
This source file is part of OGRE
    (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/

Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Torus Knot Software Ltd
Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html

You may use this sample code for anything you like, it is not covered by the
LGPL like the rest of the engine.





#ifndef __MaterialControls_H__
#define __MaterialControls_H__

#include "CEGUI/CEGUIForwardRefs.h"
#include "OgreString.h"

enum ShaderValType

struct ShaderControl
    Ogre::String Name;
 Ogre::String ParamName;
 ShaderValType ValType;
 float MinVal;
 float MaxVal;
 size_t ElementIndex;
 mutable size_t PhysicalIndex;

 float getRange(void) const { return MaxVal - MinVal; }//声明范围变化方法
 float convertParamToScrollPosition(const float val) const { return val - MinVal; }//声明滑动条与参数之间联系的方法
 float convertScrollPositionToParam(const float val) const { return val + MinVal; }

typedef std::vector<ShaderControl> ShaderControlsContainer;
typedef ShaderControlsContainer::iterator ShaderControlIterator;
// used for materials that have user controls

class MaterialControls
    MaterialControls(const Ogre::String& displayName, const Ogre::String& materialName)
        : mDisplayName(displayName)
        , mMaterialName(materialName)//构造函数


    const Ogre::String& getDisplayName(void) const { return mDisplayName; }
    const Ogre::String& getMaterialName(void) const { return mMaterialName; }
    size_t getShaderControlCount(void) const { return mShaderControlsContainer.size(); }
    const ShaderControl& getShaderControl(const size_t idx) const
        assert( idx < mShaderControlsContainer.size() );//声明索引数
        return mShaderControlsContainer[idx];
    /** add a new control by passing a string parameter

      params is a string using the following format:
        "<Control Name>, <Shader parameter name>, <Parameter Type>, <Min Val>, <Max Val>, <Parameter Sub Index>"

        <Control Name> is the string displayed for the control name on screen
        <Shader parameter name> is the name of the variable in the shader
        <Parameter Type> can be GPU_VERTEX, GPU_FRAGMENT
        <Min Val> minimum value that parameter can be
        <Max Val> maximum value that parameter can be
        <Parameter Sub Index> index into the the float array of the parameter.  All GPU parameters are assumed to be float[4].

    void addControl(const Ogre::String& params);


    Ogre::String mDisplayName;
    Ogre::String mMaterialName;

    ShaderControlsContainer mShaderControlsContainer;

typedef std::vector<MaterialControls> MaterialControlsContainer;
typedef MaterialControlsContainer::iterator MaterialControlsIterator;

struct ShaderControlGUIWidget//CEGUI免费开源GUI库中的一些参数
 CEGUI::Window* TextWidget;
 CEGUI::Window* NumberWidget;
 CEGUI::Scrollbar*  ScrollWidget;

 ShaderControlGUIWidget() : TextWidget(NULL), NumberWidget(NULL), ScrollWidget(NULL) {}

/** loads material shader controls from a configuration file
    A .controls file is made up of the following:

    [<material display name>]
    material = <material name>
    control = <Control Name>, <Shader parameter name>, <Parameter Type>, <Min Val>, <Max Val>, <Parameter Sub Index>

    <material display name> is what is displayed in the material combo box.
    <material name> is the name of the material in the material script.
    control is the shader control associated with the material. The order
    of the contol definions in the .controls file determins their order
    when displayed in the controls window.

    you can have multiple .controls files or put them all in one.
void loadMaterialControlsFile(MaterialControlsContainer& controlsContainer, const Ogre::String& filename);//声明导入材质的方法
/** load all control files found in resource paths
void loadAllMaterialControlFiles(MaterialControlsContainer& controlsContainer);//声明导入资源库所有材质的方法

#endif // __MaterialControls_H__


This source file is part of OGRE
    (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/

Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Torus Knot Software Ltd
Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html

You may use this sample code for anything you like, it is not covered by the
LGPL like the rest of the engine.

#include "MaterialControls.h"
#include "OgreLogManager.h"
#include "OgreStringVector.h"
#include "OgreStringConverter.h"
#include "OgreConfigFile.h"
#include "OgreResourceGroupManager.h"
#include "OgreException.h"

            MaterialControls Methods
void MaterialControls::addControl(const Ogre::String& params)
    // params is a string containing using the following format:
    //  "<Control Name>, <Shader parameter name>, <Parameter Type>, <Min Val>, <Max Val>, <Parameter Sub Index>"

    // break up long string into components
    Ogre::StringVector vecparams = Ogre::StringUtil::split(params, ",");

    // if there are not five elements then log error and move on
    if (vecparams.size() != 6)//参数数目不对的处理
            "Incorrect number of parameters passed in params string for MaterialControls::addControl()" );

    ShaderControl newControl;
    newControl.Name = vecparams[0];

    newControl.ParamName = vecparams[1];

    if (vecparams[2] == "GPU_VERTEX")//判断阴影类型
        newControl.ValType = GPU_VERTEX;
    else if (vecparams[2] == "GPU_FRAGMENT")
        newControl.ValType = GPU_FRAGMENT;

    newControl.MinVal = Ogre::StringConverter::parseReal(vecparams[3]);
    newControl.MaxVal = Ogre::StringConverter::parseReal(vecparams[4]);
    newControl.ElementIndex = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(vecparams[5]);



void loadMaterialControlsFile(MaterialControlsContainer& controlsContainer, const Ogre::String& filename)
    // Load material controls from config file
    Ogre::ConfigFile cf;


        cf.load(filename, Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, "/t;=", true);//从默认的资源管理器中导入资源文件

        // Go through all sections & controls in the file
        Ogre::ConfigFile::SectionIterator seci = cf.getSectionIterator();

        Ogre::String secName, typeName, materialName, dataString;

        while (seci.hasMoreElements())
            secName = seci.peekNextKey();
            Ogre::ConfigFile::SettingsMultiMap* settings = seci.getNext();
            if (!secName.empty() && settings)
                materialName = cf.getSetting("material", secName);

                MaterialControls newMaaterialControls(secName, materialName);

                size_t idx = controlsContainer.size() - 1;//这里表示控制容器存放进一个材质实例

                Ogre::ConfigFile::SettingsMultiMap::iterator i;//声明多重映射的对象

                for (i = settings->begin(); i != settings->end(); ++i)//使控制容器中的索引都对应着材质的数据
                    typeName = i->first;
                    dataString = i->second;
                    if (typeName == "control")

     Ogre::LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage( "Material Controls setup" );
    catch (Ogre::Exception e)
        // Guess the file didn't exist

void loadAllMaterialControlFiles(MaterialControlsContainer& controlsContainer)
    Ogre::StringVectorPtr fileStringVector = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().findResourceNames( Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, "*.controls" );
    std::vector<Ogre::String>::iterator controlsFileNameIterator = fileStringVector->begin();

    while ( controlsFileNameIterator != fileStringVector->end() )
        loadMaterialControlsFile(controlsContainer, *controlsFileNameIterator);


This source file is part of OGRE
    (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/

Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Torus Knot Software Ltd
Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html

You may use this sample code for anything you like, it is not covered by the
LGPL like the rest of the engine.

