C++ Primer Plus 代码学习解析(第四章 4.19-4.22)

4.19 addpntrs.cpp

#include <iostream>
int main()
    using namespace std;
    double wages[3] = { 10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0 };
    short stacks[3] = { 3, 2, 1 };

    // Here are two ways to get the address of an array
    double* pw = wages;     // name of an array = address
    short* ps = &stacks[0]; // or use address operator
    // with array element
    cout << "pw = " << pw << ", *pw = " << *pw << endl;
    pw = pw + 1;
    cout << "add 1 to the pw pointer:\n";
    cout << "pw = " << pw << ", *pw = " << *pw << "\n\n";

    cout << "ps = " << ps << ", *ps = " << *ps << endl;
    ps = ps + 1;
    cout << "add 1 to the ps pointer:\n";
    cout << "ps = " << ps << ", *ps = " << *ps << "\n\n";

    cout << "access two elements with array notation\n";
    cout << "stacks[0] = " << stacks[0]
        << ", stacks[1] = " << stacks[1] << endl;
    cout << "access two elements with pointer notation\n";
    cout << "*stacks = " << *stacks
        << ", *(stacks + 1) =  " << *(stacks + 1) << endl;

    cout << sizeof(wages) << " = size of wages array\n";
    cout << sizeof(pw) << " = size of pw pointer\n";
    // cin.get();
    return 0;
  1. 该代码主要探究数组名也是第一个元素的地址

  2. pw与ps两者实现的方式不同,但结果相同,pw+1其地址值加8(元素类型的大小),以便指针指向下一个元素

4.20 ptrstr.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>              // declare strlen(), strcpy()
int main()
    using namespace std;
    char animal[20] = "bear";   // animal holds bear
    const char* bird = "wren"; // bird holds address of string
    char* ps;                  // uninitialized

    cout << animal << " and ";  // display bear
    cout << bird << "\n";       // display wren
    // cout << ps << "\n";      //may display garbage, may cause a crash

    cout << "Enter a kind of animal: ";
    cin >> animal;              // ok if input < 20 chars
    // cin >> ps; Too horrible a blunder to try; ps doesn't
    //            point to allocated space

    ps = animal;                // set ps to point to string
    cout << ps << "!\n";       // ok, same as using animal
    cout << "Before using strcpy():\n";
    cout << animal << " at " << (int*)animal << endl;
    cout << ps << " at " << (int*)ps << endl;

    ps = new char[strlen(animal) + 1];  // get new storage
    strcpy(ps, animal);         // copy string to new storage
    cout << "After using strcpy():\n";
    cout << animal << " at " << (int*)animal << endl;
    cout << ps << " at " << (int*)ps << endl;
    delete[] ps;
    // cin.get();
    // cin.get();
    return 0;
  1. 本函数探究了字符串和指针的联合应用
  2. 首先const char * bird = "wren";"wren"实际是字符串的地址,该代码是将“wren”的地址赋给bird指针
  3. 而后则是应用了之前的new创建动态数组

4.21 newstrct.cpp

#include <iostream>
struct inflatable   // structure definition
    char name[20];
    float volume;
    double price;
int main()
    using namespace std;
    inflatable* ps = new inflatable; // allot memory for structure
    cout << "Enter name of inflatable item: ";
    cin.get(ps->name, 20);            // method 1 for member access
    cout << "Enter volume in cubic feet: ";
    cin >> (*ps).volume;              // method 2 for member access
    cout << "Enter price: $";
    cin >> ps->price;
    cout << "Name: " << (*ps).name << endl;              // method 2
    cout << "Volume: " << ps->volume << " cubic feet\n"; // method 1
    cout << "Price: $" << ps->price << endl;             // method 1
    delete ps;                        // free memory used by structure
    // cin.get();
    // cin.get();
    return 0;
  1. 该代码介绍了动态结构的创建和应用,其创建方法与动态数组类似
  2. 同样,“动态”意味着内存是在运行时,而非创建时分配的
  3. 之后则演示了两种方位结构成员的指针表示法:ps->name 以及(*ps).volme,即在结构体名的情况下使用.,指针的情况下使用->

4.22 delete.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>      // or string.h
using namespace std;
char* getname(void);   // function prototype
int main()
    char* name;        // create pointer but no storage

    name = getname();   // assign address of string to name
    cout << name << " at " << (int*)name << "\n";
    delete[] name;     // memory freed

    name = getname();   // reuse freed memory
    cout << name << " at " << (int*)name << "\n";
    delete[] name;     // memory freed again
    // cin.get();
    // cin.get();
    return 0;

char* getname()        // return pointer to new string
    char temp[80];      // temporary storage
    cout << "Enter last name: ";
    cin >> temp;
    char* pn = new char[strlen(temp) + 1];
    strcpy(pn, temp);   // copy string into smaller space

    return pn;          // temp lost when function ends
  1. 该代码介绍了使用new和delete来储存通过键盘输入的字符串实例

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