




官网资料:http://www.hokuyo-aut.jp/02sensor/07scanner/download/urg_programs_en/  上面包括激光雷达的驱动和采集软件都有提供,需要的话只需要按照上面的步骤去做就可以。




  \brief Sample to get URG data using Win32 
  \author Satofumi KAMIMURA 
  $Id: capture_sample.cpp 1724 2010-02-25 10:43:11Z satofumi $ 
  Compling and execute process 
  - In case of Visual Studio 
  - Select capture_sample.sln from capture_sample.zip 
  - When Visual Studio is started, press F5 to build and execute. 
  - If COM port is not found, then change the com_port in main function. 
  - In case of MinGW, Cygwin 
  - % g++ capture_sample.cpp -o capture_sample 
  - % ./capture_sample 
  - If COM port is not found, then change the com_port in main function. 
  \attention Change com_port, com_baudrate values in main() with relevant values. 
  \attention We are not responsible for any loss or damage occur by using this program 
  \attention We appreciate the suggestions and bug reports 
#include <windows.h>  
#include <cstdio>  
#include <cstdlib>  
#include <cstring>  
#include <string>  
using namespace std;  
// To record the output of SCIP,define RAW_OUTPUT  
//#define RAW_OUTPUT  
#if defined(RAW_OUTPUT)  
static FILE* Raw_fd_ = NULL;  
enum {  
  Timeout = 1000,               // [msec]  
  EachTimeout = 2,              // [msec]  
  LineLength = 64 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 16,  
static int ReadableSize = 0;  
static char* ErrorMessage = "no error.";  
  \brief Manage sensor information 
typedef struct  
  enum {  
    MODL = 0,                   //!< Sensor model information  
    DMIN,                       //!< Minimum measurable distance [mm]  
    DMAX,                       //!< Maximum measurable distance [mm]  
    ARES,                       //!< Angle of resolution  
    AMIN,                       //!< Minimum measurable area  
    AMAX,                       //!< Maximum measurable area  
    AFRT,                       //!< Front direction value  
    SCAN,                       //!< Standard angular velocity  
  string model;                 //!< Obtained MODL information  
  long distance_min;            //!< Obtained DMIN information  
  long distance_max;            //!< Obtained DMAX information  
  int area_total;               //!< Obtained ARES information  
  int area_min;                 //!< Obtained AMIN information  
  int area_max;                 //!< Obtained AMAX information  
  int area_front;               //!< Obtained AFRT information  
  int scan_rpm;                 //!< Obtained SCAN information  
  int first;                    //!< Starting position of measurement  
  int last;                     //!< End position of measurement  
  int max_size;                 //!< Maximum size of data  
  long last_timestamp;          //!< Time stamp when latest data is obtained  
} urg_state_t;  
// Delay  
static void delay(int msec)  
static int com_changeBaudrate(long baudrate)  
  DCB dcb;  
  GetCommState(HCom, &dcb);  
  dcb.BaudRate = baudrate;  
  dcb.ByteSize = 8;  
  dcb.Parity = NOPARITY;  
  dcb.fParity = FALSE;  
  dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;  
  SetCommState(HCom, &dcb);  
  return 0;  
// Serial transceiver  
static int com_connect(const char* device, long baudrate)  
#if defined(RAW_OUTPUT)  
  Raw_fd_ = fopen("raw_output.txt", "w");  
  char adjust_device[16];  
  _snprintf(adjust_device, 16, "\\\\.\\%s", device);  
  HCom = CreateFileA(adjust_device, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0,  
    return -1;  
  // Baud rate setting  
  return com_changeBaudrate(baudrate);  
static void com_disconnect(void)  
static int com_send(const char* data, int size)  
  DWORD n;  
  WriteFile(HCom, data, size, &n, NULL);  
  return n;  
static int com_recv(char* data, int max_size, int timeout)  
  if (max_size <= 0) {  
    return 0;  
  if (ReadableSize < max_size) {  
    DWORD dwErrors;  
    COMSTAT ComStat;  
    ClearCommError(HCom, &dwErrors, &ComStat);  
    ReadableSize = ComStat.cbInQue;  
  if (max_size > ReadableSize) {  
    COMMTIMEOUTS pcto;  
    int each_timeout = 2;  
    if (timeout == 0) {  
      max_size = ReadableSize;  
    } else {  
      if (timeout < 0) {  
        /* If timeout is 0, this function wait data infinity */  
        timeout = 0;  
        each_timeout = 0;  
      /* set timeout */  
      GetCommTimeouts(HCom, &pcto);  
      pcto.ReadIntervalTimeout = timeout;  
      pcto.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = each_timeout;  
      pcto.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = timeout;  
      SetCommTimeouts(HCom, &pcto);  
  DWORD n;  
