
              3D Studio File Format Information (3dsinfo.txt)
                              Jochen Wilhelmy

The information contained in this file is only collected by me. The credits
go to the following people (in alphabetical order):

    Christophe Chabanois (Wolverine / Apocalypse)
    Jim Pitts
    Niklas Beisert (Pascal / 4711)

I think some more people did a good job in discovering unknown chunks, but
I don't know them all. The layout is based on 3dsffo10.txt from Christophe
Chabanois. I did not include any source code from this info, because it was
of no use to me. I used only the standard character set for compatibility
with other operating systems.

My own extensions and corrections are:
 - Corrected the hierarchy levels of some chunks, especially the material
   editor chunk and the spotlight sub-chunks are at the wrong place in
   some docs
 - Documented some spotlight and material sub-chunks
 - Documented most tracks
 - Made a consistent layout for all chunk descriptions

My reader is written in object oriented C++ and can read the chunks only if
they are in the right hierarchy position. It keeps the structure of the 3DS
file in memory and does not jam all vertices into one big array. It also
can write this structure back to a 3DS file. This gave me the possibility
to convert the data of my world-editor into a 3DS file to see where to
place the animated objects. If you want to convert a mesh object into a 3DS
file, you just need this chunk structure:

0x4D4D            Main chunk
  0x3D3D          3D editor chunk
    0x4000        Object block (with name of your object)
     0x4100       Triangular mesh
       0x4110     Your vertices
       0x4120     Your faces

The internal reader of 3DS sets all other things to their defaults. The
"auto edge" function is good if you dont't want to set the face flags.


1. Fast reference : The chunk tree
This will help you to find rapidly a chunk number and its description.

2. A chunk - What's that ?
This will explain what a chunk is and help programmers understand the
general concept of the 3DS file format.

3. Data types
This short section will describe all data types used.

4. Chunks description
This is the most important part of the document. It describes the chunks.

1. Fast reference : The chunk tree

Color chunks
  0x0010 : Rgb (float)
  0x0011 : Rgb (byte)
  0x0012 : Rgb (byte) gamma corrected
  0x0013 : Rgb (float) gamma corrected

Percent chunks
  0x0030 : percent (int)
  0x0031 : percent (float)

0x4D4D : Main chunk
  0x0002 : 3DS-Version

  0x3D3D : 3D editor chunk
    0x0100 : One unit
    0x1100 : Background bitmap
    0x1101 : Use background bitmap
    0x1200 : Background color
    0x1201 : Use background color
    0x1300 : Gradient colors
    0x1301 : Use gradient
    0x1400 : Shadow map bias
    0x1420 : Shadow map size
    0x1450 : Shadow map sample range
    0x1460 : Raytrace bias
    0x1470 : Raytrace on
    0x2100 : Ambient color

    0x2200 : Fog
      0x2210 : fog background
    0x2201 : Use fog
    0x2210 : Fog background

    0x2300 : Distance queue
      0x2310 : Dim background
    0x2301 : Use distance queue
    0x2302 : Layered fog options
    0x2303 : Use layered fog

    0x3D3E : Mesh version

    0x4000 : Object block
      0x4010 : Object hidden
      0x4012 : Object doesn't cast
      0x4013 : Matte object
      0x4015 : External process on
      0x4017 : Object doesn't receive shadows

      0x4100 : Triangular mesh
        0x4110 : Vertices list
        0x4120 : Faces description
          0x4130 : Faces material list
        0x4140 : Mapping coordinates list
          0x4150 : Smoothing group list
        0x4160 : Local coordinate system
        0x4165 : Object color in editor

        0x4181 : External process name
        0x4182 : External process parameters

      0x4600 : Light
        0x4610 : Spotlight
          0x4627 : Spot raytrace
          0x4630 : Light shadowed
          0x4641 : Spot shadow map
          0x4650 : Spot show cone
          0x4651 : Spot is rectangular
          0x4652 : Spot overshoot
          0x4653 : Spot map
          0x4656 : Spot roll
          0x4658 : Spot ray trace bias

        0x4620 : Light off
        0x4625 : Attenuation on
        0x4659 : Range start
        0x465A : Range end
        0x465B : Multiplier

      0x4700 : Camera

    0x7001 : Window settings
      0x7011 : Window description #2 ...
      0x7012 : Window description #1 ...
      0x7020 : Mesh windows ...