#ifndef _OceanDemo_H_
#define _OceanDemo_H_

#include "CEGUI/CEGUI.h"
#include "OgreCEGUIRenderer.h"

#include "OgreConfigFile.h"
#include "OgreStringConverter.h"
#include "OgreException.h"
#include "OgreFrameListener.h"

#include "MaterialControls.h"
#include <OIS/OIS.h>

enum MovementType//声明枚举类型

class OceanDemo;

class OceanDemo_FrameListener : public Ogre::FrameListener, public OIS::KeyListener, OIS::MouseListener
#define MINSPEED .150f
#define MOVESPEED 30
#define MAXSPEED 1.800f

 OceanDemo* mMain;

    Ogre::Vector3 mTranslateVector;
    bool mStatsOn;
 unsigned int mNumScreenShots;
 bool mWriteToFile;
    float mMoveScale;
    float mRotScale;
 float mSpeed;
 float mAvgFrameTime;
 int mSceneDetailIndex;
    Ogre::Real mMoveSpeed;
    Ogre::Real mRotateSpeed;
 float mSkipCount;
 float mUpdateFreq;
 CEGUI::Point mLastMousePosition;//注意此处是CEGUI定义的二维向量,获得鼠标的位置
 bool mLastMousePositionSet;
 bool mSpinModel;
 bool mSpinLight;

 OIS::Mouse *mMouse;
 OIS::Keyboard *mKeyboard;
    OIS::InputManager* mInputManager;

    // just to stop toggles flipping too fast
    Ogre::Real mTimeUntilNextToggle ;
    float mRotX, mRotY;
    Ogre::TextureFilterOptions mFiltering;//声明材质过滤器
    int mAniso;
 bool mQuit;
 bool mLMBDown;
 bool mRMBDown;
 bool mProcessMovement;
 bool mUpdateMovement;
 bool mMoveFwd;
 bool mMoveBck;
 bool mMoveLeft;
 bool mMoveRight;

 CEGUI::Renderer* mGuiRenderer;//声明CEGUI所用到的对象
 CEGUI::Window* mGuiAvg;
 CEGUI::Window* mGuiCurr;
 CEGUI::Window* mGuiBest;
 CEGUI::Window* mGuiWorst;
 CEGUI::Window* mGuiTris;
 CEGUI::Window* mGuiDbg;
 CEGUI::Window* mRoot;

 std::string mDebugText;

 CEGUI::MouseButton convertOISButtonToCegui(int ois_button_id);
 void CheckMovementKeys( CEGUI::Key::Scan keycode, bool state );
 void updateStats(void);

 OceanDemo_FrameListener(OceanDemo* main);
 virtual ~OceanDemo_FrameListener();

 virtual bool mouseMoved ( const OIS::MouseEvent &arg );
 virtual bool mousePressed ( const OIS::MouseEvent &arg, OIS::MouseButtonID id );
 virtual bool mouseReleased ( const OIS::MouseEvent &arg, OIS::MouseButtonID id );

 virtual bool keyPressed ( const OIS::KeyEvent &arg );
 virtual bool keyReleased ( const OIS::KeyEvent &arg );

 bool frameStarted(const Ogre::FrameEvent& evt);
 bool handleMouseMove(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e);
 bool handleMouseButtonUp(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e);
 bool handleMouseButtonDown(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e);
 bool handleMouseWheelEvent(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e);
 bool handleKeyDownEvent(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e);
 bool handleKeyUpEvent(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e);
 bool handelModelSpinChange(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e);
 bool handelLightSpinChange(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e);


class OceanDemo//声明场景管理所用到的参数及方法
    Ogre::Root*     mRoot;
    Ogre::Camera*    mCamera;
    Ogre::SceneManager*   mSceneMgr;
 // the scene node of the entity
 Ogre::SceneNode*   mMainNode;

    OceanDemo_FrameListener* mFrameListener;
    Ogre::RenderWindow*   mWindow;
    CEGUI::OgreCEGUIRenderer*    mGUIRenderer;
    CEGUI::System*        mGUISystem;
 Ogre::Entity*    mCurrentEntity;
    Ogre::Entity*         mOceanSurfaceEnt;

 size_t      mCurrentMaterial;
 Ogre::MaterialPtr   mActiveMaterial;
 Ogre::Pass*     mActivePass;
 Ogre::GpuProgramPtr   mActiveFragmentProgram;
 Ogre::GpuProgramPtr   mActiveVertexProgram;
 Ogre::GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr mActiveFragmentParameters;
 Ogre::GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr mActiveVertexParameters;

 typedef std::vector< ShaderControlGUIWidget > ShaderControlContainer;
 typedef ShaderControlContainer::iterator ShaderControlIterator;

 ShaderControlContainer    mShaderControlContainer;
    MaterialControlsContainer mMaterialControlsContainer;
 CEGUI::Scrollbar*   mVertScroll;
 MovementType    mMouseMovement;

    // These internal methods package up the stages in the startup process
    /** Sets up the application - returns false if the user chooses to abandon configuration. */
    bool setup(void);

 /** Configures the application - returns false if the user chooses to abandon configuration. */
    bool configure(void);
    void chooseSceneManager(void);
    void createCamera(void);
    void createViewports(void);

    /// Method which will define the source of resources (other than current folder)
    void setupResources(void);
 void loadResources(void);
 bool setupGUI(void);
 void createScene(void);
 void createFrameListener(void);

 void initComboBoxes(void);
 void initDemoEventWiring(void);
 void configureShaderControls(void);

 void doErrorBox(const char* text);

 bool handleQuit(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e);
 bool handleShaderControl(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e);
 bool handleModelComboChanged(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e);
 bool handleShaderComboChanged(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e);
 bool handleScrollControlsWindow(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e);
 bool handleMovementTypeChange(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e);

 bool handleErrorBox(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e);
 void setShaderControlVal(const float val, const size_t index);

 OceanDemo() : mRoot(0), mFrameListener(0), mGUIRenderer(NULL), mGUISystem(0),
        mCurrentEntity(0), mCurrentMaterial(0), mActivePass(0), mMouseMovement(mv_CAMERA)


    void go(void);
 Ogre::Camera* getCamera(void) const { return mCamera; }
 Ogre::SceneManager* getSceneManager(void) const { return mSceneMgr; }
 Ogre::RenderWindow* getRenderWindow(void) const { return mWindow; }
 MovementType getMouseMovement(void) const { return mMouseMovement; }
 Ogre::SceneNode* getMainNode(void) const { return mMainNode; }


#endif // end _OceanDemo_H_


This source file is part of OGRE
    (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/

Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Torus Knot Software Ltd
Also see acknowledgements in Readme.html

You may use this sample code for anything you like, it is not covered by the
LGPL like the rest of the engine.

