


 It's hard to decide what to spend one's training dollars on. It's hard to justify spending US$2000 or more on a conference. If a conference is nearby, or hosted in your town you can save money. I also use my frequent flyer miles a lot to get where I need to go for conferences. Using your own frequent flyer miles and doubling-up/sharing hotel rooms with friends in the Blogosphere are good ways to justify the financial part of your trip to your boss.

很难决定要花多少钱来培训。 很难证明在会议上花费2000美元或更多。 如果会议在附近或在您所在的城市举行,则可以节省金钱。 我还经常使用飞行常客里程来到达需要开会的地方。 在Blogosphere中使用您自己的飞行常客里程和与朋友加倍/共享酒店房间是证明您去老板旅行的财务部分合理的好方法。

Many feel that it's the company's responsibility to pay for everything, travel, attendance, hotel, etc, but if you want to get as broad a view as possible, and maybe attend multiple conferences, being flexible on how you get there, eat, and sleep can make a difference. Also, trying to go to conferences that happen on the weekend, and making sure your boss knows that he/she's not going to lose you for an entire week - perhaps just a few days - can make a difference.

许多人认为,支付所有费用,旅行,出席,酒店等费用是公司的责任,但是如果您想获得尽可能宽广的视野,并可能参加多个会议,请灵活选择如何到达那里,就餐和睡眠可以有所作为。 另外,尝试参加周末举行的会议,并确保老板知道他/她整整一周(也许只有几天)都不会失去您,这可能会有所作为。

I'm also careful not to think of conferences as vacations, as you're being paid to absorb as much as you can, so I tend to fly in, attend, and fly out, fairly aggressively, unless my wife and son are along and we have explicitly turned it into a Vacation.


  • I'll be at RailsConf, partially because it's here in Portland, partially because my Boss is a RailsHead, and partially because I think that the mantra of Convention over Configuration is an important one that can be applied regardless of language or environment.

    我将在RailsConf任职,部分原因是因为它位于波特兰,部分原因是我的老板是RailsHead,部分原因是我认为Convention on Configuration的口头禅是无论语言或环境如何都可以应用的重要原则。

    • Cleverly, this conference is a Thurs-Sun deal, so while it takes up a weekend, it only takes up two work days. Again, a way to get virtually a week's content while only encroaching on work for two days.

      聪明地,这次会议是星期四至周日的交易,因此虽然占用了一个周末,但只占用了两个工作日。 同样,这是一种获取实际上一周的内容而又只占用工作两天的方法。

  • MIXMIX-  - a User Experience conference in Vegas. There's an early bird discount if you register before March 15th, so the conference itself is $995. If you're going to Mix, let's meet and have a Diet Soda, eh? 在拉斯维加斯举行的用户体验会议。 如果您在3月15日之前注册,可以享受早鸟优惠,因此会议本身的费用为995美元。 如果您要混合,让我们见面并吃些减肥汽水,是吗?
    • Mix is a short conference, but very dense in content, and because it's in Vegas the flights are cheap. Plus, because it's a three-day conference you could go and still work 2 days, or possible that following Saturday and get a good work week in as well.

      Mix是一个简短的会议,但是内容非常密集,而且因为它在拉斯维加斯,所以航班便宜。 另外,因为这是一次为期三天的会议,所以您可以继续工作2天,或者也可以在下周六开始,并获得良好的一周工作时间。

    • Here's some gravy - every conference attendee gets a free copy of Windows Vista Ultimate (this qualifies for the Vista Family Discount, so you can get two more Home Premiums for $49 each, so that's potentially three copies of Vista for $100, or just keep the Ultimate for free).

      这里有一些要注意的地方-每个与会者都可以免费获得Windows Vista Ultimate副本(这有资格获得Vista家庭折扣,因此您可以以$ 49的价格再获得两份Home Premium,因此有可能以$ 100的价格获得三份Vista的副本,或者只是保留终极免费)。

  • I'll also be at TechEd 2007 giving a pre-conference with Ron Jacobs (of ARC Cast fame) on Architecture. This is the same pre-con we did in Europe last year. I may also do a session on Mobile applications and AJAX support in PocketIE, but that's still up in the air.

    我还将在TechEd 2007上与Ron Jacobs进行会前会议 ( ARC Cast成名)关于建筑。 这与我们去年在欧洲所做的相同。 我可能还会在PocketIE上进行有关移动应用程序和AJAX支持的会议,但这仍在进行中。

Hopefully I'll see you at one of these conferences!


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/tips-on-2007-conference-attendance






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