
USA Today just published their 25 years of 'eureka' moments...their list of the 25 gadgets that changed people's lives. To be clear, these are gadgets, so we're not touting the creation of the MRI here, or the LifeStraw.

《今日美国报》刚刚发布了他们25年的“尤里卡”时刻……他们列出了改变人们生活的25个小工具。 明确地说,这些都是小工具,因此我们在这里不夸大MRI或LifeStraw的创建

There was an article in PCWorld a while back called "The 50 Greatest Gadgets of the Past 50 Years," after reading that article I realized that I might be an early adopter.


For me there's three four devices that have changed my day to day life experience. I could live without cell phones and blackberries, as addictive as they are, but these devices all did one thing and did it well. They ultimately gave me time - the one thing we're all running out of. They say Real Estate is a good investment because "they're not making any more land" (Unless you live in Dubai, where they are actually making more land) but anything that gives me more time, or makes the time I have more useful and enjoyable is a good thing.

对我来说,有 四种设备改变了我的日常生活体验。 我可以没有手机和黑莓那样令人上瘾的生活,但是这些设备只能做一件事并且做得很好。 他们最终给了我时间-我们都快用光了一件事。 他们说,房地产是一笔不错的投资,因为“他们不会再增加土地” (除非您居住在迪拜,那里实际上是在增加土地),但任何可以给我更多时间或使我有更多用处的时间和愉快是一件好事。

In no particular order:


GPS-手持式全球定位系统 (GPS - Handheld Global Positioning Systems)

I love my Garmin Nuvi 350 GPS. Love it. We use it all the time and have mounts in both cars and switch it between them. Even though I've lived in this city for 34 years, I don't know every nook and cranny - certainly not in the suburbs. Now, I never get lost. The Nuvi included one free Map Update so I was able to get 2006 v8 Maps for free via a download and automatic update. It has a slot for Add-On Maps (like Europe, or the US if you're in Europe) via SD Card. It speaks the street names, it's a photo viewer, MP3 player and Audible book reader. It even knows when I'm walking, notices, and suggests better routes on foot. All this and it's the size of a deck of cards. My wife loves it as well. All these devices have a high WAF. Even better that good GPS's are in almost all decent cell phones, including the Blackberry Pearl.

我爱我的Garmin Nuvi 350 GPS 。 爱它。 我们一直在使用它,并且在两辆车上都有安装座并在它们之间切换。 即使我已经在这个城市生活了34年,我也不知道每个角落和缝隙-肯定不在郊区。 现在,我永远不会迷路。 Nuvi包含一个免费的地图更新,因此我能够通过下载和自动更新免费获得2006 v8地图。 它具有用于通过SD卡添加地图(例如欧洲,如果您欧洲,则为美国)的插槽。 它说出街道名称,是照片查看器,MP3播放器和Audible书本阅读器。 它甚至知道我什么时候走路,注意到并建议步行更好的路线。 所有这一切,和一副纸牌的大小一样。 我的妻子也喜欢它。 所有这些设备都具有很高的WAF 。 更好的是,几乎所有体面的手机(包括黑莓明珠)中都装有优质的GPS。

MP3播放器(iPod) (MP3 Players (iPod))

Seriously, hasn't your MP3 Player changed your life? While audiophiles with vacuum tubes (and Carl Franklin) are lamenting the death of the Hi-Fi and berating us for buying lossy-compresses "damaged" music I'm enjoying America's Next Top Model on a Video iPod at 30,000 feet. Try that with your RCA Victor. My entire CD collection - every CD I've ever owned - is inside my 80gig iPod, lovingly ripped by RipDigital.com (What? You rip CDs yourself? ;) That's so 2005.). An MP3 player is worth the cost of entry just for the Audiobooks.