#include "OceanDemo.h"
#include "Ogre.h"

#include <cstdlib>

OS X Specific Resource Location Finding

Ogre::String bundlePath()
    char path[1024];
    CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
    assert( mainBundle );

    CFURLRef mainBundleURL = CFBundleCopyBundleURL( mainBundle);
    assert( mainBundleURL);

    CFStringRef cfStringRef = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath( mainBundleURL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
    assert( cfStringRef);

    CFStringGetCString( cfStringRef, path, 1024, kCFStringEncodingASCII);

    CFRelease( mainBundleURL);
    CFRelease( cfStringRef);

    return Ogre::String( path);


  Static declarations
// Lights
#define NUM_LIGHTS 1

// the light
Ogre::Light* mLights[NUM_LIGHTS];
// billboards for lights
Ogre::BillboardSet* mLightFlareSets[NUM_LIGHTS];
Ogre::Billboard* mLightFlares[NUM_LIGHTS];
// Positions for lights
Ogre::Vector3 mLightPositions[NUM_LIGHTS] =
 Ogre::Vector3(00, 400, 00)
// Base orientations of the lights
Ogre::Real mLightRotationAngles[NUM_LIGHTS] = { 35 };
Ogre::Vector3 mLightRotationAxes[NUM_LIGHTS] = {
// Rotation speed for lights, degrees per second
Ogre::Real mLightSpeeds[NUM_LIGHTS] = { 30};

// Colours for the lights
Ogre::ColourValue mDiffuseLightColours[NUM_LIGHTS] =//漫射光的颜色
 Ogre::ColourValue(0.6, 0.6, 0.6)

Ogre::ColourValue mSpecularLightColours[NUM_LIGHTS] =//镜面光的颜色
 Ogre::ColourValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

// Which lights are enabled
bool mLightState[NUM_LIGHTS] =//光源的初始化状态

// the light nodes
Ogre::SceneNode* mLightNodes[NUM_LIGHTS];
// the light node pivots
Ogre::SceneNode* mLightPivots[NUM_LIGHTS];
#define UVECTOR2(x, y) UVector2(cegui_reldim(x), cegui_reldim(y))//UV方向的纹理贴图
#define TEXTWIDGET_SIZE UVECTOR2(0.19, 0.06)
#define NUMBERWIDGET_SIZE UVECTOR2(0.065, 0.06)
#define SCROLLWIDGET_SIZE UVECTOR2(0.21, 0.02)

#define TEXTWIDGET_XPOS 0.01

#define TEXTWIDGET_YADJUST (-0.05f)
#define WIDGET_YSTART 0.2f
#define WIDGET_YOFFSET 0.15f

 sub-class for ListboxTextItem that auto-sets the selection brush
class MyListItem : public CEGUI::ListboxTextItem
    MyListItem(const CEGUI::String& text, CEGUI::uint id) : CEGUI::ListboxTextItem(text, id)
  setSelectionBrushImage("TaharezLook", "MultiListSelectionBrush");//TaharezLook在Media文件中gui文件夹中定义的图像集


    Main Program Entry Point
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include "windows.h"

INT WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE, LPSTR strCmdLine, INT )//Window程序入口
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 // Create application object
 OceanDemo app;

 try {

 } catch( Ogre::Exception& e ) {
        MessageBox( NULL, e.getFullDescription().c_str(), "An exception has occured!", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL);
        std::cerr << "An exception has occured: " <<
            e.getFullDescription().c_str() << std::endl;

    return 0;

#ifdef __cplusplus

                     OceanDemo Methods
 delete mGUISystem;
 delete mGUIRenderer;
    delete mFrameListener;

    // get rid of the shared pointers before shutting down ogre or exceptions occure

    delete mRoot;

void OceanDemo::go(void)
    if (!setup())


bool OceanDemo::setup(void)
 bool setupCompleted = false;

        Ogre::String mResourcePath;
        mResourcePath = bundlePath() + "/Contents/Resources/";
        mRoot = new Ogre::Root(mResourcePath + "plugins.cfg",
                         mResourcePath + "ogre.cfg", mResourcePath + "Ogre.log");

        mRoot = new Ogre::Root();



    if (configure())

        // Set default mipmap level (NB some APIs ignore this)

        if (setupGUI())
            // Create the scene


            // load some GUI stuff for demo.
            setupCompleted = true;

 return setupCompleted;

bool OceanDemo::configure(void)
    // Show the configuration dialog and initialise the system
    // You can skip this and use root.restoreConfig() to load configuration
    // settings if you were sure there are valid ones saved in ogre.cfg
        // If returned true, user clicked OK so initialise
        // Here we choose to let the system create a default rendering window by passing 'true'
        mWindow = mRoot->initialise(true);
        return true;
        return false;

void OceanDemo::chooseSceneManager(void)
    // Get the SceneManager, in this case a generic one
    mSceneMgr = mRoot->createSceneManager(Ogre::ST_GENERIC, "ExampleSMInstance");

void OceanDemo::createCamera(void)
    // Create the camera
    mCamera = mSceneMgr->createCamera("PlayerCam");//创建摄像机节点

    // Position it at 500 in Z direction
    // Look back along -Z


void OceanDemo::createViewports(void)
    // Create one viewport, entire window
    Ogre::Viewport* vp = mWindow->addViewport(mCamera);

    // Alter the camera aspect ratio to match the viewport
        Ogre::Real(vp->getActualWidth()) / Ogre::Real(vp->getActualHeight()));

void OceanDemo::setupResources(void)
    // Load resource paths from config file
    Ogre::ConfigFile cf;

        Ogre::String mResourcePath;
        mResourcePath = bundlePath() + "/Contents/Resources/";
        cf.load(mResourcePath + "resources.cfg");

