工程师 - ACPI介绍_1

通过高级电源管理 (APM),电源管理由 BIOS 控制,与操作系统无关。当超出 BIOS 设置时,BIOS 会关闭屏幕或硬盘。这就产生了一种不完善的电源管理策略,因为它需要为每个平台重新实施策略。 即插即用 BIOS(PNPBIOS)规范也不可靠。

With advanced power management (APM), power management is controlled by the BIOS independently of the operating system. When BIOS settings are exceeded, the BIOS turns off the screen or shuts down the hard drive. This creates an imperfect power management policy because it requires reimplementing the policy for each platform.  Plug and play BIOS (PNPBIOS) specification is also unreliable.

有了 ACPI,电源管理从 BIOS 转移到操作系统。

  • 应用程序可以告诉操作系统显示器正在使用中,并相应改变其电源策略。

  • 操作系统没有 BIOS 的大小限制。

  • ACPI 系统固件通过将数据整理成表格放入主内存来描述系统特性。

With ACPI, power management moves from the BIOS to the operating system.

* An application can tell the operating system that the display is in use, and change its power policy accordingly.

* The operating system does not have the size limitation of the BIOS.

* The ACPI system firmware describes the system's characteristics by placing data, organized into tables, into the main memory.

ACPI(高级配置和电源接口)是计算机硬件配置和电源管理的开放标准。目前,从笔记本电脑、台式机到服务器等一系列设备都广泛采用了这一标准。ACPI 的目标是让操作系统控制电源管理,而不是依赖 BIOS 或硬件专用驱动程序。这将提高能源效率,实现更有效的电源管理,并改善系统性能。

ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) is an open standard for hardware configuration and power management in computers. It is now widely adopted across a range of devices, from laptops and desktops to servers. The goal of ACPI is to allow the operating system to take control of power management, rather than relying on the BIOS or hardware-specific drivers. This leads to better energy efficiency, more effective power management, and improved system performance.

高级配置和电源接口(ACPI)是由英特尔、微软和东芝等公司开发的一种开放式行业规范。它为操作系统建立了一种管理计算机硬件功耗和配置的标准方法。ACPI 允许操作系统控制提供给各种内部组件、外围设备和整个系统的电量,这有助于节约能源和延长便携式设备的电池寿命。

The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) is an open industry specification developed by companies such as Intel, Microsoft, and Toshiba. And it establishes a standard way for operating systems to manage power consumption and configuration of computer hardware. ACPI allows operating systems to control the amount of power supplied to various internal components, peripheral devices, and the entire system, which helps in conserving energy and extending battery life in portable devices.

ACPI 是高级配置和电源接口的简称,它定义了一个灵活而抽象的硬件接口。它提供了一种将电源管理功能集成到整个 PC 系统(包括硬件、操作系统和应用软件)的标准方法。ACPI 允许计算机打开 CD-ROM、网卡、硬盘驱动器和打印机等外围设备以及其他 ACPI 兼容产品。有了这项技术,外设也能激活电脑。例如,将一盘磁带插入录像机(VCR),就可以打开电脑,从而激活电视和高保真音响系统。

Short for Advanced Configuration and Power Interface, ACPI defines a flexible and abstract hardware interface. It provides a standard way to integrate power management features throughout a PC system, including the hardware, operating system and application software. ACPI allows a computer to turn on peripherals such as CD-ROMs, network cards, hard drives, and printers, and other ACPI compatible products. With this technology, peripherals can also activate the PC. For example, inserting a tape into a VCR (Video Cassette Recorder) could turn on a PC that would activate a television and high-fidelity sound system.

ACPI 可使操作系统根据系统活动和用户偏好调整不同组件(如 CPU、硬盘和外设)的功耗,从而更智能地管理功耗。简单地说,它允许计算机在不需要全部性能时自动降低功耗。

ACPI enables the operating system to manage power consumption more intelligently by adjusting the power usage of different components, such as the CPU, hard drive, and peripherals, based on system activity and user preferences. In simpler terms, it allows the computer to automatically reduce power consumption when full performance isn’t needed.