    0xAFFF : Material block
      0xA000 : Material name

      0xA010 : Ambient color
      0xA020 : Diffuse color
      0xA030 : Specular color

      0xA040 : Shininess percent
      0xA041 : Shininess strength percent

      0xA050 : Transparency percent
      0xA052 : Transparency falloff percent
      0xA053 : Reflection blur percent

      0xA081 : 2 sided
      0xA083 : Add trans
      0xA084 : Self illum
      0xA085 : Wire frame on
      0xA087 : Wire thickness
      0xA088 : Face map
      0xA08A : In tranc
      0xA08C : Soften
      0xA08E : Wire in units

      0xA100 : Render type

      0xA240 : Transparency falloff percent present
      0xA250 : Reflection blur percent present
      0xA252 : Bump map present (true percent)

      0xA200 : Texture map 1
      0xA33A : Texture map 2
      0xA210 : Opacity map
      0xA230 : Bump map
      0xA33C : Shininess map
      0xA204 : Specular map
      0xA33D : Self illum. map
      0xA220 : Reflection map
      0xA33E : Mask for texture map 1
      0xA340 : Mask for texture map 2
      0xA342 : Mask for opacity map
      0xA344 : Mask for bump map
      0xA346 : Mask for shininess map
      0xA348 : Mask for specular map
      0xA34A : Mask for self illum. map
      0xA34C : Mask for reflection map

      Sub-chunks for all maps:
        0xA300 : Mapping filename
        0xA351 : Mapping parameters
        0xA353 : Blur percent
        0xA354 : V scale
        0xA356 : U scale
        0xA358 : U offset
        0xA35A : V offset
        0xA35C : Rotation angle
        0xA360 : RGB Luma/Alpha tint 1
        0xA362 : RGB Luma/Alpha tint 2
        0xA364 : RGB tint R
        0xA366 : RGB tint G
        0xA368 : RGB tint B

  0xB000 : Keyframer chunk
    0xB001 : Ambient light information block
    0xB002 : Mesh information block
    0xB003 : Camera information block
    0xB004 : Camera target information block
    0xB005 : Omni light information block
    0xB006 : Spot light target information block
    0xB007 : Spot light information block
    0xB008 : Frames (Start and End)
      0xB010 : Object name, parameters and hierarchy father
      0xB013 : Object pivot point
      0xB015 : Object morph angle
      0xB020 : Position track
      0xB021 : Rotation track
      0xB022 : Scale track
      0xB023 : FOV track
      0xB024 : Roll track
      0xB025 : Color track
      0xB026 : Morph track
      0xB027 : Hotspot track
      0xB028 : Falloff track
      0xB029 : Hide track
      0xB030 : Hierarchy position

2. A chunk - What's that ?

1 - What is a chunk ?

The 3D studio file format is compounded of several "chunks". What is a
"chunk" ? Well, that's quite simple.

Each chunk contains information : for example, it can contain colors,
images ... All tools which use the "chunk" method make file formats like

  1st chunk
  2nd chunk
  3rd chunk
  nth chunk

2 - What is a "sub-chunk" ?

But, there are several problems with this format :
 - The data are all at same level (an image is as important as the name of
   an object ...)
 - A general concept can't group several things.

This is why there are "sub-chunks".

In fact, each chunk can contain several sub-chunks :

  1st chunk
    1st sub-chunk
    2nd sub-chunk
  2nd chunk
  3rd chunk
    1st sub-chunk
      1st sub-sub-chunk
  Nth chunk

3 - How to read chunks ?

This is the representation of a chunk :

Offset   Length    Name

0        2         Chunk-ID
2        4         Chunk-length = 6+n+m
6        n         Data
6+n      m         Sub-chunks

So don't forget to read or skip the sub-chunks if the header and data size
is less than the chunk-length (6+n < chunk-length).

3. Data types

Name        Description

word        2 byte
dword       4 byte
float       4 byte floating point number
strz        zero terminated string (C-string)
vector      3 floats (X,Y,Z)
BOOLEAN     a BOOLEAN chunk acts as a flag and contains no data or sub-chunks

degree      angle from 0 to 360 degree
rad         angle from 0 to 2*pi

Note: If X and Y are the horizontal plane and Z is the height in your
world, you don't have to exchange Y and Z. Some other infos say that you
have to exchange Y and Z only in the keyframer chunk, but you have to treat
all vectors the same way.