    // Go through all sections & settings in the file
    Ogre::ConfigFile::SectionIterator seci = cf.getSectionIterator();//遍历上述文件

    Ogre::String secName, typeName, archName;
    while (seci.hasMoreElements())
        secName = seci.peekNextKey();//获得资源管理器中的下一个的key(map映射的关系)
        Ogre::ConfigFile::SettingsMultiMap *settings = seci.getNext();//获得资源管理器中的下一个的value
        Ogre::ConfigFile::SettingsMultiMap::iterator i;
        for (i = settings->begin(); i != settings->end(); ++i)
            typeName = i->first;
            archName = i->second;
                // OS X does not set the working directory relative to the app,
                // In order to make things portable on OS X we need to provide
                // the loading with it's own bundle path location
                    Ogre::String(bundlePath() + "/" + archName), typeName, secName);
                    archName, typeName, secName);

 Ogre::LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage( "Resource directories setup" );


 void OceanDemo::loadResources(void)
  // Initialise, parse scripts etc


bool OceanDemo::setupGUI(void)
    bool setupGUICompleted = false;
 // setup GUI system
        mGUIRenderer = new CEGUI::OgreCEGUIRenderer(mWindow, Ogre::RENDER_QUEUE_OVERLAY, false, 0, mSceneMgr);
        // load scheme and set up defaults

        mGUISystem = new CEGUI::System(mGUIRenderer, 0, 0, 0, (CEGUI::utf8*)"OceanDemoCegui.config");
        CEGUI::System::getSingleton().setDefaultMouseCursor("TaharezLook", "MouseArrow");
        setupGUICompleted = true;


 return setupGUICompleted;
void OceanDemo::createScene(void)
    // Set ambient light
    mSceneMgr->setAmbientLight(Ogre::ColourValue(0.3, 0.3, 0.3));
 mSceneMgr->setSkyBox(true, "SkyBox", 1000);//设置天空包围盒

    mMainNode = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode();

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_LIGHTS; ++i)
        mLightPivots[i] = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode();
        mLightPivots[i]->rotate(mLightRotationAxes[i], Ogre::Angle(mLightRotationAngles[i]));
        // Create a light, use default parameters
        mLights[i] = mSceneMgr->createLight("Light" + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(i));
  //mLights[i]->setAttenuation(400, 0.1 , 1 , 0);
        // Attach light
  // Create billboard for light
        mLightFlareSets[i] = mSceneMgr->createBillboardSet("Flare" + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(i));
  mLightFlares[i] = mLightFlareSets[i]->createBillboard(mLightPositions[i]);

    // move the camera a bit right and make it look at the knot
 mCamera->moveRelative(Ogre::Vector3(50, 0, 100));
 mCamera->lookAt(0, 0, 0);

    // Define a plane mesh that will be used for the ocean surface
    Ogre::Plane oceanSurface;
    oceanSurface.normal = Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y;
    oceanSurface.d = 20;
        1000, 1000, 50, 50, true, 1, 1, 1, Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z);

    mOceanSurfaceEnt = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "OceanSurface", "OceanSurface" );


void OceanDemo::initComboBoxes(void)//初始化组合框
 using namespace CEGUI;

 Combobox* cbobox = (Combobox*)WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("ShaderCombos");

    for(size_t idx = 0; idx < mMaterialControlsContainer.size(); ++idx  )
        cbobox->addItem(new MyListItem( mMaterialControlsContainer[idx].getDisplayName().c_str(), static_cast<CEGUI::uint>(idx)));

 // make first item visible
    if (cbobox->getItemCount() > 0)
     cbobox->setItemSelectState((size_t)0, true);

    Editbox* eb;
    // set text in combobox
    if (!mMaterialControlsContainer.empty())
        eb = (Editbox*)WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow(cbobox->getName() + "__auto_editbox__");

 cbobox = (Combobox*)WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("ModelCombos");
    Ogre::StringVectorPtr meshStringVector = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().findResourceNames( Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, "*.mesh" );
    std::vector<Ogre::String>::iterator meshFileNameIterator = meshStringVector->begin();

    while ( meshFileNameIterator != meshStringVector->end() )
        cbobox->addItem(new MyListItem( (*meshFileNameIterator).c_str(), 0 ));

 // make first item visible
 //cbobox->setItemSelectState((CEGUI::uint)0, true);
 //   eb = (Editbox*)WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow(cbobox->getName() + "__auto_editbox__");
 //   if (meshStringVector->begin() != meshStringVector->end())
 //   {
 //       eb->setText((*meshStringVector->begin()).c_str());
 //       handleModelComboChanged(CEGUI::WindowEventArgs(cbobox));
 //   }


void OceanDemo::initDemoEventWiring(void)//初始化所有的Demo
 using namespace CEGUI;
  subscribeEvent(PushButton::EventClicked, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&OceanDemo::handleQuit, this));
        subscribeEvent(Combobox::EventListSelectionAccepted, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&OceanDemo::handleModelComboChanged, this));

  subscribeEvent(Combobox::EventListSelectionAccepted, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&OceanDemo::handleShaderComboChanged, this));

 Window* wndw = WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("root");
// 对鼠标及键盘的各种控制(Subscriber用来定义对各种控制的侦听)
 wndw->subscribeEvent(Window::EventMouseMove, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&OceanDemo_FrameListener::handleMouseMove, mFrameListener));

 wndw->subscribeEvent(Window::EventMouseButtonUp, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&OceanDemo_FrameListener::handleMouseButtonUp, mFrameListener));

 wndw->subscribeEvent(Window::EventMouseButtonDown, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&OceanDemo_FrameListener::handleMouseButtonDown, mFrameListener));

 wndw->subscribeEvent(Window::EventMouseWheel, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&OceanDemo_FrameListener::handleMouseWheelEvent, mFrameListener));
 wndw->subscribeEvent(Window::EventKeyDown, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&OceanDemo_FrameListener::handleKeyDownEvent, mFrameListener ));
 wndw->subscribeEvent(Window::EventKeyUp, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&OceanDemo_FrameListener::handleKeyUpEvent, mFrameListener ));
 wndw = WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("ModelSpinCB");
 wndw->subscribeEvent(Checkbox::EventCheckStateChanged, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&OceanDemo_FrameListener::handelModelSpinChange, mFrameListener ));

 wndw = WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("LightSpinCB");
 wndw->subscribeEvent(Checkbox::EventCheckStateChanged, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&OceanDemo_FrameListener::handelLightSpinChange, mFrameListener ));
 wndw = WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("CameraRBtn");
 wndw->subscribeEvent(RadioButton::EventSelectStateChanged, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&OceanDemo::handleMovementTypeChange, this ));

 wndw = WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("ModelRBtn");
 wndw->subscribeEvent(RadioButton::EventSelectStateChanged, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&OceanDemo::handleMovementTypeChange, this ));
 mVertScroll = (Scrollbar*)WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("VerticalScroll");
 mVertScroll->subscribeEvent(Scrollbar::EventScrollPositionChanged, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&OceanDemo::handleScrollControlsWindow, this ));


void OceanDemo::doErrorBox(const char* text)//异常的处理
 using namespace CEGUI;

