using UnityEngine;
using Gamekit3D.Message;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.XR.WSA;
namespace Gamekit3D
public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour, IMessageReceiver
protected static PlayerController s_Instance;
public static PlayerController instance { get { return s_Instance; } }
public bool respawning { get { return m_Respawning; } }
public float maxForwardSpeed = 8f; // How fast Ellen can run.
public float gravity = 20f; // How fast Ellen accelerates downwards when airborne.
public float jumpSpeed = 10f; // How fast Ellen takes off when jumping.
public float minTurnSpeed = 400f; // How fast Ellen turns when moving at maximum speed.
public float maxTurnSpeed = 1200f; // How fast Ellen turns when stationary.
public float idleTimeout = 5f; // How long before Ellen starts considering random idles.
public bool canAttack; // Whether or not Ellen can swing her staff.
public CameraSettings cameraSettings; // Reference used to determine the camera's direction.
public MeleeWeapon meleeWeapon; // Reference used to (de)activate the staff when attacking.
public RandomAudioPlayer footstepPlayer; // Random Audio Players used for various situations.
public RandomAudioPlayer hurtAudioPlayer;
public RandomAudioPlayer landingPlayer;
public RandomAudioPlayer emoteLandingPlayer;
public RandomAudioPlayer emoteDeathPlayer;
public RandomAudioPlayer emoteAttackPlayer;
public RandomAudioPlayer emoteJumpPlayer;
protected AnimatorStateInfo m_CurrentStateInfo; // Information about the base layer of the animator cached.
protected AnimatorStateInfo m_NextStateInfo;
protected bool m_IsAnimatorTransitioning;
protected AnimatorStateInfo m_PreviousCurrentStateInfo; // Information about the base layer of the animator from last frame.
protected AnimatorStateInfo m_PreviousNextStateInfo;
protected bool m_PreviousIsAnimatorTransitioning;
protected bool m_IsGrounded = true; // Whether or not Ellen is currently standing on the ground.
protected bool m_PreviouslyGrounded = true; // Whether or not Ellen was standing on the ground last frame.
protected bool m_ReadyToJump; // Whether or not the input state and Ellen are correct to allow jumping.
protected float m_DesiredForwardSpeed; // How fast Ellen aims be going along the ground based on input.
protected float m_ForwardSpeed; // How fast Ellen is currently going along the ground.
protected float m_VerticalSpeed; // How fast Ellen is currently moving up or down.
protected PlayerInput m_Input; // Reference used to determine how Ellen should move.
protected CharacterController m_CharCtrl; // Reference used to actually move Ellen.
protected Animator m_Animator; // Reference used to make decisions based on Ellen's current animation and to set parameters.
protected Material m_CurrentWalkingSurface; // Reference used to make decisions about audio.
protected Quaternion m_TargetRotation; // What rotation Ellen is aiming to have based on input.
protected float m_AngleDiff; // Angle in degrees between Ellen's current rotation and her target rotation.
protected Collider[] m_OverlapResult = new Collider[8]; // Used to cache colliders that are near Ellen.
protected bool m_InAttack; // Whether Ellen is currently in the middle of a melee attack.
protected bool m_InCombo; // Whether Ellen is currently in the middle of her melee combo.
protected Damageable m_Damageable; // Reference used to set invulnerablity and health based on respawning.
protected Renderer[] m_Renderers; // References used to make sure Renderers are reset properly.
protected Checkpoint m_CurrentCheckpoint; // Reference used to reset Ellen to the correct position on respawn.
protected bool m_Respawning; // Whether Ellen is currently respawning.
protected float m_IdleTimer; // Used to count up to Ellen considering a random idle.
// These constants are used to ensure Ellen moves and behaves properly.