4. Chunks description


                               Color chunks

These chunks are used several times in the format, they are "global

Chunk #    : 0x0010
Name       : Rgb color (float format)
Level      : global chunk
Size       : 12
Format     :

  float    red
  float    green
  float    blue

This chunk contains 3 floats : the red, green and blue components of a
color. The values range from 0.0 to 1.0 (full intensity).

Chunk #    : 0x0011
Name       : Rgb color (byte format)
Level      : global chunk
Size       : 3
Format     :

  byte     red
  byte     green
  byte     blue

This chunk contains 3 bytes : the red, green and blue components of a
color. The values range from 0 to 255 (full intensity).

Chunk #    : 0x0012
Name       : Rgb color gamma corrected (byte format)
Level      : global chunk
Size       : 3
Format     :

  byte     red
  byte     green
  byte     blue

This chunk contains 3 bytes : the red, green and blue components of a gamma
corrected color. The values range from 0 to 255 (full intensity).

Chunk #    : 0x0013
Name       : Rgb color gamma corrected (float format)
Level      : global chunk
Size       : 12
Format     :

  float    red
  float    green
  float    blue

This chunk contains 3 floats : the red, green and blue components of a
gamma corrected color. The values range from 0.0 to 1.0 (full intensity).


                              Percent chunks

Chunk #    : 0x0030
Name       : percent (int format)
Level      : global chunk
Size       : 2
Format     :

  word     percent

This chunk contains a word. The values range from 0 to 100.

Chunk #    : 0x0031
Name       : percent (float format)
Level      : global chunk
Size       : 4
Format     :

  float    percent

This chunk contains a float. The values range from 0 to 100.


                            M A I N  C H U N K

Chunk #    : 0x4D4D
Name       : Main chunk
Level      : 0
Size       : 0 + sub-chunks
Father     : none
Format     :

Chunk #    : 0x0002
Name       : 3DS-Version
Level      : 1
Size       : 4
Father     : 0x4D4D (Main chunk)
Format     :

  dword    Version

This dword specifies the number of your 3DS-Version.


                        3 D  E D I T O R  C H U N K

Chunk #    : 0x3D3D
Name       : 3D Editor chunk
Level      : 1
Size       : 0 + sub-chunks
Father     : 0x4D4D (Main chunk)
Format     :

Chunk #    : 0x0100
Name       : One unit
Level      : 2
Size       : 4
Father     : 3D Editor chunk
Format     :

  float    One unit

Chunk #    : 0x1100
Name       : Background bitmap
Level      : 2
Size       : varying
Father     : 3D Editor chunk
Format     :

  strz     Name

This chunk contains the name of the background bitmap choosen in 3DS even
if not used (i.e. you have selected a bitmap but you choose another thing).

Chunk #    : 0x1101
Name       : Use background bitmap
Level      : 2
Size       : 0
Father     : 3D Editor chunk
Format     : BOOLEAN

This chunk is a flag indicating that the background bitmap (see chunk
0x1100) is used. When this chunk is not present, the background bitmap is
not used.

Chunk #    : 0x1200
Name       : Background color
Level      : 2
Size       : 0 + sub-chunks
Father     : 3D Editor chunk
Format     :

This chunk contains the color of the background even if not used. You must
read the color sub-chunks. Generaly, the format is :
 - Background color chunk (0x1200)
 - RGB float color chunk (0x0010)
 - RGB float gamma corected color chunk (0x0013)

Chunk #    : 0x1201
Name       : Use background color
Level      : 2
Size       : 0
Father     : 3D Editor chunk
Format     : BOOLEAN

This chunk is a flag indicating that the background color (see chunk
0x1200) is used. When this chunk is not present, the background color is
not used.

Chunk #    : 0x1300
Name       : Background gradient colors
Level      : 2
Size       : 4 + sub-chunks
Father     : 3D Editor chunk
Format     :

  float        Gradient position
  color chunk  RGBF1
  color chunk  RGBFG1
  color chunk  RGBF2
  color chunk  RGBFG2
  color chunk  RGBF3
  color chunk  RGBFG3

RGBF = RGB float color CHUNK
RGBFG = RGB gamma corrected float color CHUNK

  So, if hexa you have something like that

  00 13 76 00 00 00 21 CE 4A 3F 10 00 12 00 00 00 .....

* 00 13 is the chunk ID (0x1300) and 76 00 00 00 is the length of this chunk.

* 21 CE 4A 3F are values which contain the "position" of the three gradient
  colors. It's a float (from 0.0 to 1.0) indicating the position of the
  middle color.