 WindowManager& winMgr = WindowManager::getSingleton();
 Window* root = winMgr.getWindow("root_wnd");

 FrameWindow* errbox;

  errbox = (FrameWindow*)winMgr.getWindow("ErrorBox");
 catch(UnknownObjectException x)
  // create frame window for box
  FrameWindow* fwnd = (FrameWindow*)winMgr.createWindow("TaharezLook/FrameWindow", "ErrorBox");
  fwnd->setPosition(UVECTOR2(0.25, 0.25f));
  fwnd->setMaxSize(UVECTOR2(1.0f, 1.0f));
  fwnd->setSize(UVECTOR2(0.5f, 0.5f));
  fwnd->setText("CEGUI Demo - Error!");

  // create error text message
  Window* wnd = winMgr.createWindow("TaharezLook/StaticText", "ErrorBox/Message");
  wnd->setPosition(UVECTOR2(0.1f, 0.1f));
  wnd->setSize(UVECTOR2(0.8f, 0.5f));
  wnd->setProperty("VertFormatting", "VertCentred");
  wnd->setProperty("HorzFormatting", "HorzCentred");
  wnd->setProperty("BackgroundEnabled", "false");
  wnd->setProperty("FrameEnabled", "false");

  // create ok button
  wnd = (PushButton*)winMgr.createWindow("TaharezLook/Button", "ErrorBox/OkButton");
  wnd->setPosition(UVECTOR2(0.3f, 0.80f));
  wnd->setSize(UVECTOR2(0.4f, 0.1f));

  // subscribe event
  wnd->subscribeEvent(PushButton::EventClicked, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&OceanDemo::handleErrorBox, this ));

  errbox = fwnd;


bool OceanDemo::handleQuit(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e)
    return true;

void OceanDemo::setShaderControlVal(const float val, const size_t index)
 char valTxtBuf[20];

 // set the text of the value
 sprintf(valTxtBuf, "%3.3f", val );

bool OceanDemo::handleShaderControl(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e)//对阴影控制的处理
 using namespace CEGUI;
 using namespace Ogre;

 size_t index = ((Scrollbar*)((const WindowEventArgs&)e).window)->getID();
    const ShaderControl& ActiveShaderDef = mMaterialControlsContainer[mCurrentMaterial].getShaderControl(index);

 float val = ((Scrollbar*)((const WindowEventArgs&)e).window)->getScrollPosition();
 val = ActiveShaderDef.convertScrollPositionToParam(val);
 setShaderControlVal( val, index );

   case GPU_VERTEX:
     GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr activeParameters =
      (ActiveShaderDef.ValType == GPU_VERTEX) ?
       mActiveVertexParameters : mActiveFragmentParameters;

       ActiveShaderDef.PhysicalIndex + ActiveShaderDef.ElementIndex, val);

     // get the specular values from the material pass
     ColourValue OldSpec(mActivePass->getSpecular());
     OldSpec[ActiveShaderDef.ElementIndex] = val;
     mActivePass->setSpecular( OldSpec );


   case MAT_DIFFUSE:
     // get the specular values from the material pass
     ColourValue OldSpec(mActivePass->getDiffuse());
     OldSpec[ActiveShaderDef.ElementIndex] = val;
     mActivePass->setDiffuse( OldSpec );

   case MAT_AMBIENT:
     // get the specular values from the material pass
     ColourValue OldSpec(mActivePass->getAmbient());
     OldSpec[ActiveShaderDef.ElementIndex] = val;
     mActivePass->setAmbient( OldSpec );

    // get the specular values from the material pass
    mActivePass->setShininess( val );

    return true;

void OceanDemo::configureShaderControls(void)//.cfg文件的资源的获取并设置
 using namespace CEGUI;

    if (mMaterialControlsContainer.empty()) return;

    mActiveMaterial = Ogre::MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName( mMaterialControlsContainer[mCurrentMaterial].getMaterialName() );
    if(!mActiveMaterial.isNull() && mActiveMaterial->getNumSupportedTechniques())
        Ogre::Technique* currentTechnique = mActiveMaterial->getSupportedTechnique(0);
   mActivePass = currentTechnique->getPass(0);
                if (mActivePass->hasFragmentProgram())
        mActiveFragmentProgram = mActivePass->getFragmentProgram();
        mActiveFragmentParameters = mActivePass->getFragmentProgramParameters();
                if (mActivePass->hasVertexProgram())
        mActiveVertexProgram = mActivePass->getVertexProgram();
        mActiveVertexParameters = mActivePass->getVertexProgramParameters();

                size_t activeControlCount = mMaterialControlsContainer[mCurrentMaterial].getShaderControlCount();
    mVertScroll->setDocumentSize( activeControlCount / 5.0f );

    // init the GUI controls
    // check the material entry for Params GUI list
                if(mMaterialControlsContainer[mCurrentMaterial].getShaderControlCount() > 0)
     // if mShaderControlContainer size < Params list
     if( activeControlCount > mShaderControlContainer.size())
      // resize container
      mShaderControlContainer.resize( activeControlCount );
     Window* controlWindow = WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("ShaderControlsWin");
     // initialize each widget based on control data
     // iterate through the params GUI list
     for( size_t i=0; i < activeControlCount; ++i )
      const ShaderControl& ActiveShaderDef = mMaterialControlsContainer[mCurrentMaterial].getShaderControl(i);

      // if TextWidget is NULL
      Window* activeTextWidget = mShaderControlContainer[i].TextWidget;
      if(activeTextWidget == NULL)
       // create TextWidget

       mShaderControlContainer[i].TextWidget = activeTextWidget =
                                ( ("UniformTxt" + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(i)).c_str() ));
       // add to Shader control window
       controlWindow->addChildWindow( activeTextWidget );
       // set position based on its index
       activeTextWidget->setProperty("VertFormatting", "TopAligned");
       activeTextWidget->setProperty("HorzFormatting", "RightAligned");
       activeTextWidget->setProperty("FrameEnabled", "false");
       activeTextWidget->setProperty("BackgroundEnabled", "false");
       activeTextWidget->setMaxSize( TEXTWIDGET_SIZE );
       activeTextWidget->setMinSize( TEXTWIDGET_SIZE );
       activeTextWidget->setSize( TEXTWIDGET_SIZE );

