
(《软件工艺》一书即将由人民邮电出版社出版,详情参见http://www.china-pub.com/computers/subject/huodong/ry12.23/tyzt.htm。本文是Pragmatic Programmer一书的作者David Thomas为该书所作的序言。)












正如我刚才说的,本书在“如何训练下一代开发者”方面提出了很有价值的观念。不仅如此,本书还涉及到了软件的哲学。工艺学所针对的是个人的能力:对你的工作,对你个人的发展,对于你的职业,工艺学能给你更多的帮助。它并不干涉你开发软件的工作方式。你可能在通过了CMM 5级的企业中朝九晚五循规蹈矩地工作;也可能为了实现又一个惊天动地的新点子而一周工作100小时,靠咖啡因来驱散倦意。你可以使用RUPXP或者SCRUM——或者根本不使用任何标准的过程。不管工作如何组织,只有当技艺高超的开发者编写出高质量的、合乎需要的代码时,只有当他们满足客户的需要时,整个软件开发过程才是真正有价值的。方法学无法造就技艺高超的开发者;只有给予工艺学以足够的认可并按照工艺学的指导去实践(当然,还需要留意本书中的其他观点),技艺高超的开发者才可能出现。如果你能花一些时间来阅读本书,来思考Pete McBreen提出的难题,必定会对你自己和你的职业生涯大有裨益。

David Thomas

The Pragmatic Programmers

* 译注:本书作者Pete McBreen

This book asks some tough questions. Is software engineering appropriate for projects of less than 100 developer-years? Is the specialization inherent in software engineering a good idea? Can software development even be expressed in engineering terms? It also asks some sensitive ones: Are less experienced developers paid too much, and should senior developers be paid more than almost anyone else in their organization? Should tools that are less than ten years old be used on long-term projects? And at its heart, this book asks the big question: How can we reorganize the process of building software so that it works? The book has some controversial answers: It suggests that we've lost sight of a simple truth—large methodologies and formal structures don't write software; people do. To fix a growing crisis in software development, we need to start by producing better developers. To do that, Pete looks back to a system that has worked well for hundreds of years—craftsmanship. Craftsmanship is far more than a tag for high-quality work. In the full meaning of the word, craftsmanship is a self-sustaining system in which masters arrange for the training of their replacements and where status is based purely on the work you've done. Apprentices, journeymen, and craftsman all work together as a team, learning from each other. Customers select these teams based on the team's reputation, and teams accept only work that they feel will enhance their reputation. Can this full system of craftsmanship work in our industry? Frankly, I don't know. Many entrenched interests will certainly oppose the idea. But I do know that being apprenticed to masters works. It worked for me. I was lucky enough to attend a great university, where I learned much theory (there was less theory back then). What really made the experience shine, however, was an apprenticeship that I served. One of the graduate students took me under his wing. He didn't explicitly teach me, but he showed me by example how a great programmer thinks. Working next to him month after month, I absorbed more practical knowledge about design, coding, and debugging than any course could impart. Later, I joined a start-up in London where I served a different sort of apprenticeship. My new boss showed me that software development was as about people as it was about technology. He helped me understand the business side of the equation and taught me how great development builds personal relationships from a base of technical strength. I “graduated” from these two very different apprenticeships a far, far better developer than I started out. Based on my personal experience, I'm a believer. Working with masters is the best way to learn a craft. This book offers more than ideas about training the next generation of developers. It is also about a philosophy. Craftsmanship stands for taking personal responsibility: for your work, for your personal development, and for your profession. It doesn't matter how you develop software. You could be working 9-to-5 in a CMM level 5 shop, or you could be pulling 100-hour, caffeine-drenched weeks developing the next cool first-person shooter. You could use RUP, XP, or SCRUM—or no process at all. Whatever the structure of your work, the real value in software development is added when skilled developers write high-quality, appropriate code, delivering what the customer needs. Methodologies don't produce these skilled developers. Honoring and practicing craftsmanship, along with the other ideas in this book, just might. You'll do yourself and your career a favor if you spend some time with Pete McBreen's tough questions. David Thomas The Pragmatic Programmers
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