* 10 00 is the chunk ID (0x0010) of a rgb float color and 12 00 00 00 is the
  length of this sub-chunk.

Chunk #    : 0x1301
Name       : Use background gradient colors
Level      : 2
Size       : 0
Father     : 3D Editor chunk
Format     : BOOLEAN

This chunk is a flag indicating that the background gradient colors (see
chunk 0x1300) are used. When this chunk is not present, the gradient
colors are not used.

Chunk #    : 0x1400
Name       : Shadow map bias
Level      : 2
Size       : 4
Father     : 3D Editor chunk
Format     :

  float    Shadow map bias

Chunk #    : 0x1420
Name       : Shadow map size
Level      : 2
Size       : 2
Father     : 3D Editor chunk
Format     :

  word     Shadow map size

Chunk #    : 0x1450
Name       : Shadow map sample range
Level      : 2
Size       : 4
Father     : 3D Editor chunk
Format     :

  float    Shadow map sample range

Chunk #    : 0x1460
Name       : Raytrace bias
Level      : 2
Size       : 4
Father     : 3D Editor chunk
Format     :

  float    Raytrace bias

Chunk #    : 0x1470
Name       : Use raytrace
Level      : 2
Size       : 0
Father     : 3D Editor chunk
Format     : BOOLEAN

This chunk is a flag indicating that raytrace (see chunk 0x1460) is used.
When this chunk is not present, the raytrace is not used.

Chunk #    : 0x2100
Name       : Ambient color
Level      : 2
Size       : 0 + sub-chunk
Father     : 3D Editor chunk
Format     :

This chunk contains a color chunk (in general RGB float)


                           0x4000 : OBJECT BLOCK

Chunk #    : 0x4000
Name       : OBJECT BLOCK
Level      : 2
Size       : varying + sub-chunks
Father     : 0x3D3D (3D Editor chunk)
Format     :

  strz     Object name

Chunk #    : 0x4010
Name       : Object hidden
Level      : 3
Size       : 0
Father     : 0x4000 (Object block)
Format     : BOOLEAN

Chunk #    : 0x4012
Name       : Object doesn't cast
Level      : 3
Size       : 0
Father     : 0x4000 (Object block)
Format     : BOOLEAN

Chunk #    : 0x4013
Name       : Matte object
Level      : 3
Size       : 0
Father     : 0x4000 (Object block)
Format     : BOOLEAN

Chunk #    : 0x4015
Name       : External process on
Level      : 3
Size       : 0
Father     : 0x4000 (Object block)
Format     : BOOLEAN

Chunk #    : 0x4017
Name       : Object doesn't receive shadows
Level      : 3
Size       : 0
Father     : 0x4000 (Object block)
Format     : BOOLEAN


                         0x4100 : Triangular mesh

Chunk #    : 0x4100
Name       : Triangular Mesh
Level      : 3
Size       : 0 + sub-chunks
Father     : 0x4000 (Object block)
Format     :

Chunk #    : 0x4110
Name       : Vertices list
Level      : 4
Size       : varying
Father     : 0x4100 (Triangular mesh)
Format     :

  word     Number of vertices

           Then, for each vertex
  vector   Position

Chunk #    : 0x4120
Name       : Faces description
Level      : 4
Size       : varying + sub-chunks
Father     : 0x4100 (Triangular mesh)
Format     :

  word     Number of faces

           Then, for each face:
  word     Vertex for corner A (number reference)
  word     Vertex for corner B (number reference)
  word     Vertex for corner C (number reference)
  word     Face flag
            * bit 0 : CA visible
            * bit 1 : BC visible
            * bit 2 : AB visible

After datas, parse sub-chunks (0x4130, 0x4150).

Chunk #    : 0x4130
Name       : Faces material list
Level      : 5
Size       : varying
Father     : 0x4120 (Faces description)
Format     :

  strz     Material name
  word     Number of entries

           Then, for each entry:
  word     Face assigned to this material (number reference)

I think the faces of one object can have different materials. Therefore,
this chunk can be present more than once.

