















When Signal Integrity meets Analog circuit

involving a little interface study, and a little sw plays

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原创 2021-05-02


2021-05-02 15:50:50 133 1

原创 2021-05-01

刀头舔血,收益一般,因为操作保守的缘故。往下怎么走:1、财报不好,跌你个二佛升天。财报亮丽,仍然涨少跌多。说明什么?说明大家都知道股市估值高了,跌一跌更健康。估计有很多人像我一样,止损设个-2%,风吹草动之下,仓位越来越轻。2、小散恐高了,花街怎么办?继续疯狂上攻一把,把小散撩拨得由空变多,纵身跳入?有可能-如果Powell周一再冲出来说将每日购债扩大一倍,就是要让自己成为Greenspan 100次方。所以,虽然花街大佬非常想再色诱小散一把,但现在时局不再动荡,人们心里有数,不容易上当的。那么,次

2021-05-02 01:21:56 84

原创 美股开始刀头舔血模式

Market mood:1、似乎大多数人都认为过去一年股市上升太猛,需要回调。2、问题是when?One year from now? 6 months? Or right now?3、个人觉得1.9万亿刚刚发完,会有散户观望数日后冲入市场。那么也许还可以维持高位几个月的时间。if so,之后呢?我试着总结下可能导致美股下跌的因素:a、花街作妖。b、资金出来进入实体经济。c、资金转移进入发展中国家。d、2万亿基建法案遇阻。e、加税法案通过。f、种种black swan events。上

2021-04-06 17:24:34 101

原创 2021-01-30

struggling w/ PAM4 FIR...1. NRZ FIR is perfect.2. The best strategy for multi-level FIR:a. Each transition edge gets boosted.b. Each LF bit gets deemphasized.Concern:a. If boosting the mid-level transitions, could it suppress the eye down?Her

2021-02-01 05:17:45 123

原创 2021-01-30

预测下股市:1、美股下跌说是因为以下原因:a、Powell说经济复旌缓慢。可能多数经济学家早先认为疫苗出来,经济立马V型反转。如果真是这样,也太naive了。 这病毒又不是感冒,躺两周就没事了。后遗症,再感染,猝死这些个可能性个个都给经济复苏加个累赘。现在主要就看疫苗的效力了。如果1、最终有效率达到95%,且保护期至少两年(mRNA应该是终身才对,no?),那么经济将以较快速度复苏。2、最终有效率80%,保护期同样,那么复苏会缓慢一些。3、如6个月再感染率30%,那么经济复苏可能够呛了。4、如

2021-01-31 01:32:39 74

原创 对美股和经济的预测

我觉得FED的做法可能是ok的,主要基于以下几点:1、疫情导致经济失速, 因为利率已经没有空间,所以发钱灌水。2、发钱的好处是精准施治,在经济机器转不动的地方涂上润滑油。坏处是很难一碗水端平,有些同样很难的企业只能眼睁睁看着大水门前过,一毫不沾身。3、虽然想着发了钱经济就能提速,但现实往往偏骨感。钱是发了,企业还是起不来,失业继续上升。这里一个重要原因是疫情极大地改变了人们的消费习惯,线下商业的时代基本上可以说难有旧时光。发钱给一些传统的手工店,以及还未进行数字化转型的公司,很可能不能将它们的生意bo

2021-01-17 13:20:09 117 2

原创 ENRZ shows much better performance than NRZ, PAM3, and PAM4!

Now lets move to highly lossy, and highly reflective channels. Will the superiority of ENRZ continue? Stay tuned...

2020-12-09 19:54:03 361

原创 Gray codes of PAM4, PAM8

Raw NRZ Gray NRZ PAM4 PAM8 000 000 0 7 001 001 1 6 010 011 2 5 011 010 ...

2020-12-09 19:50:49 734

原创 package inputenc error: unicode character ⨼ (u+223c)(inputenc) not set up for use with latex.

Really a painstaking, and RIDICULOUS error...Here are my debugging steps:1. The error is registered at the line after \printbibliography. I initially thought it might be due to there is some hid symbol on that line. So I deleted that line, no use. Furthe

2020-10-22 14:10:34 1610

原创 suggestions on mandating indoor ventilation

To whom it may concern,I’m a veteran electronics engineer and I’m gravely concerned by the recent resurging cases of the COVID-19. I would like to make some suggestions to help UK to have the virus contained asap.From what I saw, I believe the No..

2020-09-20 04:11:50 146 1

原创 In a convolution operation, why the initial output bits shift down?

My speculations:1. The reason is the negative-going dip of the ir, which is produced by the compensation. Using uncompensated ir, there will be no down-shifting on the output bits stream (see the fig on the bottom below).2. The mechanism of prod.

2020-06-24 20:02:21 152

原创 pam4 eye measurement

Finally, I got the script done and it works just marvelously...Some debugging tips:1. You have to check if each crossing is captured correctly eye by eye;2. First check if the obtained EH, EW of each eye are correct. Then go down into the script part

2020-06-23 03:39:31 261

原创 Gaussian filtering

Took a short look at this and here is my initial thoughts:1. Mean filteringMitigating the noise at the cost of sacrificing the high freq fidelity.2. Median filteringGood for ignoring pulsive n...

