



“软件工程”这个词是由NATO属下的一个研究组在1967年提出的,这个研究组还提议召开一次会议,专门讨论“软件所面临的问题”。1968年,由NATO科学委员会主办的这次会议在德国迦米许*召开,会议提交的报告就被命名为《软件工程》[1]。在这份报告中,Peter NaurBrian Randell这样写道:“我们之所以选择了‘软件工程’这个颇具争议性的词,是为了暗示这样一种意见:软件的生产有必要建立在某些理论基础和实践指导之上——在工程学的某些成效卓著的分支领域中,这些理论基础和实践指导早已成为了一种传统教义。”


软件工艺并非与软件工程或者计算机科学针锋相对格格不入。与科学和工程学相比,软件工艺是另一种完全不同的教义,但又能与这两者很好地共存,并从中获益。现代的铁匠能够因为更好的工具、原料和知识而获益;同样,软件工艺也能够因为更好的计算机、可复用的组件和更先进的编程语言而获益。铁匠们在自己的工作中融入了技巧和艺术,从而超越了科学和工程学的范畴;同样,软件工艺能够指导开发者生产出优秀的应用程序及系统,因此也可以超越计算机科学和软件工程学的范畴。对于这一论点,最好的佐证大概就是UNIX和现在的GNU Linux了——这两个系统之所以能够获得如此巨大的成功,完全是因为它们的创建者拥有精巧的手艺、高超的技术和无私的奉献精神。









* 译者注:Garmish,位于阿尔卑斯山区,德国度假胜地。

[1] Peter NaurBrian Randell编辑,《软件工程》(Software Engineering: A Report on a Conference Sponsored by the NATO Science Committee),NATO1969

[2] Steven Levy,《黑客》(Hackers),Penguin Books1994p. 88

This book asks some tough questions. Is software engineering appropriate for projects of less than 100 developer-years? Is the specialization inherent in software engineering a good idea? Can software development even be expressed in engineering terms? It also asks some sensitive ones: Are less experienced developers paid too much, and should senior developers be paid more than almost anyone else in their organization? Should tools that are less than ten years old be used on long-term projects? And at its heart, this book asks the big question: How can we reorganize the process of building software so that it works? The book has some controversial answers: It suggests that we've lost sight of a simple truth—large methodologies and formal structures don't write software; people do. To fix a growing crisis in software development, we need to start by producing better developers. To do that, Pete looks back to a system that has worked well for hundreds of years—craftsmanship. Craftsmanship is far more than a tag for high-quality work. In the full meaning of the word, craftsmanship is a self-sustaining system in which masters arrange for the training of their replacements and where status is based purely on the work you've done. Apprentices, journeymen, and craftsman all work together as a team, learning from each other. Customers select these teams based on the team's reputation, and teams accept only work that they feel will enhance their reputation. Can this full system of craftsmanship work in our industry? Frankly, I don't know. Many entrenched interests will certainly oppose the idea. But I do know that being apprenticed to masters works. It worked for me. I was lucky enough to attend a great university, where I learned much theory (there was less theory back then). What really made the experience shine, however, was an apprenticeship that I served. One of the graduate students took me under his wing. He didn't explicitly teach me, but he showed me by example how a great programmer thinks. Working next to him month after month, I absorbed more practical knowledge about design, coding, and debugging than any course could impart. Later, I joined a start-up in London where I served a different sort of apprenticeship. My new boss showed me that software development was as about people as it was about technology. He helped me understand the business side of the equation and taught me how great development builds personal relationships from a base of technical strength. I “graduated” from these two very different apprenticeships a far, far better developer than I started out. Based on my personal experience, I'm a believer. Working with masters is the best way to learn a craft. This book offers more than ideas about training the next generation of developers. It is also about a philosophy. Craftsmanship stands for taking personal responsibility: for your work, for your personal development, and for your profession. It doesn't matter how you develop software. You could be working 9-to-5 in a CMM level 5 shop, or you could be pulling 100-hour, caffeine-drenched weeks developing the next cool first-person shooter. You could use RUP, XP, or SCRUM—or no process at all. Whatever the structure of your work, the real value in software development is added when skilled developers write high-quality, appropriate code, delivering what the customer needs. Methodologies don't produce these skilled developers. Honoring and practicing craftsmanship, along with the other ideas in this book, just might. You'll do yourself and your career a favor if you spend some time with Pete McBreen's tough questions. David Thomas The Pragmatic Programmers
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