shows and whatnot. Well done @longzheng and Co! http://is.gd/hWo0so

误解:MetroTwit Show令人着迷。 我可以看到它正在贸易展览会上使用。 @longzheng和Co做得好 http://is.gd/hWo0so

MetroTwit is a great Twitter client for Windows, and MetroTwit Show is kind of a Twitter client screensaver. It's fun to watch the tweets just move around and come and go. I think it'd be great for an office lobby of a company, or a conference! Really nice visualizations.

MetroTwit是Windows的出色Twitter客户端, MetroTwit Show是一种Twitter客户端屏幕保护程序。 看着这些推文来回走动很有趣。 我认为这对于公司的办公大厅或会议来说是很棒的! 非常好的可视化。

hugorodgerbrown: the current answers to this question are effectively parking a tank on your lawn -http://t.co/gFOHrBM "If licensing were free, what would be the downsides of using the Microsoft stack for a website?"

hugorodgerbrown :目前这个问题的答案是有效的停车草坪上的坦克- http://t.co/gFOHrBM “如果授权是免费的,这将是使用Microsoft堆栈网站的缺点?”

This twitter follower tweeted me to let me know an interesting discussion was happening on Quora, a Q&A site. While I didn't feel it was a "tank on my lawn," it did turn into a really good, constructive discussion about choosing a stack, AND I learned more about Quora.

这个推特关注者发了一条推文,让我知道Q&A网站Quora上正在进行有趣的讨论。 虽然我觉得那不是“草坪上的坦克”,但它确实变成了一个关于选择堆栈的非常好的,建设性的讨论,并且我进一步了解了Quora

rupl developer prank - Put this in your co-worker's user stylesheet: * {-webkit-transform: rotateZ(-.1deg); }

rupl开发人员恶作剧-将其放入您同事的用户样式表中:* {-webkit-transform:rotationZ(-。1deg); }

This is evil. If you want to really confuse a developer or designer, hide this line in their stylesheet and see if they figure out why things aren't "pixel perfect" anymore!

这是邪恶的。 如果您真的要让开发人员或设计师感到困惑,请将其隐藏在样式表中,看看他们是否能弄清楚为什么事情不再“完美无缺”了!

redditflipboard Putting on her serious face.: #reddit #flipboard http://bit.ly/o7snxB

redditflipboard放在她严肃的脸上。: #reddit #flipboard http://bit.ly/o7snxB

You may hate animated gifs, but they are BACK and Twitter is full of them. Such old school fun! I'm starting to collect them again and throw them into DropBox. As Jeff Atwood says, "There is no problem animated GIFs cannot solve."

您可能不喜欢GIF动画,但它们回来了,Twitter上到处都是。 这么老派的乐趣! 我开始再次收集它们并将它们放入DropBox 。 正如Jeff Atwood所说“动画GIF不能解决任何问题。”


Carnage4Life Nerdy proposals make me cry :) http://juliewillyoumarry.me/

Carnage4Life书呆子的提议让我哭了:) http://juliewillyoumarry.me/

This is a great little website and a video of the actual proposal. So clever. Of course, thanks to the ubiquity of the Internet, no one can ever do it again. Or dance in to Chris Brown's "Forever."

这是一个很棒的小型网站,也是有关实际提案的视频。 好聪明。 当然,由于互联网的普及,没有人能再做一次。 或与克里斯·布朗(Chris Brown)的《永远》共舞。

TheWordsmith215 "What you're comfortable with isn't the only thing you're good at." ~@markchappelle

TheWordsmith215 “您所擅长的并不是您唯一擅长的事情。” @markchappelle

Yes, Twitter is also filled with pithy quotes, but sometimes that's exactly what you need to hear.


codinghorror How much should you pay developers? http://t.co/zZnLcGm

codinghorror多少你要开发? http://t.co/zZnLcGm

Jeff Atwood blogs the Stack Exchange Developer Compensation document externally. While no actual numbers appear, it's still interesting to see what Jeff and Joel and friends value in an employee, including Modem Whistling.

杰夫·阿特伍德(Jeff Atwood)在外部发布Stack Exchange开发人员补偿文档。 尽管没有实际数字出现,但看看Jeff和Joel及其朋友在员工中的价值,包括Modem Whistling,仍然很有趣。

GeeDee215 Make Your Kid A Writer http://t.co/LfOY2UZ


I would love for my kid to be a writer. Here's some tips from The Atlantic via Molly Backes:

我希望我的孩子成为一名作家。 以下是来自大西洋的莫莉·贝克斯( Molly Backes)的一些技巧

Give her a notebook and five bucks so she can pick out a great pen. Insist she spend time with the family. It's even better if this time is spent in another state, a cabin in the woods, a cottage on the lake, far from her friends and people her own age. Give her some tedious chores to do. Make her mow the lawn, do the dishes by hand, paint the garage. Make her go on long walks with you and tell her you just want to listen to the sounds of the neighborhood.

给她一个笔记本和五美元,这样她就可以挑出一支好笔。 坚持与家人共度时光。 最好把这段时间花在另一个州,树林里的小屋,湖上的小屋,远离她的朋友和同龄人。 给她一些乏味的工作。 让她修剪草坪,用手洗碗,给车库上油漆。 让她和您一起散步,并告诉她您只想听附近的声音。

Let her be lonely. Let her believe that no one in the world truly understands her. Give her the freedom to fall in love with the wrong person, to lose her heart, to have it smashed and abused and broken. Occasionally be too busy to listen, be distracted by other things, have your nose in a great book, be gone with your own friends. Let her have secrets. Let her have her own folder on the family computer

让她寂寞。 让她相信世界上没有人真正了解她。 给她自由去爱上一个错误的人,失去她的心,让它被粉碎,虐待和破碎。 有时太忙而听不清,被其他事情分散注意力,将鼻子放在一本好书上,和自己的朋友走开。 让她有秘密。 让她在家庭计算机上拥有自己的文件夹

jonubian Being able to admit fault, accept accountability, and apologize is some high power s***


My twitter friend Jo breaks it straight down. This is the kind of quote I consider printing out, laminating and framing on my wall.

我的推特朋友乔将其直接分解。 我认为这是我在墙上打印,覆膜和裱框的那种报价。

For more details on Twitter and my tips and tricks, I hope you'll enjoy these blog posts...


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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/scotts-wonderful-twitter-favorites-link-roundup-2


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