Chunk #    : 0x4140
Name       : Mapping coordinates list for each vertex
Level      : 4
Size       : varying
Father     : 0x4100 (Triangular mesh)
Format     :

  word     Number of vertices

           Then, for each vertex
  float    U coordinate
  float    V coordinate

Chunk #    : 0x4150
Name       : Smoothing groups list
Level      : 5
Size       :
Father     : 0x4120 (Faces description)
Format     :

Chunk #    : 0x4160
Name       : Local coordinate system
Level      : 4
Size       : 48
Father     : 0x4100 (Triangular mesh)
Format     :

  vector   X1
  vector   X2
  vector   X3
  vector   O

X1, X2 and X3 represent the axes, O the origin.

Chunk #    : 0x4165
Name       : Object color in 3D Editor
Level      : 4
Size       : 1
Father     : 0x4100 (Triangular mesh)
Format     :

  byte     Color

Chunk #    : 0x4600
Name       : Light
Level      : 3
Size       : 12 + sub-chunks
Father     : 0x4000 (Object block)
Format     :

  vector   Position

Chunk #    : 0x4610
Name       : Spotlight
Level      : 4
Size       : 20 + sub-chunks
Father     : 0x4600 (Light)
Format     :

  vector   Target
  float    HotSpot
  float    FallOff

If this chunk is found, the light is a spot light and not an omni
directional light.

Chunk #    : 0x4651
Name       : Spot is rectangular
Level      : 5
Size       : 0
Father     : 0x4610 (Spotlight)
Format     : BOOLEAN

Chunk #    : 0x4653
Name       : Spot map
Level      : 5
Size       : varying
Father     : 0x4610 (Spotlight)
Format     :

  strz     Filename

Chunk #    : 0x4656
Name       : Spot roll
Level      : 5
Size       : 4
Father     : 0x4610 (Spotlight)
Format     :

  float    Roll (degree)

Chunk #    : 0x4700
Name       : CAMERA
Level      : 3
Size       : 32
Father     : 0x4000 (Object block)
Format     :

  vector   Position
  vector   Target
  float    Bank (degree)
  float    Lens

Chunk #    : 0x7001
Name       : Window settings
Level      : 2
Size       : varying
Father     : 0x3D3D (3D editor chunk)
Format     :

Chunk #    : 0x3D3E
Name       : Mesh version
Level      : 2
Size       : 4
Father     : 0x3D3D (3D editor chunk)
Format     :

  dword    Version


                          0xAFFF : Material block

Chunk #    : 0xAFFF
Name       : Material editor chunk
Level      : 2
Size       : 0 + sub-chunks
Father     : 0x3D3D (3D editor chunk)
Format     :

Chunk #    : 0xA000
Name       : Material name
Level      : 3
Size       : varying
Father     : 0xAFFF (Material block)
Format     :

  strz     Material name

Chunk #    : 0xA010
Name       : Material ambient color
Level      : 3
Size       : 0 + sub-chunks
Father     : 0xAFFF (Material block)
Format     :

This chunk contains color chunks (in gen. rgb byte & rgb byte gamma)

Chunk #    : 0xA020
Name       : Material diffuse color
Level      : 3
Size       : 0 + sub-chunks
Father     : 0xAFFF (Material block)
Format     :

This chunk contains color chunks (in gen. rgb byte & rgb byte gamma)

Chunk #    : 0xA030
Name       : Material specular color
Level      : 3
Size       : 0 + sub-chunks
Father     : 0xAFFF (Material block)
Format     :

This chunk contains color chunks (in gen. rgb byte & rgb byte gamma)

Chunk #    : 0xA040
Name       : Material shininess percent
Level      : 3
Size       : 0 + sub-chunk
Father     : 0xAFFF (Material block)
Format     :

This chunk contains a percent chunk (in gen. int format)

Chunk #    : 0xA041
Name       : Material shininess strength percent
Level      : 3
Size       : 0 + sub-chunk
Father     : 0xAFFF (Material block)
Format     :

This chunk contains a percent chunk (in gen. int format)

Chunk #    : 0xA200 - 0xA34C
Name       : Map
Level      : 3
Size       : 0 + sub-chunk
Father     : 0xAFFF (Material block)
Format     :

These chunks define the different maps (see chunk tree). They contain the
sub-chunks for all maps, such as mapping filename name or U/V scale.

