从广播转向DasBlog,DNS,重定向,固定链接和广播“故事” ...

I gotta say, I'm really impressed with DasBlog.  Particularly the upgrade/moveover from Radio Userland.  It's really nice.  It's been a crazy week:

我得说,DasBlog给我留下了深刻的印象。 特别是从Radio Userland进行的升级/移动。 这太好了。 这是疯狂的一周:

  • My email at hanselman.com was down since I left for ASPLive!  I wasn't even aware until I got back.  This includes all my relatives mail (really, who among us ISN'T the IT director for the entire family?)

    自从我离开ASPLive以来,我在hanselman.com上的电子邮件已失效! 直到我回来我才知道。 这包括我所有亲戚的邮件(真的,在我们当中,谁又不是整个家庭的IT总监?)

  • I switched all my domains over to ORCSWeb.com.  Damn they are cool.  Their support is totally TOP NOTCH. 

    我将所有域都切换到ORCSWeb.com。 该死的,他们很酷。 他们的支持完全是顶尖。

At Stephen Forte's (and others) urging, I moved from Radio to DasBlog (no doubt there will be some cleanup and misc goo, but still).  It will be nice to be able to post from anywhere - not just my laptop!

在斯蒂芬·福特(及其他人士)的敦促下,我从广播电台转到了DasBlog(无疑会有一些清理工作和其他问题,但仍然如此)。 能够在任何地方发布信息,不仅仅是我的笔记本电脑,这将是很好的!

  • I moved all my Radio articles into DasBlog with the importer tool...very slick.  Dump the resulting XML into the Content folder and you're in.

    我使用导入器工具将所有Radio文章都移到了DasBlog中……非常流畅。 将生成的XML转储到Content文件夹中,然后进入。
  • I added (thanks Clemens!) this META tag to Radio and re-rendered all the pages on my site for the last year.  This will redirect all visitors to the new site.  There is also some associated javascript that will bring their original referrer (Google, etc) along for the ride.

    我将此META标签添加到了Radio中(感谢Clemens!),并重新渲染了我网站上去年的所有页面。 这会将所有访客重定向到新站点。 还有一些相关的javascript会带他们的原始引荐来源网址(例如Google等)。
    • <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="2; URL=http://www.hanselman.com/blog/fromradio.ashx?external_referrer=&url=<%radio.weblog.getUrl()+path%>">

      <meta http-equiv =“ REFRESH” content =“ 2; URL = http://www.hanselman.com/blog/fromradio.ashx?external_referrer =&url = <%radio.weblog.getUrl()+ path%>” >

  • I imported my blogroll from NewsGator.  Had a little trouble with case-sensitivity re: xmlurl and xmlUrl.  Some manual editing did the trick; no need for XSLT (yet).

    我从NewsGator导入了Blogroll。 区分大小写的re:xmlurl和xmlUrl有点麻烦。 一些手动编辑可以解决问题。 不需要XSLT(尚未)。
  • I modified the blogrolling display code to trim long titles and append "..."

    我修改了Blogrolling显示代码以修剪长标题并附加“ ...”
  • DasBlog doesn't handle the concept of "Stories" from Radio, which are basically really long posts that get their own non-dated link.  Clemens suggested that I come up with a plan and add it to the GotDotNet workspace for DasBlog, but I don't have the time this instant.  Instead, I did this clever thing:

    DasBlog不处理Radio的“故事”的概念,这些故事基本上是很长的帖子,具有自己的非日期链接。 Clemens建议我提出一个计划,并将其添加到DasBlog的GotDotNet工作区中,但是我现在没有时间。 相反,我做了这个聪明的事情:

    • Added this URL rewrite info to the web.config:


      Added this URL rewrite info to the web.config:<add matchExpression="(?&lt;basedir&gt;.*?)/fromradio\.ashx\?external_referrer=(?&lt;ext&gt;.*)&amp;url=http\://radio\.weblogs\.com/0106747/stories/(?&lt;year&gt;\d+)/(?&lt;month&gt;\d+)/(?&lt;day&gt;\d+)/(?&lt;page&gt;.*)" mapTo="{basedir}/default_nocache.aspx?external_referrer={ext}&amp;test={page}" />

      已将此URL重写信息添加到web.config中: <add matchExpression =“(?&lt; basedir&gt;。*?)/ fromradio \ .ashx \?external_referrer =(?&lt; ext&gt;。*)&amp; url = http \ :// radio \ .weblogs \ .com / 0106747 / stories /(?&lt; year&gt; \ d +)/(?&lt; month&gt; \ d +)/(?&lt; day&gt; \ d +)/(?&lt; page&gt; ;。*)“ mapTo =” {basedir} /default_nocache.aspx?external_referrer= {ext}&amp; test = {page}“ />

    • I couldn't find the xml versions of the stories (anyone?)...so I copied the rendered stories tree from Radio into blog/content/radioStories/.  Basically, if someone visits a story on my current Radio site, they'll be redirected to the same rendered (static) story inside DasBlog.

      我找不到故事的xml版本(有人吗?)...所以我将呈现的故事树从Radio复制到blog / content / radioStories /。 基本上,如果有人在我当前的电台站点上访问了一个故事,他们将被重定向到DasBlog中相同的渲染(静态)故事。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/moving-from-radio-to-dasblog-dns-redirects-permalinks-and-radio-stories





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