// It is advised you don't change them without fully understanding what they do in code.
const float k_AirborneTurnSpeedProportion = 5.4f;
const float k_GroundedRayDistance = 1f;
const float k_JumpAbortSpeed = 10f;
const float k_MinEnemyDotCoeff = 0.2f;
const float k_InverseOneEighty = 1f / 180f;
const float k_StickingGravityProportion = 0.3f;
const float k_GroundAcceleration = 20f;
const float k_GroundDeceleration = 25f;
// Parameters
readonly int m_HashAirborneVerticalSpeed = Animator.StringToHash("AirborneVerticalSpeed");
readonly int m_HashForwardSpeed = Animator.StringToHash("ForwardSpeed");
readonly int m_HashAngleDeltaRad = Animator.StringToHash("AngleDeltaRad");
readonly int m_HashTimeoutToIdle = Animator.StringToHash("TimeoutToIdle");
readonly int m_HashGrounded = Animator.StringToHash("Grounded");
readonly int m_HashInputDetected = Animator.StringToHash("InputDetected");
readonly int m_HashMeleeAttack = Animator.StringToHash("MeleeAttack");
readonly int m_HashHurt = Animator.StringToHash("Hurt");
readonly int m_HashDeath = Animator.StringToHash("Death");
readonly int m_HashRespawn = Animator.StringToHash("Respawn");
readonly int m_HashHurtFromX = Animator.StringToHash("HurtFromX");
readonly int m_HashHurtFromY = Animator.StringToHash("HurtFromY");
readonly int m_HashStateTime = Animator.StringToHash("StateTime");
readonly int m_HashFootFall = Animator.StringToHash("FootFall");
// States
readonly int m_HashLocomotion = Animator.StringToHash("Locomotion");
readonly int m_HashAirborne = Animator.StringToHash("Airborne");
readonly int m_HashLanding = Animator.StringToHash("Landing"); // Also a parameter.
readonly int m_HashEllenCombo1 = Animator.StringToHash("EllenCombo1");
readonly int m_HashEllenCombo2 = Animator.StringToHash("EllenCombo2");
readonly int m_HashEllenCombo3 = Animator.StringToHash("EllenCombo3");
readonly int m_HashEllenCombo4 = Animator.StringToHash("EllenCombo4");
readonly int m_HashEllenDeath = Animator.StringToHash("EllenDeath");
// Tags
readonly int m_HashBlockInput = Animator.StringToHash("BlockInput");
protected bool IsMoveInput
get { return !Mathf.Approximately(m_Input.MoveInput.sqrMagnitude, 0f); }
public void SetCanAttack(bool canAttack)
this.canAttack = canAttack;
// Called automatically by Unity when the script is first added to a gameobject or is reset from the context menu.
void Reset()
meleeWeapon = GetComponentInChildren<MeleeWeapon>();
Transform footStepSource = transform.Find("FootstepSource");
if (footStepSource != null)
footstepPlayer = footStepSource.GetComponent<RandomAudioPlayer>();
Transform hurtSource = transform.Find("HurtSource");
if (hurtSource != null)
hurtAudioPlayer = hurtSource.GetComponent<RandomAudioPlayer>();
Transform landingSource = transform.Find("LandingSource");
if (landingSource != null)
landingPlayer = landingSource.GetComponent<RandomAudioPlayer>();
cameraSettings = FindObjectOfType<CameraSettings>();
if (cameraSettings != null)
if (cameraSettings.follow == null)
cameraSettings.follow = transform;
if (cameraSettings.lookAt == null)
cameraSettings.follow = transform.Find("HeadTarget");
// Called automatically by Unity when the script first exists in the scene.
void Awake()
m_Input = GetComponent<PlayerInput>();
m_Animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
m_CharCtrl = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
s_Instance = this;
// Called automatically by Unity after Awake whenever the script is enabled.
void OnEnable()
SceneLinkedSMB<PlayerController>.Initialise(m_Animator, this);
m_Damageable = GetComponent<Damageable>();
m_Damageable.isInvulnerable = true;
m_Renderers = GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>();
// Called automatically by Unity whenever the script is disabled.
void OnDisable()
for (int i = 0; i < m_Renderers.Length; ++i)
m_Renderers[i].enabled = true;
// Called automatically by Unity once every Physics step.
void FixedUpdate()
m_Animator.SetFloat(m_HashStateTime, Mathf.Repeat(m_Animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime, 1f));
if (m_Input.Attack && canAttack)
if (IsOrientationUpdated() && IsMoveInput)
m_PreviouslyGrounded = m_IsGrounded;
// Called at the start of FixedUpdate to record the current state of the base layer of the animator.