Chunk #    : 0xA300
Name       : Mapping filename
Level      : 4
Size       : varying
Father     : 0xA200 - 0xA34C (Map)
Format     :

  strz     Filename

Chunk #    : 0xA354
Name       : V scale
Level      : 4
Size       : 4
Father     : 0xA200 - 0xA34C (Map)
Format     :

  float    V scale

Chunk #    : 0xA356
Name       : U scale
Level      : 4
Size       : 4
Father     : 0xA200 - 0xA34C (Map)
Format     :

  float    U scale

Chunk #    : 0xA358
Name       : U offst
Level      : 4
Size       : 4
Father     : 0xA200 - 0xA34C (Map)
Format     :

  float    U offset

Chunk #    : 0xA35A
Name       : V offst
Level      : 4
Size       : 4
Father     : 0xA200 - 0xA34C (Map)
Format     :

  float    V offset

Chunk #    : 0xA35A
Name       : Rotation angle
Level      : 4
Size       : 4
Father     : 0xA200 - 0xA34C (Map)
Format     :

  float    Rotation angle


                      K E Y F R A M E R    C H U N K

Chunk #    : 0xB000
Name       : Keyframer
Level      : 1
Size       : 0 + sub-chunks
Father     : 0x4D4D (Main chunk)
Format     :

The goal of the keyframer datas is to describe the move of
 - The objects in the scene (like a cube ...)
 - The lights (ambient, omni or spot)
 - The cameras

Chunk #    : 0xB001..0xB007
Name       : Information block
Level      : 2
Size       : 0 + sub-chunks
Father     : 0xB000 (Keyframer chunk)
Format     :

The information block is a chunk constituted of sub-chunks describing the
move of a particular object, or camera:

  0xB001 : Ambient light information block
  0xB002 : Mesh information block
  0xB003 : Camera information block
  0xB004 : Camera target information block
  0xB005 : Omni light information block
  0xB006 : Spot light target information block
  0xB007 : Spot light information block

Chunk #    : 0xB008
Name       : Frames (Start and End)
Level      : 2
Size       : 8
Father     : 0xB000 (Keyframer chunk)
Format     :

  dword    Start
  dword    End

Chunk #    : 0xB010
Name       : Object name, parameters and hierarchy father
Level      : 3
Size       : varying
Father     : 0xB001..0xB007 Information block
Format     :

  strz     Object Name
  word     Flag1
            * Bit 11 : Hidden
  word     Flag2
            * Bit 0 : Show path
            * Bit 1 : Animate smoothing
            * Bit 4 : Object motion blur
            * Bit 6 : Morph materials
  word     Hierarchy father, link to the parent object (-1 for none)

Chunk #    : 0xB013
Name       : Object pivot point
Level      : 3
Size       : 12
Father     : 0xB001..0xB007 Information block
Format     :

  vector   Pivot point

Chunk #    : 0xB020..0xB029
Name       : Track
Level      : 3
Size       : varying
Father     : 0xB001..0xB007 Information block
Format     :

  word     Flag
            * Bits 0-1 : 0 = single
                         2 = repeat
                         3 = loop

            * Bit 3 : lock X
            * Bit 4 : lock Y
            * Bit 5 : lock Z

            * Bit 7 : unlink X
            * Bit 8 : unlink Y
            * Bit 9 : unlink Z

  8 byte   Unknown
  dword    Number of keys in this track

           Then, for each key:
  dword    Key number (position in track)
  word     Acceleration data present (flag)   Range:
            * Bit 0 : Tension follows         [-1.0, 1.0]
            * Bit 1 : Continuity follows      [-1.0, 1.0]
            * Bit 2 : Bias follows            [-1.0, 1.0]
            * Bit 3 : Ease to follows         [ 0.0, 1.0]
            * Bit 4 : Ease from follows       [ 0.0, 1.0]
  n floats Acceleration data
  ?        Track specific data

  Track specific data is:
   0xB020 : Position track : 1 vector   Position
   0xB021 : Rotation track : 1 float    Angle (rad)
                             1 vector   Axis
   0xB022 : Scale track    : 3 floats   Size
   0xB023 : FOV track      : 1 float    Angle (degree)
   0xB024 : Roll track     : 1 float    Angle (degree)
   0xB025 : Color track    :
   0xB026 : Morph track    : 1 strz     Object name
   0xB027 : Hotspot track  : 1 float    Angle (degree)
   0xB028 : Falloff track  : 1 float    Angle (degree)
   0xB029 : Hide track     : nothing

Chunk #    : 0xB030
Name       : Hierarchy position
Level      : 3
Size       : 2
Father     : 0xB001..0xB007 Information block
Format     :

  word     Hierarchy

This word contains a unique value for the object and is used for the
hierarchy tree links.

  • 0
  • 0
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