FreeRTOS 教程指南 学习笔记 第三章 任务管理(一)

FreeRTOS 教程指南 学习笔记 第三章 任务管理(一)




  • FreeRTOS如何为应用程序中的每个任务分配处理时间。
  • FreeRTOS如何选择在任何给定时间应该执行的任务。
  • 每个任务的相对优先级如何影响系统行为。
  • 任务可以存在的状态。


  • 如何实现任务。
  • 如何创建一个或多个任务的实例。
  • 如何使用任务参数。
  • 如何更改已经创建的任务的优先级。
  • 如何删除一个任务。
  • 如何使用任务实现周期性处理(软件计时器将在后面的一章中讨论)。
  • 空闲任务的执行时间以及如何使用它。



//Listing 11. The task function prototype
void ATaskFunction( void *pvParameters );


//Listing 12. The structure of a typical task function
void ATaskFunction( void *pvParameters )
	/* Variables can be declared just as per a normal function. Each instance of a task created using this example function will have its own copy of the lVariableExample variable. This would not be true if the variable was declared static – in which case only one copy of the variable would exist, and this copy would be shared by each created instance of the task. (The prefixes added to variable names are described in section 1.5, Data Types and Coding Style Guide.) */
	int32_t lVariableExample = 0;
	 /* A task will normally be implemented as an infinite loop. */
	 for( ;; )
 		/* The code to implement the task functionality will go here. */
 	/* Should the task implementation ever break out of the above loop, then the task must be deleted before reaching the end of its implementing function. The NULL parameter passed to the vTaskDelete() API function indicates that the task to be deleted is the calling (this) task. The convention used to name API functions is described in section 0, Projects that use a FreeRTOS version older than V9.0.0 must build one of the heap_n.c files. From FreeRTOS V9.0.0 a heap_n.c file is only required if configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION is set to 1 in FreeRTOSConfig.h or if configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION is left undefined. Refer to Chapter 2, Heap Memory Management, for more information.Data Types and Coding Style Guide. */
 	vTaskDelete( NULL );


任务从“未正在运行”状态转换到“正在运行”状态可以成为‘switched in’ or ‘swapped in’。相反,任务从“运行”状态转换到“不运行”状态可以被称为‘switched out’ or ‘swapped out’。FreeRTOS调度程序是唯一可以切换输入和输出任务的实体。


The xTaskCreate() API Function


//Listing 13. The xTaskCreate() API function prototype
/*返回值BaseType_t:有两个可能的返回值:1.pdPASS。这表示该任务已成功创建。 2. pdFAIL表明任务没有创建。*/
BaseType_t xTaskCreate( TaskFunction_t pvTaskCode, 
						const char * const pcName, 
 						uint16_t usStackDepth, 
 						void *pvParameters, 
 						UBaseType_t uxPriority, 
 						TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask );
Example 1. Creating tasks


void vTask1( void *pvParameters )
	const char *pcTaskName = "Task 1 is running\r\n";
	volatile uint32_t ul; /* volatile to ensure ul is not optimized away. */
	 /* As per most tasks, this task is implemented in an infinite loop. */
 	for( ;; )
 		/* Print out the name of this task. */
 		vPrintString( pcTaskName );
 		/* Delay for a period. */
 		for( ul = 0; ul < mainDELAY_LOOP_COUNT; ul++ )
 		/* This loop is just a very crude delay implementation. There is nothing to do in here. Later examples will replace this crude loop with a proper delay/sleep function. */

void vTask2( void *pvParameters )
	const char *pcTaskName = "Task 2 is running\r\n";
	volatile uint32_t ul; /* volatile to ensure ul is not optimized away. */
 	/* As per most tasks, this task is implemented in an infinite loop. */
 	for( ;; )
		 /* Print out the name of this task. */
		 vPrintString( pcTaskName );
		 /* Delay for a period. */
 		for( ul = 0; ul < mainDELAY_LOOP_COUNT; ul++ )
 		/* This loop is just a very crude delay implementation. There is nothing to do in here. Later examples will replace this crude loop with a proper delay/sleep function. */