void CacheAnimatorState()
m_PreviousCurrentStateInfo = m_CurrentStateInfo;
m_PreviousNextStateInfo = m_NextStateInfo;
m_PreviousIsAnimatorTransitioning = m_IsAnimatorTransitioning;
m_CurrentStateInfo = m_Animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0);
m_NextStateInfo = m_Animator.GetNextAnimatorStateInfo(0);
m_IsAnimatorTransitioning = m_Animator.IsInTransition(0);
// Called after the animator state has been cached to determine whether this script should block user input.
void UpdateInputBlocking()
bool inputBlocked = m_CurrentStateInfo.tagHash == m_HashBlockInput && !m_IsAnimatorTransitioning;
inputBlocked |= m_NextStateInfo.tagHash == m_HashBlockInput;
m_Input.playerControllerInputBlocked = inputBlocked;
// Called after the animator state has been cached to determine whether or not the staff should be active or not.
bool IsWeaponEquiped()
bool equipped = m_NextStateInfo.shortNameHash == m_HashEllenCombo1 || m_CurrentStateInfo.shortNameHash == m_HashEllenCombo1;
equipped |= m_NextStateInfo.shortNameHash == m_HashEllenCombo2 || m_CurrentStateInfo.shortNameHash == m_HashEllenCombo2;
equipped |= m_NextStateInfo.shortNameHash == m_HashEllenCombo3 || m_CurrentStateInfo.shortNameHash == m_HashEllenCombo3;
equipped |= m_NextStateInfo.shortNameHash == m_HashEllenCombo4 || m_CurrentStateInfo.shortNameHash == m_HashEllenCombo4;
return equipped;
// Called each physics step with a parameter based on the return value of IsWeaponEquiped.
void EquipMeleeWeapon(bool equip)
m_InAttack = false;
m_InCombo = equip;
if (!equip)
// Called each physics step.
void CalculateForwardMovement()
// Cache the move input and cap it's magnitude at 1.
Vector2 moveInput = m_Input.MoveInput;
if (moveInput.sqrMagnitude > 1f)
// Calculate the speed intended by input.
m_DesiredForwardSpeed = moveInput.magnitude * maxForwardSpeed;
// Determine change to speed based on whether there is currently any move input.
float acceleration = IsMoveInput ? k_GroundAcceleration : k_GroundDeceleration;
// Adjust the forward speed towards the desired speed.
m_ForwardSpeed = Mathf.MoveTowards(m_ForwardSpeed, m_DesiredForwardSpeed, acceleration * Time.deltaTime);
// Set the animator parameter to control what animation is being played.
m_Animator.SetFloat(m_HashForwardSpeed, m_ForwardSpeed);
// Called each physics step.
void CalculateVerticalMovement()
// If jump is not currently held and Ellen is on the ground then she is ready to jump.
if (!m_Input.JumpInput && m_IsGrounded)
m_ReadyToJump = true;
if (m_IsGrounded)
// When grounded we apply a slight negative vertical speed to make Ellen "stick" to the ground.
m_VerticalSpeed = -gravity * k_StickingGravityProportion;
// If jump is held, Ellen is ready to jump and not currently in the middle of a melee combo...
if (m_Input.JumpInput && m_ReadyToJump && !m_InCombo)
// ... then override the previously set vertical speed and make sure she cannot jump again.
m_VerticalSpeed = jumpSpeed;
m_IsGrounded = false;
m_ReadyToJump = false;
// If Ellen is airborne, the jump button is not held and Ellen is currently moving upwards...
if (!m_Input.JumpInput && m_VerticalSpeed > 0.0f)
// ... decrease Ellen's vertical speed.
// This is what causes holding jump to jump higher that tapping jump.
m_VerticalSpeed -= k_JumpAbortSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
// If a jump is approximately peaking, make it absolute.
if (Mathf.Approximately(m_VerticalSpeed, 0f))
m_VerticalSpeed = 0f;
// If Ellen is airborne, apply gravity.
m_VerticalSpeed -= gravity * Time.deltaTime;
// Called each physics step to set the rotation Ellen is aiming to have.
void SetTargetRotation()
// Create three variables, move input local to the player, flattened forward direction of the camera and a local target rotation.