      // set TextWidget text to control name
                        activeTextWidget->setText( ActiveShaderDef.Name.c_str() );
      // make TextWidget visible

      // if NumberWidget is NULL
      Window* activeNumberWidget = mShaderControlContainer[i].NumberWidget;
      if(activeNumberWidget == NULL)
       // create NumberWidget

       mShaderControlContainer[i].NumberWidget = activeNumberWidget =
                                ( ("UniformNumTxt" + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(i)).c_str() ));
       // add to Shader control window
       controlWindow->addChildWindow( activeNumberWidget );
       // set position based on its index
       activeNumberWidget->setProperty("HorzFormatting", "RightAligned");
       activeNumberWidget->setProperty("VertFormatting", "TopAligned");
       activeNumberWidget->setProperty("FrameEnabled", "false");
       activeNumberWidget->setProperty("BackgroundEnabled", "false");
       activeNumberWidget->setMaxSize( NUMBERWIDGET_SIZE );
       activeNumberWidget->setMinSize( NUMBERWIDGET_SIZE );
       activeNumberWidget->setSize( NUMBERWIDGET_SIZE );
      // make TextWidget visible

      Scrollbar* activeScrollWidget = mShaderControlContainer[i].ScrollWidget;
      // if ScrollWidget is NULL
      if( activeScrollWidget == NULL )
       // create ScrollWidget
       mShaderControlContainer[i].ScrollWidget = activeScrollWidget =
                                ( ("UniformSB" + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(i)).c_str() ));
       // add to Shader control window
       controlWindow->addChildWindow( activeScrollWidget );
       // set position based on its index
       activeScrollWidget->setPosition(UVECTOR2(SCROLLWIDGET_XPOS, WIDGET_YSTART + WIDGET_YOFFSET * float(i)));
       activeScrollWidget->setMaxSize( SCROLLWIDGET_SIZE );
       activeScrollWidget->setMinSize( SCROLLWIDGET_SIZE );
       activeScrollWidget->setSize( SCROLLWIDGET_SIZE );
                            activeScrollWidget->setID( static_cast<CEGUI::uint>(i) );
       // wire up ScrollWidget position changed event to handleShaderControl
       activeScrollWidget->subscribeEvent(Scrollbar::EventScrollPositionChanged, CEGUI::Event::Subscriber(&OceanDemo::handleShaderControl, this ));      }
      // set max value of ScrollWidget
      float maxval = ActiveShaderDef.getRange();
      // get current value of param

      float uniformVal = 0.0;

       case GPU_VERTEX:
       case GPU_FRAGMENT:
         Ogre::GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr activeParameters =
          (ActiveShaderDef.ValType == Ogre::GPT_VERTEX_PROGRAM) ?
           mActiveVertexParameters : mActiveFragmentParameters;
          // use param name to get index : use appropiate paramters ptr
          const Ogre::GpuConstantDefinition& def =
          ActiveShaderDef.PhysicalIndex = def.physicalIndex;
          // use index to get RealConstantEntry
          const float* pFloat = activeParameters->getFloatPointer(ActiveShaderDef.PhysicalIndex);
          // set position of ScrollWidget as param value
          uniformVal = pFloat[ActiveShaderDef.ElementIndex];
          activeScrollWidget->setScrollPosition( ActiveShaderDef.convertParamToScrollPosition(uniformVal) );

       case MAT_SPECULAR:
         // get the specular values from the material pass

         Ogre::ColourValue OldSpec(mActivePass->getSpecular());
         uniformVal = OldSpec[ActiveShaderDef.ElementIndex];
         activeScrollWidget->setScrollPosition( ActiveShaderDef.convertParamToScrollPosition(uniformVal) );

       case MAT_DIFFUSE:
         // get the diffuse values from the material pass

         Ogre::ColourValue OldSpec(mActivePass->getDiffuse());
         uniformVal = OldSpec[ActiveShaderDef.ElementIndex];
         activeScrollWidget->setScrollPosition( ActiveShaderDef.convertParamToScrollPosition(uniformVal) );

       case MAT_AMBIENT:
         // get the ambient values from the material pass

         Ogre::ColourValue OldSpec(mActivePass->getAmbient());
         uniformVal = OldSpec[ActiveShaderDef.ElementIndex];
         activeScrollWidget->setScrollPosition( ActiveShaderDef.convertParamToScrollPosition(uniformVal) );

       case MAT_SHININESS:
         // get the ambient values from the material pass

         uniformVal = mActivePass->getShininess();
         activeScrollWidget->setScrollPosition( ActiveShaderDef.convertParamToScrollPosition(uniformVal) );


       case MAT_EMISSIVE:
         // get the ambient values from the material pass

         //ColourValue OldSpec(mActivePass->gete());
         //activeScrollWidget->setScrollPosition( OldSpec.val[ActiveShaderDef->ElementIndex] );

      setShaderControlVal( uniformVal, i );
     } // end of iterate

    // turn off extra GUI widgets
    // iterate from 1 + active widgets to end
    for( size_t i = activeControlCount; i < mShaderControlContainer.size(); i++ )
     // hide widget
     if( mShaderControlContainer[i].TextWidget != NULL )

     if( mShaderControlContainer[i].NumberWidget != NULL )


    }// end of iterate



bool OceanDemo::handleModelComboChanged(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e)//对选择mesh的处理
 using namespace CEGUI;

    // get the selected mesh filename from the combo box
 CEGUI::ListboxItem* item = ((Combobox*)((const WindowEventArgs&)e).window)->getSelectedItem();//从下拉框中选择mesh名称

    // convert from CEGUI::String to Ogre::String
    Ogre::String meshName(item->getText().c_str());//字符串转换

    // hide the current entity
    if (mCurrentEntity)
        // disconnect the entity from the scenenode

    // find the entity selected in combo box
    // an exception is raised by getEntity if it doesn't exist
    // so trap the exception if entity not found and load it
        mCurrentEntity = mSceneMgr->getEntity( meshName );
    catch (Ogre::Exception e)
    // if not found create it
        Ogre::MeshPtr pMesh = Ogre::MeshManager::getSingleton().load(meshName, Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME
   //true, true
            ); //so we can still read it
        // Build tangent vectors, all our meshes use only 1 texture coordset
        //pMesh->buildTangentVectors(0, 1);
        // Create entity
        mCurrentEntity = mSceneMgr->createEntity(meshName, meshName);

