


We're back and we've got a little problem. Part of the family has jet lag and part doesn't. It doesn't matter who does or doesn't ;) but some of us have figured out a few basic tricks when crossing more than 4 time zones. They work for us, but YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary).

我们回来了,我们有一个小问题。 家庭的一部分有时差,而一部分则没有。 谁做与不做不重要;),但是我们当中有些人在跨越4个以上时区时已经发现了一些基本技巧。 他们为我们工作,但YMMV(您的里程可能会有所不同)。

In this case, we were travelling from GMT-8 to GMT+2, so that's 10 time zones. Right now it's 9:05pm where I am, and it's 7:05am tomorrow morning in South Africa.

在这种情况下,我们从GMT-8到GMT + 2,所以这是10个时区。 现在是晚上9:05,现在是明天上午7:05在南非。

It's not really possible to completely AVOID Jet Lag. It is JET-lag, and not bicycle-lag or walking-to-fast-lag. The human body just wasn't meant to cross an ocean in a few hours. It's supposed to take a few months or not happen at all. ;)

完全不可能完全避免Jet Lag。 它是JET滞后,而不是自行车滞后或步行到快速滞后。 人体并不是要在几个小时内越过海洋。 应该花费几个月甚至根本没有发生。 ;)

Now, as a diabetic, I have to pay more attention to Time Zones than most travelers, but this is all pretty standard jet-lag stuff but a little attention to detail and being willing to mess with oneself psychologically can cut your jet-lag recovery time in half or better.


  • Ahead of Time: Try to work out lots, especially cardio, in the days before your trip. I'm not sure why this works, maybe circulation, maybe it makes you tired, but it helps.

    提前:在出行前几天尝试锻炼很多东西,尤其是有氧运动。 我不确定为什么这样行得通,也许是循环,也许会让您感到疲倦,但这会有所帮助。

  • Water: Drink ridiculous amounts of water. I try to do at least two liters a day while travelling and I keep drinking two liters a day when I'm recovering from the flight. (Really, just drink lots of water all the time)

    水:喝大量的水。 在旅途中,我每天尝试至少做两升,而从飞机上恢复下来后,我每天都会喝两升。 (真的,要一直喝很多水)

  • Take Advantage of the Flight Time: Our total door-to-door travel time was just over 26 hours. That's 26 hours that you COULD be getting acclimated to the destination time. I move my watch, and consciously try to move my brain to the destination time as soon as I sit down in my chair. That means literally saying to yourself, "OK, it's 7am. What would I be doing at 7am?" and trying to do it. You might find yourself needing to walk briskly around the plane when everyone else is sleeping, but it's worth it. There's many travel hours that you can be using to get ready for destination time.

    充分利用飞行时间:我们的门到门总旅行时间刚刚超过26小时。 那是您可能要适应目标时间的26个小时。 我移动手表,一旦坐在椅子上,就会有意识地尝试将大脑移动到目的地。 这实际上是对自己说:“好,现在是7点。我7点会做什么?” 并尝试这样做。 您可能会发现自己在其他所有人都睡觉时需要在飞机上快步走,但这是值得的。 您可以使用许多旅行时间来准备目的地时间。

  • Don't sleep when the Clock says it's Day: Lots of folks say that "your body knows what it needs." I believe this is nonsense when travelling. I think that jet-lag is the one time when your body has NO idea what it needs. You need to override your body's ignorance with your brain. If you get in to Europe at 2pm and you are exhausted, really, wait until at least 8pm or preferably later to sleep, otherwise you're screwed. I've watched people wandering around at 2am, ready for dinner, because they've slept their "8" in the middle of the day on destination time.

    时钟说“白天”时不要睡觉:许多人说“您的身体知道需要什么”。 我相信这是在旅行时胡说八道。 我认为时差是您的身体一无所知的时候。 您需要用大脑来克服身体的无知。 如果您在下午2点进入欧洲并且精疲力尽,那么,实际上,请等到至少晚上8点或更晚才入睡,否则您将被困。 我已经看到人们在凌晨2点到处闲逛,准备吃晚饭,因为他们在目的地时间的中午睡觉了“ 8”。

  • Be aware of travel direction: I find that travelling West is really easy. Travelling East is the killer. An excellent explanation from Wikipedia:

    注意行进方向:我发现向西行进确实很容易。 东行是杀手。 维基百科的一个很好的解释:

  • There seems to be some evidence that traveling west to east is the more disruptive. This may be because most people have a circadian period which is a bit longer than 24 hours, making it easier to stay up later than to get up earlier.

    似乎有证据表明,从西向东旅行更具破坏性。 这可能是因为大多数人的昼夜节律时间比24小时要长一些,因此熬夜要比早起容易。

    It may also be that flights to the east are more likely to require people to stay awake more than one full night in order to adjust to the local time zone. For example, comparing a typical schedule for a traveler flying to the East vs a traveler flying to the West:

    也有可能是,飞往东方的航班更可能需要人们在一个整夜中保持清醒,才能适应当地时区。 例如,比较一下飞往东方的旅行者和飞往西方的旅行者的典型时间表:

    • Westward from London to Los Angeles, VIA BA0279, Jan 29, 2008. Time zone difference 8 hours.

      2008年1月29日,从伦敦向洛杉矶西移,VIA BA0279。时区差8小时。

    • WestwardBiological clockLos Angeles local
      DepartureJAN 29 - 10:05JAN 29 - 02:05
      ArrivalJAN 29 - 21:10JAN 29 - 13:10
      BedtimeJAN 30 - 06:00JAN 29 - 22:00
      向西 生物钟洛杉矶本地
      离开一月29-10:05 1月29日-02:05
      到达 1月29日-21:10 1月29日-13:10
      上床时间 1月30日-06:00 1月29日至22:00
    • Eastward from Los Angeles to London, VIA BA0278, Jan 29, 2008.


    • EastwardBiological clockLondon local
      DepartureJAN 29 - 15:59JAN 29 - 23:59
      ArrivalJAN 30 - 02:05JAN 30 - 10:05
      BedtimeJAN 30 - 14:00JAN 30 - 22:00
      向东 生物钟伦敦本地
      离开一月29-15:59 1月29日-23:59
      到达 1月30日-02:05 一月30-10:05
      上床时间 1月30日-14:00 1月30日至22:00

    The first scenario is equivalent to staying up all night and going to bed at 6am the next day — 9 hours later than usual. But the second scenario (eastward) is equivalent to staying up all night and going to bed at 2pm the next day — 12 hours after the time one would otherwise have gone to bed.

    第一种情况相当于熬夜,第二天早上6点上床睡觉-比平时晚9个小时。 但是第二种情况(向东)相当于熬夜,第二天下午2点上床睡觉,否则,如果再睡12个小时,就可以睡觉了。

  • Use Daylight: This one is the most important. When you arrive, either home or away, be outside as long and as often as possible. We used this on the children. The more sun you get (don't get burned) the more your brain will be reminded that it's daytime and you should be awake. This works even if it's snowy or gray. Just get outside!

    使用日光:这是最重要的。 当您到达家中或出门在外时,请尽可能长时间在室外。 我们在孩子身上使用了这个。 您得到的阳光越多(不被灼伤),您的大脑就会被提醒更多,这是白天,您应该保持清醒。 即使下雪或灰色也可以使用。 出去吧!

What works for you, Dear Reader, when trying to minimize jet-lag?


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/south-africa-2008-avoiding-or-minimizing-jet-lag






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