Vector2 moveInput = m_Input.MoveInput;
Vector3 localMovementDirection = new Vector3(moveInput.x, 0f, moveInput.y).normalized;
Vector3 forward = Quaternion.Euler(0f, cameraSettings.Current.m_XAxis.Value, 0f) * Vector3.forward;
forward.y = 0f;
Quaternion targetRotation;
// If the local movement direction is the opposite of forward then the target rotation should be towards the camera.
if (Mathf.Approximately(Vector3.Dot(localMovementDirection, Vector3.forward), -1.0f))
targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(-forward);
// Otherwise the rotation should be the offset of the input from the camera's forward.
Quaternion cameraToInputOffset = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, localMovementDirection);
targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(cameraToInputOffset * forward);
// The desired forward direction of Ellen.
Vector3 resultingForward = targetRotation * Vector3.forward;
// If attacking try to orient to close enemies.
if (m_InAttack)
// Find all the enemies in the local area.
Vector3 centre = transform.position + transform.forward * 2.0f + transform.up;
Vector3 halfExtents = new Vector3(3.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f);
int layerMask = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Enemy");
int count = Physics.OverlapBoxNonAlloc(centre, halfExtents, m_OverlapResult, targetRotation, layerMask);
// Go through all the enemies in the local area...
float closestDot = 0.0f;
Vector3 closestForward =;
int closest = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
// ... and for each get a vector from the player to the enemy.
Vector3 playerToEnemy = m_OverlapResult[i].transform.position - transform.position;
playerToEnemy.y = 0;
// Find the dot product between the direction the player wants to go and the direction to the enemy.
// This will be larger the closer to Ellen's desired direction the direction to the enemy is.
float d = Vector3.Dot(resultingForward, playerToEnemy);
// Store the closest enemy.
if (d > k_MinEnemyDotCoeff && d > closestDot)
closestForward = playerToEnemy;
closestDot = d;
closest = i;
// If there is a close enemy...
if (closest != -1)
// The desired forward is the direction to the closest enemy.
resultingForward = closestForward;
// We also directly set the rotation, as we want snappy fight and orientation isn't updated in the UpdateOrientation function during an atatck.
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(resultingForward);
// Find the difference between the current rotation of the player and the desired rotation of the player in radians.
float angleCurrent = Mathf.Atan2(transform.forward.x, transform.forward.z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
float targetAngle = Mathf.Atan2(resultingForward.x, resultingForward.z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
m_AngleDiff = Mathf.DeltaAngle(angleCurrent, targetAngle);
m_TargetRotation = targetRotation;
// Called each physics step to help determine whether Ellen can turn under player input.
bool IsOrientationUpdated()
bool updateOrientationForLocomotion = !m_IsAnimatorTransitioning && m_CurrentStateInfo.shortNameHash == m_HashLocomotion || m_NextStateInfo.shortNameHash == m_HashLocomotion;
bool updateOrientationForAirborne = !m_IsAnimatorTransitioning && m_CurrentStateInfo.shortNameHash == m_HashAirborne || m_NextStateInfo.shortNameHash == m_HashAirborne;
bool updateOrientationForLanding = !m_IsAnimatorTransitioning && m_CurrentStateInfo.shortNameHash == m_HashLanding || m_NextStateInfo.shortNameHash == m_HashLanding;
return updateOrientationForLocomotion || updateOrientationForAirborne || updateOrientationForLanding || m_InCombo && !m_InAttack;
// Called each physics step after SetTargetRotation if there is move input and Ellen is in the correct animator state according to IsOrientationUpdated.