2020-05-03 04:08:53 272

原创 Shannon limit

Puzzled by the following questions:1. Does NRZ imply a SNR of 3?2. Does C = Blog2(1+S/N) take into account of M?Also hampered by LDPC..

2020-05-01 07:10:55 164

原创 Shannon limit

So Shannon developed the channel capacity concept into a complete one by involving it w/ SNR - a breakthrough which I think goes far beyond Hartley's Law.Based on the equation C = Blog2(1+S/N), what...

2020-05-01 07:04:21 176

原创 Mysterious causality correction

**Mysterious causality correction**simply repacing the im part w/ the HT(re) gave me a complete mess!The Regeneration Method often render the originally seemingly all right spar into a skewed one...

2020-04-25 15:19:35 109

原创 Bye, XIM

Two months ago I developed Matlab script which can generate RLGC circuit based on the input sparam, as well as extract the RLGC values which well aligned w/ the RLGC results produced by PSI.

2019-12-19 03:59:53 91

原创 Why the amplitude of impulse response is so high?

As we all know imp resp is the key for channel simulation. Unfortunately, I've seen many simulators that produce less than sufficiently good imp resp. After some study now I can generate up to spec im...

2019-12-19 03:46:30 80

原创 first Designcon paper

comments are very welcome!

2014-11-16 13:02:16 297 1

原创 Why SAS/SATA need OOB?

Is it to provide an easier means for the receiver to achieve the sync w/ the command first? On top of that, the receiver will further achieve the bit sync at the nominal transferring rate? If so, it l

2012-03-17 15:01:46 1309

原创 求教:CDSN如何缺省允许评论?

as subject. thanks.

2012-03-08 11:08:31 281

原创 revisit hotswap controller

LTC4211's pull down current is only 25mA compared to its p2p device TPS2471x which's pull down is 1A, the performance in terms of short circuit trip is way poorer! And its successor LT1641 only raised

2012-03-08 11:02:18 246

原创 tedious work done magnificently!

Deeply involved in 12G SAS system study. As known, it is mainly power team and ME team's evaluation job. Logic side is utterly simple. As the lead of this project I was pushing supply chain, vendors a

2011-12-03 19:31:19 284

原创 lab LAN

The lab LAN is isolated from company LAN. But computers in both domans can access each other.Unlike company LAN, you cannot add users into the computers in lab LAN. Just access it thru remote desk

2011-10-28 16:00:10 253

原创 stuff recently did

Did quite some stuff recently. 1. HSPICE, ADS, ANsoft simulations. 2. MOSFET miller platform. 3. Filtering inductor design. 4. PCIe going thru. 5. loop stability revisit.  #1: control th

2011-10-28 05:58:05 275

原创 sleep study

There are two types of sleep: 1. non-REM sleep. The abbreviation stands for non-Rapid Eyeball Movement. This type of sleep can be subdivid

2011-10-09 13:28:50 349

原创 The speed of light is just too slow - SI go thru #1

The title is the first words of High-Speed Digital System Design by Steven and Garret. At the first spotting of this words, most ppl would t

2011-08-07 10:10:23 274

原创 Mafia's life

Atrracted by one post narrating about the author's mafia life. He is a pretty successful mafia - becoming the no.1 vallain of the biggest ma

2011-08-06 11:51:10 463

原创 something about PCIe

Went over my excerpts on PCIe protocol which I made before. Although I really dont have time for that, but had to - coz in the long run it s

2011-08-06 11:23:58 326

原创 SAS vs FC

7/12/2011Hitting on the comparison between FC and SAS. It was reallydifficult in the beginning – so many concepts I know about, or heard abo

2011-07-25 05:56:54 360

原创 last week

Ok. Let the blog to publish the process of my thoughtbuilding. Hiding it from external world may not be a good practice – I forgeteasily. Wh

2011-07-25 05:55:45 183


In this paper the impacts of Return Loss on the performance of ENRZ signaling is investigated, and compared to NRZ signaling. The effective methods of analyzing the influence return loss with different characteristics is explored. Two relatively new metrics IMR and IRL are introduced and applied. Their respective effectiveness is analyzed and compared. At the end, a set of practical tips for quickly assessing a highspeed channel’s performance, as well as design tips regarding the return loss of ENRZ channel, are presented.



As the density of package has grown drastically in the past decade, the cross-power-rail coupling effect becomes more and more aggravated and is no longer easy to evade. To handle this increasingly threatening problem, accurate modeling of the cross coupling, plus correct simulation methodology, is indispensable for obtaining trustable simulation result. This paper presents a full scale comparison on the models extracted using Hybrid solver and 3D solver with the focus on the coupling effect modeling. The concept of cross-rail transfer function is introduced first. Then the comparison on the Hybrid and 3D models of a 20Gbps package are presented. The coupling effects in frequency domain and time domain are plotted and analyzed. At the end, a set of designing guidelines are summarized.






Broadcade FP test guidance


FC-L2-2 v2.0

revised version to incorporate the VN_Port architecture.



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