int main( void )
 	/* Create one of the two tasks. Note that a real application should check the return value of the xTaskCreate() call to ensure the task was created successfully. */
 	xTaskCreate( vTask1, /* Pointer to the function that implements the task. */
 				"Task 1",/* Text name for the task. This is to facilitate debugging only. */
 				1000, /* Stack depth - small microcontrollers will use much less stack than this. */
 				NULL, /* This example does not use the task parameter. */
 				1, /* This task will run at priority 1. */
 				NULL ); /* This example does not use the task handle. */
 	/* Create the other task in exactly the same way and at the same priority. */
 	xTaskCreate( vTask2, "Task 2", 1000, NULL, 1, NULL );
 	/* Start the scheduler so the tasks start executing. */
 	/* If all is well then main() will never reach here as the scheduler will now be running the tasks. If main() does reach here then it is likely that there was insufficient heap memory available for the idle task to be created. Chapter 2 provides more information on heap memory management. */
 	for( ;; );


void vTask1( void *pvParameters )
	const char *pcTaskName = "Task 1 is running\r\n";
	volatile uint32_t ul; /* volatile to ensure ul is not optimized away. */
 	/* If this task code is executing then the scheduler must already have been started. Create the other task before entering the infinite loop. */
 	xTaskCreate( vTask2, "Task 2", 1000, NULL, 1, NULL );
 	for( ;; )
 		/* Print out the name of this task. */
 		vPrintString( pcTaskName );
 		/* Delay for a period. */
 		for( ul = 0; ul < mainDELAY_LOOP_COUNT; ul++ )
 		/* This loop is just a very crude delay implementation. There is nothing to do in here. Later examples will replace this crude loop with a proper delay/sleep function. */
Example 2. Using the task parameter


void vTaskFunction( void *pvParameters )
	char *pcTaskName;
	volatile uint32_t ul; /* volatile to ensure ul is not optimized away. */
 	/* The string to print out is passed in via the parameter. Cast this to a character pointer. */
 	pcTaskName = ( char * ) pvParameters;
 	/* As per most tasks, this task is implemented in an infinite loop. */
 	for( ;; )
 		/* Print out the name of this task. */
 		vPrintString( pcTaskName );
 		/* Delay for a period. */
 		for( ul = 0; ul < mainDELAY_LOOP_COUNT; ul++ )
 			/* This loop is just a very crude delay implementation. There is nothing to do in here. Later exercises will replace this crude loop with a proper delay/sleep function. */

/* Define the strings that will be passed in as the task parameters. These are defined const and not on the stack to ensure they remain valid when the tasks are executing. */
static const char *pcTextForTask1 = "Task 1 is running\r\n";
static const char *pcTextForTask2 = "Task 2 is running\r\n";
int main( void )
	 /* Create one of the two tasks. */
	 xTaskCreate( vTaskFunction, /* Pointer to the function that implements the task. */
	 			"Task 1", /* Text name for the task. This is to facilitate debugging only. */
 				1000, /* Stack depth - small microcontrollers will use much less stack than this. */
 				(void*)pcTextForTask1, /* Pass the text to be printed into the task using the task parameter. */
 				1, /* This task will run at priority 1. */
 				NULL ); /* The task handle is not used in this example. */
 	/* Create the other task in exactly the same way. Note this time that multiple tasks are being created from the SAME task implementation (vTaskFunction). Only  the value passed in the parameter is different. Two instances of the same  task are being created. */
 	xTaskCreate( vTaskFunction, "Task 2", 1000, (void*)pcTextForTask2, 1, NULL );
 	/* Start the scheduler so the tasks start executing. */
 	/* If all is well then main() will never reach here as the scheduler will  now be running the tasks. If main() does reach here then it is likely that  there was insufficient heap memory available for the idle task to be created.  Chapter 2 provides more information on heap memory management. */
 	for( ;; );