    // make the entity visible and attach it to our main scenenode

    // set the the entity's material to the current material
    return true;

bool OceanDemo::handleShaderComboChanged(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e)//阴影选择的处理
 using namespace CEGUI;

 CEGUI::ListboxItem* item = ((Combobox*)((const WindowEventArgs&)e).window)->getSelectedItem();

 mCurrentMaterial = item->getID();
    if (mOceanSurfaceEnt)

    return true;

bool OceanDemo::handleScrollControlsWindow(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e)//对各种滑动条的处理
 using namespace CEGUI;

 size_t controlCount = mShaderControlContainer.size();
 float scrollval = ((Scrollbar*)((const WindowEventArgs&)e).window)->getScrollPosition();

 for (size_t i = 0; i < controlCount; i++)
  float ypos = WIDGET_YSTART + WIDGET_YOFFSET * float(i) - scrollval;
  mShaderControlContainer[i].TextWidget->setPosition(UVECTOR2( TEXTWIDGET_XPOS, ypos + TEXTWIDGET_YADJUST));
  mShaderControlContainer[i].NumberWidget->setPosition(UVECTOR2( NUMBERWIDGET_XPOS, ypos + TEXTWIDGET_YADJUST));
  mShaderControlContainer[i].ScrollWidget->setPosition(UVECTOR2( SCROLLWIDGET_XPOS, ypos ));

    return true;

bool OceanDemo::handleMovementTypeChange(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e)//单选按钮响应事件的处理
 using namespace CEGUI;
 CEGUI::uint id = ((RadioButton*)((const WindowEventArgs&)e).window)->getSelectedButtonInGroup()->getID();
 if (id == 0)
  mMouseMovement = mv_CAMERA;
  mMouseMovement = mv_MODEL;

    return true;

bool OceanDemo::handleErrorBox(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e)
    return true;

void OceanDemo::createFrameListener(void)
 mFrameListener= new OceanDemo_FrameListener(this);

 OceanDemo_FrameListener methods that handle all input for this GLSL demo.
OceanDemo_FrameListener::OceanDemo_FrameListener(OceanDemo* main)
    : mMain(main)
    , mStatsOn(true)
    , mWriteToFile(false)
    , mLastMousePositionSet(false)
    , mSpinModel(true)
    , mSpinLight(false)
 , mMouse(0)
 , mKeyboard(0)
    , mLMBDown(false)
    , mRMBDown(false)
    , mProcessMovement(false)
    , mUpdateMovement(false)
    , mMoveFwd(false)
    , mMoveBck(false)
    , mMoveLeft(false)
    , mMoveRight(false)

    mRotateSpeed = 0;
    mMoveSpeed = 100;

 mNumScreenShots = 0;
 mTimeUntilNextToggle = 0;
    mSceneDetailIndex = 0;
    mMoveScale = 0.0f;
 mSpeed = MINSPEED;
 mRotX = 0;
 mRotY = 0;
    mRotScale = 0.0f;
 mTranslateVector = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO;
    mAniso = 1;
    mFiltering = Ogre::TFO_BILINEAR;
 mAvgFrameTime = 0.1;

 // using buffered input
 OIS::ParamList pl;
 size_t windowHnd = 0;
 std::ostringstream windowHndStr;
 mMain->getRenderWindow()->getCustomAttribute("WINDOW", &windowHnd);
 windowHndStr << windowHnd;
 pl.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("WINDOW"), windowHndStr.str()));

 mInputManager = OIS::InputManager::createInputSystem( pl );
 //Create all devices (We only catch joystick exceptions here, as, most people have Key/Mouse)
 mKeyboard = static_cast<OIS::Keyboard*>(mInputManager->createInputObject( OIS::OISKeyboard, true ));
 mMouse = static_cast<OIS::Mouse*>(mInputManager->createInputObject( OIS::OISMouse, true ));

 unsigned int width, height, depth;
 int left, top;
 mMain->getRenderWindow()->getMetrics(width, height, depth, left, top);

 //Set Mouse Region.. if window resizes, we should alter this to reflect as well
 const OIS::MouseState &ms = mMouse->getMouseState();
 ms.width = width;
 ms.height = height;


 mQuit = false;
 mSkipCount = 0;
 mUpdateFreq = 50;

 mGuiRenderer = CEGUI::System::getSingleton().getRenderer();

 mGuiAvg   = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("OPAverageFPS");
 mGuiCurr  = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("OPCurrentFPS");
 mGuiBest  = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("OPBestFPS");
 mGuiWorst = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("OPWorstFPS");
 mGuiTris  = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("OPTriCount");
 mGuiDbg   = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("OPDebugMsg");
 mRoot   = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow("root");

  mInputManager = 0;

bool OceanDemo_FrameListener::frameStarted(const Ogre::FrameEvent& evt)

 if (mQuit)
  return false;
  if (mSkipCount >= mUpdateFreq)
   mSkipCount = 0;
  // update movement process
  if(mProcessMovement || mUpdateMovement)
   mTranslateVector.x += mMoveLeft ? mAvgFrameTime * -MOVESPEED : 0;
   mTranslateVector.x += mMoveRight ? mAvgFrameTime * MOVESPEED : 0;
   mTranslateVector.z += mMoveFwd ? mAvgFrameTime * -MOVESPEED : 0;
   mTranslateVector.z += mMoveBck ? mAvgFrameTime * MOVESPEED : 0;
    case mv_CAMERA:

    case mv_MODEL:

   mUpdateMovement = false;
   mRotX = 0;
   mRotY = 0;
   mTranslateVector = Ogre::Vector3::ZERO;

   mRotateSpeed = mAvgFrameTime * 20;
   mMain->getMainNode()->yaw( Ogre::Angle(mRotateSpeed) );
         mLightPivots[0]->rotate(mLightRotationAxes[0], Ogre::Angle(mRotateSpeed * 2.0f));
   char tmp[20];
   sprintf(tmp, "frame_%d.png", ++mNumScreenShots);
  return true;

bool OceanDemo_FrameListener::mouseMoved (const OIS::MouseEvent &e)
 CEGUI::System::getSingleton().injectMouseMove( e.state.X.rel, e.state.Y.rel );
 return true;

bool OceanDemo_FrameListener::keyPressed (const OIS::KeyEvent &e)
    // give 'quitting' priority
 if (e.key == OIS::KC_ESCAPE)
        mQuit = true;
        return false;

    if (e.key == OIS::KC_SYSRQ )
  std::ostringstream ss;
        ss << "screenshot_" << ++mNumScreenShots << ".png";
        //mTimeUntilNextToggle = 0.5;
  mDebugText = "Saved: " + ss.str();