  ReadFile(HCom, data, (DWORD)max_size, &n, NULL);  
#if defined(RAW_OUTPUT)  
  if (Raw_fd_) {  
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {  
      fprintf(Raw_fd_, "%c", data[i]);  
  if (n > 0) {  
    ReadableSize -= n;  
  return n;  
// The command is transmitted to URG  
static int urg_sendTag(const char* tag)  
  char send_message[LineLength];  
  _snprintf(send_message, LineLength, "%s\n", tag);  
  int send_size = (int)strlen(send_message);  
  com_send(send_message, send_size);  
  return send_size;  
// Read one line data from URG  
static int urg_readLine(char *buffer)  
  int i;  
  for (i = 0; i < LineLength -1; ++i) {  
    char recv_ch;  
    int n = com_recv(&recv_ch, 1, Timeout);  
    if (n <= 0) {  
      if (i == 0) {  
        return -1;              // timeout  
    if ((recv_ch == '\r') || (recv_ch == '\n')) {  
    buffer[i] = recv_ch;  
  buffer[i] = '\0';  
  return i;  
// Trasmit command to URG and wait for response  
static int urg_sendMessage(const char* command, int timeout, int* recv_n)  
  int send_size = urg_sendTag(command);  
  int recv_size = send_size + 2 + 1 + 2;  
  char buffer[LineLength];  
  int n = com_recv(buffer, recv_size, timeout);  
  *recv_n = n;  
  if (n < recv_size) {  
    // if received data size is incorrect  
    return -1;  
  if (strncmp(buffer, command, send_size -1)) {  
    // If there is mismatch in command  
    return -1;  
  // !!! check checksum here  
  // Convert the response string into hexadecimal number and return that value  
  char reply_str[3] = "00";  
  reply_str[0] = buffer[send_size];  
  reply_str[1] = buffer[send_size + 1];  
  return strtol(reply_str, NULL, 16);  
// Change baudrate  
static int urg_changeBaudrate(long baudrate)  
  char buffer[] = "SSxxxxxx\r";  
  _snprintf(buffer, 10, "SS%06d\r", baudrate);  
  int dummy = 0;  
  int ret = urg_sendMessage(buffer, Timeout, &dummy);  
  if ((ret == 0) || (ret == 3) || (ret == 4)) {  
    return 0;  
  } else {  
    return -1;  
// Read out URG parameter  
static int urg_getParameters(urg_state_t* state)  
  // Read parameter  
  char buffer[LineLength];  
  int line_index = 0;  
  enum {  
    TagReply = 0,  
  int line_length;  
  for (; (line_length = urg_readLine(buffer)) > 0; ++line_index) {  
    if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::MODL) {  
      buffer[line_length - 2] = '\0';  
      state->model = &buffer[5];  
    } else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::DMIN) {  
      state->distance_min = atoi(&buffer[5]);  
    } else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::DMAX) {  
      state->distance_max = atoi(&buffer[5]);  
    } else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::ARES) {  
      state->area_total = atoi(&buffer[5]);  
    } else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::AMIN) {  
      state->area_min = atoi(&buffer[5]);  
      state->first = state->area_min;  
    } else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::AMAX) {  
      state->area_max = atoi(&buffer[5]);  
      state->last = state->area_max;  
    } else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::AFRT) {  
      state->area_front = atoi(&buffer[5]);  
    } else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::SCAN) {  
      state->scan_rpm = atoi(&buffer[5]);  
  if (line_index <= Other + urg_state_t::SCAN) {  
    return -1;  
  // Calculate the data size  
  state->max_size = state->area_max +1;  
  return 0;  
  \brief Connection to URG 
  \param state [o] Sensor information 
  \param port [i] Device 
  \param baudrate [i] Baudrate [bps] 
  \retval 0 Success 
  \retval < 0 Error 
static int urg_connect(urg_state_t* state,  
                       const char* port, const long baudrate)  
  static char message_buffer[LineLength];  
  if (com_connect(port, baudrate) < 0) {  
    _snprintf(message_buffer, LineLength,  
              "Cannot connect COM device: %s", port);  
    ErrorMessage = message_buffer;  
    return -1;  
  const long try_baudrate[] = { 19200, 115200, 38400 };  
  size_t n = sizeof(try_baudrate) / sizeof(try_baudrate[0]);  
  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {  
    // Search for the communicate able baud rate by trying different baud rate  
    if (com_changeBaudrate(try_baudrate[i])) {  
      ErrorMessage = "change baudrate fail.";  
      return -1;  
    // Change to SCIP2.0 mode  
    int recv_n = 0;  
    urg_sendMessage("SCIP2.0", Timeout, &recv_n);  
    if (recv_n <= 0) {  
      // If there is difference in baud rate value,then there will be no  
      // response. So if there is no response, try the next baud rate.  