  • 通用方法
  • 体系结构优化方法



为了能够选择下一个要运行的任务,调度程序本身必须在每个时间片的末尾执行。一个称为“Tick Interrupt”的周期性中断被用于形成时间片。时间片的长度Tick Interrupt频率设置,Tick Interrupt频率由FreeRTOSConfig.h中的应用程序定义的configTICK_RATE_HZ进行配置。例如,如果configTICK_RATE_HZ被设置为100(Hz),那么时间片将为10毫秒。两次Tick Interrupt之间的时间被称为“Tick Period”。一个时间切片等于一个滴答周期。
FreeRTOS API调用总是以多个Tick Interrupt来指定时间,这通常被简单地称为“Tick”。pdMS_TO_TICKS()宏将以毫秒为单位指定的时间转换为以刻度数指定的时间。可用的分辨率取决于所定义的滴答频率,如果滴答频率高于1 KHz(如果configTICK_RATE_HZ大于1000),则不能使用pdMS_TO_TICKS()。下列示例显示了如何使用pdMS_TO_TICKS()将指定为200毫秒的时间转换为在刻度中指定的等效时间。

//Listing 20. Using the pdMS_TO_TICKS() macro to convert 200 milliseconds into an equivalent time in tick periods
/* pdMS_TO_TICKS() takes a time in milliseconds as its only parameter, and evaluates to the equivalent time in tick periods. This example shows xTimeInTicks being set to the number of tick periods that are equivalent to 200 milliseconds. */
TickType_t xTimeInTicks = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 200 );

“tick count”值是自调度程序启动以来发生的tick interrupt的总数,假设bit count没有溢出。用户应用程序在指定延迟周期时不必考虑溢出,因为时间一致性是由FreeRTOS在内部管理的。
第3.12节,调度算法,描述了影响调度程序何时选择要运行的新任务,以及何时执行tick interrupt的配置常量。

Example 3. Experimenting with priorities


/* Define the strings that will be passed in as the task parameters. These are defined const and not on the stack to ensure they remain valid when the tasks are executing. */
static const char *pcTextForTask1 = "Task 1 is running\r\n";
static const char *pcTextForTask2 = "Task 2 is running\r\n";
int main( void )
	 /* Create the first task at priority 1. The priority is the second to last parameter. */
	 xTaskCreate( vTaskFunction, "Task 1", 1000, (void*)pcTextForTask1, 1, NULL );
	 /* Create the second task at priority 2, which is higher than a priority of 1. The priority is the second to last parameter. */
	 xTaskCreate( vTaskFunction, "Task 2", 1000, (void*)pcTextForTask2, 2, NULL );
 	/* Start the scheduler so the tasks start executing. */
	 /* Will not reach here. */
	 return 0;






  1. 时间(与时间相关)事件—事件是延迟溢出或一段绝对时间到达。例如,一个任务可能会进入阻塞状态,等待10毫秒通过。
  2. 同步事件——事件来自另一个任务或中断。例如,任务可能进入阻止状态,等待数据到达队列。同步事件涵盖了广泛的事件类型。
    FreeRTOS队列、二进制信号、计数信号、互斥、递归互斥、事件组和任务通知 都可以用于创建同步事件。所有这些特点都将在这本书的未来章节中介绍。







Example 4. Using the Blocked state to create a delay


//Listing 22. The vTaskDelay() API function prototype
void vTaskDelay( TickType_t xTicksToDelay );
/*参数xTicksToDelay :在切换回已就绪状态之前,调用任务将处于“阻止”状态的中断数。例如,如果一个名为vTaskDelay(100)的任务,当tick count为10,000时,它将立即进入阻塞状态,并保持阻塞状态,直到tick cout达到10,100。宏pdMS_TO_TICKS()可用于将以毫秒为单位指定的时间转换为在刻度中指定的时间。例如,调用vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(100))将导致调用任务保持在阻塞状态100毫秒。*/
//Listing 23. The source code for the example task after the null loop delay has been replaced by a call to vTaskDelay()
void vTaskFunction( void *pvParameters )
	char *pcTaskName;
	const TickType_t xDelay250ms = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 250 );
	 /* The string to print out is passed in via the parameter. Cast this to a character pointer. */
	 pcTaskName = ( char * ) pvParameters;
	 /* As per most tasks, this task is implemented in an infinite loop. */
	 for( ;; )
	 	/* Print out the name of this task. */
	 	vPrintString( pcTaskName );
	 	/* Delay for a period. This time a call to vTaskDelay() is used which places the task into the Blocked state until the delay period has expired. The parameter takes a time specified in ‘ticks’, and the pdMS_TO_TICKS() macro is used (where the xDelay250ms constant is declared) to convert 250 milliseconds into an equivalent time in ticks. */
	 	vTaskDelay( xDelay250ms );