说真的,您的MP3播放器没有改变您的生活吗? 当带有真空管的发烧友(和卡尔·富兰克林)为Hi-Fi的逝世而感叹,并为我们购买有损压缩的“损坏”音乐而痛恨我们时,我正在享受30,000英尺高的Video iPod上的America's Next Top Model。 与RCA Victor一起尝试。 我的整个CD收藏集-我曾经拥有的所有CD-都在我的80gig iPod内,被RipDigital.com深爱地翻录了(什么?您自己翻录CD ?; 2005年就是这样)。 一个MP3播放器值得为有声读物而入门。

数码录像机(DVR,ReplayTV,Tivo) (Digital Video Recorders (DVR, ReplayTV, Tivo))

When is House on TV? I seriously don't know. It's on whenever I like at my house because I've got the "House Channel." Same with Grey's Anatomy, The Office and Heroes (Heroes Spoiler: Why didn't Peter just fly away himself? It would have saved Nathan the trouble).

众议院何时上电视? 我真的不知道。 每当我喜欢在我家时,它都会打开,因为我拥有“ House Channel”。 与Grey的《解剖学》,《办公室与英雄》相同(英雄剧透为什么彼得不只是自己飞走?那会为内森省下麻烦)。

Aside: Did you know you can watch FULL Hi-Res episodes of Heroes online for free, as well as download them in even Higher-Res with the Viiv Universal Player? Even MORE amazing, they've got Full Video Cast Commentary in a secondary window for each episode. Brilliant.

另外:您是否知道您可以免费在线观看《英雄全高清》剧集,甚至可以通过Viiv Universal Player在甚至更高的分辨率中下载它们。 更让人惊讶的是,他们在每个窗口的辅助窗口中都有完整的视频演员表评论。 辉煌。

I watch them on my time. Sometimes I skip commercials, sometimes not. Sometimes I turn on the captions and watch them in double- or quadruple-speed. We've got the whole season of Signing Time (DVD's just remastered and rereleased and Rachel has a blog also) so my son can do American Sign Language anytime. We always watch the news, even though dinner is at a different time each day. DVRs fundamentally change how we watch TV (if you can get over the "Psychic Weight" of a full DVR and a whole season of Dexter to catch up on.)

我在看他们的时间。 有时我跳过广告,有时不跳过。 有时我打开字幕并以两倍或四倍的速度观看它们。 我们已经有了整个Signing Time整个季节( DVD刚刚重新制作并重新发行, Rachel也有一个博客),所以我的儿子可以随时使用美国手语。 即使每天的晚餐时间都不一样,我们也会一直关注新闻。 DVR从根本上改变了我们观看电视的方式(如果您可以克服整个DVR的“精神负担”和整个Dexter的整个季节来追赶)。

胰岛素泵和连续血糖仪 (Insulin Pump and Continuous Glucose Meter)

I got the results of my blood tests yesterday. Diabetics should have their blood checked for a 3-month indicator of their blood sugar. Pricking your finger tells you your blood sugar at an instant, but the hA1C blood test gives you an idea of how the last three-months have been. You can kind of think of it (simplistically) as a measurement of a percentage of blood cells that are coated in sugar. My value was 5.8% which is at non-diabetic levels. You, Dear Reader, as a likely non-diabetic have an hA1C between 4 and 6. My value is now "high-normal" but still normal. To be clear, I'm VERY diabetic, but I'm managing it so closely that my blood test indicates I'm more or less successfully emulating my damaged pancreas with the insulin pump and continuous meter. I'd be lost without these devices. They've made my life better and allowed me to more easily travel the world.

我昨天得到了血液检查的结果。 糖尿病患者的血液应检查3个月的血糖指标。 刺破手指可以立即告诉您血糖,但是通过hA1C血液测试可以了解最近三个月的情况。 您可以(简单地)认为它是糖衣中血细胞百分比的度量。 我的价值是5.8%,处于非糖尿病水平。 亲爱的读者,您,非糖尿病患者的hA1C介于4到6之间。我的值现在是“高正常值”,但仍然是正常值。 需要说明的是,我非常糖尿病,但是我对其进行了非常严格的管理,以至于我的血液检查表明我或多或少已经成功地用胰岛素泵和连续血糖仪模拟了受损的胰腺。 没有这些设备,我会迷路的。 他们使我的生活变得更好,并使我能够更轻松地环游世界。

What's your top four list look like?


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/four-lifechanging-gadgets-gps-ipod-mp3-and-tivo-dvr

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