    // If specified baudrate is different, then change the baudrate  
    if (try_baudrate[i] != baudrate) {  
      // Wait for SS command applied.  
    // Get parameter  
    if (urg_getParameters(state) < 0) {  
      ErrorMessage =  
        "PP command fail.\n"  
        "This COM device may be not URG, or URG firmware is too old.\n"  
        "SCIP 1.1 protocol is not supported. Please update URG firmware.";  
      return -1;  
    state->last_timestamp = 0;  
    // success  
    return 0;  
  // fail  
  ErrorMessage = "no urg ports.";  
  return -1;  
  \brief Disconnection 
static void urg_disconnect(void)  
  \brief Receive range data by using GD command 
  \param state[i] Sensor information 
  \retval 0 Success 
  \retval < 0 Error 
static int urg_captureByGD(const urg_state_t* state)  
  char send_message[LineLength];  
  _snprintf(send_message, LineLength,  
            "GD%04d%04d%02d", state->first, state->last, 1);  
  return urg_sendTag(send_message);  
  \brief Get range data by using MD command 
  \param state [i] Sensor information 
  \param capture_times [i] capture times 
  \retval 0 Success 
  \retval < 0 Error 
static int urg_captureByMD(const urg_state_t* state, int capture_times)  
  // 100 夞傪挻偊傞僨乕僞庢摼偵懳偟偰偼丄夞悢偵 00 (柍尷夞庢摼)傪巜掕偟丄  
  // QT or RS 僐儅儞僪偱僨乕僞庢摼傪掆巭偡傞偙偲  
  if (capture_times >= 100) {  
    capture_times = 0;  
  char send_message[LineLength];  
  _snprintf(send_message, LineLength, "MD%04d%04d%02d%01d%02d",  
            state->first, state->last, 1, 0, capture_times);  
  return urg_sendTag(send_message);  
// Decode 6bit data  
static long urg_decode(const char data[], int data_byte)  
  long value = 0;  
  for (int i = 0; i < data_byte; ++i) {  
    value <<= 6;  
    value &= ~0x3f;  
    value |= data[i] - 0x30;  
  return value;  
// Receive range data  
static int urg_addRecvData(const char buffer[], long data[], int* filled)  
  static int remain_byte = 0;  
  static char remain_data[3];  
  const int data_byte = 3;  
  const char* pre_p = buffer;  
  const char* p = pre_p;  
  if (*filled <= 0) {  
    remain_byte = 0;  
  if (remain_byte > 0) {  
    memmove(&remain_data[remain_byte], buffer, data_byte - remain_byte);  
    data[*filled] = urg_decode(remain_data, data_byte);  
    pre_p = &buffer[data_byte - remain_byte];  
    p = pre_p;  
    remain_byte = 0;  
  do {  
    if ((p - pre_p) >= static_cast<int>(data_byte)) {  
      data[*filled] = urg_decode(pre_p, data_byte);  
      pre_p = p;  
  } while (*p != '\0');  
  remain_byte = (int)(p - pre_p);  
  memmove(remain_data, pre_p, remain_byte);  
  return 0;  
static int checkSum(char buffer[], int size, char actual_sum)  
  char expected_sum = 0x00;  
  int i;  
  for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {  
    expected_sum += buffer[i];  
  expected_sum = (expected_sum & 0x3f) + 0x30;  
  return (expected_sum == actual_sum) ? 0 : -1;  
  \brief Receive URG data 
  \param state [i] Sensor information 
  \param data [o] range data 
  \param max_size [i] range data buffer size 
  \retval >= 0 number of range data 
  \retval < 0 Error 
static int urg_receiveData(urg_state_t* state, long data[], size_t max_size)  
  int filled = 0;  
  // fill -1 from 0 to first  
  for (int i = state->first -1; i >= 0; --i) {  
    data[filled++] = -1;  
  char message_type = 'M';  
  char buffer[LineLength];  
  int line_length;  
  for (int line_count = 0; (line_length = urg_readLine(buffer)) >= 0;  
       ++line_count) {  
    // check sum  
    if ((line_count > 3) && (line_length >= 3)) {  