void UpdateOrientation()
m_Animator.SetFloat(m_HashAngleDeltaRad, m_AngleDiff * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
Vector3 localInput = new Vector3(m_Input.MoveInput.x, 0f, m_Input.MoveInput.y);
float groundedTurnSpeed = Mathf.Lerp(maxTurnSpeed, minTurnSpeed, m_ForwardSpeed / m_DesiredForwardSpeed);
float actualTurnSpeed = m_IsGrounded ? groundedTurnSpeed : Vector3.Angle(transform.forward, localInput) * k_InverseOneEighty * k_AirborneTurnSpeedProportion * groundedTurnSpeed;
m_TargetRotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.rotation, m_TargetRotation, actualTurnSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
transform.rotation = m_TargetRotation;
// Called each physics step to check if audio should be played and if so instruct the relevant random audio player to do so.
void PlayAudio()
float footfallCurve = m_Animator.GetFloat(m_HashFootFall);
if (footfallCurve > 0.01f && !footstepPlayer.playing && footstepPlayer.canPlay)
footstepPlayer.playing = true;
footstepPlayer.canPlay = false;
footstepPlayer.PlayRandomClip(m_CurrentWalkingSurface, m_ForwardSpeed < 4 ? 0 : 1);
else if (footstepPlayer.playing)
footstepPlayer.playing = false;
else if (footfallCurve < 0.01f && !footstepPlayer.canPlay)
footstepPlayer.canPlay = true;
if (m_IsGrounded && !m_PreviouslyGrounded)
landingPlayer.PlayRandomClip(m_CurrentWalkingSurface, bankId: m_ForwardSpeed < 4 ? 0 : 1);
if (!m_IsGrounded && m_PreviouslyGrounded && m_VerticalSpeed > 0f)
if (m_CurrentStateInfo.shortNameHash == m_HashHurt && m_PreviousCurrentStateInfo.shortNameHash != m_HashHurt)
if (m_CurrentStateInfo.shortNameHash == m_HashEllenDeath && m_PreviousCurrentStateInfo.shortNameHash != m_HashEllenDeath)
if (m_CurrentStateInfo.shortNameHash == m_HashEllenCombo1 && m_PreviousCurrentStateInfo.shortNameHash != m_HashEllenCombo1 ||
m_CurrentStateInfo.shortNameHash == m_HashEllenCombo2 && m_PreviousCurrentStateInfo.shortNameHash != m_HashEllenCombo2 ||
m_CurrentStateInfo.shortNameHash == m_HashEllenCombo3 && m_PreviousCurrentStateInfo.shortNameHash != m_HashEllenCombo3 ||
m_CurrentStateInfo.shortNameHash == m_HashEllenCombo4 && m_PreviousCurrentStateInfo.shortNameHash != m_HashEllenCombo4)
// Called each physics step to count up to the point where Ellen considers a random idle.
void TimeoutToIdle()
bool inputDetected = IsMoveInput || m_Input.Attack || m_Input.JumpInput;
if (m_IsGrounded && !inputDetected)
m_IdleTimer += Time.deltaTime;
if (m_IdleTimer >= idleTimeout)
m_IdleTimer = 0f;
m_IdleTimer = 0f;
m_Animator.SetBool(m_HashInputDetected, inputDetected);
// Called each physics step (so long as the Animator component is set to Animate Physics) after FixedUpdate to override root motion.
void OnAnimatorMove()
Vector3 movement;
// If Ellen is on the ground...
if (m_IsGrounded)
// ... raycast into the ground...
RaycastHit hit;
Ray ray = new Ray(transform.position + Vector3.up * k_GroundedRayDistance * 0.5f, -Vector3.up);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, k_GroundedRayDistance, Physics.AllLayers, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
// ... and get the movement of the root motion rotated to lie along the plane of the ground.
movement = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(m_Animator.deltaPosition, hit.normal);
// Also store the current walking surface so the correct audio is played.
Renderer groundRenderer = hit.collider.GetComponentInChildren<Renderer>();
m_CurrentWalkingSurface = groundRenderer ? groundRenderer.sharedMaterial : null;
// If no ground is hit just get the movement as the root motion.
// Theoretically this should rarely happen as when grounded the ray should always hit.
movement = m_Animator.deltaPosition;
m_CurrentWalkingSurface = null;
// If not grounded the movement is just in the forward direction.
movement = m_ForwardSpeed * transform.forward * Time.deltaTime;
// Rotate the transform of the character controller by the animation's root rotation.
m_CharCtrl.transform.rotation *= m_Animator.deltaRotation;
// Add to the movement with the calculated vertical speed.
movement += m_VerticalSpeed * Vector3.up * Time.deltaTime;
// Move the character controller.