The vTaskDelayUntil() API Function

vTaskDelayUntil()的参数指定调用任务从阻塞状态移动到就绪状态的确切tick count。vTaskDelayUntil()API函数在当你需要一个固定的执行周期时使用(任务有固定的执行频率),它的调用任务的时间是绝对的,而不是相对于函数被调用的时间(与vTaskDelay())。

//Listing 24. vTaskDelayUntil() API function prototype
void vTaskDelayUntil( TickType_t * pxPreviousWakeTime, TickType_t xTimeIncrement );
/*参数xTimeIncrement :这个参数的命名也是基于以下假设,vTaskDelayUntil()被用于实现一个定期执行且频率固定的任务——该频率由xTimeIncrement值设置。xTimeIncrement以“tick”计量。宏pdMS_TO_TICKS()可用于将以毫秒为单位指定的时间转换为在刻度中指定的时间。*/
Example 5. Converting the example tasks to use vTaskDelayUntil()


//Listing 25. The implementation of the example task using vTaskDelayUntil()
void vTaskFunction( void *pvParameters )
	char *pcTaskName;
	TickType_t xLastWakeTime;
	 /* The string to print out is passed in via the parameter. Cast this to a character pointer. */
	 pcTaskName = ( char * ) pvParameters;
	 /* The xLastWakeTime variable needs to be initialized with the current tick count. Note that this is the only time the variable is written to explicitly. After this xLastWakeTime is automatically updated within vTaskDelayUntil(). */
	 xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
	 /* As per most tasks, this task is implemented in an infinite loop. */
	 for( ;; )
		 /* Print out the name of this task. */
		 vPrintString( pcTaskName );
		 /* This task should execute every 250 milliseconds exactly. As per the vTaskDelay() function, time is measured in ticks, and the pdMS_TO_TICKS() macro is used to convert milliseconds into ticks. xLastWakeTime is automatically updated within vTaskDelayUntil(), so is not explicitly updated by the task. */
		 vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastWakeTime, pdMS_TO_TICKS( 250 ) );
Example 6. Combining blocking and non-blocking tasks


  1. 创建了两个优先级为1任务。他们只是不断地打印字符串。
  2. 然后在优先级2处创建第三个任务,因此高于其他两个任务的优先级。第三个任务也只是打印出字符串,但这次是周期性的,所以它使用vTaskDelayUntil()API函数在两次打印之间让它自己进入阻塞状态。
void vContinuousProcessingTask( void *pvParameters )
	char *pcTaskName;
 	/* The string to print out is passed in via the parameter. Cast this to a character pointer. */
	 pcTaskName = ( char * ) pvParameters;
	 /* As per most tasks, this task is implemented in an infinite loop. */
	 for( ;; )
 		/* Print out the name of this task. This task just does this repeatedly without ever blocking or delaying. */
		 vPrintString( pcTaskName );

void vPeriodicTask( void *pvParameters )
	TickType_t xLastWakeTime;
	const TickType_t xDelay3ms = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 3 );
 	/* The xLastWakeTime variable needs to be initialized with the current tick count. Note that this is the only time the variable is explicitly written to. After this xLastWakeTime is managed automatically by the vTaskDelayUntil() API function. */
 	xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
 	/* As per most tasks, this task is implemented in an infinite loop. */
 	for( ;; )
 		/* Print out the name of this task. */
 		vPrintString( "Periodic task is running\r\n" );
 		/* The task should execute every 3 milliseconds exactly – see the declaration of xDelay3ms in this function. */
 		vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastWakeTime, xDelay3ms );







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