如果在 Windows 98 中看到带有 ACPI 错误代码的红色或蓝色屏幕,则可能是硬件或软件问题。红屏表示硬件或计算机 BIOS 存在 ACPI 问题,我们建议你确保有最新的硬件驱动程序和 BIOS 更新。蓝屏表示软件 ACPI 或其他隐藏问题,请确保为程序和操作系统安装了所有最新的软件补丁。

If you see a red or blue screen with an ACPI error code in Windows 98, you may have a hardware or software issue. The red screen indicates that an ACPI issue with hardware or the computer BIOS, we recommend making sure you have the latest hardware drivers and BIOS updates. The blue screen indicates a software ACPI or another hidden problem, make sure you have all the latest software patches for your programs and operating system.

2013 年,高级配置和电源接口(ACPI)的监护权移交给了 UEFI 论坛。ACPI 最初由惠普、英特尔、微软、凤凰科技和东芝合作开发,是 BIOS 的开放式标准,用于控制向每个外围设备提供的功率。

In 2013, custody of the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) was transferred to UEFI Forum. Originally developed collaboratively by HP, Intel, Microsoft, Phoenix Technologies and Toshiba, ACPI is an open standard for BIOS that governs how much power is delivered to each peripheral device.

ACPI 是 Windows、Linux 和 macOS 等现代操作系统控制系统电源状态、有效管理硬件资源和延长电池寿命所必需的。

ACPI is essential for modern operating systems like Windows, Linux, and macOS to control system power states, efficiently manage hardware resources, and extend battery life.

高级配置和电源接口(ACPI)是实现现代计算机电源管理和硬件配置的关键技术。通过提供管理电源状态和设备配置的标准化接口,ACPI 有助于优化能源使用、延长电池寿命、提高便携式和台式机系统的整体性能和用户体验。ACPI 的广泛应用和持续发展使其成为当代计算环境的基础组件。

The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) is a critical technology that enables modern power management and hardware configuration in computers. By providing a standardized interface for managing power states and device configurations, ACPI helps in optimizing energy usage, extending battery life, and enhancing the overall performance and user experience of both portable and desktop systems. Its widespread adoption and continuous development make it a foundational component of contemporary computing environments.

ACPI 的重要性:

ACPI 在现代计算中发挥着至关重要的作用,尤其是在移动设备中,电源管理至关重要。通过让操作系统控制硬件电源状态,它有助于延长电池寿命、降低发热量并确保有效利用资源。

从本质上讲,ACPI 是一种标准,用于规范操作系统如何与硬件交互,以有效管理电源和系统配置。

Importance of ACPI:

ACPI plays a crucial role in modern computing, especially in mobile devices where power management is critical. By enabling the OS to control hardware power states, it helps improve battery life, reduce heat output, and ensure efficient use of resources.

In essence, ACPI is a standard that governs how the OS interacts with the hardware to manage power and system configuration efficiently.

ACPI state

ACPI(高级配置和电源接口)是一种电源管理规范,允许操作系统控制计算机各部件的耗电量。ACPI 状态指的是计算机根据其活动和功耗可以处于的不同电源模式或状态。这些状态通常用于笔记本电脑和台式电脑,以减少非完全使用时的耗电量。

以下是主要的 ACPI 状态:

1. G0(工作状态):

   - 系统完全开启并运行。所有组件都处于活动状态,CPU 正在执行指令。

   - S0: 正常通电状态

2. G1(睡眠状态):

   - 系统处于低功耗状态,但可迅速恢复正常运行。G1 有几个子状态:

     - S1:低延迟待机状态。处理器停止执行指令,但仍保持供电状态。

     - S2:与 S1 类似,但 CPU 会断电。

     - S3(挂起至 RAM): 系统处于关机状态,但 RAM 处于供电状态,允许系统快速唤醒并恢复到之前的状态。

     - S4(休眠): 系统状态保存到磁盘(挂起至磁盘)。这种状态耗电很少,但唤醒时间较长,因为系统必须从磁盘加载保存的状态。

3. G2(软关机):

   - 计算机处于关闭状态,但仍可通过信号(如按下电源按钮或接收网络唤醒包)打开。

4. G3(机械关闭):

   - 系统完全关闭,不消耗电能。只有通过与电源开关进行物理交互(例如,打开电源上的机械开关)才能打开系统。

ACPI 还定义了特定设备状态(D0-D3)和处理器电源状态(C0-C3),有助于管理 CPU 和外设等单个组件的功耗。

ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) is a power management specification that allows an operating system to control the amount of power given to various components of a computer. ACPI states refer to different power modes or states a computer can be in, depending on its activity and power consumption. These states are often used in laptops and desktop computers to reduce power usage when not in full use.

Here are the main ACPI states:

1. G0 (Working State):

   - The system is fully on and operational. All components are active, and the CPU is executing instructions.

   - S0: Normal Powered-On state  

2. G1 (Sleeping State):

   - The system is in a low-power state, but can quickly resume normal operation. G1 has several substates:

     - S1: Low-latency standby state. The processor stops executing instructions, but remains powered.

     - S2: Similar to S1, but the CPU is powered down.

     - S3 (Suspend to RAM): The system appears off, but the RAM is powered, allowing the system to quickly wake up and resume where it left off.

     - S4 (Hibernate): The system’s state is saved to disk (Suspend to Disk). This state consumes very little power, but waking up takes longer since the system has to load the saved state from disk.

3. G2 (Soft Off):

   - This is the state where the computer is off but can still be turned on by a signal (such as pressing the power button or receiving a Wake-on-LAN packet).

4. G3 (Mechanical Off):

   - The system is completely off and does not consume power. It can only be turned on by physically interacting with the power switch (e.g., flipping a mechanical switch on the power supply).

ACPI also defines states for specific devices (D0–D3) and processor power states (C0–C3), which help manage power consumption of individual components like the CPU and peripherals. 

Key Functions of ACPI:

1. 电源管理: 允许系统根据活动进入不同的电源状态(如睡眠、休眠、关机)。

2. 设备管理: 动态管理处理器、内存和外设等硬件组件,优化电源使用。

3. 热管理: 通过调整风扇速度、降低 CPU 负载或节流组件来监控系统温度,防止过热。

4. 电池管理: 对于笔记本电脑,ACPI 可管理电池充电和放电过程,以延长电池寿命。

5. 即插即用(PnP): ACPI 可帮助设备自动配置操作系统并与之协同工作,无需用户手动配置。

6. 热插拔: ACPI 支持 USB 等设备的热插拔,允许在系统运行时插入或拔出这些设备。

7. 系统状态: G0 ~ G3

1. Power Management: Allows the system to enter different power states (e.g., sleep, hibernate, shutdown) based on activity.

2. Device Management: Dynamically manages hardware components like processors, memory, and peripherals to optimize power usage.

3. Thermal Management: Monitors and controls system temperature by adjusting fan speeds, reducing CPU load, or throttling components to prevent overheating.

4. Battery Management: For laptops, ACPI manages battery charging and discharging processes to extend battery life.

5. Plug-and-Play (PnP): ACPI helps devices automatically configure and work with the operating system without manual user configuration.

6. Hot-Plugging: ACPI supports hot-swapping devices like USB, allowing them to be plugged in or removed while the system is running.

7. System States: G0 ~ G3


CPU 频率调整:

根据当前工作负载动态调整 CPU 频率。通常由按需、性能和省电等管理器管理。平衡功耗和性能,但如果配置不当,可能会影响性能。适合持续管理功耗和性能权衡。

CPU Frequency Scaling:

Dynamically adjusts the CPU's frequency based on the current workload. Commonly managed by governors such as ondemand, performance, and powersave. Balances power consumption and performance, but may impact performance if not configured correctly. Suitable for managing power and performance trade-offs on a continuous basis.