// After the movement store whether or not the character controller is grounded.
m_IsGrounded = m_CharCtrl.isGrounded;
// If Ellen is not on the ground then send the vertical speed to the animator.
// This is so the vertical speed is kept when landing so the correct landing animation is played.
if (!m_IsGrounded)
m_Animator.SetFloat(m_HashAirborneVerticalSpeed, m_VerticalSpeed);
// Send whether or not Ellen is on the ground to the animator.
m_Animator.SetBool(m_HashGrounded, m_IsGrounded);
// This is called by an animation event when Ellen swings her staff.
public void MeleeAttackStart(int throwing = 0)
meleeWeapon.BeginAttack(throwing != 0);
m_InAttack = true;
// This is called by an animation event when Ellen finishes swinging her staff.
public void MeleeAttackEnd()
m_InAttack = false;
// This is called by Checkpoints to make sure Ellen respawns correctly.
public void SetCheckpoint(Checkpoint checkpoint)
if (checkpoint != null)
m_CurrentCheckpoint = checkpoint;
// This is usually called by a state machine behaviour on the animator controller but can be called from anywhere.
public void Respawn()
protected IEnumerator RespawnRoutine()
// Wait for the animator to be transitioning from the EllenDeath state.
while (m_CurrentStateInfo.shortNameHash != m_HashEllenDeath || !m_IsAnimatorTransitioning)
yield return null;
// Wait for the screen to fade out.
yield return StartCoroutine(ScreenFader.FadeSceneOut());
while (ScreenFader.IsFading)
yield return null;
// Enable spawning.
EllenSpawn spawn = GetComponentInChildren<EllenSpawn>();
spawn.enabled = true;
// If there is a checkpoint, move Ellen to it.
if (m_CurrentCheckpoint != null)
transform.position = m_CurrentCheckpoint.transform.position;
transform.rotation = m_CurrentCheckpoint.transform.rotation;
Debug.LogError("There is no Checkpoint set, there should always be a checkpoint set. Did you add a checkpoint at the spawn?");
// Set the Respawn parameter of the animator.
// Start the respawn graphic effects.
// Wait for the screen to fade in.
// Currently it is not important to yield here but should some changes occur that require waiting until a respawn has finished this will be required.
yield return StartCoroutine(ScreenFader.FadeSceneIn());
// Called by a state machine behaviour on Ellen's animator controller.
public void RespawnFinished()
m_Respawning = false;
//we set the damageable invincible so we can't get hurt just after being respawned (feel like a double punitive)
m_Damageable.isInvulnerable = false;
// Called by Ellen's Damageable when she is hurt.
public void OnReceiveMessage(MessageType type, object sender, object data)
switch (type)
case MessageType.DAMAGED:
Damageable.DamageMessage damageData = (Damageable.DamageMessage)data;
case MessageType.DEAD:
Damageable.DamageMessage damageData = (Damageable.DamageMessage)data;
// Called by OnReceiveMessage.
void Damaged(Damageable.DamageMessage damageMessage)
// Set the Hurt parameter of the animator.
// Find the direction of the damage.
Vector3 forward = damageMessage.damageSource - transform.position;
forward.y = 0f;
Vector3 localHurt = transform.InverseTransformDirection(forward);
// Set the HurtFromX and HurtFromY parameters of the animator based on the direction of the damage.
m_Animator.SetFloat(m_HashHurtFromX, localHurt.x);
m_Animator.SetFloat(m_HashHurtFromY, localHurt.z);
// Shake the camera.
CameraShake.Shake(CameraShake.k_PlayerHitShakeAmount, CameraShake.k_PlayerHitShakeTime);
// Play an audio clip of being hurt.
if (hurtAudioPlayer != null)
// Called by OnReceiveMessage and by DeathVolumes in the scene.
public void Die(Damageable.DamageMessage damageMessage)
m_ForwardSpeed = 0f;
m_VerticalSpeed = 0f;
m_Respawning = true;
m_Damageable.isInvulnerable = true;