      if (checkSum(buffer, line_length - 1, buffer[line_length - 1]) < 0) {  
        fprintf(stderr, "line_count: %d: %s\n", line_count, buffer);  
       return -1;  
    if ((line_count >= 6) && (line_length == 0)) {  
      // 僨乕僞庴怣偺姰椆  
      for (size_t i = filled; i < max_size; ++i) {  
        // fill -1 to last of data buffer  
        data[filled++] = -1;  
      return filled;  
    } else if (line_count == 0) {  
      // 憲怣儊僢僙乕僕偺嵟弶偺暥帤偱儊僢僙乕僕偺敾掕傪峴偆  
      if ((buffer[0] != 'M') && (buffer[0] != 'G')) {  
        return -1;  
      message_type = buffer[0];  
    } else if (! strncmp(buffer, "99b", 3)) {  
      // "99b" 傪専弌偟丄埲崀傪乽僞僀儉僗僞儞僾乿乽僨乕僞乿偲傒側偡  
      line_count = 4;  
    } else if ((line_count == 1) && (message_type == 'G')) {  
      line_count = 4;  
    } else if (line_count == 4) {  
      // "99b" 屌掕  
      if (strncmp(buffer, "99b", 3)) {  
        return -1;  
    } else if (line_count == 5) {  
      state->last_timestamp = urg_decode(buffer, 4);  
    } else if (line_count >= 6) {  
      // 庢摼僨乕僞  
      if (line_length > (64 + 1)) {  
        line_length = (64 + 1);  
      buffer[line_length -1] = '\0';  
      int ret = urg_addRecvData(buffer, data, &filled);  
      if (ret < 0) {  
        return ret;  
  return -1;  
void outputData(long data[], int n, size_t total_index)  
  char output_file[] = "data_xxxxxxxxxx.csv";  
  _snprintf(output_file, sizeof(output_file), "data_%03d.csv", total_index);  
  FILE* fd = fopen(output_file, "w");  
  if (! fd) {  
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {  
    fprintf(fd, "%ld, ", data[i]);  
  fprintf(fd, "\n");  
int main(int argc, char *argv[])  
  // COM 億乕僩愝掕  
  // !!! 奺帺偺娐嫬偵崌傢偣偰 COM 愝掕傪曄峏偡傞偙偲  
  const char com_port[] = "COM10";  
  const long com_baudrate = 115200;  
  // URG 偵愙懕  
  urg_state_t urg_state;  
  int ret = urg_connect(&urg_state, com_port, com_baudrate);  
  if (ret < 0) {  
    // 僄儔乕儊僢僙乕僕傪弌椡偟偰廔椆  
    printf("urg_connect: %s\n", ErrorMessage);  
    // 懄嵗偵廔椆偟側偄偨傔偺張棟丅晄梫側傜偽嶍彍偡傞偙偲  
  int max_size = urg_state.max_size;  
  long* data = new long[max_size];  
  enum { CaptureTimes = 5 };  
  size_t total_index = 0;  
  // GD 僐儅儞僪傪梡偄偨僨乕僞庢摼  
  printf("using GD command\n");  
  // GD 僐儅儞僪偱偺僨乕僞庢摼偺応崌偵偼丄BM 僐儅儞僪偱偺儗乕僓揰摂偑昁梫  
  int recv_n = 0;  
  urg_sendMessage("BM", Timeout, &recv_n);  
  for (int i = 0; i < CaptureTimes; ++i) {  
    int n = urg_receiveData(&urg_state, data, max_size);  
    if (n > 0) {  
      printf("% 3d: front: %ld, urg_timestamp: %ld\n",  
             i, data[urg_state.area_front], urg_state.last_timestamp);  
      outputData(data, n, ++total_index);  
  // MD 僐儅儞僪傪梡偄偨僨乕僞庢摼  
  printf("using MD command\n");  
  urg_captureByMD(&urg_state, CaptureTimes);  
  for (int i = 0; i < CaptureTimes; ++i) {  
    int n = urg_receiveData(&urg_state, data, max_size);  
    if (n > 0) {  
      printf("% 3d: front: %ld, urg_timestamp: %ld\n",  
             i, data[urg_state.area_front], urg_state.last_timestamp);  
      outputData(data, n, ++total_index);  
  // MD 僐儅儞僪偱偺庢摼偑姰椆偡傞偲丄儗乕僓偼帺摦徚摂偡傞  
  // 偨偩偟丄100 夞埲忋偺僨乕僞庢摼傪巜掕偟偨応崌偵偼丄  
  // urg_captureByMD() 撪晹偱柍尷夞偺僨乕僞庢摼偵愝掕偝傟偰偄傞偺偱丄  
  // QT 僐儅儞僪傪梡偄偰丄柧帵揑偵僨乕僞掆巭傪峴偆  
  if (CaptureTimes >= 100) {  
    int dummy;  
    urg_sendMessage("QT", Timeout, &dummy);  
  delete [] data;  
  // 懄嵗偵廔椆偟側偄偨傔偺張棟丅晄梫側傜偽嶍彍偡傞偙偲  
  return 0;  



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Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集与显示软件 Licel雷达数据采集


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助
评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


