ROS actionlib框架解析

ROS actionlib提供了一种在ROS server基础上,支持长时间任务中断和执行反馈的机制。它允许Action Client发送goal请求,Action Server执行并可能被取消。反馈机制允许服务器在执行过程中报告status、result和feedback。在机器人系统中,goal定义关节目标位置和速度,cancel用于取消指令,result指示目标是否成功,status表示机器人状态,feedback则包含关节实时位置和速度信息。


ROS wiki的解释为:

In any large ROS based system, there are cases when someone would like to send a request to a node to perform some task, and also receive a reply to the request. This can currently be achieved via ROS services.
In some cases, however, if the service takes a long time to execute, the user might want the ability to cancel the request during execution or get periodic feedback about how the request is progressing. The actionlib package provides tools to create servers that execute long-running goals that can be preempted. It also provides a client interface in order to send requests to the server.

译:在任何基于ros的大型系统中,都存在这样的情况:有人希望向节点发送请求以执行某些任务,同时也希望收到对请求的回复。这目前可以通过ros server实现。

ROS actionlib is a library that provides a way to define and execute long-running, asynchronous tasks in a modular way. It is used to manage and monitor the progress of tasks that have multiple stages or that require feedback during execution. The library provides a flexible and efficient communication protocol that allows nodes to interact with each other in a structured and reliable way. Actionlib is commonly used in robotics applications to control complex behaviors such as navigation, manipulation, or perception. It allows developers to define and execute complex actions as a series of smaller, self-contained tasks. These tasks can be executed in parallel, and the overall progress of the action can be tracked and monitored. Actionlib consists of two main components: the action server and the action client. The action server is responsible for executing the action, while the action client sends requests to the server and monitors the progress of the action. The action server receives requests from the action client and executes the requested action. During execution, the server provides feedback to the client, keeping it informed of the progress of the action. Once the action is complete, the server sends a result message back to the client. The action client sends requests to the server and monitors the progress of the action. It can also cancel the action if necessary. The client receives feedback from the server, allowing it to provide real-time feedback to the user or to adjust its behavior based on the progress of the action. Overall, ROS actionlib provides a powerful and flexible framework for managing and executing complex, asynchronous tasks in ROS-based robotics applications.




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