Benefits of ACPI

* 提高能效: 通过精确控制电源使用,ACPI 有助于降低能耗,这对便携式设备和注重节能的台式机都至关重要。

* 延长电池寿命:在笔记本电脑和其他便携式设备中,ACPI 的高效电源管理可根据当前任务和用户设置动态调整电源使用,从而延长电池寿命。

* 标准化: ACPI 为电源管理提供了标准化接口,确保不同硬件平台和操作系统之间的兼容性。这种标准化简化了硬件和软件中电源管理功能的开发。

* 增强用户体验: ACPI 能够在电源状态之间快速转换,在节能的同时提供快速的唤醒时间和灵敏的性能,从而改善用户体验。

* Improved Power Efficiency: By enabling precise control over power usage, ACPI helps in reducing energy consumption, which is crucial for both portable devices and energy-conscious desktops.

* Extended Battery Life: In laptops and other portable devices, ACPI's efficient power management extends battery life by dynamically adjusting power usage based on current tasks and user settings.

* Standardization: ACPI provides a standardized interface for power management, ensuring compatibility across different hardware platforms and operating systems. This standardization simplifies the development of power management features in both hardware and software.

* Enhanced User Experience: ACPI's ability to quickly transition between power states improves the user experience by providing fast wake-up times and responsive performance while still conserving energy.

How ACPI Works

1、ACPI 表格: ACPI 依赖于系统固件(BIOS/UEFI)提供的一组表格。这些表格包含有关硬件组件、电源状态和控制方法的信息。

2、操作系统控制: 与早期依赖 BIOS 的电源管理系统不同,ACPI 将控制权转移到操作系统,从而实现了更复杂、更能感知上下文的电源管理策略。

3、电源状态和转换: ACPI 定义了特定的电源状态(如睡眠、休眠和软关闭),并提供了在这些状态之间转换的方法。这有助于节约电能,同时确保快速恢复到运行状态。

1, ACPI Tables: ACPI relies on a set of tables provided by the system firmware (BIOS/UEFI). These tables contain information about the hardware components, power states, and control methods.

2, Operating System Control: Unlike earlier power management systems that relied on the BIOS, ACPI shifts control to the operating system, allowing more sophisticated and context-aware power management strategies.

3, Power States and Transitions: ACPI defines specific power states (such as sleep, hibernate, and soft off) and provides methods for transitioning between these states. This helps in conserving power while ensuring quick recovery to an operational state.

Linux Support

从 Linux 内核 2.4 版开始,ACPICA 被嵌入到 Linux 内核中。ACPICA 没有特定的 Linux 源代码包。相反,新的 ACPICA 代码由 ACPICA 团队通过以下程序发布到 Linux 中:

1. ACPICA 的 Linux 版本由 UNIX 发布包创建,代码通过 ACPICA 实用程序 (AcpiSrc) 和 lindent 转换为 Linux 格式。

2. 创建单个补丁,与当前的 Linux 源代码树合并,然后发布到 Linux。

用户空间 ACPICA 实用程序(iASL、AcpiExec、AcpiXtract 等)的 Linux 版本可从 UNIX ACPICA 源代码包中构建。

Starting with the Linux kernel version 2.4, ACPICA is embedded within the Linux kernel. There is no specific Linux source code package for ACPICA. Instead, new ACPICA code is released to Linux by the ACPICA team via the following procedure:

1. The Linux version of ACPICA is created from the UNIX release package—the code is converted to Linux format via an ACPICA utility (AcpiSrc) and lindent.

2. Individual patches are created, merged with the current Linux source tree, and released to Linux.

The Linux versions of the user-space ACPICA utilities (iASL, AcpiExec, AcpiXtract, and so forth) can be built from the UNIX ACPICA source code package.

要在Linux kernel中配置ACPI选项,然后编译内核,才带有ACPI功能。具体请查阅kernel config。


1, ComputerHope

What is ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface)? (computerhope.com)

2, Intel

Overview of ACPI Component Architecture (ACPICA) (intel.com)

3, Thinkwiki

How to make ACPI work - ThinkWiki





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