    // do event injection
    CEGUI::System& cegui = CEGUI::System::getSingleton();
 return true;

bool OceanDemo_FrameListener::keyReleased (const OIS::KeyEvent &e)
 return true;

bool OceanDemo_FrameListener::mousePressed (const OIS::MouseEvent &e, OIS::MouseButtonID id)
 return true;

bool OceanDemo_FrameListener::mouseReleased (const OIS::MouseEvent &e, OIS::MouseButtonID id)
 return true;

CEGUI::MouseButton OceanDemo_FrameListener::convertOISButtonToCegui(int ois_button_id)
    switch (ois_button_id)
 case 0: return CEGUI::LeftButton;
 case 1: return CEGUI::RightButton;
 case 2: return CEGUI::MiddleButton;
 case 3: return CEGUI::X1Button;
 default: return CEGUI::LeftButton;
void OceanDemo_FrameListener::updateStats(void)
 static CEGUI::String currFps = "Current FPS: ";
 static CEGUI::String avgFps = "Average FPS: ";
 static CEGUI::String bestFps = "Best FPS: ";
 static CEGUI::String worstFps = "Worst FPS: ";
 static CEGUI::String tris = "Triangle Count: ";

 const Ogre::RenderTarget::FrameStats& stats = mMain->getRenderWindow()->getStatistics();

 mGuiAvg->setText(avgFps + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(stats.avgFPS));
 mGuiCurr->setText(currFps + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(stats.lastFPS));
 mGuiBest->setText(bestFps + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(stats.bestFPS)
  + " " + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(stats.bestFrameTime)+" ms");
 mGuiWorst->setText(worstFps + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(stats.worstFPS)
  + " " + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(stats.worstFrameTime)+" ms");

 mGuiTris->setText(tris + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(stats.triangleCount));
 mAvgFrameTime = 1.0f/(stats.avgFPS + 1.0f);
 if (mAvgFrameTime > 0.1f) mAvgFrameTime = 0.1f;


bool OceanDemo_FrameListener::handleMouseMove(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e)//对鼠标移动的处理
 using namespace CEGUI;

 if( mLMBDown && !mRMBDown)//单击鼠标左键
  // rotate camera
  mRotX += -((const MouseEventArgs&)e).moveDelta.d_x * mAvgFrameTime * 10.0;
  mRotY += -((const MouseEventArgs&)e).moveDelta.d_y * mAvgFrameTime * 10.0;
  MouseCursor::getSingleton().setPosition( mLastMousePosition );
  mUpdateMovement = true;
  if( mRMBDown && !mLMBDown)//单击鼠标右键
   // translate camera
   mTranslateVector.x += ((const MouseEventArgs&)e).moveDelta.d_x * mAvgFrameTime * MOVESPEED;
   mTranslateVector.y += -((const MouseEventArgs&)e).moveDelta.d_y * mAvgFrameTime * MOVESPEED;
   //mTranslateVector.z = 0;
   MouseCursor::getSingleton().setPosition( mLastMousePosition );
   mUpdateMovement = true;
   if( mRMBDown && mLMBDown)//双键同时按下的处理
    mTranslateVector.z += (((const MouseEventArgs&)e).moveDelta.d_x + ((const MouseEventArgs&)e).moveDelta.d_y) * mAvgFrameTime * MOVESPEED;
    MouseCursor::getSingleton().setPosition( mLastMousePosition );
    mUpdateMovement = true;


    return true;

bool OceanDemo_FrameListener::handleMouseButtonUp(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e)//左右键响应的处理
 using namespace CEGUI;

 //Window* wndw = ((const WindowEventArgs&)e).window;
 if( ((const MouseEventArgs&)e).button == LeftButton )
  mLMBDown = false;

 if( ((const MouseEventArgs&)e).button == RightButton )
  mRMBDown = false;
 if( !mLMBDown && !mRMBDown )
   MouseCursor::getSingleton().setPosition( mLastMousePosition );
   mLastMousePositionSet = false;

    return true;

bool OceanDemo_FrameListener::handleMouseButtonDown(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e)
 using namespace CEGUI;

 //Window* wndw = ((const WindowEventArgs&)e).window;
 if( ((const MouseEventArgs&)e).button == LeftButton )
  mLMBDown = true;

 if( ((const MouseEventArgs&)e).button == RightButton )
  mRMBDown = true;

 if( mLMBDown || mRMBDown )
  if (!mLastMousePositionSet)
   mLastMousePosition = MouseCursor::getSingleton().getPosition();
   mLastMousePositionSet = true;

    return true;

bool OceanDemo_FrameListener::handleMouseWheelEvent(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e)//鼠标滑轮的处理
 using namespace CEGUI;
 mTranslateVector.z += ((const MouseEventArgs&)e).wheelChange * -5.0;
 mUpdateMovement = true;

    return true;

bool OceanDemo_FrameListener::handleKeyDownEvent(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e)
 using namespace CEGUI;

 CheckMovementKeys( ((const KeyEventArgs&)e).scancode , true);

    return true;

bool OceanDemo_FrameListener::handleKeyUpEvent(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e)
 using namespace CEGUI;
 CheckMovementKeys( ((const KeyEventArgs&)e).scancode, false );

    return true;

bool OceanDemo_FrameListener::handelModelSpinChange(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e)
 using namespace CEGUI;
 mSpinModel = ((Checkbox*)((const WindowEventArgs&)e).window)->isSelected();

    return true;

bool OceanDemo_FrameListener::handelLightSpinChange(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e)//灯光选择的处理
 using namespace CEGUI;
 mSpinLight = ((Checkbox*)((const WindowEventArgs&)e).window)->isSelected();

    return true;

void OceanDemo_FrameListener::CheckMovementKeys( CEGUI::Key::Scan scancode, bool state )//按键响应的处理
 using namespace CEGUI;

 switch ( scancode )
  case Key::A:
   mMoveLeft = state;

  case Key::D:
   mMoveRight = state;

  case Key::S:
   mMoveBck = state;

  case Key::W:
   mMoveFwd = state;



 mProcessMovement = mMoveLeft || mMoveRight || mMoveFwd || mMoveBck;






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